Interesting stats from NH in 2008: Obama got 60% of the 18-24 vote and won that demographic handily, but lost the 25-29 vote to Hillary. Obama had 35% among that bracket while Hillary had 37%. Hillary also won every age bracket 40 & up. I know Sanders has a healthy lead in NH, but I'm curious to see if Hillary still wins among older voters. Since it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that Bernie will win, I think just about the only thing that could hurt Hillary is if she loses the 65+ demographic as well, allowing for the narrative that Bernie isn't just relying on the youth vote. Otherwise, I can't see any results in NH really shaking things up on the dem side. I guess if Hillary finishes within 10 or maybe 12 points of Sanders that would help, but it seems unlikely at this point.
edit- if that's how Hillary's faring among 18-34 year old women, is it possible that Bernie will crack 90% support among men in that age range?