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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Yes, we should absolutely have more of a communal approach to these problems. For example here in Oakland the most successful part of the Black Panther Party was the survival programs like "Free Breakfast for Children"

Of course these were doing so well that the FBI started muddying the waters and depowering the whole movement:

It requires giving more power to communal groups and the state and federal possibly giving up some power. I guess that would help with issues like what happened in Flint right? That doesn't seem like something that is realistic long term as this communities don't have the capabilities to solve certain things and possible don't have the expertise to if they do. To me it seems like a lack of responsibility and being incompetent from the Governor and local government.

Self-determination is absolutely need otherwise we wouldn't have gotten the civil rights movement or the BLM. At the same time there wouldn't be much improvement if people in power decided not to help change things. BLM would have been as near worthless as OWS if no one in power decided to not pay attention and many people decided not to participate in politics unlike that person running for mayor.
I think what Rubio was trying to communicate last night was that it wasn't a mistake electing a senator because senators aren't qualified and don't know how to handle the presidency, but that Obama "knew what he was doing" and he achieved his goals, they were just the wrong ones. Too bad he short circuited and went on repeat and couldn't articulate that concept in response to Christies attack on the Senate as a job and how that prepares people for the presidency
Oh, the "Teleprompter" meme is about how black people can't be eloquent without a white man behind them, I get it now.

Conservatives that use it should suck my balls so their mouths have use for once.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Jeb's campaign needs to be completely flooding the airwaves tomorrow with that Rubio meltdown. He is the guy who can take his votes. His last ad was really good.
I think what Rubio was trying to communicate last night was that it wasn't a mistake electing a senator because senators aren't qualified and don't know how to handle the presidency, but that Obama "knew what he was doing" and he achieved his goals, they were just the wrong ones. Too bad he short circuited and went on repeat and couldn't articulate that concept in response to Christies attack on the Senate as a job and how that prepares people for the presidency

Probably, but how it looked like from how the statements was said, it looks like he was trying to make Obama some master evil schemer that is trying to " change America" to whatever. It was probably intentionally ambiguous.


It requires giving more power to communal groups and the state and federal possibly giving up some power. I guess that would help with issues like what happened in Flint right? That doesn't seem like something that is realistic long term as this communities don't have the capabilities to solve certain things and possible don't have the expertise to if they do. To me it seems like a lack of responsibility and being incompetent from the Governor and local government.

Self-determination is absolutely need otherwise we wouldn't have gotten the civil rights movement or the BLM. At the same time there wouldn't be much improvement if people in power decided not to help change things. BLM would have been as near worthless as OWS if no one in power decided to not pay attention and many people decided not to participate in politics unlike that person running for mayor.

I don't have the time right now to write a proper opinion or plan on how to solve these nuanced and deep seated problems but I think we'd gain a whole lot by changing the structure of our education system.

As the most human, human Grace Lee Boggs wrote:

...Instead of schools serving to drain selected opportunists out of the community, they must be functionally reorganized to become centers of the community. This involves much, much more than the use of school facilities for community needs—although this should certainly be expanded. In order for the schools to become the center of the community, the community itself with its needs and problems must become the curriculum of the schools.

More specifically, the educational program or curriculum should not consist of subjects like English or algebra or geography. Instead the school must be structured into groups of youngsters meeting in workshops and working as teams. These teams are then encouraged to (1) identify the needs or problems of the community; (2) to choose a certain need or problem as a focus of activity; (3) to plan a program for its solution; and (4) to carry out the steps involved in the plan.

In the course of carrying out such a curriculum, students naturally and normally, as a part of the actual process, acquire a number of skills. For example, they must be able to do research (observe, report, pinpoint—all related to the social and physical geography of the community); set goals or objectives; plot steps toward the achievement of these goals; carry out these steps; evaluate or measure their progress toward their goals.

Through such a curriculum, research becomes a means of building the community rather than what it is at present, a means by which the Establishment prepares counterinsurgency or pacification programs against the community. Through the solution of real community problems, students discover the importance not only of skills and information but also of the ideas and principles that must guide them in setting and pursuing goals. In the struggle to transform their physical and social environment, they discover that their enemies are not only external but internal, within the community and within their own selves. Thus the weaknesses or needs of the community become assets in the learning process rather than the handicap or drawback that they are presently conceived to be.

