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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Horrified Investigators Find Unresponsive Legislative Body In Capitol Building

WASHINGTON—Describing it as one of the most disturbing scenes they have ever been called upon to investigate, horrified officers from the Washington Metropolitan Police Department told reporters Wednesday they had found an unresponsive legislative body in the U.S. Capitol building. At approximately 11:30 a.m., after receiving multiple tips from concerned citizens, law enforcement officials dispatched patrolmen to an address at the corner of East Capitol Street and First Street. According to police sources, many of those who entered the building were overwhelmed by what they discovered inside, and onlookers reported that officers walking out of the property appeared visibly shaken and pale.

“Responding officers found the lawmaking body on the floor of the congressional chambers, completely rigid and making no movements of any kind,” said Chief Detective Mike Logan, explaining that it was evident to those on the scene that efforts to revive the subject would be futile. “In addition to being completely inert, the body showed signs of advanced decay.” Preliminary forensic tests suggest it has been in this state for months, perhaps even years,” he added.

Upon learning what transpired in the Capitol building, residents admitted they were saddened but ultimately unsurprised given the bicameral legislature’s condition in recent years. It had reportedly begun to display symptoms of deterioration, not just moving slower, but exhibiting decreased problem-solving skills, poor judgment, and an inability to complete routine tasks.
He's in better shape because of the way the primary is setup. Berns probably would be already mathematically eliminated if the Democratic race was run with Republican rules.

would it really? winner take all late in the game means Sanders could win late states by any margin and jump back in under Republican rules


Quite frankly, Rubio has to be looking at the success of multi-term well-known in political circles Florida Governors and realizing that's his only shot to get back in the game.


The meme that Bernie is some innocent paladin of purity has always been really dumb. He's very leftist, yes, but he's a politician. He plays the same games they all do, and he always has. And that's fine! Ultimately you want someone who'll throw a dickpunch when the chips are down.

If anything, his insistence on no SuperPAC money is counterproductive, although it's clear it's a huge part of his message, so he has little choice but to follow through. I'd hope that if he did somehow get nominated, he'd either back off on that or everyone else in the left-o-sphere would go fuck you Bernie, we're going to help you with SuperPACs anyway. You don't refuse to pick up a gun on principle when someone is shooting at you.

He has potential to be a special breed of teacher's pet: the kid who everyone thinks is innocent and pure, which allows him to get away with things unscathed.

Just imagine the teacher, upon hearing an accusation..
"Bernie did whaaat!?. No, certainly he wouldn't. And even if he were to do such a thing, I'm sure his intentions were good."

(And I agree - there's no way in hell he'd go without a SuperPAC, even if he doesn't want one. The idea of unilaterally disarming oneself in a fight for everything is absolutely asinine. And naive.)
Lol http://www.wired.com/2016/03/chris-christie-marginal-media/



It is too late Rubio. You are a joke. You have embarrassed yourself on the national stage, and you haven't got a hope of ever making nominee again. Go back to Florida, run for governor, do nothing of note, and then fuck off to somewhere where you can't do any more damage. Good riddance you useless, pathetic fuck.

Sums up my feelings pretty well.


Rubio dropping out now, gearing up for a governor run in 2018 and then getting blasted by Putnam/Bondi/Atwater in the primary would be hilarious.



Imagine, for instance, a brutal stretch for Mrs. Clinton, one where she underperforms the demographic projections by as much as she did in Michigan for the rest of the year.

She loses in Ohio and Missouri next Tuesday. States where Mrs. Clinton was thought to have an advantage, like Arizona, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, California and Connecticut, become tossups. Mrs. Clinton wins New York, but by just eight percentage points.

She gets swept in the West, including big 40-point losses in places like Alaska, Idaho, North Dakota, Utah and Montana, and 30-point losses in Washington and Oregon. She loses by 20 points in Wisconsin and Rhode Island, by 30 in West Virginia and Kentucky.

She still wins — and comfortably.

How? She’s already banked a large delegate lead, and it has nothing to do with the “superdelegates.”

Forty-three percent of all of the pledged delegates to the Democratic National Convention have already been awarded. She’s won those delegates by roughly a 60-40 margin.

To overcome it, Mr. Sanders will need to do nearly as well from this point on. Not even the very strong showing for Mr. Sanders imagined above would be enough.

In fact, it still wouldn’t be very close. Mr. Sanders basically splits the delegates with Mrs. Clinton the rest of the way — leaving him far short of the big 15-point advantage he needs.

