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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Oh, did polling come out showing a drop amongst hispanic voter intention for him after those were aired in Florida? Can't recall any discernible before/after effect.

I mean, he lost the heavily Cuban/Hispanic counties in Florida by huge margins. I'm not sure it hurt him any more than he was already hurting. I think, though, if he got to the General, that would be played 24/7 along with him claiming to be a socialist.

Has Bernie even once congratulated Hillary on her wins? She always addresses him, even in defeat but I never hear him say jack. It's very frustrating that he doesn't follow decorum and i feel only helps encourage his supporters to dislike Hillary.

After SC, they ambushed him coming off the plane and he sorta congratulated her there.

Hell, he never thanks his volunteers/voters after primaries/caucuses. Right back on the stump.
I'm pretty sure most politicians do that, not just Bernie.
Most politicians don't give concession speeches, or don't thank their supporters and organisation in states that they lose, or both? I'm not sure about either being the common case.

It's understandable on days where there are numerous contests with mixed results.

But there've been more egregious examples when the result is basically ignored.

Like this is Donald Trump of all people.
Thank you very much. I love you people. I love you people. Thank you. Unbelievable. I have to start by saying, I simply love the people of Iowa. Unbelievable. So on June 16 when we started this journey, there were 17 candidates. I was told by everybody, "Do not go to Iowa. You couldn't finish in the top 10." I said, "I have friends in Iowa; I know a lot of people in Iowa; I think they'll really like me." They said, "Don't do it." I said, "I have to do it." And we finished second and I want to tell you something: I'm just honored. I'm really honored.

I want to congratulate Ted and all the incredible candidates, including Mike Huckabee, who's become a really good friend of mine.

Congratulations to everybody. Congratulations. I want to thank all of the folks that worked with us. We had a great team, and we'll continue to have a great team.


Has Bernie even once congratulated Hillary on her wins? She always addresses him, even in defeat but I never hear him say jack. It's very frustrating that he doesn't follow decorum and i feel only helps encourage his supporters to dislike Hillary.

I though you guys liked facts, yet you keep spreading BS like this.
Sanders supporters like Hills just fine, maybe what you are thinking about is Sander's youth supporters and even they prefer Hills over Trump at the moment. Perhaps you are thinking some online Sander supporters - well judging from this thread HillGaf hates Sanders so I'd say you guys are a part of that problem.
I don't particularly care. Go google for the others if you want.
He released a statement after SC, I don't really think he's given a concession speech after losing any states since EDIT: meant Nevada, originally wrote Iowa. But I could be mistaken. He's just given stump speeches, which is probably why the media doesn't even bother covering them anymore.

I think it's pretty normal
politics to give concession speeches.
He released a statement after SC, I don't really think he's given a concession speech after losing any states since EDIT: meant Nevada, originally wrote Iowa. But I could be mistaken. He's just given stump speeches, which is probably why the media doesn't even bother covering them anymore.

Which is ok. The question addressed, however, was
Has Bernie even once congratulated Hillary on her wins?


I though you guys liked facts, yet you keep spreading BS like this.
Sanders supporters like Hills just fine, maybe what you are thinking about is Sander's youth supporters and even they prefer Hills over Trump at the moment. Perhaps you are thinking some online Sander supporters - well judging from this thread HillGaf hates Sanders so I'd say you guys are a part of that problem.

What "BS" am I spreading?

I said "I feel like" it encourages his supporters to dislike Hillary. I wasn't claiming to state it, in fact, does.

I just like when political decorum is followed. 08 was much more heated and Hillary and Obama always addressed each other and acknowledged wins and competition.
I mean it's a pretty silly question. I don't think it even takes google to answer.

But my comment is more general discussion following on from the earlier comment from someone about his not thanking his supporters in states where he loses.

I don't actually think he needs to congratulate her. She doesn't really need to congratulate him either or praise the campaign he's running. She's doing it for electoral reasons anyway.

But his tendency to entirely ignore the actual happenings of the night when he loses, and in doing so not really acknowledging the work put in by people even though he lost could certainly be off-putting. It was terrible terrible optics when he gave a standard hour+ long regular rally when he lost South Carolina.


I mean it's a pretty silly question. I don't think it even takes google to answer.

