Am I a bad gay if I don't like Mariah?
nobody got this one right?
You're slipping, PopliGAF.
I don't understand why we LGBT people are so terrifying to Republicans. I really don't. This is something I've never been able to wrap my mind around. How does who I happen to love impact your life in anyway shape or form? It's jut baffling to me.
I have a totally bullshit armchair psychology theory about this, at least the part involving fear of gay men.
Homophobic men subscribe to patriarchal attitudes. The ones that particularly apply here involve the implied one way power transfer in penetrative sex, the defining of male sexual desire as primally uncontrollable, the degradation of a woman's value through sexual acts, and rape culture. We all know about the horribly sexist ideas that men "conquer" women through sex, women who have been "used" are worthless and shunned, and that men can't control themselves when tempted by the proximity of a desirable woman, who would responsible for anything that happens to her anyway because she didn't avoid being a temptation to begin with.
So for the homophobic straight man who has been programmed this way, gay men are terrifying because he projects his own awful sexual attitudes and behavior onto them. The target of gay mens' sexual desire is other men, a group that includes the homophobic straight man, thereby putting him in the role of the woman as the desired object. They're men, so their sexual desires aren't controllable, so the homophobic straight man runs the risk of being sexually assaulted by gay men just by being around them. And of course, if the homophobic straight man is anally penetrated, he is now degraded and powerless by the rules of the game. His mental image of gay men is a mirror of his own sexual predatoriness. He's scared because he feels that gay men are to straight men as men are to women, and his warped perspective on how men and women interact sexually puts him in the role of powerless desired victim.
So all those nervous, "don't drop the soap heh heh" jokes and such, all the constant insistence upon loudly proclaiming their straightness, the reflexive anger and violence against anyone they think might be gay, it all stems from a deep fear of being on the other side of the patriarchally distorted sexual equation.
Short version: They're scared of gay guys raping them because they are themselves latent rapists.
References: Being a straight dude living around far too god damn many insecure homophobic dudes for far too god damn long.
Oh, and calm the fuck down people, etc etc yawn