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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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FGC Waterboy
I think that was supposed to be a quote of me not damisa.
I'm going to add to that quote though that, no, I don't think the same thing is happening across both parties. Democrats still overwhelmingly adore Obummer. They don't revile their congressional leadership as much, so far as I recall. They still hold the likes of HRC (the organisation), the NAACP, and so on in high esteem. There's a portion of the disaffected in this primary, the accelerationists, the liberal equivalent of the Tea Party, the sky is falling, but I don't think it mirrors the GOP.

Also, I'm going to throw this out there, somewhat in relation to Maddow's comment, although I think it will likely get pushback:
America is the world's policeman. It will continue to be the world's policeman. Because no one else can do it. And, really, Western society wouldn't have it any other way.

You'd be surprised how easy it is to spend money on your population and social services and infrastructure when someone else is doing all the military spending for you. :)

It's always the fallacy about spending as much money on social programs as Europe - we subsidize their military spending dramatically by spending our own money on it. They know that if anything goes wrong, we will deal with it.
America is the world's policeman. It will continue to be the world's policeman. Because no one else can do it. And, really, Western society wouldn't have it any other way.

Indeed. It is the world's policeman, and not the world's judge, jury or executioner. And that distinction is one that is very dear to my heart.
I think that was supposed to be a quote of me not damisa.
I'm going to add to that quote though that, no, I don't think the same thing is happening across both parties. Democrats still overwhelmingly adore Obummer. They don't revile their congressional leadership as much, so far as I recall. They still hold the likes of HRC (the organisation), the NAACP, and so on in high esteem. There's a portion of the disaffected in this primary, the accelerationists, the liberal equivalent of the Tea Party, the sky is falling, but I don't think it mirrors the GOP.

Also, I'm going to throw this out there, somewhat in relation to Maddow's comment, although I think it will likely get pushback:
America is the world's policeman. It will continue to be the world's policeman. Because no one else can do it. And, really, Western society wouldn't have it any other way.

I think those ones mostly don't vote, maybe young , and aren't even democrat. I don't think it is a long term issue.

How many euopean governments clapped when we announced we are increasing our military spending in Euorpe

I can imagine many many.

You'd be surprised how easy it is to spend money on your population and social services and infrastructure when someone else is doing all the military spending for you. :)

It's always the fallacy about spending as much money on social programs as Europe - we subsidize their military spending dramatically by spending our own money on it. They know that if anything goes wrong, we will deal with it.
Have there been any long form articles on this? This is wildly interesting to me.


never let it die

lolololol North Carolina has two weeks to redraw the map. Unless they get a stay.

It's funny, NC actually had a Democratic gerrymander for 2000-2010. Even after the 2010 elections the delegation was majority Democrat or close to it. Now it's like 3-10... Neutral map should balance that seeing as how Romney and Tillis only won by a smidge.


Every show I've watched today has used the Quin poll to push the "Bernie surging, ties Clinton nationally" narrative. It's all about the narrative.

I wish someone would outright say on a prime time show"No. Bernie Sanders is not Winning the nomination, because he's a terrible candidate who would set the Progressive movement back decades, for reasons none of you chickentshits won't point out because you want a narrative that this is a close race, but in reality, Sanders is going to get his shit stomped in."

It's funny, NC actually had a Democratic gerrymander for 2000-2010. Even after the 2010 elections the delegation was majority Democrat or close to it. Now it's like 3-10... Neutral map should balance that seeing as how Romney and Tillis only won by a smidge.

Do you think that the redrawn maps in NC, VA, and FL could allow a Democratic majority in the House by next year, or at least 2020? Damn, this is really exciting news. Hopefully more states are taken to court for their unfair maps.

User 406

I'm only half paying attention, but I'm curious if the implication being made is that the Democrats should really be abandoning social planks, or I suppose at minimum de-emphasising them, like support for reproductive rights in order to gain favour with those that may oppose those rights?

There have been some rumblings towards that. It amounts to a trivialization of social issues by presuming that racism, sexism, LBGTQ issues, and so on aren't "real", but are just side effects of economic injustice. I can't help but notice that this is coming up at the same time that black people are marching in the street en masse again, women are calling out patriarchy online to a much larger degree, gay and transgender people are pushing for higher visibility and recognition of their dignity, and "SJW" and "PC" have become epithets.


Pray to any gods you have that we have a Democratic President next term.


I still can't say which would be a bigger disaster down ticket

Trump, and it's not even close. Cruz has actual demographics that he appeals to. Christians, Ultra conservatives. Trump is literally just racists. Trump is also completely clueless, he'd be demolished in every subject in every GE debate.

