Even if she wins, she has no mandate. 4 year pres at this point. FML
that had always been the realistic expectation.
Being a cockblocking prez to prevent congress from going wild and to nominate SC folk would've been enough.
Chickens coming home to roost big time.
That feeling when you kill a candidate (Bernie) who had positive numbers with all the people Hillary has shit numbers with. Establishment democrats never cared that the majority of this country truly despises Hillary/ democrats for legitimate reasons that go beyond racism. Big fat I told you so from the leftist idealists who supposedly don't know what they're talking about.
If trump wins (or loses slightly) I hope dems realize what the fuck went wrong and get some sense for the years to come, but I suspect they'll continue to be stupid and blame everyone but themselves.
Anyone legit surprised by this result should start taking leftist critiques of democrats/clinton a lot more seriously.
Was wondering when you'd show up.