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Jeb? is that you?

Saudi princes funnel money to terrorist groups and radical imams and export their politico-theological ideological abroad
Please get a Glenn Beck whiteboard out and tell me how the KSA government is responsible for 9/11? Saudi Princes are not government. There is no evidence, nothing connecting to the government. Saudi Arabia government gains NOTHING from attacking USA. It gains nothing from attacking any western country which are some of its biggest OPEC clientele. Osama Bin Laden was banished from Saudi Arabia in 1990 for going against the King Fahd's orders to station US troops...
I'd take out #2. Or reword it. The US and UK essentially controlled half of his territory or more after the Gulf War. As shown by the US Army wandering into Baghdad in about a week.

*insert Trump talking about Kurds*

Replace it with something like how Saddam was a US puppet?


I love when he goes back to this well..

I'd take out #2. Or reword it. The US and UK essentially controlled half of his territory or more after the Gulf War. As shown by the US Army wandering into Baghdad in about a week.

*insert Trump talking about Kurds*

What he's saying is that just because the hijackers were Saudi doesn't mean Saudi Arabia is inherently behind it. They may be. But we shouldn't assume that states are necessarily behind all terror attacks. Project Bojinka and the 93NYC bombings and 9/11 all shared planners, but they were all of different national origins and direct state ties are hard to find. Unless you're Laurie Mylorie.
Saudi elites are way more involved in funneling money and aid to terror groups than average Americans to domestic terror groups.
that too

notice that Jeb and Rubio spend more time talking bad about Iran than they do at solving ISIS

and when they bring up ISIS, both Jeb and Rubio talk about forming a ''Sunni'' led force against Assad and ISIS

Sunni....... code for KSA Saudi Arabia approved

Trump is right, we don't know who these Sunni rebels are. They might as well be future defectors who will join ISIS using made in USA equipment
I'm sorry the world is not so simple that you can fit it into neat little boxes everywhere. 80% of Muslim population is Sunni: that is 1 billion people in the world. Any effort to defeat ISIS/Al Qaida will involve Sunni population.

Jeb/Rubio and even Hillary are simply grandstanding on the issue. Sunni coalition already exists.
Saudi elites are way more involved in funneling money and aid to terror groups than average Americans to domestic terror groups.
Yea because they are rich assholes with nothing better to do with their money hence their influence is more disproportionate than average Americans. Still does not mean Saudi Arabian government was responsible for 9/11 and needed the US army respond in kind.
Saudi Arabia is the root cause of everything wrong when it comes to world wide terror driven by Salafist-Wassupism

shit won't get better, but only worse because of them


He's got them by the balls and isn't afraid to squeeze. I love it!
Starting to think he's in it until November, whether he's on their ticket or not. After he wins SC and NV, the only way he loses the nomination is if he's "robbed" (his perception - not necessarily reality).

User 406

Apparently Scalia weighed in on an issue we had a heated argument over early on in the thread.

Hopefully that settles it.


It does. Scalia was indeed a vile monster to the very core.

Ahm... my memory might be failing me, but didn't the UN inspectors compile a pretty detailed report that explained that not only weren't there WMD's, but Saddam was also cooperating with them to the limit that his abilities would allow him to do so while saving face?

Yerp, Hans Blix to the rescue.

It is funny seeing the right trying to paint the Iraq war as an honest mistake and that anyone who points out that the Bush administration repeatedly pushed cherry picked "evidence" to justify invasion is a conspiracy theorist.

Or maybe this is just their awkward attempt to make things up to Powell?
Lol only because it's Obama do people all of a sudden start to question whether the current president picks a Supreme Court justice when one passes away during his administration. Watching CNN and the other big media outlets questioning whether Obama should bother picking a justice and just wait for the next president.
It does. Scalia was indeed a vile monster to the very core.

It is funny seeing the right trying to paint the Iraq war as an honest mistake and that anyone who points out that the Bush administration repeatedly pushed cherry picked "evidence" to justify invasion is a conspiracy theorist.

Or maybe this is just their awkward attempt to make things up to Powell?
Not too mention Bush and his administration were repeatedly warned about Osama Bin Laden and a terrorist attack coming but they ignored those warnings and fired the people speaking out and filled them with yes man. Probably because Bush didn't want to specifically go after the people his father had built relations with and gave power to them during his presidency. Then 9/11 happened.
Yea because they are rich assholes with nothing better to do with their money hence their influence is more disproportionate than average Americans. Still does not mean Saudi Arabian government was responsible for 9/11 and needed the US army respond in kind.

