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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Here's the literature review of labor elasticity I was looking for.


While some studies have estimated higher elasticities of broad income among high-income taxpayers, those results
appear to reflect those taxpayers’ greater ability to time their income. In contrast, we find evidence that low-income workers have higher elasticities of labor supply than other workers, especially in the component of their labor response that reflects movement in and out of the workforce.

This is the especially relevant part. This is why you raise income taxes on those that make the most to finance such ventures as a decrease in the payroll tax. This would have a substantive effect on poverty.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

Rubio needs to lose to Ted. Hillary made up some ground. Any other polls showing this yet?

I still don't buy that Rubio finishing second here means all that much, especially if he loses by like 10-15 points.


Limbaugh Parrot
RT @teddyschleifer: CRUZ on debate: "It was striking that three different people on that stage came out in support of drafting women into the military."

RT @teddyschleifer: "The idea that we would put them in a foxhole with a 200 pound psychopath," Cruz says, is just another example of political correctness.

RT @JohnJHarwood: Cruz says registering women for draft raises specter of forcing his and voters' daughters into foxholes with 220-pound male psychopaths

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
In particular, the exemption/personal allowance rate in America is criminally low compared to most European countries. That's one tax I'd be A-okay in cutting; just make it up by raising on the wealthiest.
RT @teddyschleifer: CRUZ on debate: "It was striking that three different people on that stage came out in support of drafting women into the military."

RT @teddyschleifer: "The idea that we would put them in a foxhole with a 200 pound psychopath," Cruz says, is just another example of political correctness.

RT @JohnJHarwood: Cruz says registering women for draft raises specter of forcing his and voters' daughters into foxholes with 220-pound male psychopaths

Remember how centrist journalists were talking about how "political correctness is a serious problem that serious people care about" before Trump, Carson, and Cruz started campaign in earnest?


Yes, you need to make better arguments. Generally ones that don't start by touting your academic record, which is a lot more self-absorbed and irrational coming from a trained economist than a layman on a forum being skeptical of the CBO.

"You need to make better arguments" isn't an argument.

Neither is "that research is ideologically motivated" without addressing claims or merits.


RT @teddyschleifer: CRUZ on debate: "It was striking that three different people on that stage came out in support of drafting women into the military."

RT @teddyschleifer: "The idea that we would put them in a foxhole with a 200 pound psychopath," Cruz says, is just another example of political correctness.

RT @JohnJHarwood: Cruz says registering women for draft raises specter of forcing his and voters' daughters into foxholes with 220-pound male psychopaths

Ahh so the military men are actually psychopaths. Gotcha Cruz.
I still don't buy that Rubio finishing second here means all that much, especially if he loses by like 10-15 points.

Look at Iowa for the Dems. If Sanders had gotten another half percent of the vote, it would have completely changed the story. Rubio in 2nd with 17% is still one of the top 3. If he comes in 5th with 13% then Christie and Kasich carry on to South Carolina and the consolidation he needs doesn't happen.


Ahh so the military men are actually psychopaths. Gotcha Cruz.

I'm glad Republicans respect the military so much they consider the military to be full of rape machines who may one day need to be all killed to overthrow the government.

"I think we need to be careful here because while we all have sympathy for what's happened in Flint, this is primarily a local and state responsibility," Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, the No. 2 Senate Republican told reporters in the Capitol. "Given the fact that we have about 19 trillion in debt I think it's fair to ask do we want to have the federal government replacing all the infrastructure put in place by cities and states all across the country."

Remember guys, the National Debt > poisoned children.

RT @teddyschleifer: CRUZ on debate: "It was striking that three different people on that stage came out in support of drafting women into the military."

RT @teddyschleifer: "The idea that we would put them in a foxhole with a 200 pound psychopath," Cruz says, is just another example of political correctness.

RT @JohnJHarwood: Cruz says registering women for draft raises specter of forcing his and voters' daughters into foxholes with 220-pound male psychopaths
Trump needs to use this against him. He doesn't respect the military or the veterans.
You know, I think Trump actually does have respect for veterans. I mean, the guy's a giant goober, but a part of me thinks he's in this to actually help people. Of course, he's totally wrong on everything, but he comes across as moderately sincere.

Cruz is just slime.

Let's all just take a moment to appreciate that Donald Trump was on Meet the Press. As a Presidential candidate.

I just...I can't.


I'll be honest, and I don't want to be too negative, but that's a pretty rough application. I've hard passed on ones with much better math grades. If you want to go to a top 20 program, it's going to be hard. Retake both calc and stats if at all possible. If not, you need to take more advanced courses, kill them, and have your recs tackle the question head on.

