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PoliGAF 2016 |OT15| Orange is the New Black

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Even if she wins, she has no mandate. 4 year pres at this point. FML

that had always been the realistic expectation.

Being a cockblocking prez to prevent congress from going wild and to nominate SC folk would've been enough.

Chickens coming home to roost big time.

That feeling when you kill a candidate (Bernie) who had positive numbers with all the people Hillary has shit numbers with. Establishment democrats never cared that the majority of this country truly despises Hillary/ democrats for legitimate reasons that go beyond racism. Big fat I told you so from the leftist idealists who supposedly don't know what they're talking about.

If trump wins (or loses slightly) I hope dems realize what the fuck went wrong and get some sense for the years to come, but I suspect they'll continue to be stupid and blame everyone but themselves.

Anyone legit surprised by this result should start taking leftist critiques of democrats/clinton a lot more seriously.

Was wondering when you'd show up.
That feeling when I see that Trump was behind by 5 votes in my county in NJ..

(Edit) Never mind I don't know if it updates on the fly since NJ is closed polling, but it changed. D:


Chickens coming home to roost big time.

That feeling when you kill a candidate (Bernie) who had positive numbers with all the people Hillary has shit numbers with. Establishment democrats never cared that the majority of this country truly despises Hillary/ democrats for legitimate reasons that go beyond racism. Big fat I told you so from the leftist idealists who supposedly don't know what they're talking about.

If trump wins (or loses slightly) I hope dems realize what the fuck went wrong and get some sense for the years to come, but I suspect they'll continue to be stupid and blame everyone but themselves.

Anyone legit surprised by this result should start taking leftist critiques of democrats/clinton a lot more seriously.

Bernie lost. You can't just elect someone who didn't have the votes. And Sanders was an extremely flawed candidate as well.
And yea, given the way the evening has played out, I've given up hope.

I tried my best and convinced as many to vote as possible in my community. But America's true colors are shining this election quite clearly.
Why are white people so pissed off that they would literally see this country driven to ruin? Unemployment is down, wages are up... I mean, life is generally pretty good right? Haven't we made great strides since the fricking great recession? Why is there so much hate?

Fox News and poor whites that think Obama took their coal mining job.
I just... I can't believe it. I'm nauseous and scared. We've come so far in 8 years, and we're about to piss it all away. Don't Ask Don't Tell is probably going to get reinstated, gay marriage repealed, trade wars started, the economy is going to collapse, Global Warming will officially pass the point of no return, millions of people are going to die.

2 weeks ago, it all seemed so certain. Then Comey, And now, tonight, Trump massively overperforms. And here we are.


Picking up the feeling isn't the problem. Is when he started questioning Clinton on "wall street speeches" and a bunch of other bullshit that just implanted thoughts in peoples heads that she didn't give a damn about them.

Stop. This has nothing to do with Bernie... The American people have chosen.

And Bernie could have done nothing to change that.
i really don't want to be accelerationist but fuck, I can only hope American can wake the fuck up if Trump does some real fucking damage but I doubt it.

They won't. The white people now see they can mobilize and get their way. Republicans were never really punished by anything they did under Obama. In fact they were rewarded for it. Now if Trump wins they'll abuse all three branches to further cement power. Say goodbye to getting rid of gerrymandering with the Supreme Court we will get. It'll get challenged and back to states rights it will go.


Chickens coming home to roost big time.

That feeling when you kill a candidate (Bernie) who had positive numbers with all the people Hillary has shit numbers with. Establishment democrats never cared that the majority of this country truly despises Hillary/ democrats for legitimate reasons that go beyond racism. Big fat I told you so from the leftist idealists who supposedly don't know what they're talking about.

If trump wins (or loses slightly) I hope dems realize what the fuck went wrong and get some sense for the years to come, but I suspect they'll continue to be stupid and blame everyone but themselves.

Anyone legit surprised by this result should start taking leftist critiques of democrats/clinton a lot more seriously.
Yeah I absolutely hate thinking just what Bernie could have done.

This country was not going to be united after this election. It was going into conflict and Bernie had a better chance with those rural whites demanding shit be torn down than Hillary. And they're the ones who turned out bigger than anyone.
Chickens coming home to roost big time.

That feeling when you kill a candidate (Bernie) who had positive numbers with all the people Hillary has shit numbers with. Establishment democrats never cared that the majority of this country truly despises Hillary/ democrats for legitimate reasons that go beyond racism. Big fat I told you so from the leftist idealists who supposedly don't know what they're talking about.

If trump wins (or loses slightly) I hope dems realize what the fuck went wrong and get some sense for the years to come, but I suspect they'll continue to be stupid and blame everyone but themselves.

Anyone legit surprised by this result should start taking leftist critiques of democrats/clinton a lot more seriously.

Gtfo with this.

It's about rural white voters getting out like never before.

She beat him by 3 million votes


So many things have gone to Russia's favor over the years, Dugin's plan drawn up in the 90s needs a little bit of an update, but overall it's happening. Only big difference I'd say is he didn't expect relations to improve with Turkey.

With Trump as president, the US loses so much influence. Influence lost to Japan, as Russia is looking into normalizing relations with them. Influence lost in the Middle East. Influence completely gone at the UN. Any attempt to mend relations with Central or South America is not even thinkable. South East Asia is probably lost, it was always a long shot but over the next four years the US will probably give in considering how fast China is moving there.

I say what I said before; if I was Putin, as Trump is about to raise his hand to say "So help me God" I'd invade whatever country was on the list to invade, or whatever was at the top of the feasible list, in real-time. It would be an assured win.


In the absence of labor struggle, where people understand that their enemy is their economic overlords automating and shipping their jobs away with nothing to replace them, latent racist white people turn to scapegoating anyone else. This isn't difficult. It's not about the truth. It's about perception.
It's over guys. The left has got to reinvent itself now. SERIOUS changes have to occur within the Democratic party. All the Clintonite baggage has to be dropped. Her and her clique have no room at our table anymore. Obama will still be popular and hold some sway.
I mean, at this point, best case scenario is we find out Russia fucked with our voting numbers and Dems actually won.

Hm, reading that back, it sounds a lot like I'm going through the first stage of grief.


Trump will be impeached before he puts his hands on the bible, pence will be president and do everything congress wants. We're fucked.

Pence, for as bad as he would be, is at least a rational actor. America won't be on the brink with him as president.

But what you proposed won't happen anyway.
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