I had to quickly remind myself of my mother and grandmother who, while completely loving and supporting of me, still occasionally say/do ignorant things that I have to kindly correct them on.
But praising the Reagan response to AIDS? That's a whopper of a mistake.
And this highlights a core problem with Hillary on the campaign trail: too often she goes for the slam dunk when a simple layup would have sufficed. And sometimes it works (hitting Sanders hard for his Cuba remarks was a slam dunk that worked), but when it doesn't... She falls on her ass hard.
In an attempt to appear extra tough on crime in the 90s, she used a racially charged term that still hounds her to this day.
When asked a simple question about whether or not and lie to the American public, she stumbled into a sloppy "I promise to try my hardest to try" response that only compounded her trust issues with the public.
And now this. Ugh. I'm pretty sure it was a gaffe. I can imagine Hillary formulating those remarks and thinking, "Alzheimer's? Pfft! Everyone's praising her for Alzheimer's advocacy. I'm going to be the SPECIAL snowflake!"
For crying out loud Hillary. Just take the easy road for once.
I don't see this effecting her too much, because there's sadly a lot of people don't know their history when it comes to the early years of the AIDS crisis, and the inaction of the Reagan Administration that bordered on condemnation. As a Hillary supporter, I should be relieved by that. But I don't think I am.