Analysis on econ applications is mostly a signal. Programs want someone who will be able to survive the first year and first round of prelims. Dedicated theorists do actually use it, but most empirical people probably won't.

I don't think it will be wroth taking Stats again. I'm already in Stats 2 and Econometrics which is heavy in calculus and stats from what I've seen.

My school has a really dumb policy where if I fail I class and retake it; only the newest grade gets added to my gpa. But if I barely pass a class and retake it; it adds both the new and old grades to my gpa. So it'd be a waste of time taking stats again if I can just ace the more advanced classes.


i kinda dislike the fact Hillary going to Flint is seen as securing the black vote, im sure other races of people on both sides respect her for going.

I've only seen people on Twitter say this.

Do you blame them? Many are skeptical that any elected official will address the actual root problems to this because it's inherent to the racists capitalistic system we have in this country. As Erin Brokovich said this is happening because of "corrupt politicians and greed"

Televised outrage won't change any of that.
Trump needs to use this against him. He doesn't respect the military or the veterans.
I'm not sure how he can seeing as how he said POW aren't heroes. You're only worth something if you don't get captured

This won't stick to Ted at all. You can say things or work against the vets all the time but as long as you are a republican it will get swept under the rug


No Scrubs
Do you blame them? Many are skeptical that any elected official will address the actual root problems to this because it's inherent to the racists capitalistic system we have in this country. As Erin Brokovich said this is happening because of "corrupt politicians and greed"

Televised outrage won't change any of that.

But it's not going to hurt either. Bringing more attention to something as fucked up as this is a good thing, we should be shining a light on it and forcing everyone to answer questions about it.

It's certainly better than ignoring it and pretending it's not happening.
I don't think it will be wroth taking Stats again. I'm already in Stats 2 and Econometrics which is heavy in calculus and stats from what I've seen.

My school has a really dumb policy where if I fail I class and retake it; only the newest grade gets added to my gpa. But if I barely pass a class and retake it; it adds both the new and old grades to my gpa. So it'd be a waste of time taking stats again if I can just ace the more advanced classes.

Read this pdf, and think about what you want to get out of grad school. Because if you're struggling with the math, you're not gonna have a fun time. Especially with getting the requisite quant GRE score to get into a good school.
Ben Carson actually had a good debate last night. Pretending to take the high road while blasting Cruz, talking about how generals should make decisions on military instead of presidents because no one had much military experience, how the government can do a good job at disease prevention. Didn't sound as fucking weird as before.


But it's not going to hurt either. Bringing more attention to something as fucked up as this is a good thing, we should be shining a light on it and forcing everyone to answer questions about it.

It's certainly better than ignoring it and pretending it's not happening.

That's the thing, why is it important just now? We have reports as far back as the summer of '04 that this was happening.

Summer: Residents begin complaining to local leaders about tainted, foul-smelling tap water—and health symptoms such as rashes and hair loss from drinking and bathing in it.

August/September: E. coli and coliform bacteria are found in the Flint water supply. The city instructs residents to boil tap water before drinking.

October 1: General Motors says it will stop using Flint River water in its plants after workers notice that the water corrodes engine parts.

And later in November of '05 the ACLU and Flint residents sued the state

Residents of Flint, together with the ACLU of Michigan and the Natural Resources Defense Council, today announced their intention to sue state and city officials for ongoing violations of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act amid the city’s widespread lead-contamination crisis. A lawsuit would force officials to address repeated, systemic failures to follow federal rules designed to protect the public health from dangerous levels of lead exposure.

“In their short-sighted effort to save a buck, the leaders who were supposed to be protecting Flint’s citizens instead left them exposed to dangerously high levels of lead contamination,” said Michael Steinberg, legal director for the ACLU of Michigan. “Not only were the city and state’s actions harmful and misguided. They were illegal, too.”

Where were the Democrats or Republicans then? Not election season? Sorry.

Like Malcom said,

It's got to be the ballot or the bullet. The ballot or the bullet. If you're afraid to use an expression like that, you should get on out of the country; you should get back in the cotton patch; you should get back in the alley. They get all the Negro vote, and after they get it, the Negro gets nothing in return. All they did when they got to Washington was give a few big Negroes big jobs. Those big Negroes didn't need big jobs, they already had jobs. That's camouflage, that's trickery, that's treachery, window-dressing. I'm not trying to knock out the Democrats for the Republicans. We'll get to them in a minute. But it is true; you put the Democrats first and the Democrats put you last.

