I'm just trying to grasp what exactly it is you're on about if you are actually trying to engage in any sort of discussion. Because I'm not sure why else someone would try to make some sort of flawed point. Get shown the flaw. And then completely ignore what they tried to do being disproven.
It's not some fight for democracy. Because the will of the people only apparently matters in places he won. Where she won, well they should choose him and ignore the voters.
It's a desperation play thought up by his idiot staff like Tad Devine.
You seem to be completely certain that your quote he is referring to states he didn't win in. He is not. The whole video that quote is from has him repeating how in states HE won in he think it's not crazy for an argument to be made to them that they should go with what the majority of there state went for. You cut a quote which makes it seem like he's trying to argue every super delegate in hilary territory should not go with hilary.
DICKERSON: But if they didnt if they didnt come from a state that you won, they shouldnt feel compelled to go for you?
SANDERS: Well, thats legally, they have their own decision to be made. They have their own right to make that decision. But I would argue that many of these superdelegates, for them, what is most important, as it is for me and Secretary Clinton, by the way, is making sure that no Republican occupies the White House. And if people conclude by the end of this campaign, if we have the energy and its an if if we win a number of states thats also an if but if that is the factor, and it appears that I am the stronger candidate against Trump, I think youre going to see some superdelegates saying, you know what? I like Hillary Clinton, but I want to win this thing. Bernie is our guy.
The question from Dickinson is about states he didn't win.
i don't know man, watch the video again.
bolding certain parts doesn't help real context.
Like for realz am I being trolled.
The reason she had to show up because of that god damn McCainFeingold act. Well played McCain, well played.Until she shows up at the end :-\
Ugh, she's so awkward. Awkward Ann. Sad!
The reason she had to show up because of that god damn McCainFeingold act. Well played McCain, well played.
june 15th will be my favorite day of this year until november 9th.
this post is completely unrelated to the rest of this conversation.
no it's not
Overall I just really find gaf's dislike towards sanders campaign so interesting honestly.He might not concede on the 15th. Might have to wait until the 16th. I'm going to open the good booze.
i don't know man, watch the video again.
bolding certain parts doesn't help real context.
Overall I just really find gaf's dislike towards sanders campaign so interesting honestly.
Overall I just really find gaf's dislike towards sanders campaign so interesting honestly.
BREAKING: Iraq says long-awaited operation to retake city of Mosul from Islamic State group has started
Not that many Bernie bros post here because you can't make facts go away by downvoting them.Overall I just really find gaf's dislike towards sanders campaign so interesting honestly.
Overall I just really find gaf's dislike towards sanders campaign so interesting honestly.
Not that many Bernie bros post here because you can't make facts go away by downvoting them.
Overall I just really find gaf's dislike towards sanders campaign so interesting honestly.
Props to Ted for handling that well
Ted Cruz is a despicable piece of trash like Trump. He's not a real man.
Yeah, that isn't happening.Nate Silver has released his electoral map projection if women decided not to vote for Trump entirely:
I don't know how any of you watch Morning Joe without a Bloody Mary or a Mimosa. I couldn't go into that clusterfuck sober.
Edit: Fuck now I want a mimosa. And Eggs Benedict. And grapefruit. Basically, I want brunch.
I think it's fair criticism that Bernie's campaign has done some things that anger a lot of people who have been involved in Democratic politics for a while. I absolutely cannot stand the way he ignores the contests that are going on, doesn't thank his supporters, and the way he often refuses to congratulate Hillary when she wins. I don't like him throwing the party under the bus. I can't stand the shit Devine and Weaver are pulling, because it's asinine and not an effective way to run a campaign. I hate that he has squandered the youth support he was able to gain.
These are criticisms of his campaign more than him. Although he's doing a great job of irking me too. Which I'm sure he loses a ton of sleep over. Definitely.
Overall I just really find gaf's dislike towards sanders campaign so interesting honestly.
Jesus the Sanders reddit has gone completely down the rabbit hole regarding Arizona and voter fraud. In a really expressing, 'Hillaryis44' way. Clintons legal guy posted a really good comment about voter fraud and voter suppression and how it was important for all democrats to fight it, and they just tore it to shreds.
The thing is, 'Hillaryis44' was a tiny part of her 2008 campaign that everyone mocked from the start. The Sanders forPresident Reddit IS his campaign, and it's worrying to see them going down a dark hole like this.
Jesus the Sanders reddit has gone completely down the rabbit hole regarding Arizona and voter fraud. In a really expressing, 'Hillaryis44' way. Clintons legal guy posted a really good comment about voter fraud and voter suppression and how it was important for all democrats to fight it, and they just tore it to shreds.
The thing is, 'Hillaryis44' was a tiny part of her 2008 campaign that everyone mocked from the start. The Sanders forPresident Reddit IS his campaign, and it's worrying to see them going down a dark hole like this.
Typical Cruz response.You swallowed it after it went into the toilet???
It'll be nice when the primary is over and we can all go back to hating the Republicans together again.
#nevertrump, let's go for the Muslim patrol precision carpet bombing guy.Mika Brzezinski is in a real foul mood.
You've been done.
Do your research before your driveby shit posts.
Yeah, Bernie never thanks Hillary like Hillary thanks Bernie. He's a jerk.
Hopefully he stops going down the rabbit hole and starts coming to his senses. I doubt it though. Please don't fuck this up for us Bernie.
He praised Fidel Castro in the 1980s and a few weeks ago he failed to admit he was wrong. He also praised the Sandinistas. By his own admission, he said he's going to raise taxes on everyone.
Jesus the Sanders reddit has gone completely down the rabbit hole regarding Arizona and voter fraud. In a really expressing, 'Hillaryis44' way. Clintons legal guy posted a really good comment about voter fraud and voter suppression and how it was important for all democrats to fight it, and they just tore it to shreds.
The thing is, 'Hillaryis44' was a tiny part of her 2008 campaign that everyone mocked from the start. The Sanders forPresident Reddit IS his campaign, and it's worrying to see them going down a dark hole like this.
VendettaRed07 said:Bernie doesn't have to thank Hillary for anything, but when he doesn't thank the states that he loses it bothers me. I don't know why but it does. People have fought really hard for him everywhere and it isn't there fault if they couldn't pull it off. A lot of my friends are getting involved and pushing hard for Bernie in CT, and it would upset me if he loses her and doesn't acknowledge their effort, just Deleware or some other state he won that day
Yeah, Bernie never thanks Hillary like Hillary thanks Bernie. He's a jerk.
Hopefully he stops going down the rabbit hole and starts coming to his senses. I doubt it though. Please don't fuck this up for us Bernie.
Has Bernie even once congratulated Hillary on her wins? She always addresses him, even in defeat but I never hear him say jack. It's very frustrating that he doesn't follow decorum and i feel only helps encourage his supporters to dislike Hillary.