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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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I'm just trying to grasp what exactly it is you're on about if you are actually trying to engage in any sort of discussion. Because I'm not sure why else someone would try to make some sort of flawed point. Get shown the flaw. And then completely ignore what they tried to do being disproven.

It's not some fight for democracy. Because the will of the people only apparently matters in places he won. Where she won, well they should choose him and ignore the voters.

It's a desperation play thought up by his idiot staff like Tad Devine.

You seem to be completely certain that your quote he is referring to states he didn't win in. He is not. The whole video that quote is from has him repeating how in states HE won in, he believes it's not crazy for an argument to be made to those superdelegates that they should go with what the majority of there state went for. You cut a quote which makes it seem like he's trying to argue every super delegate in hilary territory should not go with hilary.


You seem to be completely certain that your quote he is referring to states he didn't win in. He is not. The whole video that quote is from has him repeating how in states HE won in he think it's not crazy for an argument to be made to them that they should go with what the majority of there state went for. You cut a quote which makes it seem like he's trying to argue every super delegate in hilary territory should not go with hilary.

DICKERSON: But if they didn’t — if they didn’t come from a state that you won, they shouldn’t feel compelled to go for you?

SANDERS: Well, that’s — legally, they have their own decision to be made. They have their own right to make that decision. But I would argue that many of these superdelegates, for them, what is most important, as it is for me and Secretary Clinton, by the way, is making sure that no Republican occupies the White House. And if people conclude by the end of this campaign, if we have the energy — and it’s an if — if we win a number of states — that’s also an if — but if that is the factor, and it appears that I am the stronger candidate against Trump, I think you’re going to see some superdelegates saying, you know what? I like Hillary Clinton, but I want to win this thing. Bernie is our guy.

He's talking about states that he did not win.
june 15th will be my favorite day of this year until november 9th.

this post is completely unrelated to the rest of this conversation.

no it's not


Overall I just really find gaf's dislike towards sanders campaign so interesting honestly.

It's not dislike of his campaign, but more toward his supporters. To be honest I used to have a good impression of Sanders, but now it's soiled because of his supporters. The faster he drops out, the faster I don't have hear anymore from his supporters.
Overall I just really find gaf's dislike towards sanders campaign so interesting honestly.

Sanders fans are the new puppy running along yapping all the time dreaming of steak because their 1st meal was hamburger. We're the grumpy old dogs who finally got a decent home after 8 years of being stray and just want a slightly better can of Alpo because we know the alternative is going back to the pound for another four years.
Overall I just really find gaf's dislike towards sanders campaign so interesting honestly.

I think it's fair criticism that Bernie's campaign has done some things that anger a lot of people who have been involved in Democratic politics for a while. I absolutely cannot stand the way he ignores the contests that are going on, doesn't thank his supporters, and the way he often refuses to congratulate Hillary when she wins. I don't like him throwing the party under the bus. I can't stand the shit Devine and Weaver are pulling, because it's asinine and not an effective way to run a campaign. I hate that he has squandered the youth support he was able to gain.

These are criticisms of his campaign more than him. Although he's doing a great job of irking me too. Which I'm sure he loses a ton of sleep over. Definitely.
if i didn't have to constantly engage with some of his more rabid supporters on every social media platform for the past three months i'd probably be less outwardly hostile, but alas
One big problem with B investing so much time in California, is that it is SO LATE into the game, that after NY, PA, NJ, everyone is just going to naturally coalesce onto Hillary.





Overall I just really find gaf's dislike towards sanders campaign so interesting honestly.

Not his campaign or his stances. A lot of his ideas are interesting, while possibly challenging to put into motion.

His ravenous supporters who froth at the mouth at any negative comment made about him, who balk at any mention that Hillary will be the nominee and the president, and who completely ignore math are what causes a lot of people to really be sour on Bernie.
I don't know how any of you watch Morning Joe without a Bloody Mary or a Mimosa. I couldn't go into that clusterfuck sober.

Edit: Fuck now I want a mimosa. And Eggs Benedict. And grapefruit. Basically, I want brunch.
I don't know how any of you watch Morning Joe without a Bloody Mary or a Mimosa. I couldn't go into that clusterfuck sober.

Edit: Fuck now I want a mimosa. And Eggs Benedict. And grapefruit. Basically, I want brunch.

Usually about an hour of Morning Joe helps with my insomnia (not joking)


I think it's fair criticism that Bernie's campaign has done some things that anger a lot of people who have been involved in Democratic politics for a while. I absolutely cannot stand the way he ignores the contests that are going on, doesn't thank his supporters, and the way he often refuses to congratulate Hillary when she wins. I don't like him throwing the party under the bus. I can't stand the shit Devine and Weaver are pulling, because it's asinine and not an effective way to run a campaign. I hate that he has squandered the youth support he was able to gain.

These are criticisms of his campaign more than him. Although he's doing a great job of irking me too. Which I'm sure he loses a ton of sleep over. Definitely.

that's why we brews like bernie, the fireworks show has only just begin

fuck your rules, dnc (dws)

buncha cheaters


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Overall I just really find gaf's dislike towards sanders campaign so interesting honestly.

I think (with some exceptions), people don't dislike Bernie Sanders. I think a lot of PoliGAF thinks his campaign leadership is incompetent and has a proven record of incompetence. I think too many people like to link to Reddit and other threads for TEH LULZ and we discourage that.

