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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Fucking dead.


Sanders has run a campaign based off of white male privilege and you need not go to far to see examples of this. Yesterday's interview with Cenk Uygur most definitely exemplifies this - especially the comments he made about how the Democratic party is the party for the upper middle class and the "cocktail crowd". The fact that he's going around outlining conditions for his support during the general when he's had 30 years to enact any type of reform in Congress and failed highlights how out of touch with reality he really is. I don't know if Weaver or Devine are to blame or if he's just that stubborn and self-involved, but I sense nothing humble about this man when he talks.


Good luck to Cruz if he tries to steal the nomination away at the convention. A large portion of the base is already turning on him. it would be an even bigger blowout in November. They're basically fucked either way.


Is it weird that I kind of believe Cruz when he says he's going to beat Trump for the nomination? Trump has to do REALLY well from here on out to get the 500 delegates he needs to clinch it outright, and Cruz's campaign are such numbers and logistics wonks that I have to imagine they've crunched an at least somewhat credible path to denying Trump the nomination for themselves.

I don't know if it was posted, but Cruz just picked up a ton of delegates in LA and slots on the RNC rule writing committee.


Donald Trump beat Sen. Ted Cruz earlier this month in Louisiana’s Republican presidential primary by 3.6 percentage points, but the Texan may wind up with as many as 10 more delegates from the state than the businessman.

Mr. Cruz’s supporters also seized five of Louisiana’s six slots on the three powerful committees that will write the rules and platform at the Republican National Convention and mediate disputes over delegates’ eligibility this summer in Cleveland.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Good luck to Cruz if he tries to steal the nomination away at the convention. A large portion of the base is already turning on him. it would be an even bigger blowout in November. They're basically fucked either way.

That Monmouth poll yesterday about how many republicans won't vote if the delegate leader gets screwed over pretty much tell the story.

I don't know how to feel about the fact that threats from business are being used for good now.

"Nice all-star game you've got there, shame if anything happened to it."


FGC Waterboy
So my Kos diary is still on the Rec list.

I also managed to do 3 hours of phone banking today for Queen, mainly to WA, as that's the numbers they fed me.

Dang it Adam, was it you who called me? :p

Oh man, if Cruz eventually endorses Trump, Vic Berger will tear a hole in spacetime.

Actually, he was a full member, but he got juniored for posting too many threads trolling the shit out of Bernie fans. So the junior status only prevents him from making new threads, but it doesn't make regular bans insta-perms.

Probably just best to ask a mod, tbh. Wouldn't be terribly surprised if he got permed though.


Sanders has run a campaign based off of white male privilege and you need not go to far to see examples of this. Yesterday's interview with Cenk Uygur most definitely exemplifies this - especially the comments he made about how the Democratic party is the party for the upper middle class and the "cocktail crowd". The fact that he's going around outlining conditions for his support during the general when he's had 30 years to enact any type of reform in Congress and failed highlights how out of touch with reality he really is. I don't know if Weaver or Devine are to blame or if he's just that stubborn and self-involved, but I sense nothing humble about this man when he talks.

Neoliberals seem to be privileged, wealthy, taken care of.

Sanders campaign is for the underprivileged, the disenfranchised, working class. They can't afford obamacare, can't afford education. Crap jobs, disappearing jobs.


Neoliberals seem to be privileged, wealthy, taken care of.

Sanders campaign is for the underprivileged, the disenfranchised, working class. They can't afford obamacare, can't afford education. Crap jobs, disappearing jobs.
Ah yes, so he's going to raise taxes on the lower income, disabled and seniors just so that they can get health care that they already get with Medicaid to subsidize higher income people's health care. And he's going to give free tuition to all by having Republican governors co-operate with the federal government and contribute their fair share. Ha.
Dang it Adam, was it you who called me? :p

Probably just best to ask a mod, tbh. Wouldn't be terribly surprised if he got permed though.

Maybe lol. Did I sound like a girl? If so....maybe :p

Lots of nice people that I spoke with. i'm surprised how good the numbers were this time. In 2008, the were shit, Once I got to Obama's side, they were damn good.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Ah yes, so he's going to raise taxes on the lower income, disabled and seniors just so that they can get health care that they already get with Medicaid to subsidize higher income people's health care. And he's going to give free tuition to all by having Republican governors co-operate with the federal government and contribute their fair share. Ha.

That Monmouth poll yesterday about how many republicans won't vote if the delegate leader gets screwed over pretty much tell the story.

Everyone always talks about how large of a percentage of Republican voters would be unhappy with Trump, but the polls show that is true no matter who gets the nomination. There is no one capable of unifying this broken party by November.
Everyone always talks about how large of a percentage of Republican voters would be unhappy with Trump, but the polls show that is true no matter who gets the nomination. There is no one capable of unifying this broken party by November.

