Until it's proven Michigan is a massive outlier these don't mean shit to me now.
But if they're accurate...yaaaas queen
The FL number is most likely fine since she won MS by expected. The OH you can totally suspect.
Until it's proven Michigan is a massive outlier these don't mean shit to me now.
But if they're accurate...yaaaas queen
Have polls for Ohio weighed independents similarly to Michigan? Is Ohio also an open primary? Because that seems to be where all the pollsters gaffed from what I'm looking at.
Personally, I think it's more likely she'll win Ohio than not, but MI showed that the state is probably not going to just come to her. She'll need to criss-cross that state like she did SC.
Hillary gets indicted.It's gonna be a looooong week.
Fuck me.
Any bets on the next plot twist of this election? house of Cards ain't got shit on 2016
We are sending a message!!!!There's nothing funny about a Trump win >_<
Is Trump an HONEST racist sexist pig? That's the question. People are so pissed off today. Trump turnout is just unbelievable.
I can't believe we've gone from Obama to Trump dominating the headlines for a Presidential election. What is happening to this country?
Jesus Christ, the Diablosing is fierce in here this morning. What has fundamentally changed over night? The polls in Michigan were horribly off. Bernie outperformed his polls in a region that intuitively seemed like it would be advantageous to him. That's it. Just like after Iowa and New Hampshire, the Clinton campaign will have to figure out what when wrong and will become a better campaign in the end. It is good to challenge Clinton in the rust belt now, because Trump certainly will.
Also, look back to posts made in the AM yesterday. We were all praying Trump had a good night because of all his negatives in the general. Flash forward 13 hours where the only change is Bernie OVERPERFORMING his polls in one state and people are acting like Clinton is going to get routed by Trump. What the fuck? This is going to be a long general...
But it's easier to panic.. Panicking is fun.Jesus Christ, the Diablosing is fierce in here this morning. What has fundamentally changed over night? The polls in Michigan were horribly off. Bernie outperformed his polls in a region that intuitively seemed like it would be advantageous to him. That's it. Just like after Iowa and New Hampshire, the Clinton campaign will have to figure out what when wrong and will become a better campaign in the end. It is good to challenge Clinton in the rust belt now, because Trump certainly will.
Also, look back to posts made in the AM yesterday. We were all praying Trump had a good night because of all his negatives in the general. Flash forward 13 hours where the only change is Bernie OVERPERFORMING his polls in one state and people are acting like Clinton is going to get routed by Trump. What the fuck? This is going to be a long general...
Jesus Christ, the Diablosing is fierce in here this morning. What has fundamentally changed over night? The polls in Michigan were horribly off. Bernie outperformed his polls in a region that intuitively seemed like it would be advantageous to him. That's it. Just like after Iowa and New Hampshire, the Clinton campaign will have to figure out what when wrong and will become a better campaign in the end. It is good to challenge Clinton in the rust belt now, because Trump certainly will.
Also, look back to posts made in the AM yesterday. We were all praying Trump had a good night because of all his negatives in the general. Flash forward 13 hours where the only change is Bernie OVERPERFORMING his polls in one state and people are acting like Clinton is going to get routed by Trump. What the fuck? This is going to be a long general...
I really want her to over-perform next Tuesday, if only to see the pathetic media desperately backtrack and try to explain things after they freaked out last night.
At the very least, the Clinton campaign shouldn't take the polling for granted, especially in places like OH/MO
I won't feel comfortable until I see HRC being sworn in by Roberts
Saving this post to explain what diablosing is next time someone asks. However, I've been saying this all along.I think MI results are quite alarming for Hillary and Democrats in general.
-Traditional polling is going to the wayside. If a MI-style upset happens 1-2 more times at least then I think that would be a forgone conclusion but really we're heading in that direction regardless. FIX YOUR SHIT POLLSTERS.
-Hillary has a problem connecting with voters. Younger voters, rust belt workers, independents... it's quite concerning to me. I think if she wins the nom she'll have a hard time getting key demographics to really turn out for her where she needs them.
-After last night I don't blame Bernie for wanting to stick around. The problem is the Democrats don't have the luxury of dragging this out like they did in 2008 because the Republicans are way more energized this time around after 8 years of Obama; the dynamic is different. I fear that by dragging this out for too long, Democrats will take away time that should be spent on attacking Trump/GOP.
-WE ARE UNDERESTIMATING TRUMP. He's getting crossover votes. Are some from Democrats just trying to throw a wrench in the mix? Sure. Not all of them are though. This is why we need to be careful what we wish for. We've been hoping that Trump wins becuase we assume he'd be so easy to beat, but really, this guy is getting ridiculous turnout and again seems to have crossover appeal. He won in HAWAII for fuck's sake. Hawaii! Are you kidding me? To echo Chris Christie, as much as I hate to, Hillary knows the game well and would tear Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and really even Jeb to shreds. I think she'd give Kasich a tough fight too. What she isn't groomed to do, however, is go up against a guy like Trump who basically is breaking all the rules and not only getting away with it, but getting awarded for it by getting closer and closer to the nomination by the day. To that point, I worry about Hillary's GE chances in states like MI and OH. Possibly PA but I doubt it.
I really am starting to question Hillary's electability and for once might be buying Trump's argument that he can make progress in places with people that Democrats typically win over.
I really want her to over-perform next Tuesday, if only to see the pathetic media desperately backtrack and try to explain things after they freaked out last night.