But my comment is more general discussion following on from the earlier comment from someone about his not thanking his supporters in states where he loses.

I don't actually think he needs to congratulate her. She doesn't really need to congratulate him either or praise the campaign he's running. She's doing it for electoral reasons anyway.

But his tendency to entirely ignore the actual happenings of the night when he loses, and in doing so not really acknowledging the work put in by people even though he lost could certainly be offputting.

I think you got at it better than I was.
Come on Hillary, let's get higher!

Also PA Senate race:

Sestak 31 (+10)
McGinty 14 (+2)
Fetterman 7 (-1)

Kinda happy about those numbers. It kinda rubs me the wrong way how the establishment has been treating a perfectly fine and respectable candidate like Sestak just because he primaried some old DINO 6 years ago.


I got the sense he was just trying to game the media by getting free coverage from them when they were expecting a concession speech and he just continues giving his stump for the next states.

It's pretty clever when you think about it, but unfortunately for Sanders they had caught on by March 15 and didn't even bother cutting to him much.
I mean it's a pretty silly question. I don't think it even takes google to answer.

But my comment is more general discussion following on from the earlier comment from someone about his not thanking his supporters in states where he loses.

I don't actually think he needs to congratulate her. She doesn't really need to congratulate him either or praise the campaign he's running. She's doing it for electoral reasons anyway.

But his tendency to entirely ignore the actual happenings of the night when he loses, and in doing so not really acknowledging the work put in by people even though he lost could certainly be off-putting. It was terrible terrible optics when he gave a standard hour+ long regular rally when he lost South Carolina.

This is what gets me. You thank the people who helped you even if you lose. You don't just pretend the entire thing didn't happen and : la la la la : Millionaires, Billionaires. You should do that even if you lose...especially if you lose. Because I have volunteered in the past, I'm probably more attune to this than a lot of people would be.

The congratulating the opposition is just something that's good manners too. It's lip service, but you do it anyway. I goes back to what I said earlier, though. He doesn't ever tailor his stump speech for his crowd. It's millionaires, billionaires, $27 and corrupt campaign finance system. Rinse and repeat. Hillary is always making her speech local. She'll mention the mayor or the Congress person. She'll mention businesses in the area. That's how you stump effectively.


So 3 people were arrested on Saturday in AZ. 2 were white guys and were released right away. The woman was detained overnight and sent to ICE, despite being a US citizen. She is Hispanic.
Yeah protesting while brown is always a risk. Especially with Sheriff Racist McRacist calling shots
so trump basically argued "my wife is hot and yours is not," this evening.

This is the likely GOP nominee.

I never thought we'd ever get to this point in my life.

My god is he fucking sexist. That shit was gross.

After my girlfriend found out, she had enough. She's voting for the first time in her life because of Trump.

So the GOP could lose their women vote, what do they got left?


This is what gets me. You thank the people who helped you even if you lose. You don't just pretend the entire thing didn't happen and : la la la la : Millionaires, Billionaires. You should do that even if you lose...especially if you lose. Because I have volunteered in the past, I'm probably more attune to this than a lot of people would be.

The congratulating the opposition is just something that's good manners too. It's lip service, but you do it anyway. I goes back to what I said earlier, though. He doesn't ever tailor his stump speech for his crowd. It's millionaires, billionaires, $27 and corrupt campaign finance system. Rinse and repeat. Hillary is always making her speech local. She'll mention the mayor or the Congress person. She'll mention businesses in the area. That's how you stump effectively.

And this is exactly why I blame Bernie Sanders for the delusional way many of his supporters behave. It's not them, it's him and his campaign. We can't in one breath call Trump out for the actions of his supporters and then in the next breath absolve Bernie for the behavior of his people just because they're not out there punching folks in the face.

Speech after speech we've watched Bernie whip his supporters into a frenzy with his "Us vs. The Evil Establishment" spiel. Time and time again we've seen him deflect genuine critique of his plans with accusations of conspiracy (Oh, these economists don't agree with my numbers? That's because they're in Hillary's camp.) We've watched him attack other Democrats almost as often as he attacks Republicans. We've watched him label groups like Planned Parenthood as part of The Establishment in the pejorative sense simply for not endorsing him. We've watched him demonize Hillary Clinton to the point that he won't even congratulate her when he loses. It's no wonder his supporters are seeing boogiemen around every corner at this point.
And this is exactly why I blame Bernie Sanders for the delusional way many of his supporters behave. It's not them, it's him and his campaign. We can't in one breath call Trump out for the actions of his supporters and then in the next breath absolve Bernie for the behavior of his people just because they're not out there punching folks in the face.


