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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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There is no scenario in which a man that recently joined the party, running against someone with as much history in the party as Hillary Clinton, would ever manage to convert those delegates. None. Not even if he personally went and bribed and/or fellated every single one of them.

Well, that's too much. If The Revolution had happened and he had been scoring 60%+ everywhere, then maybe.

Of course it would have been difficult, however, he could have not gone out of his way to piss parts of the Democratic machinery off. (Walking out of the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, for instance). He decided to run as a Democrat, and he knew that Supers were a part of this. He could have gone out there and tried to win a few more over than he has. 2008 showed us that Supers were willing to go against the Clinton machine. If he were to become the nominee, he would need these people. Telling everyone he's running against Democratic mayors, governors, Senators and Congress persons like he did before Super Tuesday is not a way to win loyalty from the party.

Also, I'm not going to the Kasich event tonight. My Berniebro got stuck in Texas and wasn't able to fly home. :(
The convention in Cleveland is gonna top the Flavor of Love season 2 reunion for the best non scripted television broadcast. I hope everyone plans on getting very drunk.
Please don't do this. We have enough trouble with the quantum racism phenomenon as it is. Trump has a very long and well documented history of racist actions and words, in the same way he has an extensive history of misogyny that doesn't merit giving him any benefit of the doubt. He's a racist, full stop.
I know of his calls to bring back the death penalty to exact vengeance on falsely accused black suspects in a murder case and the Trump Organization being discriminatory and his own words being awful including today's use of "thugs." So yes, the qualifier was unnecessary I guess.

With Donald Trump himself though, it's somewhat hard to tell sometimes how much is just opportunism. E.g. he isn't religious despite what he says, he's likely not against gay marriage or abortion rights despite what he says.

Also, I read HRC's statement in the same way some on here are, general come togetherness "love and kindness" fluff, as a way to try and attack and counteract Trump. But the other somewhat offensive interpretation was pointed out to me. I can see the latter as well, but I'm not sure if it's just more blowback from her having less rope after the Reagan comment.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Convention talk is meaningless unless they can stop Drumpf from getting a majority, or even within arms reach of a majority. Rubio staying in will help Drumpf in numerous WTA states this month hindering the most vital aspect of any attempt to stop Drumpf from getting the nomination.
Well, changing the rules even if he wins the majority has been brought up. How far are they willing to go to prevent Trump from being the nominee?
maybe Bernie should have gotten competent campaign staff?

Well, according to a Feb 11 2016 article on the NBC News website:


Leigh Ann Caldwell said:
Ironically, Tad Devine, Sanders' top adviser, who was instrumental in the creation of the superdelegate process, defended their existance.

"It's pretty hard to win a nomination in a contested race and almost impossible to win without the superdelegeates," Devine said in 2008 in an interview on NPR.

Now, Devine's boss, who is running on an anti-establishment message is losing the superdelegate race.

So. Yeah.

Supposedly, someone was handing these out at the protests last night.
Well there's that t-shirt where her face is used as a symbol to spell out "country" as well.
There is no scenario in which a man that recently joined the party, running against someone with as much history in the party as Hillary Clinton, would ever manage to convert those delegates. None. Not even if he personally went and bribed and/or fellated every single one of them.

Well, that's too much. If The Revolution had happened and he had been scoring 60%+ everywhere, then maybe.
Senator Barack Obama had a relatively short history with the Democratic Party before running against her successfully as President and getting the support of their shared Senate colleagues.


So anyway, I asked earlier but it was in the middle of the Trump protest chaos and no one answered. But partially because I'm watching House of Cards Season 4 and
the VP was an absolute mess at being Acting President
I was wondering....

If we say that current President Obama is a 10 at "being able to be President" because, well, he is the President. And for instance VP Biden is probably around a 9 or so.

And random guy off the street Joe Everyman would be a zero essentially.