Fwiw iirc no evidence ever came up that the Taliban knew what Osama was plotting or actively helped him pull it off. They blitzkrieged the place via a crappy bushism.

Plus there was this bit.
I'm just so disgusted by the Republican Party right now. I can't believe this reaction. Blocking the president of a Scotus nomination and leaving an empty seat for an ENTIRE YEAR is a new low. There's zero cause or legitimate argument to do this. They are using the constitution as toilet paper at this point

If they manage to block him until the next presidency. I hope Hillary appoints, the most godless, tree hugging gun hating, gay loving liberal justice she can find and order them to tattoo "FUCK RONALD REAGAN" on their damn forehead during their innaguration


No Scrubs
I'm just so disgusted by the Republican Party right now. I can't believe this reaction. Blocking the president of a Scotus nomination and leaving an empty seat for an ENTIRE YEAR is a new low. There's zero cause or legitimate argument to do this. They are using the constitution as toilet paper at this point

If they manage to block him until the next presidency. I hope Hillary appoints, the most godless, tree hugging gun hating, gay loving liberal justice she can find and order them to tattoo "FUCK RONALD REAGAN" on their damn forehead during their innaguration

So Justice Obama then.


The talking point on the extreme right wing on WMD's is, that I believe that they were there, but then were smuggled into Syria. I don't know how widespread this view is, but I heard Mark Levin talk about it once.
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

How is trying to interpret the (exceptionally vague) language of 18th century slaveowners the basis of American law? Argument from constitution is so fucking weird sometimes.
The talking point on the extreme right wing on WMD's is, that I believe that they were there, but then were smuggled into Syria. I don't know how widespread this view is, but I heard Mark Levin talk about it once.
I heard they flushed them down the toilet as soon as they heard knocks on the door but who knows at this point
I just want to know how in blazes a guy that could smuggle hundreds/thousands of wmds out of the country couldn't smuggle himself or his family out.


The talking point on the extreme right wing on WMD's is, that I believe that they were there, but then were smuggled into Syria. I don't know how widespread this view is, but I heard Mark Levin talk about it once.

And Dick Cheney + the rest of the cronies in the White House just opted to not blast this across the air waves? If Donald takes NO hit in the polls, it'll be a large blow to neo-conservatism, which by most accounts is already dead.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm cracking up listening to Trump. He sounds tired but what a political talent. Just an amazing rambler.


No Scrubs
Why would Obama nominate Loretta Lynch? Have they nominated attorney generals in the near past?

For trolling purposes I suppose.

What Obama needs to do is nominate someone that no one could possible object to, like that guy everyone keeps bringing up, and when that fails to go further and further left. All the while Hillary keeps saying if she's elected and the spot isn't filled she'll pick Obama. I guarantee it'll work and the GOP will fold before November.

Question: I've registered to vote in Arizona when I moved here in 2007. Do I have to specifically register for the upcoming primary?

Are you registered to a certain party? If you registered as an independent it might be a problem.
Question: I've registered to vote in Arizona when I moved here in 2007. Do I have to specifically register for the upcoming primary?
Arizona has a PPE, not a primary in March. It's not the same as a primary and doesn't a award delegates. You have to be registered to a specific party to participate. It's more of a poll.

The primary happens in August, so the chances of it mattering are low. It's an open primary, so you don't need to do anything special to vote in it beyond registering to vote.


And Dick Cheney + the rest of the cronies in the White House just opted to not blast this across the air waves? If Donald takes NO hit in the polls, it'll be a large blow to neo-conservatism, which by most accounts is already dead.

I think it's time to dispel this notion that conservatism had anything to do with free trade and small government.


I think it's time to dispel this notion that conservatism had anything to do with free trade and small government.


Was referring to the world-policeman mindset

Tangent: Are the Dems/DNC doing anything to win back the states? If they don't start flipping anything soon the gerrymandering from the 2010 Census will cement the republicans in the house for another decade.
Glenn Beck has serious mental and emotional problems, but what exactly are they going to call him out on? Being anti-gay? Anti-government? Anti-immigration?

Defamation for one:



And there's just a lot of stuff....

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