Mrs. Clinton still wins clear victories in diverse or affluent states like Florida, North Carolina, Maryland and New Jersey — the only four states where she breaks 55 percent of the vote in this projection. The problem for Mr. Sanders is that many of these states are far larger than the places where he hopes to excel.

The reality is that the Democratic delegate rules, which award delegates proportionally, make it extremely hard for Mr. Sanders to dig himself out of the hole he’s already in. Indeed, he fell short of winning 60 percent of the delegates in Michigan on Tuesday night, despite the upset win. As a result, his burden in future contests grew a little larger.

Mr. Sanders needs landslides to counter landslides. Not even the results from Tuesday suggest he’s on pace to get them, at least not in states with enough delegates to counter Mrs. Clinton’s lead.


I wonder if the Indies that saved Sanders in Michigan will instead vote in the Republican primary for their favorite son Kasich.


(And I agree - there's no way in hell he'd go without a SuperPAC, even if he doesn't want one. The idea of unilaterally disarming oneself in a fight for everything is absolutely asinine. And naive.)
He's already got SuperPACs spending on him:

Feel Bern	Pro-Sanders	SuperPAC	$11,999
Collective Actions PAC	Pro-Sanders	SuperPAC	$8,795
Las Cruces for Bernie	Pro-Sanders	SuperPAC	$1,323
BillionairesForBernie.org	Pro-Sanders	SuperPAC	$0

This is kinda the whole point of SuperPACs, they aren't coordinated with the campaign, so you can't stop them.

It's just that, he's ostensibly playing by the rules instead of actually coordinating while denying it.

Note: I did not link to the Pro-Hillary SuperPAC article claiming more money has been spent in support of Sanders by any candidate via SuperPACs because it counts all the GOP SuperPACs attacking Hillary as providing support to Sanders. Though I do award them points for it.
Quite frankly, Rubio has to be looking at the success of multi-term well-known in political circles Florida Governors and realizing that's his only shot to get back in the game.
Lolno. Little Marco burned the Bush network. That's the biggest political network in FL. He was successful in Florida only because Jeb was his sponsor. And keep in mind that before Jeb was a big fat waste, he was the presumptive GOP nominee. Bushies are going to make sure he doesn't breathe again in Florida, maybe except Miami.


CBS This Morning ✔ ‎@CBSThisMorning
Sources tell @CBSNews Rubio’s inner circle is in conversations about campaign’s future. One option: dropping out before Tuesday’s FL primary

He really is the Roman Reigns of this election.
Lolno. Little Marco burned the Bush network. That's the biggest political network in FL. He was successful in Florida only because Jeb was his sponsor. And keep in mind that before Jeb was a big fat waste, he was the presumptive GOP nominee. Bushies are going to make sure he doesn't breathe again in Florida, maybe except Miami.

competing against his friend Jeb was dumb on Rubio's part.

Marco could have ran for another term as Senator and left Jeb alone on the Neocon lane.

But Rubio isn't very bright, he split the Neocon vote and Trump slayed Jeb and is now slaying Rubio
Republicans dominate our state at the local and state level however sadly. Our state Democratic Party is a complete joke and we seem to be unable to nominate winnable candidates for the big statewide races.

Sounds like Wisconsin. I was always amazed at how incompetent the state party was. They always seem to need a strong national tide and/or very strong individual candidates to succeed.

Illinois on the other hand has a Democratic Party that's plenty competent but also plenty corrupt.
Man I hope he stays in for March 15th. I'd be afraid of Cruz getting a lot of his votes and narrowing the gap with trump or something if he doesn't. After March 15th, I don't care because trump basically becomes unstoppable if he performs like the polls say he will.


Still can't really understand what happened to Marco. Trump wrecked him, and I don't know how that happened lol
I'm still stunned that Sanders took Michigan last night. Like I heard Michigan polling was bad but I didn't expect every Michigan poll to be 20 points off.


competing against his friend Jeb was dumb on Rubio's part.

Marco could have ran for another term as Senator and left Jeb alone on the Neocon lane.

But Rubio isn't very bright, he split the Neocon vote and Trump slayed Jeb and is now slaying Rubio
Hey, Rubio announced first! Jeb shoulda stayed out!
I'm still stunned that Sanders took Michigan last night. Like I heard Michigan polling was bad but I didn't expect every Michigan poll to be 20 points off.