...I say again, I'm not anti-Democrat, I'm not anti-Republican, I'm not anti-anything. I'm just questioning their sincerity, and some of the strategy that they've been using on our people by promising them promises that they don't intend to keep. When you keep the Democrats in power, you're keeping the Dixiecrats in power. I doubt that my good Brother Lomax will deny that. A vote for a Democrat is a vote for a Dixiecrat. That's why, in 1964, it's time now for you and me to become more politically mature and realize what the ballot is for; what we're supposed to get when we cast a ballot; and that if we don't cast a ballot, it's going to end up in a situation where we're going to have to cast a bullet. It's either a ballot or a bullet.

So, what I'm trying to impress upon you, in essence, is this: You and I in America are faced not with a segregationist conspiracy, we're faced with a government conspiracy. Everyone who's filibustering is a senator -- that's the government. Everyone who's finagling in Washington, D.C., is a congressman -- that's the government. You don't have anybody putting blocks in your path but people who are a part of the government. The same government that you go abroad to fight for and die for is the government that is in a conspiracy to deprive you of your voting rights, deprive you of your economic opportunities, deprive you of decent housing, deprive you of decent education. You don't need to go to the employer alone, it is the government itself, the government of America, that is responsible for the oppression and exploitation and degradation of black people in this country. And you should drop it in their lap. This government has failed the Negro. This so-called democracy has failed the Negro. And all these white liberals have definitely failed the Negro.


So, where was Sanders all this time then?

The establishment failed, so it must stand to reason that the independents must be concerned about... oops.

Stop trying to make politics out of this. It's not a Clinton/Sanders thing. It's a human thing. If the option is there to sell out someone else so you can get a little farther ahead, we do it. Poor and black people are always the easiest targets because there's little repercussion from doing so.
Stop trying to make politics out of this. It's not a Clinton/Sanders thing. It's a human thing. If the option is there to sell out someone else so you can get a little farther ahead, we do it.

Oh, of course. So since the establishment is corrupt, you can't trust them to do shit. Just wait until the political revolution blows up, then the problem will be fixed but if Sanders doesn't get elected, well the Republican can continue to pull shit like this but since Democrats are just as corrupt... shrug.

Is that better?
So, where was Sanders all this time then?

The establishment failed, so it must stand to reason that the independents must be concerned about... oops.

You do realize that the conclusion to your line of attack, if you cared about it, is to vote for no one that's running, yeah?

Malcolm's point seemed to be that the fight doesn't end once your ballot has been cast. That you need continued antagonism, both aganst weak liberals and the more overt racists. To make them work for it and continue to work for it.


So what, we should just go on ignoring it because it's election season?

Oh, of course. So since the establishment is corrupt, you can't trust them to do shit. Just wait until the political revolution blows up, then the problem will be fixed but if Sanders doesn't get elected, well the Republican can continue to pull shit like this but since Democrats are just as corrupt... shrug.

Is that better?

Maybe yall should read the rest of Malcom's speech if you're wondering what we should do. These problems have to be solved by the people within the cities effected. They have to elect leaders that actually represent their communities. That's why you are seeing a B.L.M member running for Mayor of Baltimore. Black people are tired of asking for white hand outs.
Maybe yall should read the rest of Malcom's speech if you're wondering what we should do. These problems have to be solved by the people within the cities effected. They have to elect leaders that actually represent their communities. That's why you are seeing a B.L.M member running for Mayor of Baltimore. Black people are tired of asking for white hand outs.

So where's the member of the community that's running for president?


Or Sanders?
That's the thing, why is it important just now? We have reports as far back as the summer of '04 that this was happening.

And later in November of '05 the ACLU and Flint residents sued the state

Where were the Democrats or Republicans then? Not election season? Sorry.

Like Malcom said,

Well since 2004 or 5 there has been several election cycles. I guess it is important now because it just now got brought to this level of attention.

It was the same thing like in Ferguson, shit was happening since the dawn of time, but on recently it's getting national attention and became a bigger discussion.
Of course.

That's why it's so illuminating, because it's exactly how some Bernie supporters would react.

And now you gotta factor that the one person that used this line of attack was you. A hillary supporter. No bernie supporters in this thread suggested what you did. Only you.

This illuminates nothing but your own biases and conclusions, my friend. Which, i suspect, you will continue to be unable to recognize and tackle.