With the community and, at times, the entire city as a learning laboratory, students are no longer confined to the classroom. The classroom is an adjunct to the community rather than the reverse. Students have an opportunity to exercise responsibility by identifying problems and by proposing and testing solutions, with the teachers acting as advisers, consultants, and instructors in specific skills. Students from various teenage groups can work in teams on the various projects, with each contributing according to his or her abilities at the various stages, younger students learning from older ones, and those with the capacity for leadership having an opportunity to exercise it.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
If the final vote is in single digits, it's not great for Bernie.

The "ohshit" point is 54.1% Sanders, 45.9% Clinton; below that and he's dead just from NH, nevermind Nevada or whatever. If they split delegates 12 apiece in what should be his best state outside Vermont, the narrative will destroy him. 9% would escape that, just - while it still wouldn't be great, "Sanders and Clinton neck and neck in delegates" headlines would still be reasonably strong, I think, because the media wants a horse race. An 8% lead, though, and the Bern will be on ice.

My "I would expect him to reach this" is a 16.6% lead. If he got that I'd be moderately pleased. If he got below that but above 8%, then eh, can take it or leave it.
Everything is a political ploy - it's an election. And yet, that doesn't mean that the underlying causes aren't things the candidates believe or care about.

It's like throwing shade at Astrid Silva. Why?

Visiting Flint? Political move; but I mean do people actually think Hillarybot doesn't have a compassion program so she's able to muster some sentiment towards poisoned children?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Hillary Clinton is an eagle taking majestic flight, circling her pray, Bernie the little Mousie, who has wandered unknowingly onto her hunting grounds, little, little mousie, squeaking as he looks for food, being thrown food by Annoying College-Age Tourists who will eventually leave the reservation and go back to their low income jobs at Target, while Hillary soars, soars through the sky, ignoring basic rules of grammar and not using commas, except, for, when, she, wants, to, like a queen.

(I agree that it's dangerzone if she finishes within 12ish. Less than 10 is really bad, but more than 16 I think is really bad for Hillary. My basis for this is my ass. I do not see a meaningful difference between 12 and 10 but I will say this anyway. I don't think the delegate math makes the headlines as much as the tightening in the polls, which is annoying because all polls tighten.)


I think what we're seeing and will be seeing for the next 2 days in New Hampshire is Democrats coming back home to Clinton, but Sanders will still win based on Indy support. That wouldn't be a great victory for him.


Visiting Flint? Political move; but I mean do people actually think Hillarybot doesn't have a compassion program so she's able to muster some sentiment towards poisoned children?

Hillary the establishment stooge has always been in the pocket of Big Lead-Poisoning-Is-Bad.


Everything is a political ploy - it's an election. And yet, that doesn't mean that the underlying causes aren't things the candidates believe or care about.

It's like throwing shade at Astrid Silva. Why?

Visiting Flint? Political move; but I mean do people actually think Hillarybot doesn't have a compassion program so she's able to muster some sentiment towards poisoned children?

I can't find it, but one of the most striking pictures I've ever seen on Hillary is her reacting to a mother on the campaign trail who told her that her son was a victim of gun violence.
This Rubio thing has taken off in a way I did not anticipate.

Really? I knew that shit was going viral. It was so strange and hilarious.

Although, when you think about it, not that much worse than Trump's "We don't win anymore. If I'm President we're going to win."
Rubio at fourth place and a single-digit Sanders win would make this Tuesday the best Tuesday of my adult life. Not going to happen.

If the final vote is in single digits, it's not great for Bernie.

Ugh, I would sell my first born for her to keep it within single digits. I really, really would.

Thank you. If Clinton has indeed make it to ten down.. Can she win NH?

No, that will never happen. Unfortunately, however, I think her keeping it close is perfectly fine. It shows us that he's probably not going to win some other states that he could take.

