The results in Ohio tonight are encouraging for Trump in Pennsylvania. That is if you ever thought Appalachia was anything other than in the bag for him.
Gabriel Debenedetti @gdebenedetti
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. Still no statement or comment at all from Sanders on today's results. He's scheduled to have zero public events tomorrow.
hey! I doubt it. His schedule was always supposed to be empty tomorrow. But we'll see if a statement of any kind comes.
Guys, we're going to have Obama, Hillary, Bill, Biden, Michelle, +other party leadership just shitting on Trump and the GOP for Six months.
I can't wait.
The superpacs have already gone in on Drumpf. He's gonna lose the women and minority vote by a shit-ton. And not win enough of the white vote to be a threat. Hillaryis45. Those puma's finally get their day in the sun lol
Just as Romney was your job killing boss, Trump will be what I don't know.
Hillary's team will do what Obama did in 2012, brand their opponent quickly and consistently before the GOP even has a chance to pull itself together. Just as Romney was your job killing boss, Trump will be what I don't know. But Hillary's team won't let anyone forget what he has said in the primary.
After tonight, Senator Sanders would have to carry every single state going forward, by a 15+ point margin in order to win the nomination. That's the case even in the remaining states in which he trails by huge margins.
Gabriel Debenedetti ‏@gdebenedetti 1m1 minute ago
As @tamarakeithNPR notes, no fundraising note has come in from Team Sanders either, tonight. That's unusual.
Gonna prosecute Hillary.Chris Christie strongly implied he will be Trump's Attorney General
What are the remaining winner take all states for tthe GOP?
Can't wait for the the revenge indictments of political enemies after the midterms!Chris Christie strongly implied he will be Trump's Attorney General
Hillary is going to have the best campaign surrogates of all times. Bill, Obama, Michelle Obama, Biden and Bernie if he ain't too sore about the whole thing. Them vs the hate machine of the GOP is no contest.
And with that, I'm gonna disappear from poligaf for a while. I'm just not excited enough about the nominees to wrap myself in the daily gaffes that ultimately won't stop Trump from getting blown out across the country (and he will). And, frankly, I've been putting a lot of time in here that I should really be putting toward my career and personal relationships. There are a lot more productive ways to spend my time and I'm not passionate enough about Hillary to distract myself with it all. I would say I'll vote for Hillary, but I'm in a safe blue state (California) so I'll probably pull the trigger for Jill Stein just to further drive the point home that younger voters are done with Bill's third way democrats. If there's any reason to believe Trump has even a narrow chance at CA, I'll vote for Hillary happily with no hesitation. I recognize that she's leagues better than anything the republicans could offer. But if Trump taking CA becomes a possibility, we're probably on the verge of committing some sort of genocide and have bigger problems to worry about.
In the Illinois loophole primary, there is rampant evidence Trump supporters gave fewer votes to Trump delegates w/ foreign-sounding names.
Interesting GOP result in #IL06: 2 Trump-bound delegates named Barbara Kois & Paul Minch won, but a 3rd named Nabi Fakroddin lost.
And in Downstate #IL13, a Trump-bound candidate named Raja Sadiq ran 3k votes behind 2 other Trump delegates and lost. Hmm... #WhatsInaName?
Oh course this happened. I saw the split ticket voting earlier, but I hadn't known foreign names were the issue.Hmm...why would Trump voters give someone named "Raja Sadiq" 6,393 fewer votes than a guy named "Doug Hartmann?" …
Bill kind of sucks at this now though. The rest will be though.
He didn't mention tonight at all and just did a standard stump speech.You know it bothers the hell out of me that Bernie doesn't thank the people that voted for him publicly even when he loses a state. Did he do that again tonight?
And with that, I'm gonna disappear from poligaf for a while. I'm just not excited enough about the nominees to wrap myself in the daily gaffes that ultimately won't stop Trump from getting blown out across the country (and he will). And, frankly, I've been putting a lot of time in here that I should really be putting toward my career and personal relationships. There are a lot more productive ways to spend my time and I'm not passionate enough about Hillary to distract myself with it all. I would say I'll vote for Hillary, but I'm in a safe blue state (California) so I'll probably pull the trigger for Jill Stein just to further drive the point home that younger voters are done with Bill's third way democrats. If there's any reason to believe Trump has even a narrow chance at CA, I'll vote for Hillary happily with no hesitation. I recognize that she's leagues better than anything the republicans could offer. But if Trump taking CA becomes a possibility, we're probably on the verge of committing some sort of genocide and have bigger problems to worry about.
I am turgid right now. It's almost not fair. 😄Guys, we're going to have Obama, Hillary, Bill, Biden, Michelle, +other party leadership just shitting on Trump and the GOP for Six months.
I can't wait.
I cameGuys, we're going to have Obama, Hillary, Bill, Biden, Michelle, +other party leadership just shitting on Trump and the GOP for Six months.
I can't wait.
You know it bothers the hell out of me that Bernie doesn't thank the people that voted for him publicly even when he loses a state. Did he do that again tonight?
You know it bothers the hell out of me that Bernie doesn't thank the people that voted for him publicly even when he loses a state. Did he do that again tonight?
He did not thank anyone. He's released no public statement at all about the results tonight. Nothing on Twitter. Absolutely nothing anywhere.
That shit just pisses me the hell off so much.
He didn't mention tonight at all and just did a standard stump speech.
He was in Arizona. Yeah.
He did not thank anyone. He's released no public statement at all about the results tonight. Nothing on Twitter. Absolutely nothing anywhere.
That shit just pisses me the hell off so much.
He did not thank anyone. He's released no public statement at all about the results tonight. Nothing on Twitter. Absolutely nothing anywhere.
That shit just pisses me the hell off so much.
He did not thank anyone. He's released no public statement at all about the results tonight. Nothing on Twitter. Absolutely nothing anywhere.
That shit just pisses me the hell off so much.
Bill kind of sucks at this now though. The rest will be though.
Hillary is going to have the best campaign surrogates of all times. Bill, Obama, Michelle Obama, Biden and Bernie if he ain't too sore about the whole thing. Them vs the hate machine of the GOP is no contest.
Guys, we're going to have Obama, Hillary, Bill, Biden, Michelle, +other party leadership just shitting on Trump and the GOP for Six months.
I can't wait.
Bill kind of sucks at this now though. The rest will be though.
Bill kind of sucks at this now though. The rest will be though.
Hmm? I haven't really seen any of his stump speeches this primary. I am just going to guess that if he did suck it was because he got burnt by Obama in 08 watched his step. He's still got a DNC 2012 speech or two in him. I know it.
Ah yes, I didn't think of that. I've been so glued to Illinois and Missouri.The results in Ohio tonight are encouraging for Trump in Pennsylvania. That is if you ever thought Appalachia was anything other than in the bag for him.
Just like when he pretty much pretended like SC didn't exist after getting blown out
Ugh. I hate that BS so much.
Wait he didn't even give HRC a congratulations?!
He's always bitter every time he loses. He doesn't hide it very well either.
Bernie statement.
There's always Twitter! Still waiting thoWait he didn't even give HRC a congratulations?!