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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Hillary has a pretty great staff as far as I can tell but her messaging is... what, exactly?
She's fighting someone, the American people maybe? The FBI charges?
“The message is, she’s fighting. She’s fighting for you,” said one ally. “We have to drive that.”

they could start by moving out and paying their own goddamn cell phone bills already
Bernie hits all the right notes in terms of staying on-message and having a clearly defined platform, but his campaign staff could definitely be improved. Hillary has a pretty great staff as far as I can tell but her messaging is... what, exactly?

Her message as far as I can tell is literally "I can get stuff done, and I'll continue everything Obama did." Which is not exactly an inspiring message to be honest. It's also severely hurt by the fact that Republicans have made it clear they have no interest in working with Hillary if she's in the White House.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Idaho Democrats of what is left of them are very liberal like NH? Very interesting if true. I would expect places like that (WY, UT etc) to be a little more conservative.
I don't know any Idaho Democrats that aren't liberal. We're all pretty far to the left from what I can tell. It could just be the circles I run in, but Boise is pretty liberal.


All of CNN/WMUR's polls have shown Bernie higher for like the last two months. They've also shown smaller than aggregate Trump leads. Whatever that's worth.

Although the two tracking polls had him much higher a couple weeks ago. He was at like 62 and 58 or something, now he's down to 56 and 53.


Yeah, that would be the entirely wrong move in my mind. Bernie and Hillary seem to have opposite problems. Bernie hits all the right notes in terms of staying on-message and having a clearly defined platform, but his campaign staff could definitely be improved. Hillary has a pretty great staff as far as I can tell but her messaging is... what, exactly?

Replacing staff after an NH blowout would only feed into the narrative that Hillary is getting nervous, ceding ground etc and wouldn't actually do anything to fix those issues, because her staff doesn't seem to be the problem. Having the Obama machine doesn't mean shit if you won't/can't peddle some hope and change.

If you're asking this question then she doesn't have a great staff. She has a staff with a lot of veteran democratic operatives and a lot of big egos. That doesn't translate into a great staff or a great campaign. That's partly why she struggled so much in 08 and why she is struggling now. In 08 her staff ran a 90s style Clinton campaign, using 90's style attacks that relied on emotions instead of facts or even reasonable arguments. But that didn't connect with contemporary voters in a different political age. This time she's tried to run a campaign more similar to Obama's in 08 and 12 but her message is still falling flat. Some of that is on her, no doubt. She is a deeply flawed politician. But it's also on her staff for not doing a better job. For instance, her own internal expectations were for her to win big in Iowa, at least a 5% margin, and have that set the narrative going forward. Her much talked about ground game, etc. We saw what actually happened.


You think the BLM movement or the March for $15 or any other grassroots movement going on reflects your opinion?
I don't think they reflect your opinion either. You say that the DNC is disconnected and that the two party system is too old and slow to deal with the problems of today. But what BLM and the March are doing is advocating for solutions within this existing structure you deride. What you're really saying is that only the young people have all the good ideas, as if they know the first thing about government and foreign relations.

"Get out of the way, our untested ideas are much better than the framework that was built and iterated on for years." If you accept that the US rushing into Iraq was a bad policy, what is so different about "fast paced revolution"? Was that mass incarceration legislation not also the product of lawmakers being pressured to do something about violence, and therefore eager to acquiesce to something without deliberating enough?

Even if you got the responsibility, then what? The moment something doesn't go your way it'll be endless blaming of the system and of how your peers are your obstacles and your enemies.

No, I don't think the youth vote is ready to take responsibility at all. If they were, they would have learned something from the past 8 years.


Looking at just the samples, the CNN polls have been noticeably smaller, sometimes up to half, of what the other polls are getting. MoE's have been in the 5-8 range rather than 4-6 range.

So it could be their screen or adjustments.
If you're asking this question then she doesn't have a great staff. She has a staff with a lot of veteran democratic operatives and a lot of big egos. That doesn't translate into a great staff or a great campaign. That's partly why she struggled so much in 08 and why she is struggling now. In 08 her staff ran a 90s style Clinton campaign, using 90's style attacks that relied on emotions instead of facts or even reasonable arguments. But that didn't connect with contemporary voters in a different political age. This time she's tried to run a campaign more similar to Obama's in 08 and 12 but her message is still falling flat. Some of that is on her, no doubt. She is a deeply flawed politician. But it's also on her staff for not doing a better job. For instance, her own internal expectations were for her to win big in Iowa, at least a 5% margin, and have that set the narrative going forward. Her much talked about ground game, etc. We saw what actually happened.

Fair point, but until Clinton is willing to shake up her stump speeches and offer a little more than "I promise not to fuck things up" I think we're going to see Bernie continue to be a bigger threat than he really has any right to be.


