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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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repost from closed thread:

Have there been any numbers/polls in any of the primaries so far about religious voters in the Democratic primaries/caucuses? I'm curious to see how this breaks down with Bernie and Hillary.

Every link I search for seems to break down religious and/or evangelical voters in the Republican primary, but nothing in the Democratic one.


Again, this has been proven to be factually untrue by explanatory polling:

So basically Trump's asshole character wins because secretly voters want to have sex with him.

Basically, GOP will run Trump/Palin and take the boner vote all the way to the White House.


The more Trump looks to be the nominee, the closer Obama gets to nominate a SC justice IMO

If they have any brains at all, their tune changes the moment they see that Trump is the nominee.

On the other hand, if I were Obama, I'd know I had them over the barrel. There's no way I'd be sending them softball nominations. Just pick people that I think are the absolute best for the job, just like he's been saying he'd do all along.
repost from closed thread:

Have there been any numbers/polls in any of the primaries so far about religious voters in the Democratic primaries/caucuses? I'm curious to see how this breaks down with Bernie and Hillary.

Every link I search for seems to break down religious and/or evangelical voters in the Republican primary, but nothing in the Democratic one.

"They're all godless heathens, so why pay for a poll to prove it?"

Bernie didn't even win Lafayette (pronounced La-FAY-ette) county here. I thought that was his for sure.
I wonder how Trump will play off the GE matchup with Clinton in the next debate. He cant keep saying "I'm winning every poll against Hillary". The moderators just might put up a graphic of 10 polls he's losing. He needs to say GE polling is not good at this point in time etc etc. But he has a big ego, tiny hands and small penis so of course he wont admit defeat.


"They're all godless heathens, so why pay for a poll to prove it?"

Bernie didn't even win Lafayette (pronounced La-FAY-ette) county here. I thought that was his for sure.

When I arrived in Oxford for college, I remember the locals being quite perturbed at my Louisiana pronunciation of Lafayette (La-FEE-ette). (Your post just made me laugh. Something I hadn't remembered in years)


No Scrubs
Lol, as a Bernie supporter that part is so true. I've wanted deblasio to eventually run for president since he first started gaining power in New York. Bernie has been one of my favorite senators since I discovered him in 2008, but he never struck me as a great presidential nominee (although contrary to popular opinion here, I don't think Hillary is either. Democrats really let their bench go to shit by ignoring state elections).

I never really expected him to win, let alone get this far, but my hope has always been that his campaign would pave the way for someone like DeBlasio to actually get the nomination in 8 years. I think he's been a success in that regard, especially considering his numbers with voters under 45.

I genuinely like him, but he does need some polishing for sure. The man definitely gets how class and race intersect better than almost anyone in the party and he's not afraid to give that real talk on race. If he can get reelected he could go far. I like how his feud with Cuomo is essentially making both of them better, I just wish they'd both recognize it since they can both be so petty.

The Clinton camp just needs to chain him to his desk though. He's chomping at the bit to go out and campaign for her. I swear if we told him he could take a year off to go campaign for her he wouldn't even hesitate. I love how passionate he can get, but at the same time he needs to slow his roll a bit.
I wonder how Trump will play off the GE matchup with Clinton in the next debate. He cant keep saying "I'm winning every poll against Hillary". The moderators just might put up a graphic of 10 polls he's losing. He needs to say GE polling is not good at this point in time etc etc. But he has a big ego, tiny hands and small penis so of course he wont admit defeat.
"I've seen polls that you wouldn't believe. They all say I'm winning."
So basically Trump's asshole character wins because secretly voters want to have sex with him.

Basically, GOP will run Trump/Palin and take the boner vote all the way to the White House.

I mean, isn't that basically how Ben Franklin became president?
I really don't see Walker having any sort of future as a presidential candidate. He's feasted on incompetent Wisconsin Democrats but just isn't up to the rigors of a national campaign. He has no ability to think on his feet. All you have to do is knock him off his script and he sounds like a complete idiot, and I don't think he'll ever really be able to fix that. His act has also worn thin in Wisconsin, though what I've heard from people who are very plugged into Wisconsin politics is that he has no interest in a third term anyway.
New ABC News/WaPo Obama Job approval: 51% Approve 43% Disapprove.

Obama Job approval average streams have crossed in Huffpo Pollster and broke even in RCP.


No Scrubs
Women's suffrage just came too late for Ben.

Which, as I understand it, was not normally a problem for him.

Seriously though, he probably would've been an awesome president.

Man liked French hookers way too much to be president. He'd never cut himself off like that.


