So it's like Die Hard with a Vengeance?
Dammit, the election was just a distraction!
So it's like Die Hard with a Vengeance?
Is that even legal?
You need to register.
You do not need to designate a party, but you can.
In primaries, you can only vote for the party you designated (if you did not, then you don't vote).
so what's the verdict on Votecastr? hot garbage?
Let me ask something to those that probably know more than me...
1. You need to register to vote.
2. Why do you designate a party affiliation if you can just vote for anyone?
3. Said party affiliation during the primaries actually matters right? I recall people on both sides being upset they couldn't vote, and that apparently if you're registered independent you can go either way?
Thank you.
Is that even legal?
.Why Our VoteCastr Data Has Been Slow to Come in Today
Earlier today, we went live with VoteCastr’s early vote numbers from a set of seven battleground states. You can check out our analysis of the data from Colorado and look at the early-vote numbers from Florida, Iowa, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. VoteCastr is combining those early vote tallies with turnout-based estimates of votes being cast on Election Day to assess which candidate is leading in each of these states at any particular moment. You can now see those figures update on Slate in real time as they come in.
We had originally planned on bringing you those real-time estimates early this morning. There have been two issues, however, in getting this experiment off the ground. The first is that while VoteCastr’s trackers have been (and continue to be) out in the field today, VoteCastr’s data team ran into technical difficulties that prevented us from presenting that data on Slate. The second is that our data visualizations were designed to show a combination of early-vote and live turnout data. The unexpected delay before we started receiving that live turnout data meant our visualizations showed only early vote totals, which remained largely static this morning. Now that real-time turnout data has started pouring in, our visualizations should continue to update in real time.
Trump is the Dark Zone.
They made a sequel while we were not looking.So it's like Die Hard with a Vengeance?
Dammit, the election was just a distraction!
Do you possess the ability to read words
Edit: Nvm, is phrased weird, its in email tags in the post
So I guess we're assuming that NV heavy rural turnout is bad? I'm still thinking it'll hit blue by the end
So it's like Die Hard with a Vengeance?
Dammit, the election was just a distraction!
Plus Ralston has already said that it would be almost impossible to lose Nevada at this pointGuys, there are like 5 people in rural Nevada. We have a huge firewall, and we have no reports out of Clark county.
Loooolll, Clark County's response to that Trump lawsuit:
Guys, there are like 5 people in rural Nevada. We have a huge firewall, and we have no reports out of Clark county.
I see.It's amazing the panic a tweet can inspire
I'm having my traditional Election Day freakout. Somebody talk me down.
So good.
Some favourites:
Regardless of who wins, Breath of the Wild is 5 months away.
I don't know what that is.Regardless of who wins, Breath of the Wild is 5 months away.
The Division, Die Hard 3 references...
I feel like I'm in the company of family.
Where's the heavy NV rural turnout coming from? Haven't heard that yet.
Edit: Nevermind saw it
lol it's like 4k votes
Large turnout in Washington County, PA.
56% Romney.
Not hearing anything out of Philly though, anyone got something?
Jesus all the polls are Clinton +4
also for anyone else. quote my post to get the link.
Cartoon soldier go to bed
Man, you're just out there on the lookout for possible bad news, aren't you?
Washington County, from the looks of it, has been trending redder since 2000. John Kerry managed to win it by a slim margin, but Obama lost it twice.
I'm having my traditional Election Day freakout. Somebody talk me down.
He's just trying to lend a hand to the true believes to keep them calm. I can't blame himFrank Luntz says Clinton has a more than 95% chance of winning tonight......but Michigan could swing towards Trump. So there you go.
Regardless of who wins, Breath of the Wild is 5 months away.
I don't know what that is.