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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Game theory/fantasy fan fiction:

1. Trump forces vote to humiliate Ryan.
2. Ryan goes down swinging. Pushes for independent committee on Russian story.
3. ???
4. Impeachment!
Why vote on this if there's not enough votes?

So Bannon and Trump can get their shit list I guess.

As it stands the bill is horrible and people can't keep ignoring that. So this is kinda good for the white house...I guess. They can just lay blame on Ryan, saying that Trump put his trust in him and he failed. His job was to get this passed as Speaker, and he couldn't do it. The quicker this leaves they can go to something else.


I mean, if Trump really doesn't care about healthcare as an issue, then forcing a humiliating vote would probably be sufficient to end the issue during this cycle.

End the distraction.

I see the logic from the WH perspective. They don't care about Republican priorities or even Republican majorities.
As it stands the bill is horrible and people can't keep ignoring that. So this is kinda good for the white house...I guess. They can just lay blame on Ryan, saying that Trump put his trust in him and he failed. His job was to get this passed as Speaker, and he couldn't do it. The quicker this leaves they can go to something else.

They can't really go to anything else, though. This bill was a lynchpin that needed to get passed to support their later efforts with tax cuts and all that shit.

This is a monumental failing for the White House if they can't get it through. Like, monumental.
Comparing this White House and political climate to any in the past is ridiculous.

The game is the game. There are consequences to losing, being unpopular, threatening congress, displaying a complete lack of understand of your legislation, etc.

Trump is losing power and we're getting closer and closer to election season.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
How does he win here

He doesn't, but it is the best-case scenario for him. He, as always, will take zero blame.

Carter was completely incompetent and couldn't get a thing done on Health Care due to mismanaging it.

Things did not go well for his party in 1980.

Republicans still have tax reform to go after, and I have zero doubt they'll all be on board for that.

The game is the game. There are consequences to losing, being unpopular, threatening congress, displaying a complete lack of understand of your legislation, etc.

Trump is losing power and we're getting closer and closer to election season.

After last election being overrun with racism, sexism, and a foreign power influencing things, I have no reservations about being hesitant to compare past precedent to current events.
He doesn't, but it is the best-case scenario for him. He, as always, will take zero blame.

Best case scenario would have been it passing the House but dying in the Senate so he can blame Democrats

This is likely preferable to it passing and destroying our healthcare system, but it's not a good scenario for Trump



Spicer says Trump has "done everything possible" to get health care passed.

Sure, it's Melissa McCarthy, whatevs... But I think the people saying there won't be any blowback for Trump will end up being wrong. There may not be immediate repercussions for him, but any way you cut it, Trump has failed here. If he just let the GOP twist, it would've been one thing, but he didn't. He took any active (though short-lived) part in all this.

It'll take some time to kick-in, but I think this may actually be the point where Trump starts to become entirely impotent.

And that's gonna huuuuuuurt. :D

Sure, it's Melissa McCarthy, whatevs... But I think the people saying there won't be any blowback for Trump will end up being wrong. There may not be immediate repercussions for him, but any way you cut it, Trump has failed here. If he's just let the GOP twist, it would've been one thing, but he didn't. He took any active (though short-lived) part in all this.

It'll take some time to kick-in, but I think this may actually be the point where Trump starts to become entirely impotent.

And that's gonna huuuuuuurt. :D

A fail looks bad. If the "master dealmaker" can't get his own party to pass a Repeal & Replace bill and he put EVERYTHING he had into it... that makes him a loser.
Who's this fuckstick from Ohio complaining about 20,000 people losing insurance... the act you're trying to pass would cost 24,000,000 - 30,000,000 people to lose their insurance...

EDIT: LOL. The AHCA would cost ~40,000 Ohians their insurance. Guy gets called out the second he finishes...


Who's this fuckstick from Ohio complaining about 20,000 people losing insurance... the act you're trying to pass would cost 24,000,000 - 30,000,000 people to lose their insurance...

EDIT: LOL. The AHCA would cost ~40,000 Ohians their insurance. Guy gets called out the second he finishes...
The Ohio guy on cnn talking about repeal replace repair? These guys disgust me.
Rep. Smith from Nebraska complaining about Obamacare not covering enough people. Lets see what the board says... No Medicaid expansion... and shut up. If you guys had actually embraced the ACA maybe it would work better.
I must know the context of this.



RPV Chairman Whitbeck issued the following statement today:

“The term “cuckservative” is racist and its use is not acceptable in political discourse under any circumstance. I condemn the use of the term unequivocally and without exception. No Republican should ever use this type of language in a campaign. ”
Richard Neal is kind of killin it in this AHCA debate. After every Republican that complains about people losing coverage, he gives the projection for how many would lose their coverage if the ACA is repealed. What a boss.
Comparing this White House and political climate to any in the past is ridiculous.

In what universe is "the GOP just proved its utter inability to do the number one thing they literally spent the last seven years campaigning and fundraising endlessly on" good for them?
He doesn't, but it is the best-case scenario for him. He, as always, will take zero blame.

Republicans still have tax reform to go after, and I have zero doubt they'll all be on board for that.