Honestly, even if I weren't a Trump supporter, I'd be pretty offended if the party found some bullshit procedural method to deny Trump the nomination and give it to some putz who hadn't earned it democratically.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
So, in what way is extending the lawsuit deadline anyway a good move for the Sanders campaign?

1.) There is a counter suit available for the DNC if needed, which can be filed at any time, and is for far more money than the 75k Sanders campaign filed for. Did he just forget that his campaign accessed confidential data? So if his plan is to try to get money from the DNC, why when they can blow the whole thing up if they want?
2.) Why dredge up one of the biggest marks on his campaign by both the hacking and the lawsuit?
3.) If his plan is to attract superdelegates, which are almost all tied to the DNC, why the fuck would you extend a frivolous lawsuit?

I keep being told he won't run as an independent, and he will endorse and support Hillary. But these are not the actions of a man who would do that.
So, in what way is extending the lawsuit deadline anyway a good move for the Sanders campaign?

1.) There is a counter suit available for the DNC if needed, which can be filed at any time, and is for far more money than the 75k Sanders campaign filed for. Did he just forget that his campaign accessed confidential data? So if his plan is to try to get money from the DNC, why when they can blow the whole thing up if they want?
2.) Why dredge up one of the biggest marks on his campaign by both the hacking and the lawsuit?
3.) If his plan is to attract superdelegates, which are almost all tied to the DNC, why the fuck would you extend a frivolous lawsuit?

I keep being told he won't run as an independent, and he will endorse and support Hillary. But these are not the actions of a man who would do that.


FGC Waterboy
Maybe lol. Did I sound like a girl? If so....maybe :p

Lots of nice people that I spoke with. i'm surprised how good the numbers were this time. In 2008, the were shit, Once I got to Obama's side, they were damn good.

Alas no, it was barry white levels of deep. little sad it wasn't you though, lol.

As for the numbers - unsurprised. People really don't truly understand how bad Clinton's campaign in 08 was compared to Obama, regardless of how much I bring it up. It was baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
Alas no, it was barry white levels of deep. little sad it wasn't you though, lol.

As for the numbers - unsurprised. People really don't truly understand how bad Clinton's campaign in 08 was compared to Obama, regardless of how much I bring it up. It was baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

Child, it was so bad in 2008. When I switched over to Obama after Hillary conceded, I was freaking ecstatic. Actual good numbers! Organized data, like down to the street level. It was beautiful. We weren't just targeting neighborhoods, but we know which houses on which street to go after.


Ah yes, so he's going to raise taxes on the lower income, disabled and seniors just so that they can get health care that they already get with Medicaid to subsidize higher income people's health care. And he's going to give free tuition to all by having Republican governors co-operate with the federal government and contribute their fair share. Ha.



I don't know how to feel about the fact that threats from business are being used for good now.

"Nice all-star game you've got there, shame if anything happened to it."[/QUOTE]

I love it. Disney threatened to leave Georgia and the NFL threatened to take away the upcoming Super Bowl (few years out) if Deal signs the discrimination bill here.

Get fucked bigots! Bigotry loses business
I know this is old, but I love it

Still, the party committee would wither without its largest donors, including industry lobbyists and wealthy individuals, who are feted at semi-annual DSCC retreats on Martha’s Vineyard and in Palm Beach, Florida, which always feature a large group of Democratic senators who are brought to schmooze with donors. Sanders has been one of the more frequent attendees since entering the Senate in 2007, including two last year, once before and once after he declared his run.

The private events attract around 150 to 200 guests, according to a former DSCC staff member, about half of whom are lobbyists and half are large individual donors. To attend, guests had to donate the federal maximum (currently $33,400 a year) to the DSCC, or raise $100,000.

Sanders was relaxed and seemed happy to be at the events, according to the attendees, and mostly made small talk, largely steering clear of policy. None said they heard him chastise Wall Street banks, pharmaceutical companies or petrochemical companies – his frequent targets on the campaign trail – to the faces of the lobbyists representing those interests, though it’s possible it occurred privately.

Some guests said they were surprised to see the populist crusader at these lavish events and suggested he was probably in it for the free vacation.

Senators are flown on a private plane chartered by the DSCC to the retreats, which are held at five-star resorts like the Ritz-Carlton. Sanders was often spotted at the pool, walking on the beach, and at the buffet line. He went on a boat ride off Martha’s Vineyard organized by the committee.

Sanders was even once spotted chatting sociably for close to an hour with a financial services lobbyist who was in a hot tub while the senator sat nearby.


Poppop just wanted his free vacation.

“These are not like Wall Street only events. They represent a much broader range of Democratic supporters,” Weaver told MSNBC.

You don't get to make that argument brah.


FGC Waterboy
Child, it was so bad in 2008. When I switched over to Obama after Hillary conceded, I was freaking ecstatic. Actual good numbers! Organized data, like down to the street level. It was beautiful. We weren't just targeting neighborhoods, but we know which houses on which street to go after.