At the very least, the Clinton campaign shouldn't take the polling for granted, especially in places like OH/MO.
And that's the frustrating thing about the media's need for a horserace. Optics and bullshit like momentum mean more than MATH and REALITY. You have these pundits and newscasters going, she had a big night, came out with more delegates and is still likely to be the nominee... BUT Bernie had this huge upset victory and omg huge problems for Hillary!!!!
It's because of expectations/polling, which she really had no control over. If Bernie had the polling Hillary had in MI and underperformed, what would people be saying about a 2% win?
Maybe some of us need to take a walk or something to calm ourselves down, but the biggest storyline out of last night for me personally is not Bernie winning Michigan (good for him btw), but rather a failing of predictions. Logically I cannot envision that a 21 point swing happened for no reason 3 days before the vote, therefore something was wrong with polling methodology.
From what I have been reading, Michigan is diverse enough to be hard to poll and polling places have not had much experience polling them in recent years, which lead to this botch of the century leading up to the primary. Therefore, going into the future we should look at states that have a similar polling history to Michigan and look at those polls with a curious eye.
Also the fact that bernie is still way behind his delegate count makes me feel bad for everyone that is claiming this as his biggest win ever. If this is his peak, this race is over sonner than you think.
Hillary 62
Bernie 32
Hillary 52
Bernie 43
Have polls for Ohio weighed independents similarly to Michigan? Is Ohio also an open primary? Because that seems to be where all the pollsters gaffed from what I'm looking at.
Until it's proven Michigan is a massive outlier these don't mean shit to me now.
But if they're accurate...yaaaas queen
Ohio is open. I'm an Independent that normally votes Democratic, but will be voting for Trump on Tuesday.
WHYOhio is open. I'm an Independent that normally votes Democratic, but will be voting for Trump on Tuesday.
I can do this too!
I think MI results are quite alarming for Hillary and Democrats in general.
-Traditional polling is going to the wayside. If a MI-style upset happens 1-2 more times at least then I think that would be a forgone conclusion but really we're heading in that direction regardless. FIX YOUR SHIT POLLSTERS.
-Hillary has a problem connecting with voters. Younger voters, rust belt workers, independents... it's quite concerning to me. I think if she wins the nom she'll have a hard time getting key demographics to really turn out for her where she needs them.
-After last night I don't blame Bernie for wanting to stick around. The problem is the Democrats don't have the luxury of dragging this out like they did in 2008 because the Republicans are way more energized this time around after 8 years of Obama; the dynamic is different. I fear that by dragging this out for too long, Democrats will take away time that should be spent on attacking Trump/GOP.
I really am starting to question Hillary's electability and for once might be buying Trump's argument that he can make progress in places with people that Democrats typically win over.
lol yeah right. New thread too!Wake up and see that Drumpf won Hawaii
Bahahahaha how?? Last night was literally the Revenge of the Donald.
After reading some articles about the GOP elites maybe embracing Cruz I have to say that I underestimated how strong their fear of Trump actually is. I would have thought that by now they'd be in the acceptance stage and possibly crafting a GE strategy.
But no, they're doing everything they can to hurt their most likely nominee. Wouldn't have guessed that the neocons and donors were that desperate to keep 100% of the party agenda for themselves.
I hate the media narrative is now that "March 15th changes everything!!!". I mean Politico claimed it will be Trumps "ultimate test".
You can tell they are already hyping it that if Marco wins Florida (his home state!) he is somehow the comeback kid and has destroyed Trump.
You told us Hillary had it in the bag. Seems like the polls were wrong.
Obama endorsement?There is a very easy and obvious way to fix these weaknesses of hers.... Coincidentally, it would also instantly take Bern out of the race. Just sayian.
STAHPMaximum chaos. And I don't prefer Hillary over Bernie or vice-versa - I'll vote for either of them over any Rep candidate in November.
Is the Michigan loss for Hilary as big a deal as CNN is making it to be, or are they just pitching a more exciting story? The percentage wasn't by much and I read that independents push Bernie up. But I read Michigan is largely a Red state to begin with?
It's very confusing to a noob. orz
Matt Grossmann ‏@MattGrossmann 32m32 minutes ago East Lansing, MI
Small n but:
We had Dems in MI ~tied since NH, did not see late movement
Poll miss likely from cell, age, strict LV
Michigan's been blue since '92.
Republicans dominate our state at the local and state level however sadly.
Obama endorsement?
Voting for Bernie at this point doesn't hurt Hillary. In fact, this loss will only help her in the general if you consider what likely contributed to her loss last night:Just like the democrats!![]()
Hillary supporters, stop diablosing: you can afford the L. Primaries strengthen candidates, right?Ruby Cramer ‏@rubycramer 26m26 minutes ago Florida, USA
Clinton had small state staff, parachuted people in late. Field op didn't kick in til about one week out, mostly focused on AA community
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Kyle Kondik Retweeted
Ruby Cramer ‏@rubycramer 28m28 minutes ago Florida, USA
From source familiar w/ Clinton Mich operation: loss came down to org fail, taking structural advantages for granted, moving on too soon.
Just like the democrats!![]()
Voting for Bernie at this point doesn't hurt Hillary. In fact, this loss will only help her in the general if you consider what likely
pls. DWS is doing a great PR job for hillary, no need to worry.
Thats not good for candidate Hillary. She needs to sharpen her message some more in rust belt.I didn't just want Hillary to win the nomination I want it to be a complete blowout.
I won't have my wish, unfortunately.