Where would people put the remaining candidates in the race? And some of the people who have dropped out like Jeb!, Christie, Unidentified Man.

Or some past candidates like Rmoney, McCain, Kerry.


Interesting question, but I have no way to judge, really. Rubio's probably lower just because he loses his cool so easily.


Well there's that t-shirt where her face is used as a symbol to spell out "country" as well.
Senator Barack Obama had a relatively short history with the Democratic Party before running against her successfully as President and getting the support of their shared Senate colleagues.


So anyway, I asked earlier but it was in the middle of the Donald "The American dream is dead" Trump protest chaos and no one answered. But partially because I'm watching House of Cards Season 4 and
the VP was an absolute mess at being Acting President
I was wondering....

If we say that current President Obama is a 10 at "being able to be President" because, well, he is the President. And for instance VP Biden is probably around a 9 or so.

And random guy off the street Joe Everyman would be a zero essentially.

Where would people put the remaining candidates in the race? And some of the people who have dropped out like Jeb!, Christie, Unidentified Man.

Or some past candidates like Rmoney, McCain, Kerry.

On the Republican side:

8 - Romney, McCain. Don't agree with their policies but can rely on them not to do something insane.
7 - Kasich. Ditto pretty much.
6 - Jeb. For all the farce his campaign was, he wouldn't be a complete and utter disaster.
5 - Christie. Just about sane. Just.
4 - Rubio. Would probably manage to avoid World War 3.
1 - Cruz. Would be okay except for when he carpet bombs the entire Middle East, and then dies because of the sheer hatred every living being possesses for him.
0 - Carson. Would accidentally start World War 3 whilst delivering a meandering lecture about healthy dessert options.
-infinity - Trump. Literally Hitler.
Polling place switched from a civic center to a church this year :/

I'll def still show up to vote Tuesday but it always bothers me when these polling places can't be somewhere a little more inclusive.
Matt Borges, the chairman of the Ohio Republican Party, just said on CNN that it's "well-documented" that Hillary Clinton started the birther movement against Obama in 2008, not Republicans.

Matt Borges is a stupid human being.

Rebel Leader

Turned on cnn and i just heard that it wasn't trump that started the bither movement .. it was Hillary....

I need to go puch a wall.. brb
There were like five total posts about Trump declaring that he was going to start a massive ground war against ISIS. This would be the main story for months if he was literally any other frontrunner.
So anyway, I asked earlier but it was in the middle of the Trump protest chaos and no one answered. But partially because I'm watching House of Cards Season 4 and
the VP was an absolute mess at being Acting President
I was wondering....

If we say that current President Obama is a 10 at "being able to be President" because, well, he is the President. And for instance VP Biden is probably around a 9 or so.

And random guy off the street Joe Everyman would be a zero essentially.

Where would people put the remaining candidates in the race? And some of the people who have dropped out like Jeb!, Christie, Unidentified Man.

Or some past candidates like Rmoney, McCain, Kerry.

Hillary 9.5- She's basically done the job already. People may not like her, but she knows her stuff. She knows how to get things done. She understands the legislative and executive side of the puzzle in a way I don't think anyone else has ever known it before.

Bernie 7-I don't think he knows how to be a leader on the national stage. He's always been allowed to do his own thing, answering to no one but himself (and the people of Vermont one supposes). I don't think he has the foreign policy chops to be good at this, and I don't think he has the political capital to be able to use the bully pulpit to effect change.

Gov McSexy 7- He has executive experience, so I think that helps a bit. He knows how to use his position to effect change, I think. He'd be competent if not highly effective.

Jeb! 7- He's been around it enough to know what's expected of a President. He's wrong on a lot of issues, but he at least understands the process. I disagree with him, but I don't think he'd have started randomly nuking places like Trump may.

Cruz 6- He doesn't have the ability to bridge divides to be effective at this. He's not well liked even among his own caucus. He's manipulative and shit, but I think that's only part of it.

