I think that was supposed to be a quote of me not damisa.
I'm going to add to that quote though that, no, I don't think the same thing is happening across both parties. Democrats still overwhelmingly adore Obummer. They don't revile their congressional leadership as much, so far as I recall. They still hold the likes of HRC (the organisation), the NAACP, and so on in high esteem. There's a portion of the disaffected in this primary, the accelerationists, the liberal equivalent of the Tea Party, the sky is falling, but I don't think it mirrors the GOP.
Also, I'm going to throw this out there, somewhat in relation to Maddow's comment, although I think it will likely get pushback:
America is the world's policeman. It will continue to be the world's policeman. Because no one else can do it. And, really, Western society wouldn't have it any other way.