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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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East Lake

Yeah, that's what I was doing, boasting about my credentials. Next time I'll make sure to hide the fact that I have any kind of authority on the subject. That will surely help things, and you'll be able to sleep at night.

And let me know when you decide that study isn't credible because of outside factors that I in no way endorse.

It's like you think the economist just looked at wages before the tax cut, and after, and was like yep, there's the result I wanted!

All outside factors are controlled for through instrumental variables.

Edit: I do like that you're providing citations now though. They still don't in any way respond to my arguments, but it's a start!
lol wut. The guy who wrote the paper you linked to is considerably less absolute in his conclusions about than you are, but I'm no economist so maybe you could tell me something I don't know.

Also, you know I'm not necessarily disputing his arguments or saying you support pinochet right? Are you reading what I'm saying?
Yeah, I'm late with this, but a dank meme is a dank meme:



Is my dad being racist when he keeps saying the Broncos are getting "mugged" when they get tackled or fouled by the panthers?

Is this like just a thing that people say in football?


Is my dad being racist when he keeps saying the Broncos are getting "mugged" when they get tackled or fouled by the panthers?

Is this like just a thing that people say in football?

I don't think mugged is really a racially charged term. Now, if he was saying they got "mugged by those thugs"...

User 406

Am I the only one who assumed this was a joking, and pretty funny, reference to the Dems earlier schedule?

I'm pretty sure it was a joke. She's just not the god damn person who should be making it. Ha ha, everyone was complaining about the shitty Democratic debate schedule, but now the Republicans have one like it, so here's the same kind of outrage too! It's funny because YOU FUCKING SUCK DEBBIE, GET THE FUCK OUT OF POLITICS.

Wow, I was looking at the sample Democrat primary ballot for Texas, and there's a lot more things to vote for in the primaries than I thought. o_O

Looks like I have a lot of research to do! What's the best way to research local candidates?

Ballotpedia gives a pretty good rundown of most state and local issues and races. Also search for locally oriented forums that might have political threads, they could point you to some other resources. Browsing cleveland.com's forums is what led me to http://www.judge4yourself.com, which has turned out to be a very useful resource for our utterly stupid and unnecessary court judge elections.

other concerns: daniel hasn't been shot at once in the whole game, and manky is very fond of missing the broad side of a barn.

So what you're saying is you're playing X-com.

Soooooo many missed aimed shots <fetal position>
Donald Trump regained top spot to win nomination on PredictIt.

Rubio's glitch is now a $700 swing for me.

I'm kind of conflicted now. If I sell out all my NH positions, I can walk away with about $500 in profit. If I hold on and Trump wins, I make around $800 in profit. However, if Trump loses, I lose a shitload.

I'm just concerned that on Tuesday, a lot of people are going to chicken out of voting Trump at the last moment. We're really in uncharted territory here.


Rubio's glitch is now a $700 swing for me.

I'm kind of conflicted now. If I sell out all my NH positions, I can walk away with about $500 in profit. If I hold on and Trump wins, I make around $800 in profit. However, if Trump loses, I lose a shitload.

I'm just concerned that on Tuesday, a lot of people are going to chicken out of voting Trump at the last moment. We're really in uncharted territory here.
Cash out
&#8220;It's one of the most dramatic drops I have ever seen in 48 hours,&#8221; he said. &#8220;A rock doesn't do it justice."

Kasich/Jeb placing 2nd/3rd means that they stay in the race until at least Super Tuesday. There probably isn't a better result for those afraid of Rubio.
Anyone but Kasich :(

That guy is snake. Kasichmentum is real. I'm not sure if he will effect voter turnout if he becomes the nominee as much as rubobot but he is something Hillary campaign should fear.
Rubio's 3-2-1 strategy turning into a: 3-4-4, what happened to my life, strategy.

Anyone but Kasich :(

That guy is snake. Kasichmentum is real. I'm not sure if he will effect voter turnout if he becomes the nominee as much as rubobot but he is something Hillary campaign should fear.

Oh come on, he's spent his entire campaign in NH so far. He's despised by every Republican outside of like 10 states and he'll get blown out of the next 20 states.
The only good outcome is Bush 2nd, Rubio 3rd. (Or Cruz in either of those spots I guess.)

Since Bushmentum is never happening and Marcosoft Vista getting another 3rd after his shit debate would probably rule him out of contention.

While Kasich isn't getting Kasichmentum from 4th.

So, everyone gets what they want. Trump.
Kasich will be splitting the vote with Rubio and Jeb, has no presence outside of NH and Ohio, and won't be competitive in Southern states. Gaining momentum from a 2nd place NH finish won't be easy. Rubio is worth fearing because he could force consolidation earlier, Kasich won't.
We watched like 3/4 of the game and I never saw a Jeb! ad. :(

But. ya, Broncos won. Browns and Broncos have the same first three letters. Ergo, it's a Brown's win!


Kasich is not a threat on Super Tuesday,he just does not have the infrastructure. If Bush beats Rubio then none of them drop out for a while, which is great for Trump and Cruz.
The only good outcome is Bush 2nd, Rubio 3rd. (Or Cruz in either of those spots I guess.)

Since Bushmentum is never happening and Marcosoft Vista getting another 3rd after his shit debate would probably rule him out of contention.

While Kasich isn't getting Kasichmentum from 4th.

Best outcome is Trump > Cruz > Bush > Kasich > Rubot > Christie
Kasich is too sane to be a real problem. There's no way that the establishment is gong to throw support behind him instead of Jeb! He has no appeal in places like South Carolina. All they have to tell the rabid base is that he gave poor people Medicaid and he's done. He needs to be about 10 pounds more crazy and 3 cups more personable to be a problem for us. In the General, absolutely he'd be an issue. In the primary, he's a non-starter.
Jeb should probably be favored to finish 3rd in SC over Rubio if Rubio falters in NH, so the establishment is pretty much back to Trump or Cruz.

Chris Christie (one of the most establishment Republicans running) could have just forced the GOP to nominate Trump or Cruz. The Party Decides!
Couldn't be happier with that poll. Kasich getting second in NH would be just about perfect. And if Rubio does indeed come in 4th or even 5th, that would be even better.

To be honest, it might be good that Trump didn't win Iowa. It kept the other candidates from focusing on the reality that he's about to steamroll the primaries. I've never seen such a weird situation where almost every candidate is so focused on taking down the guy in 3rd place.
Also, while it doesn't make much sense, I have to imagine Trump's answer of "strong arm the Chinese into doing something about North Korea" will play well to the base. He did pretty much exactly what he needed to do last night.
Here's what I don't get: why did Christie go so damn hard for Rubio this time? I mean, he's too far back to make a damn bit of difference in NH, really. Did he just want to watch the world burn? Does he really hate Rubio as much as we all do? I just....I can't imagine he wants Cruz or Trump to be the nominee. Did he try to copy some files using one of Rubio's USB ports and the whole thing got corrupted?
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