Michigan probably reacting to government inaction overall.

The Federal Government slow to act on Flint probably pushed the resentment towards politics as usual to ratchet up

Hey, Rubio announced first! Jeb shoulda stayed out!

please clap
I'm still stunned that Sanders took Michigan last night. Like I heard Michigan polling was bad but I didn't expect every Michigan poll to be 20 points off.
Yeah. Now everyone's being cautious about polling. Which is good but there's also no reason to go too far in the other direction.

The takeaway from last night was don't assume the polls are always right, vote accordingly, and Clinton should not be taking Bernie for granted.
Still can't really understand what happened to Marco. Trump wrecked him, and I don't know how that happened lol
From what I understand, his reaction of going down to Trumps level killed his base appeal and didn't swing the type of voters Trump appeals to. He's young and his antics to voters came across as him being immature, and not yet qualified or Presidential


No Scrubs
Yeah. Now everyone's being cautious about polling. Which is good but there's also no reason to go too far in the other direction.

It's gonna be easier for Hillary to drive turnout after this, at least for the next set of contests. So it's not all bad.
Lolno. Little Marco burned the Bush network. That's the biggest political network in FL. He was successful in Florida only because Jeb was his sponsor. And keep in mind that before Jeb was a big fat waste, he was the presumptive GOP nominee. Bushies are going to make sure he doesn't breathe again in Florida, maybe except Miami.

Yup. Not to mention the general problem that most people in Florida don't like him, his senate career is largely blank (whether he was actually at the job or not), and he's about to embarrass himself nationally with a big loss on Tuesday.

He's only 44 which means he has time to recover...but who knows where the party will be by the time he does. How ironic is it that Rubio could fall victim to the same curse Jeb faced, ie being out of office/out of touch with the base for so long he became a relic of the past.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Still can't really understand what happened to Marco. Drumpf wrecked him, and I don't know how that happened lol
Trump does +5 damage to residents of Florida. Look what happened to Jeb:( and Carson!

Also, did Trump with Hawaii because the Republicans are all old rich white men?


I used to wonder if Scott Walker got out too soon, but now I wonder if he dropped out just in time. Nobody is going to associate him with everything that happened post-Trump. He completely avoided all the Trump machine gun fire.

A whole bunch of his short-term rivals like Rubio, Jindal, Rand, Christie, etc. have basically taken themselves out. (Except Jim Gilmore obviously.) And unlike most of them Walker will just be coming out of office in 2019.

Assuming he turns down the compromise candidate offering at the convention of course.
Yeah. Now everyone's being cautious about polling. Which is good but there's also no reason to go too far in the other direction.

The takeaway from last night was don't assume the polls are always right, vote accordingly, and Clinton should not be taking Bernie for granted.

It will force Clinton to push a super hard get out the vote operation in Ohio, and possibly Illinois and other states. But honestly Ohio is CRITICAL for get out the vote for the dems, and honestly Bernie and Hillary should be going full bore on getting people out in practice for the GE. This Michigan loss for Hillary is probably a good thing for the Hillary campaign to wake up and don't take things for granted, plus it will get the Democratic party overall a chance to try and push some voter turnout where it matters.


I used to wonder if Scott Walker got out too soon, but now I wonder if he dropped out just in time. Nobody is going to associate him with everything that happened post-Trump. He completely avoided all the Trump machine gun fire.

A whole bunch of his short-term rivals like Rubio, Jindal, Rand, Christie, etc. have basically taken themselves out. (Except Jim Gilmore obviously.) And unlike most of them Walker will just be coming out of office in 2019.

Assuming he turns down the compromise candidate offering at the convention of course.

It was the best thing he ever did.


He could have been first except Perry got indicted lol

He dumped out after watching Trump at that first debate and seeing everyones poll numbers vaporize as Trump shot up. Must have had visions of six more months of it.

True, he was out of money temporarily. But he was still top five in the polls, and had a bunch of PAC money. Yet he pulled the trigger, while Graham and Pataki almost hung in until Iowa, and Santorum almost hung in until NH. And those three guys were polling a combined 0% at one point.

EDIT: lol on the day Walker dropped out the RCP average in Iowa was:
Trump 28 - Carson 23 - Cruz 8 - Rubio 5 - Bush 5 - Carly 5 - Walker 5 - Huckabee 4


So let's assume Trump gets the delegate count he needs. Can the party still just completely overwrite the rules to block him?
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