
Cannot fucking wait for that Rubio speech.
Cannot fucking wait for that Rubio speech.
Ohio isn't an important state in the general though. Missouri is a lot more important.
Can't wait to see how Bernies campaign argues Florida and Ohio aren't important in the general
Cannot fucking wait for that Rubio speech.
Holy shit, OH is gonna be a complete wipeout, isn't it?
Call Florida, dammit.
Kasich just went from +2 in Ohio to +14, still less than 1% reporting.
Chris Matthews just said politics is predictable.
You know. It'd be funny if the reason that Rubio was so sure was that there was a fix on it that would give him an incredible advantage, but Trump still destroyed him even with that.
Chris Matthews yearning for a Clinton/Kasich ticket.
Chris Matthews, fucking idiot.
Sanders campaign will likely be incredibly disappointed in the Ohio results.