That said, I don't think he actually has a very good shot at winning the nomination. Eventually the 65%+ of republican primary voters that realize he's a disaster will reluctantly rally around someone else.
Trump, and it's not even close. Cruz has actual demographics that he appeals to. Christians, Ultra conservatives. Trump is literally just racists. Trump is also completely clueless, he'd be demolished in every subject in every GE debate.

That said, I don't think he actually has a very good shot at winning the nomination. Eventually the 65%+ of republican primary voters that realize he's a disaster will reluctantly rally around someone else.

Cruz's 19% VAT would probably give the elderly strong reason to vote Democrat though.


Cruz's 19% VAT would probably give the elderly strong reason to vote Democrat though.

They'd both be terrible. One of the best things about Trump is that he makes a Cruz nom more likely. But they aren't even on the same level of disaster. Cruz is like a car crash to Trumps city leveling earthquake.
CNN NH Tracking Poll


Sanders 61%
Clinton 30%

Trump 28%
Rubio 17%
Cruz/Kasich 13%
Bush 9%
Carly Rae 5%

These results represent the first three nights of interviewing conducted after Iowa's caucuses, held Monday night. The University of New Hampshire's Survey Center, which completed the interviews, will be calling voters each day between now and Monday, and CNN and WMUR will release updates to the numbers based on the most recent four nights of dialing on Sunday morning and Monday evening.
That's significantly different then "East Asians will start being considered white".

I don't think it's so much that "they'll be considered white", racially, as it is that the general effect of whiteness, i.e. relative economic prosperity, freedom from being born into and remaining largely within extreme poverty, freedom from having your rights severely curbed by the legal system, freedom from being discriminated against due to negative stereotyping such that a white man has to be jailed to have as hard of a time finding a decent job as a law-abiding, college-educated member of your race, etc. will naturally extend themselves to segments of the population that are not currently white as more of them become affluent and integrated into the mainstream of American society. Which I think probably will happen for Asians, because while there are certain stereotypes that surround them, they tend to be somewhat positive, at least in terms of getting hired and gaining acceptance (i.e. they work hard, are good at math and science, are conformist and won't rock the boat). And even the negative ones - that they're weird, that they're depressive and anxious, that they're submissive - probably would not be as negative as what black people currently experience, allowing them (the negative stereotypes) to be curbed over time. Basically, what makes racism so pervasive and insidious is that while every new group experiences some negative discrimination when they arrive, they eventually integrate into the mechanisms of white supremacy and find their interests opposed to whoever are still considered "people of color", and while you can probably make a strong case that a common European ancestry is what allowed that to happen for previous groups, the "post-racial, post-Obama" society will likely see such assimilation happen upon more economic lines because of the taboo that now exists on open racism and prejudice. Joey Smith and Jin Park may not have a common ancestry, but if it's equally likely that both were raised in cultures wherein they didn't experience paycheck-to-paycheck poverty, both have decently well-connected families who can help them gain their footing and life, and didn't have run-ins with individual and systemic discrimination from an early age, they might well learn to commiserate about "Dindus" and "thugs" on reddit, together.
But how many would? He's not part of the party like Obama was. You can pretty much cross out anyone in a close race anywhere that's moderate or conservative.

Do you know how bad the optics would be if Sanders won pledged delegates but then got the nomination swiped by superdelegates?

That's not happening.


They aren't going to steal the race, it'd cause way too much shit.

as long as she has a lead in the delegate and popular vote the super delegates will stick with her.

Then again Kyle Kondik said on twitter that super delegates were created to stop someone like Sanders from getting the nomination
Kyle Kondik ‏@kkondik Feb 3
Hanging over the Dem race are the superdelegates - about 15% of all the delegates. Stopping a candidate like Sanders is why they exist

Kyle Kondik ‏@kkondik Feb 3
Kyle Kondik Retweeted Richard Sharpe
he would need to win CLEARLY. In 50-50 style race superdelegates would stick with HRC
I will not stand for you insulting a pop goddess like that.


Just trying to show how much more relevant Queen Jepsen is to Floprina.

as long as she has a lead in the delegate and popular vote the super delegates will stick with her.

Then again Kyle Kondik said on twitter that super delegates were created to stop someone like Sanders from getting the nomination

It would be wise of them to support Sanders if he clearly wins the delegate count by popular vote. If they stick to Clinton even then...I think we all know how destructive for the party that would be.


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