It was bad enough that I still worry about Hillary in the GE, mostly changed apparatus and all, 8 years later.

is he gone for good? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Doubtful, unless it was a super bad eff up. Should be just time based.
It was bad enough that I still worry about Hillary in the GE, mostly changed apparatus and all, 8 years later.

Doubtful, unless it was a super bad eff up. Should be just time based.

There were two problems in 2008. Firstly, Obama knew if he was going to win he had to freaking plan for the long haul. Hillary's people never thought they'd have to do that, so they just didn't bother. Secondly, Hillary was running Bill's 1992 campaign in 2008. Not smart. This time, though, she's got the Obama people and their organization.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Poligaf, I have a problem. I'm making new friends but they all want to vote Trump. How do we sway people away from bad politics when the bipartisan nature of it all basically has us rooting for them like football teams with the equal fervor?


FGC Waterboy
There were two problems in 2008. Firstly, Obama knew if he was going to win he had to freaking plan for the long haul. Hillary's people never thought they'd have to do that, so they just didn't bother. Secondly, Hillary was running Bill's 1992 campaign in 2008. Not smart. This time, though, she's got the Obama people and their organization.

In terms of demographics and strategy, Bernie's running the Clinton '08 campaign. It's....sort of ironic and funny I think. I know she has some of the Obama people; don't think she got everyone though. I know a lot of us went into normal career stuff afterward.

That said, for the dems as a whole, Bernie's strategy is exactly what they needed out of a Clinton primary opponent. Keeping young voters (and white voters) at least thinking about the Dem party is a good thing. As much as everyone is like "demographics!", I'm going to point out "White people are still the majority" and "Voter suppression because you dumbasses don't vote in midterms". Sadly, GOP voters still have shown a significantly higher political acumen and understanding of the process than Democratic voters. But Bernie on the stump will probably lead to a very small chance of a Trump win, since he will pull away the social liberals / libertarians and those hurting fiscally from the recession away from Trump.


Poligaf, I have a problem. I'm making new friends but they all want to vote Trump. How do we sway people away from bad politics when the bipartisan nature of it all basically has us rooting for them like football teams with the equal fervor?

Step one: stop making friends with Trump supporters.
Step two: see step one.
Not for nothing, but Cerium once said that in a hypothetical "Trump is actually Hitler" scenario, he thought Bernie Bros would be collaborators and rat on minorities' hiding places. Dude kinda deserves some cool-down time.


FGC Waterboy
Poligaf, I have a problem. I'm making new friends but they all want to vote Trump. How do we sway people away from bad politics when the bipartisan nature of it all basically has us rooting for them like football teams with the equal fervor?

Be friends with them and don't bring up politics. Despite what many may tell you, your political stance is not the only thing that defines you as a human being and your worth. Just act out your beliefs and that will be the best convincing you can do. (I have a hat that says "Echo Christ", and that's the best way to convert people, IMO)

Not for nothing, but Cerium once said that in a hypothetical "Trump is actually Hitler" scenario, he thought Bernie Bros would be collaborators and rat on minorities' hiding places. Dude kinda deserves some cool-down time.

Ok...that's kinda effed up.
In terms of demographics and strategy, Bernie's running the Clinton '08 campaign. It's....sort of ironic and funny I think. I know she has some of the Obama people; don't think she got everyone though. I know a lot of us went into normal career stuff afterward.

That said, for the dems as a whole, Bernie's strategy is exactly what they needed out of a Clinton primary opponent. Keeping young voters (and white voters) at least thinking about the Dem party is a good thing. As much as everyone is like "demographics!", I'm going to point out "White people are still the majority" and "Voter suppression because you dumbasses don't vote in midterms". Sadly, GOP voters still have shown a significantly higher political acumen and understanding of the process than Democratic voters. But Bernie on the stump will probably lead to a very small chance of a Trump win, since he will pull away the social liberals / libertarians and those hurting fiscally from the recession away from Trump.

I wish I got paid for the shit I do. I've never had the courage to apply for a job in the political realm. I want to, but I chicken out and go back to my comfort zone every time.
Poligaf, I have a problem. I'm making new friends but they all want to vote Trump. How do we sway people away from bad politics when the bipartisan nature of it all basically has us rooting for them like football teams with the equal fervor?

Agree to disagree on politics, or simply don't bring it up. A friend of mine is a fairly (economically) conservative Republican. She and I just don't talk about politics. We've butted heads too often, and we like each other too much to let her inability to see reason come between our friendship. :p
I tend to think that the Retrumplicans and I probably would not have much common ground to bond over, but for Republicans that are basically just upper management types like my dad who think the government is a corrupt, inefficient wreck and think taxes are too high, I couldn't foresee much problem being friends with them if they had an interesting perspective on art, life, philosophy, good sense of humor, etc. I think a lot of NeoGAF sees Republicanism as a personal dealbreaker, but I tend to just think that some people in any given society will be in the political wrong and that life has to be about the more deeply and abidingly human.
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