As for The Establishment, he probably legit holds that view. Given that telling him to fuck off with that viewpoint will only reenforce it, it is on those that wish to court the voter share he appeals to to find a way to resonate with them.

Or to give up on their vote entirely.
Uh... shouldn't they at least try to keep that a secret until its over? What do they gain by announcing that?

The Iraqi army has been slowly building up a large body of troops in a base near Makhmur for the last month or so. ISIS clearly knows about it and has been firing mortars at the base. The marine that was killed last week was part of that. So its not like they're losing the element of surprise here.

Well, the Iraqi Army has sucked at everything in the last few years, but we'll see.

The Iraqis have made a lot of progress in the last two years. They now have enough soldiers willing to fight that, combined with coalition airstrikes, they can basically roll over ISIS outside of the cities that are protected by hundreds of IEDs.


Bernie is a really poor sport and does not handle losing well. Furthermore he plays on the political ineptness of his young supporters and it's kind of sickening to see how blatantly obvious it is to anyone who has a better understanding of US politics. I used to have a lot of respect for him. He's an independent "socialist" running as a Democrat despite acting like he has little to no allegiance to the party. Frankly he's a 74 year old spoiled brat and his is behavior is toxic.

Also I'm really tired of the word "establishment". Sanders has caucused with and sponsored bills with these people forever now. Including the ACA. He's so full of shit.


Bernie is a really poor sport and does not handle losing well. Furthermore he plays on the political ineptness of his young supporters and it's kind of sickening to see how blatantly obvious it is to anyone who has a better understanding of US politics. I used to have a lot of respect for him. He's an independent "socialist" running as a Democrat despite acting like he has little to no allegiance to the party. Frankly he's a 74 year old spoiled brat and his is behavior is toxic.

Also I'm really tired of the word "establishment". Sanders has caucused with and sponsored bills with these people forever now. Including the ACA. He's so full of shit.

Thank you for demonstrating my point.


Bernie is a really poor sport and does not handle losing well. Furthermore he plays on the political ineptness of his young supporters and it's kind of sickening to see how blatantly obvious it is to anyone who has a better understanding of US politics. I used to have a lot of respect for him. He's an independent "socialist" running as a Democrat despite acting like he has little to no allegiance to the party. Frankly he's a 74 year old spoiled brat and his is behavior is toxic.

Also I'm really tired of the word "establishment". Sanders has caucused with and sponsored bills with these people forever now. Including the ACA. He's so full of shit.

Keep going Bernie, fire in the sky-e-i !


Can't we just all get along? Take the Queen into your hearts, for she is the way, and the truth, and the life. None shall come unto the throne except through her. For yea, she doth stand against those who would besmirch her and our most beloved Democrat Party, and though the minions of Trump or Cruz or Sanders would overwhelm her she cannot be undone, for the hour of her coronation is near at hand.


Can't we just all get along? Take the Queen into your hearts, for she is the way, and the truth, and the life. None shall come unto the throne except through her. For yea, she doth stand against those who would besmirch her and our most beloved Democrat Party, and though the minions of Trump or Cruz or Sanders would overwhelm her she cannot be undone, for the hour of her coronation is near at hand.

I'm glad that my Facebook friends aren't annoying crazies sometimes. I had a lot of friends who were Bernie supporters, but they've all pretty much chilled since the race is pretty easy to read by now. At this point, the only posts I still see about Bernie are from the band Cake, and I expect it from them.


Bernie is a really poor sport and does not handle losing well. Furthermore he plays on the political ineptness of his young supporters and it's kind of sickening to see how blatantly obvious it is to anyone who has a better understanding of US politics. I used to have a lot of respect for him. He's an independent "socialist" running as a Democrat despite acting like he has little to no allegiance to the party. Frankly he's a 74 year old spoiled brat and his is behavior is toxic.

Also I'm really tired of the word "establishment". Sanders has caucused with and sponsored bills with these people forever now. Including the ACA. He's so full of shit.

