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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Lol 90% of comments are from these people. Truly I am impressed by how single minded some people can be. I wish I had that kind of dedication. Surely I would have beaten Valkyrie profile 2 if so.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The campaign's behaviour over this sort of thing has been unacceptable. I know they're not telling people to do it, but when a group of your supporters repeatedly engage in this sort of behaviour it is on you to reign them in and condemn them in the strongest possible terms.

Yes, otherwise is devolves into Tea party bullshit. I'm so disappointed :(


We should get rid of the entire payroll tax system. It's literally designed to be as shitty and opaque as possible. Just roll those taxes right into federal income tax. Also close the carried interest loophole. We can call that part the Y2Kev rule.
I think part of the idea behind payroll tax is that it's an effective way of getting people to actually pay. Can't underwithold and neglect to pay on tax day.


FGC Waterboy
I have a longer post - but on phone. Short version - the new GOP would aim to bring Asians and Latinos into the party by reforming on immigration while turning the ideas of results based representation that progressives use as discriminatory against those groups. (Especially aim at how poor Asians and wealthy Asians are both lumped in together, which ends up leading to racist policies against poor Asians in the guise of being anti-racist)

The demographics shift that is aiding the Dems is purely Asian and Latino voters - black share is not going to increase by 2050. So GOP doesn't need the black vote as it currently stands. Find the seams between white progressives, black voters, Asian voters, and Latino voters, and start pulling.


I'm going to say it: Sanders needs to be held accountable for stirring this shit pot with his implicit insults of Clinton calling her corrupt and his idiotic antiestablishment views in a historically important election.

He has been a dove compared to Clinton 08, cant say she is actually changed much this election. The only difference is that she hasn't become desperate but that hasn't stopped her from muddying the issues with insinuations of sexism.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
if your gonna make a thread include Brazille's timeline of tweets in the last 24 hours. Howard Dean too from a couple of weeks ago.

Yeah, combining it all together makes it a worthwhile thread.


I think we need a better spectrum to determine the positions of posters in here. Something more like

Diablos reading poll numbers

Really don't think we should call people Republicans just because they assess minorities less optimistically

My Chinese uncle claimed gay people created AIDS and my mom complains about taxes while using Medicaid. I remember thinking once that thank god people around my mom's demographic thinks the GOP is racist or else they would vote GOP (assuming they even vote, my mom has been a citizen for a long time and she's never done it).




He has been a dove compared to Clinton 08, cant say she is actually changed much this election. The only difference is that she hasn't become desperate but that hasn't stopped her from muddying the issues with insinuations of sexism.

And she was horrible then too and was rightfully called on it


It's just a continuation of the same thing we saw earlier with PP. as the Sanders Campagin pivots to their new establishment targets, so follows the attacks.

PP's social media are still getting hit by sanders supporters.

It's disgusting, and the campaign encourages it with their rhetoric.
Yeah, it is gross. I don't claim to know how their heads operate, but one would think they'd realize being assholes won't do them any favors.

Bernie continues to be a disappointment. A shame too as a lot of my views are even closer to his than Hillary's (who I love).

Bernie's younger supporters are not new or surprising. I don't think it's unfair to say that a large portion of his young supporters are just coming into political consciousness, see anything institutional as bad, often form their sense of what is right and wrong on the basis that so much that is currently the norm or status quo is wrong, and are often uninformed about the actual rules or processes of politics or American democracy. I used to see it everyday with undergrads at my uni and see it on facebook all the time.
They really need to educate themselves better, and be willing to listen. I've tried elsewhere via my knowledge from the posters here but merely got brushed off. I worry they could become a lot like the tea party for progressives in the future. Uncompromising, unwilling to listen. Their behavior is certainly similar, on a smaller scale.


Yeah, it is gross. I don't claim to know how their heads operate, but one would think they'd realize being assholes won't do them any favors.