For what it's worth, I think the 30 point margin in the CNN/WMUR poll is crazy. It will probably be closer to 15.

And another thing, young people. Could you at least try to bring dinner home for us once in a while? I have to work too and I'm tired when I get home and I'm not made of money, okay. You don't have to pay rent, I'm just asking for a little contribution once in a while. Your older brother is responsible. Why can't you be more like him? He even votes in the midterms.


Oversampling first time voters/independents?
In the case of NH it looks like they might be predicting independents are more likely to vote in the Democratic primary. Since independents tend to favor Sanders (who is higher than aggregate) and Trump (who is lower than aggregate) changing the weighting along those lines could do this.
You are assuming she has to overcome a 9-1 demo everywhere, which is simply not going to be the case.

However, we can do some shitty ad-hoc math and use current polling with 2008s exit data (from NH) and the results from Iowa, and we make some (very rough) conclusions.

In 2008 in NH, the 18-29 year olds made up 18% of the primary voters. Total turnout in 2008 was 284 090. That means 18-29 year were 51,136. If we allocate them 85/10 to Bernie, he would get approximately 43465 and Hillary would get approximately 5,136. However, if we consider that those over 45 made up approximately 55% of the electorate, Hillary's math gets better. In Iowa, she won those over 45 by approximately 63% to Bernies 31%. Let's call it 60/35. Using 2008s turn out, this means those over 45 totaled approximately 156,249. This would give Hillary around 93,749 and Bernie 54, 687

Grand totals:

Hillary 98,885,
Bernie 98,152.

We still have the 30-44 year olds to worry about. which Bernie could definitely win, especially in states that are white and liberal. This math is incredibly rough, and it's comparing elections from different years to different states. I'm not saying this is indivitive of any primary turnout, but it shows that Hillary's margin among the older people, although smaller than the 85/10 split, is ore valuable because there are more of them. A 2 to 1 advantage with those over 45 is worth more, in raw numbers, than a 8 to 1 advantage among the younger people.

However, she does need to do something about it.

Also, I'm not going to defend this from scrutiny. I'm exhausted, and I just did this to see what the numbers would show. Like I Said, this was me wanting to see what numbers I could turn out. I don't pretend that this even makes sense. It was a thought exercise.


Fair point, but until Clinton is willing to shake up her stump speeches and offer a little more than "I promise not to fuck things up" I think we're going to see Bernie continue to be a bigger threat than he really has any right to be.

Yes I agree but that too is a reflection of her campaign. She doesn't write her own speeches. Hell, she doesn't even craft her own argument. That is done by pollsters, strategists, and speechwriters. That's her staff. They have yet to figure out a way to respond to Bernie. So far they have trotted out the same arguments that failed to work against Obama in 08. He's too liberal, he's untested, he isn't strong on foreign policy, he's unelectable. We've heard these arguments before.
To be honest, I'm incredibly frustrated with both of our candidates. Hillary has had 8 years to figure this shit out, and she gives the appearance of not having done it. She's had months to deal with Bernie's talking points, and she hasn't. Then Bill gets slightly bitchy again, and I want to pull my hair out.

Then, on the other hand, the only alternative is Bernie Freaking Sanders. Which is just...not cool, man. Not cool. Nothing against the guy, but he is not a good choice for the nomination for a plethora of reasons.

Some days I wish Biden would have put his hat in the ring. He would have probably prevented Bernie from getting as much mindshare as he has.


Then, on the other hand, the only alternative is Bernie Freaking Sanders.
This is why we can't have a true revolution. It's gotta be the guy with 35 years in elected office.
Paul T. Farrell Jr., attorney from West Virginia [33]
Rocky De La Fuente, a businessman from California[34][35]
Keith Russell Judd, a former prisoner, from Texas[36]
Sam Sloan, professional chess master, from New York[36]
Vermin Supreme, performance artist, from Massachusetts[37][38]
Willie Wilson, businessman and 2015 Chicago mayoral candidate, from Illinois[39][40][41]
John Wolfe, Jr., attorney and perennial candidate, from Tennessee[42][36]
Larry Cohen, of Chicago, Illinois[43]

In addition, the following candidates are on the ballot in multiple states: James Valentine of Miami Beach, Florida is on the ballot in both Arkansas[42] and New Hampshire,[36] attorney Michael A. Steinberg of Florida is on the ballot in Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, Georgia[50] and New Hampshire, and Steve Burke of New York is on the ballot in New Hampshire and Louisiana,[51] qualifying each for ballot status in Arizona.