"Establishment" ost all meaning when he called planned parenthood "establishment".

User 406

Am I a bad gay if I don't like Mariah?

Jesus, nobody got this one right?


You're slipping, PopliGAF.

I don't understand why we LGBT people are so terrifying to Republicans. I really don't. This is something I've never been able to wrap my mind around. How does who I happen to love impact your life in anyway shape or form? It's jut baffling to me.

I have a totally bullshit armchair psychology theory about this, at least the part involving fear of gay men.

Homophobic men subscribe to patriarchal attitudes. The ones that particularly apply here involve the implied one way power transfer in penetrative sex, the defining of male sexual desire as primally uncontrollable, the degradation of a woman's value through sexual acts, and rape culture. We all know about the horribly sexist ideas that men "conquer" women through sex, women who have been "used" are worthless and shunned, and that men can't control themselves when tempted by the proximity of a desirable woman, who would responsible for anything that happens to her anyway because she didn't avoid being a temptation to begin with.

So for the homophobic straight man who has been programmed this way, gay men are terrifying because he projects his own awful sexual attitudes and behavior onto them. The target of gay mens' sexual desire is other men, a group that includes the homophobic straight man, thereby putting him in the role of the woman as the desired object. They're men, so their sexual desires aren't controllable, so the homophobic straight man runs the risk of being sexually assaulted by gay men just by being around them. And of course, if the homophobic straight man is anally penetrated, he is now degraded and powerless by the rules of the game. His mental image of gay men is a mirror of his own sexual predatoriness. He's scared because he feels that gay men are to straight men as men are to women, and his warped perspective on how men and women interact sexually puts him in the role of powerless desired victim.

So all those nervous, "don't drop the soap heh heh" jokes and such, all the constant insistence upon loudly proclaiming their straightness, the reflexive anger and violence against anyone they think might be gay, it all stems from a deep fear of being on the other side of the patriarchally distorted sexual equation.

Short version: They're scared of gay guys raping them because they are themselves latent rapists. :p

References: Being a straight dude living around far too god damn many insecure homophobic dudes for far too god damn long.

Oh, and calm the fuck down people, etc etc yawn


So, there's something like 100 naturally occurring GOP unpledged delegates and about another ~75 who become unpledged from people dropping out.

If Trump is a few short on the first ballot, say 0-50, I think he still wins outright. If he's like 150+ out, I think Cruz probably wins, especially if he manages to close the gap any further. If he's 50-150 short things will probably get really messy and ugly.

It's really hard to see a Romney or Kasich win happening, but who knows.

Increasingly less worried about Trump as the "wild card" over time. I don't care how well he does with high school educated white men. The man will have historically poor numbers with white women, college educated whites, and suburbanites. This is before considering the most legendary hispanic turnout of all time.


in order to have that legendary hispanic turnout they have to be registered. 12+ million are not. No way that gets done in eight months to turn TX and AZ blue.


Not that many Bernie bros post here because you can't make facts go away by downvoting them.
Or maybe not many Bernie supporters post here because of assholes posting condescending shitposts.

I've honestly lost a lot of respect for much of poliGAF during this primary. A lot of you have been no better than the shitty nonvoting Sanders supporters you love talking about so much.

pigeon, you're still cool.


This might be getting a little ahead of myself but...on November 9th, after America has voted and Trump has soundly lost. What do you think he does?

Go into hiding? He should, but I doubt he will. But he'll certainly become the biggest laughing stock of the last 100 years.


This might be getting a little ahead of myself but...on November 9th, after America has voted and Trump has soundly lost. What do you think he does?

Go into hiding? He should, but I doubt he will. But he'll certainly become the biggest laughing stock of the last 100 years.

The following Hillary/Trump meeting that would surely ensue would be the most bizarre meeting of all time. What do they say to each other after 6 months of mudslinging? Do we see Trump goffing on the WH lawn 6 months later? Is Chelsie and Ivanka still friends?


Overall I just really find gaf's dislike towards sanders campaign so interesting honestly.

I mean, it's at least partly because of conversations just like the one you just instigated.

This post is like a Jehovah's Witness saying "it's so interesting to me how people don't like talking about religion." Maybe, just maybe, there's a problem with the medium as well as the message.
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