What is wrong with people?Unfortunately not everyone can clapback like Donna. Congressman Rick Larsen is getting DRAGGED:
What is wrong with people?Unfortunately not everyone can clapback like Donna. Congressman Rick Larsen is getting DRAGGED:
The campaign's behaviour over this sort of thing has been unacceptable. I know they're not telling people to do it, but when a group of your supporters repeatedly engage in this sort of behaviour it is on you to reign them in and condemn them in the strongest possible terms.
I'm going to say it: Sanders needs to be held accountable for stirring this shit pot with his implicit insults of Clinton calling her corrupt and his idiotic antiestablishment views in a historically important election.Unfortunately not everyone can clapback like Donna. Congressman Rick Larsen is getting DRAGGED:
I think part of the idea behind payroll tax is that it's an effective way of getting people to actually pay. Can't underwithold and neglect to pay on tax day.We should get rid of the entire payroll tax system. It's literally designed to be as shitty and opaque as possible. Just roll those taxes right into federal income tax. Also close the carried interest loophole. We can call that part the Y2Kev rule.
Mods got sick of his schtick from the look of it.
Go on and do itIs someone already making a thread? Because if not, I will.
I'm going to say it: Sanders needs to be held accountable for stirring this shit pot with his implicit insults of Clinton calling her corrupt and his idiotic antiestablishment views in a historically important election.
It's gonna play out the same way as it always does.Is someone already making a thread? Because if not, I will.
Is it permanent?
if your gonna make a thread include Brazille's timeline of tweets in the last 24 hours. Howard Dean too from a couple of weeks ago.
He has been a dove compared to Clinton 08, cant say she is actually changed much this election. The only difference is that she hasn't become desperate but that hasn't stopped her from muddying the issues with insinuations of sexism.
It's just a continuation of the same thing we saw earlier with PP. as the Sanders Campagin pivots to their new establishment targets, so follows the attacks.
PP's social media are still getting hit by sanders supporters.
Yeah, it is gross. I don't claim to know how their heads operate, but one would think they'd realize being assholes won't do them any favors.It's disgusting, and the campaign encourages it with their rhetoric.
They really need to educate themselves better, and be willing to listen. I've tried elsewhere via my knowledge from the posters here but merely got brushed off. I worry they could become a lot like the tea party for progressives in the future. Uncompromising, unwilling to listen. Their behavior is certainly similar, on a smaller scale.Bernie's younger supporters are not new or surprising. I don't think it's unfair to say that a large portion of his young supporters are just coming into political consciousness, see anything institutional as bad, often form their sense of what is right and wrong on the basis that so much that is currently the norm or status quo is wrong, and are often uninformed about the actual rules or processes of politics or American democracy. I used to see it everyday with undergrads at my uni and see it on facebook all the time.
Yeah, it is gross. I don't claim to know how their heads operate, but one would think they'd realize being assholes won't do them any favors.
They really need to educate themselves better, and be willing to listen. I've tried elsewhere via my knowledge from the posters here but merely got brushed off. I worry they could become a lot like the tea party for progressives in the future. Uncompromising, unwilling to listen. Their behavior is certainly similar, on a smaller scale
Yeah, it is gross. I don't claim to know how their heads operate, but one would think they'd realize being assholes won't do them any favors.
They really need to educate themselves better, and be willing to listen. I've tried elsewhere via my knowledge from the posters here but merely got brushed off. I worry they could become a lot like the tea party for progressives in the future. Uncompromising, unwilling to listen. Their behavior is certainly similar, on a smaller scale.
The Tea Party won a historic wave election, though.They already have, if this Facebook stuff is any indication. This is right out of the Tea Party playbook.
The Tea Party won a historic wave election, though.
The Tea Party won a historic wave election, though.
Remains to be seen, but point taken.And then they destroyed the Republican Party!
And she was horrible then too and was rightfully called on it
So when did she cut it out last primary cycle before or after CA?
And lets be clear are you guys insinuating that Sanders attacks are on a level even remotely close to Clinton 08?
We are holding him to a higher standard. His own standard. 'I am not running a negative campaign'
Vile attacks on democratic officials, journalists and organizations say otherwise.
They already have, if this Facebook stuff is any indication. This is right out of the Tea Party playbook.
Nasty flashbacks reading the comments. And hah, voting!?Hopefully most of the idiots doing this are those young people who barely vote anyway.
The Democrats certainly don't need that as another parallel.And then they destroyed the Republican Party!
Please expand on these vile attacks beyond the use of the word "establishment"
The private events attract around 150 to 200 guests, according to a former DSCC staff member, about half of whom are lobbyists and half are large individual donors. To attend, guests had to donate the federal maximum (currently $33,400 a year) to the DSCC, or raise $100,000.
So people are being harassed and attacked online and the excuse is "but Hillary".
What job would Hillary offer Bernie in her administration if she's president?
What job would Hillary offer Bernie in her administration if she's president?
What about Obama?
The Democrats certainly don't need that as another parallel.
What about Obama?
What about Obama?
What job would Hillary offer Bernie in her administration if she's president?
None.What job would Hillary offer Bernie in her administration if she's president?
WhipWhat job would Hillary offer Bernie in her administration if she's president?
You are not blind nor ignorant.
You know what is happening and so does Bernie. He already had to address it once publicly.
So people are being harassed and attacked online and the excuse is "but Hillary".
I didn't even quote you.