Other candidates with confirmed ballot status only in the New Hampshire primary include Eric Elbot of Massachusetts, Mark Stewart Greenstein of Connecticut,[52] Brock C. Hutton of Maryland, Lloyd Kelso of North Carolina, William D. French of Pennsylvania, William H. McGaughey, Jr. of Minnesota, Robert Lovitt of Kentucky, David John Thistle of Star Locke, Texas, Raymond Michael Moroz of New York, Richard Lyons Weil of Colorado, Jon Adams of New York, Steven Roy Lipscomb of New Mexico, Edward Sonnino of New York, Edward T. O’Donnell, Jr. of Pennsylvania, and Graham Schwass of Massachusetts. Kennedy K. Brown of Alabama is on the ballot in that state's primary.


To be honest, I'm incredibly frustrated with both of our candidates. Hillary has had 8 years to figure this shit out, and she gives the appearance of not having done it. She's had months to deal with Bernie's talking points, and she hasn't. Then Bill gets slightly bitchy again, and I want to pull my hair out.

Then, on the other hand, the only alternative is Bernie Freaking Sanders. Which is just...not cool, man. Not cool. Nothing against the guy, but he is not a good choice for the nomination for a plethora of reasons.

Some days I wish Biden would have put his hat in the ring. He would have probably prevented Bernie from getting as much mindshare as he has.

I'm not a fan of Hillary or Bernie in the first place, but overall I agree with you tremendously. I didn't expect for her to make me super enthusiastic, but I did expect her to run an incredibly good campaign and definitely win my vote. She hasn't been performing as well I expected. But Bernie's been even worse to the point that I don't get WTF is up with him. Bleh. I really wish Biden was running. I would probably prefer throwing my hat in the ring for him.
Both the Republican and Democratic primaries have been a complete mess so far, but at least the Republican's are entertaining.
However, we can do some shitty ad-hoc math and use current polling with 2008s exit data (from NH) and the results from Iowa, and we make some (very rough) conclusions.

NH has a really high population that identifies as Independent, so I would say you'd have to give the edge to Bernie on that fact alone.


I wanted to cash out on Presiodent Hillary to get into the other markets, but she keeps fucking dropping! 39 points - what the heck?!

It's those early bellwether results in NH.

I can't imagine the amount of self-pleasuring that must be happening on Reddit right now.

im kidding about the bellwether, the results are consistent with 2008.


It only took one week after Iowa for the Hillary is Doomed posts to show up. This won't even be an issue when Nevada & South Carolina come around.
I'm not a fan of Hillary or Bernie in the first place, but overall I agree with you tremendously. I didn't expect for her to make me super enthusiastic, but I did expect her to run an incredibly good campaign and definitely win my vote. She hasn't been performing as well I expected. But Bernie's been even worse to the point that I don't get WTF is up with him. Bleh. I really wish Biden was running. I would probably prefer throwing my hat in the ring for him.
Both the Republican and Democratic primaries have been a complete mess so far, but at least the Republican's are entertaining.

She's still my girl. I still believe she wins. I still want her to be our nominee, but I want someone in that campaign to get their shit together. It's absolutely ridiculous that she's doing some of the same shit this time as last time. Her messaging has been shit. Get something cognizant together and freaking run with it.

NH has a really high population that identifies as Independent, so I would say you'd have to give the edge to Bernie on that fact alone.

Of course. I've always said Bernie will win New Hampshire. Anything less than that would have been a repudiation of him as a candidate and a person. That wasn't going to happen. However, my shitty math was only to show that, while it's not ideal, Hillary being down that much among 18-29 year olds is only a problem if she doesn't perform the way she has historically among older voters. She keeps those margins, and keeps her margins among PoC, Bernie can get 100% of the 18-29 year olds and it wouldn't make that much difference.
Ya....our bench isn't great at the moment.

Well we did have Martin O'Malley who's only 53. Then you have people like Kirsten Gillibrand at 49, Julian Castro at 41, and Tulsi Gabbard who is off to a promising career at 34.

EDIT: Forgot Cory Booker at 46 and Andrew Cuomo at 58.


Who is Greenstein?
Some random dude from Connecticut.
After signing paperwork at the New Hampshire Statehouse on Wednsday, Stewart billed himself as a liberty-leaning Democrat. He called himself an "IED - an increasingly embarrassed Democrat" - and said he wants to reduce the power of union leaders, reduce the income tax, and reduce illegal immigration.

"The Democrat party needs an injection of liberty to its current leadership," Stewart said in an email. "I will be in as many primaries as possible to tout the message that freedom brings prosperity and happiness and dignity."

NH has incredibly low filing requirements, so there's like 30+ candidates on the ballot or some shit.
Probably as skill-based as playing slots.

I've made enough that if I went back in time to 2006 I could have bought a 60 gig PS3 at its original price. And a copy of Blazing Angels. It's about exploiting other people's irrationality.

Things like the runner-up markets are pretty close to gambling though. The Obama approval rating markets are straight up slot machines.
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