Rubio 5- He'd been a puppet President no question. He'd do a good job of it, because the RNC would be back there pulling all the strings they have to get him to do and say what they want.

Kasich 8-Now, hear me out on this one. He's got the executive experience. He knows how Washington works. He's slimy enough to know how to appear sane in public. He's also not entirely batshit crazy. He'd also be a tool of the party, but he could at least pull it off.

Carson 2- LOLOLOLOL. Although the Presidency may be the fruit salad of his life, he's an idiot. He may be a brilliant surgeon, but he's a damn idiot in the political realm.

Trump -1,494: Dude's unfit as fuck. This entire thing is just disgusting. The thing is, I think he knows what he's doing. Let's dispel the fiction that he doesn't. He totally, totally does. However, when we've seen the real him, I still don't think he has the judgement or temperament to be President.
The idea is to set aside ideology and personal proclivities if possible, so I probably would put Kasich, McCain, Mittens around that level.

I wouldn't put unidentified man that high.

I probably wouldn't with Sanders either.

And if Biden is say a 9, I don't think I'd put HRC above. Although I guess Biden is basically 9.5.
I think all of Rubio, Jeb, and Kasich would start a ground war in multiple Middle East countries at once, but otherwise they aren't actually insane?

I mean, I guess all three would be W-tier.


Ugh, why does CNN keep inviting Jeffrey Lord on their network?

It's one thing to offer a variety of opinions...but this man is just an idiot, and an obvious racist.


I think all of Rubio, Jeb, and Kasich would start a ground war in multiple Middle East countries at once, but otherwise they aren't actually insane?

I mean, I guess all three would be W-tier.

It's fucking crazy how far the right has shifted when George W. Bush, nearly universally recognized as one of the worst presidents of the modern era, is considered the benchmark of rationality for the current crop of candidates.
Why did you give Bernie a 7 with that description vs Jeb and Malley? Souds like he'd be a 2.

Because if he would become President, he would have had to fix some of the criticisms I laid out. He'd have shown an ability to bridge ideological divides. However, I don't think that would happen. Plus, I was trying to be nice and give him the benefit of the doubt.

The idea is to set aside ideology and personal proclivities if possible, so I probably would put Kasich, McCain, Mittens around that level.

I wouldn't put unidentified man that high.

I probably wouldn't with Sanders either.

And if Biden is say a 9, I don't think I'd put HRC above. Although I guess Biden is basically 9.5.

I tried to be as neutral as I could. If I was being extremely nitpicky, I'd have Gov. Sexy above Bernie. I think Bernie would be incredibly ineffective, but I don't know that he'd screw things up permanently. Unless it was foreign policy, and he managed to not git good before being sworn in.

Is this Scott Walker or Bobby Jindal?

Martin O'Malley.

Also, if you asked me to rank Obama before he took office, I'd have put him around a 7 too. He's definitely a 10 now, but I had some doubts about him going in. I still voted for him and volunteered for him, but to say that I wasn't unsure would have been a bit of a lie.
Clinton leads 75 percent to 6 percent among Hispanics and 75 percent to 18 percent among black voters. Sanders leads 63 percent to 24 percent among voters 34 and under. She leads among all other age groups.

From that same poll.

Maybe noise or maybe Hispanics in Florida still despise old dictators like Castro.
Well it's gotten to the point on my Twitter where I can't tell if the attacks on Hillary come from conservatives or liberals.

I think an astute observation is that she has definitely lost the benefit of the doubt. Out of context quotes are scrutinized and used to attack her. I want primary season to be over so badly.


Well it's gotten to the point on my Twitter where I can't tell if the attacks on Hillary come from conservatives or liberals.

I think an astute observation is that she has definitely lost the benefit of the doubt. Out of context quotes are scrutinized and used to attack her. I want primary season to be over so badly.
She never had the benefit of the doubt, that's what 25 years of GOP attacks and a bloody '08 campaign get you.
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