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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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This has been, without question, a week that has easily dwarfed all previous weeks since inauguration in terms of chaos and disaster.


May contain jokes =>
This has been, without question, a week that has easily dwarfed all previous weeks since inauguration in terms of chaos and disaster.

It may have waxed and waned but it's generally be an upward (downward) trajectory of idiocy and chaos. I don't expect it to settle.
So they'll vote on a bill they don't have a score or language for. All they know is that the FC has received major concessions, which of course pisses off the moderates who have seemingly had no access to Trump in the last 24-36 hours.
I think the CBO was the least of the bill's problems frankly.

Honestly, I think the CBO analysis really drove home to most Americans just how awful this thing was. Before the first analysis, it was literally punditry going back and forth. Cold hard numbers, and more importantly, the breakdown of just who was getting screwed the worst (note: so, so many who voted for Trump) really helped escalate the unpopularity of this bill.
This has been, without question, a week that has easily dwarfed all previous weeks since inauguration in terms of chaos and disaster.

It's easily the biggest week of his budding Presidency, the true test on his administration's ability to govern and get anything done, and the outing of so much smoke in the Trump/Russia fire. And its not even done yet.

Seeing the markets start adjusting back to normal if this doesn't pass is really gonna start raising eyebrows, as the only thing he had going for him was the strong economy that had bloated 10% since he won, specifically counting on the Tax Reform they thought would be a sure thing.


If Trump was sitting at 60% popularity they might have risked it, but 37%? What morons thought he had any sort of leverage?

Especially with a current FBI investigation going on that's sure to have more stuff coming out on him and his administration.


Honestly, I think the CBO analysis really drove home to most Americans just how awful this thing was. Before the first analysis, it was literally punditry going back and forth. Cold hard numbers, and more importantly, the breakdown of just who was getting screwed the worst (note: so, so many who voted for Trump) really helped escalate the unpopularity of this bill.

I don't disagree, i just think public reaction to the bill itself played less of an overall role than the absolute blinders the GOP has to its own internal dysfunction since riding the Tea Party wave in 2010 and doing nothing to stymie it as they rode out the Obama administration.
I don't disagree, i just think public reaction to the bill itself played less of an overall role than the absolute blinders the GOP has to its own internal dysfunction since riding the Tea Party wave in 2010 and doing nothing to stymie it as they rode out the Obama administration.

Nah, I think if the public reaction hadn't been as strong as it were, you would've seen more moderates easily fall in line & put more pressure on the HFC. To be honest, both parties have had a quagmire of bullshit forming that hasn't been cleaned out. GOP & its battle with the HFC, and the Dems & their internal battle between the neoliberals/Clintonites & anyone left of them.
Honestly, I think the CBO analysis really drove home to most Americans just how awful this thing was. Before the first analysis, it was literally punditry going back and forth. Cold hard numbers, and more importantly, the breakdown of just who was getting screwed the worst (note: so, so many who voted for Trump) really helped escalate the unpopularity of this bill.
Yeah, see all the articles about Trump voters who are upset at how badly they're going to get screwed by this.

That's not to say they're default Dem votes in 2020 or even 2018, but the CBO score on its own does half the lifting for us. This bill is worse than ACA in every way imaginable, even the only arguable detail has a catch (lower premiums but out-of-pocket expenses are much higher). Except for the very rich benefiting from tax cuts, at best things stay the same.


OMG, the front page of HuffPo, LOL!!!

huffpost's got nothing on dry british humor


The thing is,for as much shit as Romney gets for saying it, 45-47% of the voting base that will reliably vote for either party in recent years each.

All it would take is Russia seeing Trump's Victory in the Primaries against all odds and playing interference via WikiLeaks. I don't think it's that far out there for Russia to have made plans for if Trump Wins and then execute them when he does.

I mean, Manafort, Mr. "Secret Russia Agent" himself, was the one who pushed for Pence. He knew that Trump needed Evangelicals to win, and so if "Trump Winning=Good for Russia" and "Pence as VP=Trump's odds go up", then "Pence as VP=Good for Russia".

Can anyone give me a heat check on Seth Abramson's credibility because this tweet thread is pretty interesting.

It pulls together the Rosneft threads into a tighter narrative.

I'm reading this and just.. hell, we're past TV, aren't we? The ambassador link, if true, implicates not just Russia but also Italy/Singapore, right?
Nah, I think if the public reaction hadn't been as strong as it were, you would've seen more moderates easily fall in line & put more pressure on the HFC. To be honest, both parties have had a quagmire of bullshit forming that hasn't been cleaned out. GOP & its battle with the HFC, and the Dems & their internal battle between the neoliberals/Clintonites & anyone left of them.

