First off, that's going to happen anyway. Like, the choice here is becoming a nonviable white nationalist party and staying that way forever, or becoming a nonviable non-racist party that has a path forward to become a functional party again.
Secondly, the white nationalists will probably keep voting Republican for a long time, for the same reasons that the African-American vote will be Democratic for a long time. It's not like that 40% of the Republican base just stays home. They have no alternatives. It's a two-party system, remember?
I'm not sure what you're implying now. You want the GOP to "kick out" the white nationalists, but still have all of them voting for them in lockstep? GTFO of here with that, you can't have it both ways.
If the democrats decided to "kick out" black voters from the party you can be damned sure they wouldn't still keep showing up to polls. At best you'd see smaller, local third party efforts pop up, at worst they would stay home rather than be exploited by a party that told them to get lost. Republicans are even worse off, since the people they want to kick out can and will simply primary candidates they see as being too moderate. Kick them out and they'll install their own extremists instead. This isn't theory, it happened all over the place in 2010.
Again, police reform is a libertarian issue.
I don't think so. Police abuse of power has been a cornerstone of minority concern (and thus, democratic concern) long before anyone thought up the word "libertarian." Who do you think it was that endured fire hoses and attack dogs during the civil rights movement? Who do you think it was that rioted after the rodney king verdict? Who do you think is behind #BLM? LIBERTARIANS?
This issue is something that democrats (and black democrats specifically) have been screaming about long before any of us were alive. It's only getting traction NOW because everyone and their grandmother has a smartphone and these assholes are getting caught at the things that republicans (libertarians included!) have been saying blacks were lying about for years.
Information security is a libertarian issue
No one cares about information security. Well, not no one but this is a non issue to the vast majority of the american public. They will all happily keep using their iphones and androids no matter what official policy is on information security, and we all know this.
Drones and noninterventionism are libertarian issues.
Again, the public doesn't care one whit about brown people being blown up with drones. It's been going on for years with a collective yawn. And noninterventionism is EXTREMELY unpopular. Go around campaigning on cutting off foreign aid to Israel. See what happens to you.
I think it's clear that Democrats have a strong advantage primarily because of their strength on social issues. So if the Republicans can give up on social issues, obviously that advantage might dissipate.
As has been pointed out before, white nationalists and evangelicals are in no mood to "give up" social conservatism. If the republican party pivots AWAY from it and tacks back to the center, they'll find their representatives voted out in the primaries and replaced with extremists. There is no way to divorce themselves from social conservatism. There are simply too many of them that are too heavily invested in the party.