He's a monster. It's wonderful that this happened to Boston sports though.
the 2004 red sox is the gift that won't stop giving.
He's a monster. It's wonderful that this happened to Boston sports though.
Wow at the crowd at the Hillary rally
But what do Corey and Kellyane think about Lil Yachty's endorsement? Inquiring minds want to know.A bunch of old white people talking about Jay Z on CNN
that picture doesn't begin to illustrate how big that crowd actually is. it's only showing the well lit area.
that picture doesn't begin to illustrate how big that crowd actually is. it's only showing the well lit area.
Can Dad come out and play the harmonica with the boss please?
Get Bill out there on sax too.
that picture doesn't begin to illustrate how big that crowd actually is. it's only showing the well lit area.
Get Bill out there on sax too.
CNN just posted a video of Ana Navarro's saying why she voted for Hillary Clinton. It's basically her opinion piece from earlier in video form.
Volunteer like the good young Democrats you areI originally took tomorrow off with my girlfriend so that we could go voted, but we ended up voting early by mail because we are good young democrats.
Now we have a day off and we're not sure what to do with it. I kind of wish I was working because I would have something to distract me.
The HRC Snapchat filter is pretty cool. Maybe we'll play with that for 16 hours.
My locker room talk is "Where's the hot tub?"
That's my favorite.
Someone should tweet that pic to Kellyanne and send her into spin overdrive.
I originally took tomorrow off with my girlfriend so that we could go voted, but we ended up voting early by mail because we are good young democrats.
Now we have a day off and we're not sure what to do with it. I kind of wish I was working because I would have something to distract me.
The HRC Snapchat filter is pretty cool. Maybe we'll play with that for 16 hours.
Now we have a day off and we're not sure what to do with it. I kind of wish I was working because I would have something to distract me.
The HRC Snapchat filter is pretty cool. Maybe we'll play with that for 16 hours.
Trump: "Uh uh crowd size doesn't matter I have the yard signs!!"
Is there a livestream of the rally online so I don't have to listen to these putzes?
So my girlfriend (who goes to school in Kansas) just told me that she was at lunch with her friends, and she brought up the election.
Bad idea.
Several of her friends brought up that they were voting Trump because Hillary was going to ban M-rated video games.
Those anime avatar dudes on gaming side better watch out. DOAX3 is going to be the first to fall.
http://6abc.com/live/23387/Is there a livestream of the rally online so I don't have to listen to these putzes?
Wait until the numbers in Cali start coming in.I was about to make fun of those Hillary 50 Trump 44 predictions, but seeing and reading about those big turnout in blue states makes me think it's not impossible.
Washington Post has a livestream.
Is there a livestream of the rally online so I don't have to listen to these putzes?
One (GOP) polling firm is projecting a Trump victory: Trafalgar. It has Trump up in PA & CO & MI. How? He gets 27-28% of black vote in each:
Wait until the numbers in Cali start coming in.
This is where her lead will really come in. Latinos in Nevada and Florida are really exceeding expectations in the early vote... how do you think it's going to go in Cali?
I think the Electoral vote is going to shrink from Obama, losing a fewer whiter, less educated states, but it's not going to be close on the popular vote.
Those anime avatar dudes on gaming side better watch out. DOAX3 is going to be the first to fall.
I'm going to be the pessimist. I don't like the early vote numbers in Florida or North Carolina. I think Pennsylvania is within 2 points.
278 - 260
Hillary 49
Trump 46
50/50 Senate
There are a ton of people who couldn't even into the mall. You can see some of them here:
So apparently there's some sort of conspiracy that the Clinton foundation knowingly took money from countries that apparently also fund ISIS like saudi arabia? I know its most likely bullshit or something out of context and not fully explained since the only people reporting this is crappy sites like the daily caller, breitbart, and RT.
I dont really understand what this means, I wish there were sites that were actively debunking these rumors and fully explaining the context of the situation for uninformed people who have a hard time understanding this stuff and why its not a problem. Literally all I can find is reports from those crappy "news" sites. If i didn't know to not trust them I probably would have fallen down the clinton emails conspiracy train like so many people.