Certainly there'd be blowback based on the facts, but if the GOP had presented a more unified front, more people would be saying "give them a chance."

Instead you've got the HFC saying it's not evil enough, and once one faction starts opposing it, that gives the moderates cover to oppose (notice that the moderates mostly say they're opposed without saying much about why, which keeps any one of them from looking like a filthy compromiser).

A more united front would make it into a ideology Vs establishment thing. Now it's just ideology Vs establishment Vs the idiots that wrote the bill, and that third group is basically just Paul Ryan.
Cant believe the testifier out the 4th floor window is alive and improving via Maddow or ODonnell(forgot) and has his mental faculties. Cant wait to hear his story.
Nobody thought he was gonna win! Like I buy russia was trying to make the GOP more russia friendly. But this all presupposes that people legit thought trump was going to be president

Not necessarily - the Rosneft deal was going down with the aforementioned players regardless of Trump winning. In fact, Trump winning turned out to be more troublesome, because of what occurred during the election after the Mayweather event.

So, in that first foreign policy speech he made, Trump immediately starts calling for a peaceful coming together with Russia. And what you heard from a few GOP members in the lead up to the general (particularly from people who are implicated in that tweet narrative) is that we should be aiming for peaceful negotiations with Russia, not antagonizing them. This theory actually goes a long way to explain why Trump, a man supposedly with zero connections to Russia, would be arguing for peaceful business dealings with Russia in his very first foreign policy speech, when at that time everyone assumed the Middle East would be the biggest foreign policy topic of the 2016 GE.

If all they wanted was to pull the GOP/USA public perception on business dealings with Russia into a positive light, Trump could've easily done so while running in the GE, which is something he repeatedly & continuously tried to do. There is actually precedent for something similar in other elections, where a candidate takes on a seemingly logical stance that should receive majority support, only to pull their opponent more towards their stance. What really screwed these attempts up was the discovery of the Russian hacks on the DNC. This actually answers the question on why Russia would go through the trouble of hacking the DNC, then trying to hide any involvement and leaking it to Wikileaks - they didn't want the blowback to undermine the face-turn they had Trump trying to do in the GE.


IIRC Abramson was a big Bernie guy and is a "metamodernist poet". I'm not really familiar with his output but Google doesn't make it seem trustworthy:

I believed then and believe still that the experimental journalism of the future will embrace the multi-dimensionality of metanarrative. Write that Sanders is in the midst of a competitive primary race enough times--and support those claims with unimpeachable elements of the totalized ‘Real’--and in time we collectively can see that that seemingly impossible metanarrative is every bit as powerful and present and perceivable as any other.


Do we know what time the Friday vote will be? Or even a rough point-in-the-day (morning, afternoon, evening)?

scheduled around 2-4pm EST

Can anyone give me a heat check on Seth Abramson's credibility because this tweet thread is pretty interesting.

i'm not a big fan of this recent trend of journalists writing articles via Twitter threads. It's just half assed to me because they can delete the whole thing without much blowback. They should own their words and publish it.
scheduled around 2-4pm EST

i'm not a big fan of this recent trend of journalists writing articles via Twitter threads. It's just half assed to me because they can delete the whole thing without much blowback. They should own their words and publish it.

The thing about journalism is that you still have to go through an editor to run a story on most publications. He decided to do it on his own name - there are any number of reasons as to why a journalist would do this in this situation, but it sounds like this story is going to make its way through the media in the next week or so.


IIRC Abramson was a big Bernie guy and is a "metamodernist poet". I'm not really familiar with his output but Google doesn't make it seem trustworthy:

Oh my God, it's this guy.

Literally he wrote a lengthy screed about how writing fake news that says what you want to be true will help change the world and make it true.

I don't know about you but for me it makes it hard to buy this story. We'll see if anybody else covers it.
Oh my God, it's this guy.

Literally he wrote a lengthy screed about how writing fake news that says what you want to be true will help change the world and make it true.

I don't know about you but for me it makes it hard to buy this story. We'll see if anybody else covers it.
Trump was impeached in our hearts.


I wouldn't shoot the messenger in this case. I can't vouch for anything else that guy has written, but what he's saying here is well sourced. The most interesting fact is that Trump, Manafort and Sessions met with the ambassadors of Russia, Italy and Singapore on the night of his first foreign policy speech. Italy and Singapore played a major role in the Rosneft deal.


All this reporting that Trump is ready to move on to tax reform, yet if this bill actually passes the House, the hard part is still to come. I can't believe Trump actually thought healthcare was going to be a quick and easy win


Unconfirmed Member
I would have absolutely loved Kaine to do a photo op of him pretending to drive a truck, and then being pictured later talking about other more serious stuff with an "I heart trucks" pin on.
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