User 463088
What was posted that was deleted. I love shit polls. I want to know.
Oh Gravis. Never mind.
Oh Gravis. Never mind.
Aren't we using the existing thread?
Drats!Tuesday is still the April thread. Gangs of New York is one of my two options for the convention thread though, the other being the Apocalypse itself if Trump wins outright before then.
It was conducted like 9 days ago. That's more the reason. A nearly irrelevant poll by this point.Gravis has a C rating from 538 which is p. good. Hillary stans crying!
It really does read like satire until you read the rest of his stufff. Here's some excerpts from a presentation he gave on recruiting the best engineers.
![]() Giants.pdf
This is what Hillary's transcripts must read like.
This is what Hillary's transcripts must read like.
It was conducted like 9 days ago. That's more the reason. A nearly irrelevant poll by this point.
Her persistent evasion of the question of whether Israel used disproportionate force left a sour taste in my mouth. She strikes me as being more to the Right when it comes to Israel compared with some in the administration.
Where do Clinton supporters here stand on her views on Israel?
9 days + clinton attacks on Sanders + sanders clearly winning the debate = STOP CRYING
Is this the first "news" he's made in at least a week? Very interesting watching the media oxygen sucked out of his campaign; I never thought it would happen.
I wonder what he'll do after he presumably loses at the convention. He doesn't have time to get on ballots unless he wants to take over the Constitutional Party or some other party with ballot access.
Donald Trump took a pass when asked Thursday how he would refer to the West Bank, territory hotly contested by Israelis and Palestinians, and asked his company's top attorney -- who is Jewish -- for an answer.
"Jason, how would you respond to that?" Trump said, turning to Jason Greenblatt, the chief legal officer for the Trump Organization.
The question came from a reporter with the Forward, a leading Jewish newspaper, during a meeting Trump held Thursday with two dozen reporters from Jewish and Israel-focused publications and Orthodox activists, according to the outlet.
Is this the first "news" he's made in at least a week? Very interesting watching the media oxygen sucked out of his campaign; I never thought it would happen.
I wonder what he'll do after he presumably loses at the convention. He doesn't have time to get on ballots unless he wants to take over the Constitutional Party or some other party with ballot access.
Him refusing to do any more debates hurt him. Only news is folks getting knocked out at his rallies.
I think he's stopped doing the big rallies too, for precisely the reason you mention.
Her persistent evasion of the question of whether Israel used disproportionate force left a sour taste in my mouth. She strikes me as being more to the Right when it comes to Israel compared with some in the administration.
Where do Clinton supporters here stand on her views on Israel?
Gravis was only off 30 points in SC.
You better not fuck this up, Long Island.
Everyone was off in SC.
I believe in Gravis. NY will be her comeback era.
You better not fuck this up, Long Island.
Ben Carson Chris Cristie Endorse Trump!
Rubio Suspends Candidacy! No Wonder, No Wins!
Kasich Wins His Own State, Ohio? He's the Governor of that State!?
Hillary and Bill Clinton have been involved with scandal and investigations since at least 1970’s.
1.Travel Gate
2.Hillary Care McDougal Real Estate Fraud
3.White water
4.File Gate files given
5.Vince Foster file removal
6.Lost Rose Law Firm Legal Files
7.1996 Political Junket fraud
8.Renting out Lincoln room for favors
9.1995 Haung politcal fraud with Clintons
10.1998 Charlie Trie funding of Clinton defense fund
11.John Chung DNC bank fraud contributions to Clintons
12.Al Gore phone calls from White House
13.Monikow Lewinski Sex Scandal / Impeachment
14.Pardongate Marc Rich contributions to Clintons
15.Bosnia airport sniper lie
16.Email scandal / lies 1998-2016
17.Clinton Foundation taking $ for influence 1990-2016
18. Clinton's Internet Guru Given Immunity ahead of Indictment!
Face, next morning, after taking Money from Foreign Donors to Hillary Clinton Foundation. Lots of Drugs and Drinking! Lots of Lies and Promises!
Democrat Backed, Move, & Boinie Sanders sends violent protesters to Trump Rally! clinton does not deserve the black peoples votes!
"I Do Not Drink Alcohol, I Do Not Do Drugs and I Do Not Smoke Cigarettes! Clean Body, Sound Mind...Smart Clean Decisions!
Mitt Romney 100%
Lies, Knocking Trump 2/4/2016!
View this Video of Romney Praising Trump a Few Years Ago? Establishment
Liar and Backstabber!
Mitt Romney is one of the greatest and most irresponsible debt creators of all time. In the past few decades, in fact, Romney has piled more debt onto more unsuspecting companies, written more gigantic checks that other people have to cover, than perhaps all but a handful of people on planet Earth.
Donald Trump for President, Strong, Financially Savvy, Leader, Honest! Make America Great Again!
Ted Cruz, Preacher, Liar, Cheat, Dishonest...Arrested?
He’s an actor. After showing the videos of Cruz’s appeals for compromise,Fox News ~ Kelly asked him, “Was that all an act? It was pretty convincing.” In the post-debate interview, she told him: “It just seems weird for the average person to see, like, the acting, when you’re trying to sell it, saying, ‘I want the bill to pass.’ ” Kelly said she didn’t think Cruz was lying in 2016 about his motives in 2013. But in that case, what he said in 2013 was, as, she put it, acting. And acting, in this context, is just a nicer word for lying.
.it turns out Ted Cruz was once ticketed for possessing alcohol as a minor, after a 1987 police stop that revealed an unopened case of cheap beer in his trunk. The Presidential contender then pled guilty to the misdemeanor.
John Kasich, Good, Calm and Reassuring!
John Kasich, Honest, Calm and Reassuring. He would make a great supporting Vice President
There are, now, THREE groups of Non-Americans, communist oriented people that have, or are, or going to subvert the will and vote of the American Disrupt Donald Trumps Nomination...though He earned it with OUR Votes! George Soros & Bill Ayres Behind the Attack!
PPP is polling Maryland this weekend right?
Sanders can't afford to W-I-N any state going forward by less than double digits. Even if he won by Michigan numbers that would be disaster for his campaign.In frustration? Sanders can't afford to lose New York by any margin if he wants a pledged delegate lead.
Everyone was off in SC.
I believe in Gravis. NY will be her comeback era.
You better not fuck this up, Long Island.
Not doing well in Manhattan at all, huh.Where Sanders is out raising Shillary. (The few, the brave)![]()
Upstate new York is more conservative than NYC so like the souhtern us it doesn't count!Isn't that just a graphic showing Bernie is more competitive where there are fewer minorities?
Not doing well in Manhattan at all, huh.
Not much from Brooklyn either.
Trump gained a previous Rubio delegate today. Lol.
Trump gained a previous Rubio delegate today. Lol.
An interesting question I'm seeing on Twitter: Bernie is running as the change candidate to replace Obama. Obama is not unpopular among Democrats. Especially a certain demographic. Hmm.
Bernie winning by 24 then? Sheeit.Gravis was only off 30 points in SC.
Do yo take that as her admitting that she's a crook?Was out again volunteering for Bernie.
Hillary says she "could care less" about Trump calling her Crooked Hillary, which probably annoys me more than anything else she's said this campaign.
An interesting question I'm seeing on Twitter: Bernie is running as the change candidate to replace Obama. Obama is not unpopular among Democrats. Especially a certain demographic. Hmm.