They really need to educate themselves better, and be willing to listen. I've tried elsewhere via my knowledge from the posters here but merely got brushed off. I worry they could become a lot like the tea party for progressives in the future. Uncompromising, unwilling to listen. Their behavior is certainly similar, on a smaller scale

They already have, if this Facebook stuff is any indication. This is right out of the Tea Party playbook.
Yeah, it is gross. I don't claim to know how their heads operate, but one would think they'd realize being assholes won't do them any favors.

They really need to educate themselves better, and be willing to listen. I've tried elsewhere via my knowledge from the posters here but merely got brushed off. I worry they could become a lot like the tea party for progressives in the future. Uncompromising, unwilling to listen. Their behavior is certainly similar, on a smaller scale.

Hopefully most of the idiots doing this are those young people who barely vote anyway.


If we have a left wing tea party they better vote for Hillary and turn the house blue in 2018

Those facebook pics are nauseating.
The Tea Party won a historic wave election, though.

I don't even know if it would be worth it to abandon the coalition currently built in the name of purity if there was some kind of left tea partyish movement. I think history will show the long term effects won't be good for republicans
I mean, I don't know why this behavior is shocking to anyone, really. These same people have shown open contempt for entire groups of people because they didn't vote for Bernie. These are the people that were writing off African American voters, Southern voters, LGBT people who didn't feel the Bern and anyone else who didn't feel the Bern.

They would do this to Clinton supporters if we had a public forum on which they could Bernsplain why we're horrible people. It's disgusting behavior. It's idiotic, but it's what they've been doing for months and months. Now, they're just directing it at specific people instead of the wider "establishment." This has been their problem all along. Instead of trying to have a dialog with people about the issues, they've been trying to brow beat every person who disagrees with them based on nothing more than the confidence in how fucking right they are about every little thing.

To be clear, this isn't all Bernie supporters. It's just a bunch of people who have an abundance of time and no sense of propriety.


Its not just superdelgates. His supporters have been going after reporters and analyst too.

Nate Cohn
Harry Enten
Greg Sargent

They have said some horrible nasty and despicable stuff to Jamelle Bouie from Slate.

Joan Walsh had her daughter being harassed for working for Hillary.


So when did she cut it out last primary cycle before or after CA?

And lets be clear are you guys insinuating that Sanders attacks are on a level even remotely close to Clinton 08?

We are holding him to a higher standard. His own standard. 'I am not running a negative campaign'

Vile attacks on democratic officials, journalists and organizations say otherwise.

Tone down the rhetoric on that front or he should get down from his horse, he doesn't get it both ways.


We are holding him to a higher standard. His own standard. 'I am not running a negative campaign'

Vile attacks on democratic officials, journalists and organizations say otherwise.

Please expand on these vile attacks beyond the use of the word "establishment"




I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The Democrats certainly don't need that as another parallel.

The situation on the Republican side is two fold, so far the Democrats only have a single situation.

1.) The Republican Scism that was somehow held together for the last few decades between Social Conservatives and Republicans that were at odds with each other, but still someone voted together.

2.) The Republican Party demonizing the opposition so badly that it created the Tea Party. When compromise was taken off the table, and you promise the impossible and that never comes to pass you start getting people wanting a Candidate who seems like he can make that happen.

The Democrats are dealing with issue 2 to a lesser extent with a different cause, and it's starting to manifest itself more and more. Democrats are not completely blameless, in an effort to remain a party that compromises, they have moderated their platform a bit too much. But at the same time, having to work with a party that won't compromise at all makes such a situation untenable, and they are improperly getting more of the blame for it than they should. You can't pass legislation unless it goes through the Senate and House!


You are not blind nor ignorant.

You know what is happening and so does Bernie. He already had to address it once publicly.

So people are being harassed and attacked online and the excuse is "but Hillary".

And here I'm thinking I was discussing the campaigns of Hills and Bernie, not hillaryis44 vs bernieis45.

I was answering someone who quoted me, thinking he was talking about actual campaigns not angry people on the internet.

So once again in the topic I was discussing can you point me in the directions of the vile things Bernie has said about Hillary?

I didn't even quote you.

I'm sorry if you were talking about someone else
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