Less abstractly and more specifically, though, I don't understand why I see post after post by you that boils down to nothing more than "lmao hilgaf" or some variant of that as you completely ignore people actually responding to you. How are you not embarrassed by this last chain? Go watch the video? His answer is right in front of you in text.

If you aren't going to engage with people honestly, then why bother? I don't understand.

Frankly I think shinra was extremely patient with you so I'm not sure why you think he threatened you.


Jesus the Sanders reddit has gone completely down the rabbit hole regarding Arizona and voter fraud. In a really expressing, 'Hillaryis44' way. Clintons legal guy posted a really good comment about voter fraud and voter suppression and how it was important for all democrats to fight it, and they just tore it to shreds.

The thing is, 'Hillaryis44' was a tiny part of her 2008 campaign that everyone mocked from the start. The Sanders forPresident Reddit IS his campaign, and it's worrying to see them going down a dark hole like this.
Jesus the Sanders reddit has gone completely down the rabbit hole regarding Arizona and voter fraud. In a really expressing, 'Hillaryis44' way. Clintons legal guy posted a really good comment about voter fraud and voter suppression and how it was important for all democrats to fight it, and they just tore it to shreds.

The thing is, 'Hillaryis44' was a tiny part of her 2008 campaign that everyone mocked from the start. The Sanders forPresident Reddit IS his campaign, and it's worrying to see them going down a dark hole like this.

It's still a vocal group within that area that have these crazy views.
Jesus the Sanders reddit has gone completely down the rabbit hole regarding Arizona and voter fraud. In a really expressing, 'Hillaryis44' way. Clintons legal guy posted a really good comment about voter fraud and voter suppression and how it was important for all democrats to fight it, and they just tore it to shreds.

The thing is, 'Hillaryis44' was a tiny part of her 2008 campaign that everyone mocked from the start. The Sanders forPresident Reddit IS his campaign, and it's worrying to see them going down a dark hole like this.

They'll relax eventually. For a lot of them, this is the first time they've probably ever followed any type of election in their lives. Bernie is their shiny new toy, and, speaking from experience, it can physically hurt when people reject the person you just know is 1000% the right choice. (And then afterwards, you feel like a tool for every not trusting in the other person...believe me, been there.)

They've developed a coping strategy that's quite interesting. If Bernie wins, everything is fine. No problems at all. However, if Hillary wins, its never, ever Bernie's fault. In Iowa, it was VIRTUAL TIE how dare she claim she won!? In Nevada, it was the big, bad unions allowing their people to vote. (But at least he won the Latino vote.) In most of Super Tuesday, it didn't count because Red States don't count, except for when they do. Florida didn't count because old people, and early voting is voter fraud and disenfranchisement. SC didn't count because all the dumb people didn't have Internet. Mass didn't count because Bill managed to block 20,000 people from voting. AZ didn't count because of early voting and long lines that had nothing to do with Hillary.


Yeah, Bernie never thanks Hillary like Hillary thanks Bernie. He's a jerk.

Hopefully he stops going down the rabbit hole and starts coming to his senses. I doubt it though. Please don't fuck this up for us Bernie.
He praised Fidel Castro in the 1980s and a few weeks ago he failed to admit he was wrong. He also praised the Sandinistas. By his own admission, he said he's going to raise taxes on everyone.

Oh, did polling come out showing a drop amongst hispanic voter intention for him after those were aired in Florida? Can't recall any discernible before/after effect.
Bernie doesn't have to thank Hillary for anything, but when he doesn't thank the states that he loses it bothers me. I don't know why but it does. People have fought really hard for him everywhere and it isn't there fault if they couldn't pull it off. A lot of my friends are getting involved and pushing hard for Bernie in CT, and it would upset me if he loses here and he doesn't acknowledge their effort, just Deleware or some other state he won that day
Jesus the Sanders reddit has gone completely down the rabbit hole regarding Arizona and voter fraud. In a really expressing, 'Hillaryis44' way. Clintons legal guy posted a really good comment about voter fraud and voter suppression and how it was important for all democrats to fight it, and they just tore it to shreds.

The thing is, 'Hillaryis44' was a tiny part of her 2008 campaign that everyone mocked from the start. The Sanders forPresident Reddit IS his campaign, and it's worrying to see them going down a dark hole like this.

Noooooo it's not. That subreddit has 213,000 subscribers. That's not even half the amount of votes he got in North Carolina, a state he lost by 15 points. No matter what you might like to believe, the Bernie subreddit is a trivial amount of people.

I don't think you find it "worrying". I think you want to push the point that Hillary attracts better supporters or something to that effect.

VendettaRed07 said:
Bernie doesn't have to thank Hillary for anything, but when he doesn't thank the states that he loses it bothers me. I don't know why but it does. People have fought really hard for him everywhere and it isn't there fault if they couldn't pull it off. A lot of my friends are getting involved and pushing hard for Bernie in CT, and it would upset me if he loses her and doesn't acknowledge their effort, just Deleware or some other state he won that day

I'm pretty sure most politicians do that, not just Bernie.


Yeah, Bernie never thanks Hillary like Hillary thanks Bernie. He's a jerk.

Hopefully he stops going down the rabbit hole and starts coming to his senses. I doubt it though. Please don't fuck this up for us Bernie.

Has Bernie even once congratulated Hillary on her wins? She always addresses him, even in defeat but I never hear him say jack. It's very frustrating that he doesn't follow decorum and i feel only helps encourage his supporters to dislike Hillary.
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