The answer to your dilemma, in practical terms, is not that they should not vote, but that they should make it quite clear indeed that if the candidate does not pander the fuck to them, the candidate will not receive a vote. (which is a bluff that one hopes wouldn't be called, evidently).

Which is obv irrelevant in the greater scheme since hills seems to have the black vote under lock and key.
And now you gotta factor that the one person that used this line of attack was you. A hillary supporter. No bernie supporters in this thread suggested what you did. Only you.

This illuminates nothing but your own biases and conclusions, my friend. Which, i suspect, you will continue to be unable to recognize and tackle.

The answer to your dilemma, in practical terms, is not that they should not vote, but that they should make it quite clear indeed that if the candidate does not pander the fuck to them, the candidate will not receive a vote. (which is a bluff that one hopes wouldn't be called, evidently).

Which is obv irrelevant in the greater scheme since hills seems to have the black vote under lock and key.

Oh I recognize them alright.

I also recognize how the irrational Bernie supporter would react as well.

That's why the twitter messages are talking about how Clinton's flight to flint was a political play to secure the black vote... obviously.

So Sanders should pander to the black vote as well. Specifically the young, black vote. If he does that successfully Clinton will be in shit.

It will be why Nevada will not be a blowout. If Sanders can sell his vision on the young latino vote there he will fight Clinton to a draw.


So where's the member of the community that's running for president?


Or Sanders?

I live in Oakland not Flint but I can say without a doubt that Sanders is the only one even attempting to question the broken system we have.

But again you don't seem to be understanding the point. Our problems are not going to be solved by any charismatic leader, powerful party or CNN debate. It's going to be solved by us.

Self-determinism is a hell of a drug.
I live in Oakland not Flint but I can say without a doubt that Sanders is the only one even attempting to question the broken system we have.

But again you don't seem to be understanding the point. Our problems are not going to be solved by any charismatic leader, powerful party or CNN debate. It's going to be solved by us.

Self-determinism is a hell of a drug.

You mean people in the mostly in the community?
I live in Oakland not Flint but I can say without a doubt that Sanders is the only one even attempting to question the broken system we have.

But again you don't seem to be understanding the point. Our problems are not going to be solved by any charismatic leader, powerful party or CNN debate. It's going to be solved by us.

Self-determinism is a hell of a drug.

Great. Where's the plan to overhaul the system from the bottom up? The movement at all levels to change and reform government, overthrowing the establishment and supplanting the parties with people that can meaningfully enact change? Where are the resources, the funds? Where is the 50 year plan to change the system?

It took the Koch brothers 40 years and billions of dollars to enact their 50 state plan and it ALMOST worked. You guys better have that kind of long term dedication and planning.


You mean people in the mostly in the community.

Yes, we should absolutely have more of a communal approach to these problems. For example here in Oakland the most successful part of the Black Panther Party was the survival programs like "Free Breakfast for Children"

In the mid-1960s, Black Panther Party chapters developed a series of social programs to provide needed services to black and poor people. Their intent was to promote "a model for an alternative, more humane social scheme." These "serve the people programs," of which there came to be more than 60,[2] were renamed Survival Programs in 1971[3] and were operated by Party members under the slogan "survival pending revolution."

One such program was the Free Breakfast for Children Program, which began in January 1969[4] at a church in west Oakland, and spread to many cities in America where there were Party chapters.[5] The Free Breakfast Program became the central organizing activity of the group, and became its most lasting contribution to American society.[6] Thousands of poor and hungry children were fed free breakfasts every day by the Party under this program. The Panthers believed that "Children cannot reach their full academic potential if they have empty stomachs." The reach and success of the program in so many communities underscored the inadequacies of the federal government's then-flagging and underresourced lunch programs in public schools across the country.

Of course these were doing so well that the FBI started muddying the waters and depowering the whole movement:

When federal authorities began focusing greater attention on black nationalist groups in 1969, they assailed the free breakfast program as nothing more than a propaganda tool used by the Party to carry out an insurrection. Among other actions intended to undermine the program, authorities raided breakfast program locations while children were eating.[7] Furthermore, the FBI denounced the Party itself as "the most 'active and dangerous' black nationalist threat to internal security", bent on overthrowing the U.S. government.[1][4][8] It was later revealed following COINTELPRO disclosures that the FBI had conducted various illegal activities against the Black Panther Party, including the murder of of Black Panther leader Fred Hampton


Drafting women was one of the biggest spooks of the ERA.

If women are in the draft... what's to stop the ERA from passing? Besides partisanship.
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