And, pray for me. I have to watch the Super Bowl with a Berniebro who likes Denver. Halp.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I think what we're seeing and will be seeing for the next 2 days in New Hampshire is Democrats coming back home to Clinton, but Sanders will still win based on Indy support. That wouldn't be a great victory for him.

I don't think so. Judging by the polling, it's not that Clinton's numbers are going up by taking support from Sanders, it's that there are less independent voters predicted now than there were a week or so ago. I think what's happening is that a lot of independent voters are deciding they'd rather vote on the Republican side, and given independent voters favour Sanders, that obviously means Clinton does better.


I don't think so. Judging by the polling, it's not that Clinton's numbers are going up by taking support from Sanders, it's that there are less independent voters predicted now than there were a week or so ago. I think what's happening is that a lot of independent voters are deciding they'd rather vote on the Republican side, and given independent voters favour Sanders, that obviously means Clinton does better.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member

I mean, I'm just trying to explain the data. The crossbreaks for Democratic-registered voters in NH are basically the same as they were a week ago. The only difference between polls then and now is that most pollsters now seem to be weighting independents less than they did - they're expecting less independents than they once thought. I can't think of any other reason why that would be other than they want to vote in the Republican primary.


I mean, I'm just trying to explain the data. The crossbreaks for Democratic-registered voters in NH are basically the same as they were a week ago. The only difference between polls then and now is that most pollsters now seem to be weighting independents less than they did - they're expecting less independents than they once thought. I can't think of any other reason why that would be other than they want to vote in the Republican primary.
Yes, we should absolutely have more of a communal approach to these problems. For example here in Oakland the most successful part of the Black Panther Party was the survival programs like "Free Breakfast for Children"

Of course these were doing so well that the FBI started muddying the waters and depowering the whole movement:

*looks up fred hampton*
*looks up cointelpro*

... man, shit like this almost makes me think that having incompetent police might be a blessing in disguise.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member

Okay, well what's your suggestion for why the predicted independent turnout has dropped by about 10% from Feb 1st predictions to now? The only other thing I got was maybe demoralization after the Iowa narrow loss, but personally I would have though such a narrow loss would have spurred people on.
Independents in NH can choose either primary. They're the largest bloc. From memory they majority lean Republican to begin with. Where they go will have a big impact on both races.

This isn't contentious.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Independents in NH can choose either primary. They're the largest bloc. From memory they majority lean Republican to begin with. Where they go will have a big impact on both races.

Yup. I think the upset on the Rep side has pulled them over, which is hurting Sanders.
Ugh, I would sell my first born for her to keep it within single digits. I really, really would.

No, that will never happen. Unfortunately, however, I think her keeping it close is perfectly fine. It shows us that he's probably not going to win some other states that he could take.

And, pray for me. I have to watch the Super Bowl with a Berniebro who likes Denver. Halp.

What? What? Do you really hate bernie that much? Is he really worth selling your child just to make it close in one state? Hillary is almost certainly gonna win the nomination. I just don't understand why people seem to dislike bernie, I can understand preferring hillary but bernie seems like an ok dude at worst.
I mean, I'm just trying to explain the data. The crossbreaks for Democratic-registered voters in NH are basically the same as they were a week ago. The only difference between polls then and now is that most pollsters now seem to be weighting independents less than they did - they're expecting less independents than they once thought. I can't think of any other reason why that would be other than they want to vote in the Republican primary.

I think it's a combination of factors. I do think Independents are more interested in the GOP shit show, so that will hurt Bernie. I also think Democrats are coming back home as well. I still think Rubio being competitive may help Hillary here.

If she had another week, maybe she could shake enough support lose to get within 5, but I doubt it. If she's within 9, then my Iowa and NH predictions are correct: neither would win by double digits.

What? What? Do you really hate bernie that much? Is he really worth selling your child just to make it close in one state? Hillary is almost certainly gonna win the nomination. I just don't understand why people seem to dislike bernie, I can understand preferring hillary but bernie seems like an ok dude at worst.

Considering there's literally 0% chance of me having a first born....I feel confident in that wager :p

I don't hate Bernie at all. Never have. I hate a lot of the people he's surrounded himself with, but that's neither here nor there.
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