His act has also worn thin in Wisconsin, though what I've heard from people who are very plugged into Wisconsin politics is that he has no interest in a third term anyway.
That's the one advantage he's got, all his other potential rivals for 2020 have to face re-election before then. Rand and Thune having the leg up by going this year.

If he can get the money out again he might be able to ward off any serious challengers like Romney did in 2012 and then knock down the pretenders one by one.
"They're all godless heathens, so why pay for a poll to prove it?"

Bernie didn't even win Lafayette (pronounced La-FAY-ette) county here. I thought that was his for sure.

lol, I feel like that's the case. I guess no one ever thinks that religion would have an influence on Democratic voters. I can see that intuitively, but it would be nice to see some actual numbers at least. Especially with all the recent discussion about voters in the South.

Not every religious person is an evangelical Republican, and not every Democrat is baby-eating atheist :/
New ABC News/WaPo Obama Job approval: 51% Approve 43% Disapprove.

Obama Job approval average streams have crossed in Huffpo Pollster and broke even in RCP.

People finally realized that they liked Obama after watching Trump and Cruz battle it out for the last few months.

I'm glad Trump will at least help Obama end up being a well-liked president, lol.


Lol Krauthammer was a psychiatrist?? Omg. Why hasnt this turned into a sitcom yet.
He has a MD from Harvard Medical School. That's where he got paralyzed.

Also was one of the team writing the DSM. I want to say IV or III. IV might be too recent, I don't remember how old he is.

lol, I feel like that's the case. I guess no one ever thinks that religion would have an influence on Democratic voters. I can see that intuitively, but it would be nice to see some actual numbers at least. Especially with all the recent discussion about voters in the South.

Not every religious person is an evangelical Republican, and not every Democrat is baby-eating atheist :/
Pollsters in general have been asking less questions of Democrats. I think because the race was so uncontested.

Where's the fun in finding all the Hillary voters agree. Whereas GOP you could get stuff like 43% of Bush supporters think Payton Manning is a racist vs. 2% for Trump supporters.
Here's CNN polls for the Dem side. Looks good for Clinton but after last night...

63% Clinton
33% Sanders

61% Clinton
34% Sanders

I'm skeptical of that Ohio number for sure. PPP is also showing a large Clinton lead, but not that large, and Quinnipiac has it within single digits (albeit barely).

I'd love to see regional breakdowns on some of these polls. Northern Ohio looks a lot like much of Michigan, but Southern Ohio is a completely different animal.
I just looked it up and found it. Clever Cory.. Clever.

nah, the clever bit is when you realize that he was preceded by the great John Dickinson. Which was in turn preceded by Willie Moore.

Man, pennsylvania has some issues.

Of Pennsylvania, dude. Of Pennsylvania. He was a governor, essentially.

Ben Franklin is my boy. I think I'd know if he'd been POTUS.

Nay? True? Egads, it is almost as if i'd omitted key information on purpose.


People finally realized that they liked Obama after watching Trump and Cruz battle it out for the last few months.

I'm glad Trump will at least help Obama end up being a well-liked president, lol.
I really think there's a chance that Hillary will end-up benefitting from this contrast as well. She's painted quite harshly, but can reasonably sell herself as an unthreatening person; she's not going to live up to the myth of Hillary the Monster. We saw some of this when folks liked what they saw of her during the Benghazi hearings, so I tend to wonder if something like that ABC polling gap could really hold for the general, especially with so much of the public really really disliking Trump.

Population map, if anyone wants to study it.

Anyway, many of the polls show sanders with like 33 - 38%, but at the same time only have Clinton at 57-60. That means there are 10% that are undecided, and maybe 10% of independence that come in and vote, which might be what made up the difference yesterday.


best part is McLaughlin actually sometimes uses the "on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being lowest degree of unlikelihood, 10 being absolute metaphysical certitude" line from that sketch


No Scrubs
WRONG! I'm perfectly sane. Everyone else, however, is insane and trying to steal my magic bag.

Wrong! There is intellegent life in the 11th galaxy on the planet Neptar, which will conquer Earth in the year 5482, utilizing us for slave labor in their Chellonian salt mines.
Population map, if anyone wants to study it.

Anyway, many of the polls show sanders with like 33 - 38%, but at the same time only have Clinton at 57-60. That means there are 10% that are undecided, and maybe 10% of independence that come in and vote, which might be what made up the difference yesterday.

Miss has more black people than white people?
Wrong! There is intellegent life in the 11th galaxy on the planet Neptar, which will conquer Earth in the year 5482, utilizing us for slave labor in their Chellonian salt mines.
John, John! Trump's White nationalism is not the same as racism!
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