After last election being overrun with racism, sexism, and a foreign power influencing things, I have no reservations about being hesitant to compare past precedent to current events.

I didn't know 2016 was the first US election to be overrun with any of those things.

I just don't understand thinking because Trump won he is Superman, no rules apply, he'll always win, etc. Why even pay attention if you're going to give up or be reserved to Trump "winning" everything. Can anyone point to anything Trump has accomplished or won since being sworn in? Does he have any political capitol? Have any of the diabolical Bannon master plans liberals warned us about in massive tweet threads come true? He's a president sitting at sub 40% approval ratings in March of his first year in office.
He doesn't, but it is the best-case scenario for him. He, as always, will take zero blame.

A roll call vote that fails is literally the worst option for the entire GOP, including Trump.

Well, the worst option is this actually passing, but I mean, worse for them without 24 million people losing their health insurance.

I didn't know 2016 was the first US election to be overrun with any of those things.

I just don't understand thinking because Trump won he is Superman, no rules apply, he'll always win, etc. Why even pay attention if you're going to give up or be reserved to Trump "winning" everything. Can anyone point to anything Trump has accomplished or won since being sworn in? Does he have any political capitol? Have any of the diabolical Bannon master plans liberals warned us about in massive tweet threads come true? He's a president sitting at sub 40% approval ratings in March of his first year in office.

Also, this.
Can anyone point to anything Trump has accomplished or won since being sworn in?

well, he's, uh, repealed a bunch of regulations

which is completely expected, because the GOP controls both chambers of Congress and is ideologically opposed to fettering capitalism in ways that are less blatantly good than the ACA
I had to look it up because I was too amused. It looks like one of the gubernatorial Republican candidates, Corey Stewart, did an AMA on reddit where he called Gillespie a cuckservative. It looks like he also said "we have to defeat the globalists" and called McAuliffe a cuck too, while bragging about his deportation record. Lovely guy.

In what universe is "the GOP just proved its utter inability to do the number one thing they literally spent the last seven years campaigning and fundraising endlessly on" good for them?
How could they run on it if they accomplished it?
How could they run on it if they accomplished it?

I mean, in one case they eventually lose votes from the (very small) group that decides "welp, they're not doing what they promised" (and will probably lose votes anyway because they tried with this, similar to SS privatization in 2005), and in the other case they immediately lose a ton of votes. At best it's push-lose!


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
In what universe is "the GOP just proved its utter inability to do the number one thing they literally spent the last seven years campaigning and fundraising endlessly on" good for them?

I never said it was good for the GOP.

I didn't know 2016 was the first US election to be overrun with any of those things.

I just don't understand thinking because Trump won he is Superman, no rules apply, he'll always win, etc. Why even pay attention if you're going to give up or be reserved to Trump "winning" everything. Can anyone point to anything Trump has accomplished or won since being sworn in? Does he have any political capitol? Have any of the diabolical Bannon master plans liberals warned us about in massive tweet threads come true? He's a president sitting at sub 40% approval ratings in March of his first year in office.

He has the nickname "Teflon Don" for a reason. He showed it during the primaries. He showed it during the debates. He showed it during the election. That isn't changing because they couldn't get a health care bill passed. He'll pass blame and won't take hardly any heat for it. Ryan will get the full brunt of it, and Trump will move forward on immigration and tax reform.
James Comey at the White House seems sketchy. I wonder what's going on.

Twitter killing it today

There's a Representative arguing that they have to pass the AHCA because they made a promise that they would repeal the ACA right now. Of course he's from Texas.

Also this;

In an interview with Forbes published Friday, Eric Trump described the setup as ”kind of a clear separation of church and state that we maintain."

”I am deadly serious about that exercise," he said. ”I do not talk about the government with him, and he does not talk about the business with us. That's kind of a steadfast pact we made, and it's something that we honor."

But nearly two minutes later, Trump admitted that he will keep his father up to speed on some aspects of the business.

”Yeah, on the bottom line, profitability reports and stuff like that, but you know, that's about it," he said, adding that the updates will be ”probably quarterly."

”My father and I are very close," he said. ”I talk to him a lot. We're pretty inseparable."


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Right, you implied it wouldn't be bad for Trump, which is equally dumb.

All anybody will hear about in the next month or two is how Ryan failed. Even liberal journalists/commentators are on Twitter right now saying this wasn't Trump's fault--it was the republicans'. Trump and the GOP have tax reform and immigration to get to next, which they all pretty much agree on. Those will be viewed as victories, the democrats will get any blame for healthcare because they implemented ACA, and the dance will continue.

"This time is different" they said after every election ever.

If you honestly think this past election and current insanely polarized climate was similar to elections in the recent past, you're out of your mind. Stay as far away from the DNC as you can, please. I'd like them to not fall back into the same rut they always do by thinking things will magically revert to the status quo.
Comey is at the White house for one of two reasons:

a.) Brought in by Trump as Donny attempts to stop the investigation/charm him
b.) Comey is putting the fear of God into Trump

I hope the latter. At his core, Trump is a coward. He's not ready for this kind of pressure.
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