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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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How much can they do now with tax reform?

They never thought that this would happen and everything was tied to this bill passing. It seems it will blow up their plan for tax reform and they will have to go back to the drawing board.

Trump doesn't look like he quite gets the lost he took. The healthcare bill could have made his tax reform work or the GOP's bill. Now it isn't most likely.
One of the dems should take the Hillary ACA additions to trump with the label of "Plan B".

Primaries are handled by the local wing of Parties. Your implication was that somehow the Government was complicit in these actions, and I seriously doubt Sanders would have miraculously closed an almost 20% gap. Even then, had he managed a win in Arizona, he still would have failed to secure the nomination by a long shot. Also funny thing about the reduced polling locations--that was a response the Democratic Party in a lot of states had to the historically low turnout of 2014. In the DNC leaks there was an e-mail where Hillary's staff complained about the lack of polling places during a few primaries, but you know lock her up or some shit.

You sure love #AlternativeFacts.



Beat EviLore at pool.
Less than that considering it needs to make it through both houses of Congress before the 15th.

Amazing. This is gonna be a fucking shit show. I know that bullshit saying we are all on a sinking boat but this is a funny fucking sinking boat.
You think the tax bill will pass?


I want to say yes but after this lol. Imagine the outrage over how Ryan will try to pay for it: cuts to popular programs for the poor and working class. Also imagine being a congressman going back to your district and saying "well I haven't done anything about immigration or healthcare or the opiate crisis...but I lowered taxes for your employer [Walmart]!"
None of this spin is going to work. Everyone knows the GOP has total control of government right now. This couldn't even get out of the House, which was always going to be the easy part! Trump complained about some 'outdated' stuff in both chambers. Do you... think he didn't know what the 60 vote threshold was for until now?
“We’re going to be living with Obamacare for the foreseeable future,” Ryan admitted Friday.
Does this even qualify as a threat? I can't tell. Sounds like a good quote for Democrats to use. "Hey, even Paul Ryan admits it!"
I want to say yes but after this lol. Imagine the outrage over how Ryan will try to pay for it: cuts to popular programs for the poor and working class. Also imagine being a congressman going back to your district and saying "well I haven't done anything about immigration or healthcare or the opiate crisis...but I lowered taxes for your employer [Walmart]!"

"Is this when it finally starts to trickle down?"

"Yes, my pets."


I switched to The Five to hear the spin and I see Bob Beckel? I thought they threw him to the curb with a bitter press release.
That's not pessimistic at all--it's realistic. It is how republicans play the game. No offense, but I'm not going to play the constant "Say what everyone wants to here so we all feel happy and great about life" garbage that many try to pull off. That's what democrats have tried to play for the last decade and it crushed them. If you have a problem, put me on ignore.

It's realistic to say they will try to put the failure on Dems. Of course they will. It's pointless to say "this is not a great scenario". The Dems are where they are.
They are not in power in any way shape or form.
Out of all possible scenarios where the Trump administration tries to repeal Obamacare, this is an almost impossibly hoped for scenario. Like if we wished for this it might not have turned out as well.

I was never certain the bill would fail. I never said it would definitely fail. But it was clear they were in deep shit for days. You can talk realistically about that unless you just can't deal with saying it looks bad and then they pull it out at the end. Just leaning on "Republicans always win / always fall in line / this is good news for John McCain Republicans" no matter what the picture actually looks like just sounds like you're girding yourself for disappointment rather than trying to analyze what's actually happening.

And I don't put anyone on ignore.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Josh Dawsey‏ @jdawsey1
White House officials, advisers say Trump is not that upset. He was far angrier about travel ban, Sessions recusal, inauguration crowd size.

Simply amazing. Joe Barton and Paul Ryan have completely given up the truth today. These Republicans never even considered what it would actually mean to repeal and replace the ACA until recently. It just fun and games to them.


Trump saying "we'll wait for it to explode" is so vindictive. "Hey, America, because we're incompetent idiots our plan is to deliberately let you suffer for the next ?? years until you learn your lesson!"

I mean, him saying this is perfect messaging fodder for the Dems and any Super PAC that wants to plaster this on the airwaves. Time it to news stories of Dems trying to introduce legislation tied to the fixes proposed by Hillary during the campaign.

Furthermore, start targeting Medicaid-expansion holdouts hardcore on the air, the governor of the state and any Republican congressional reps from the state - tie all of them to the lower enrollments in those states due to not taking the expansion.
This whole "But the president gets all the blame!!!" stuff is hilarious because that's the way it worked with a republican Congress saying that all the time under a democratic president. You actually think the right-wing media (the biggest influence on politics in our country by far) and the GOP-controlled Congress are going to be repeatedly flooding the airwaves with, "Trump screwed this up?" Really? That's not happening. Trump won't take the blame for this. He is already passing it off onto democrats, and as stated earlier, we're 2 months into his presidency. Americans have SHORT memories. Lots and lots of things he can do to rally the base between now and election day.

This is a little like when people say that it isn't that the president's party loses seats in midterms, it's that Democrats don't vote in midterms, and the evidence is... 2010 and 2014. We can look at a lot more data and see that when a party has full control of the government and fails to pass their agenda, voters don't blame the people who are out of power.

Yes, "worst-case-scenario based on nothing." Sure thing. Just to be fair--Diablos gets a bad rap on here, but he was more correct about last election than the "YAS QUEEN" crew (most of which who took off after the election).



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I love how classy Hillary is with her responses to political events today. You know it has to be crushing her every single day, but she still exhibits professionalism and decency throughout it all. She would have been an awesome president.
It'd be great if the mainstream media talked about the fraud committed in Arizona against the voters. They don't however.

Yes, the great fraud perpetuated by the republican SoS. Sure Jan. The DNC sure had control of how many voting stations the GOP officials placed in Maricopa county.

I know plenty of republicans in Phoenix who were fucking pissed off about the lines too. They didn't bother to fucking whine about it and claim bullshit fraud though.


Probably they investigated it and found that it wasn't believable. That's usually how that works.
Gee, I wonder why people don't think voter fraud had a thing to do with this result: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/ep...ona_democratic_presidential_primary-5466.html

Merrill Poll 3/7 - 3/11 300 LV 5.4 50 24 Clinton +26
MBQF (R) 2/24 - 2/24 739 LV 3.6 56 22 Clinton +34
Behavior Research Center 10/24 - 11/5 186 RV 7.3 47 19 Clinton +28
Gravis Marketing 8/13 - 8/16 427 RV 4.7 56 34 Clinton +22
PPP (D) 5/1 - 5/3 268 RV 6.0 58 16 Clinton +42
It'd be great if the mainstream media talked about the fraud committed in Arizona against the voters. They don't however.

It'd be great if you learned how to take an L and learn something.
They're likely to start coming back now that the GOP announced they're going to stop fucking everything up for a while.
Most of them leaving had to do with that Humana/Anthem merger that they got blown up for, no?
I'm reminded of this again today...

We're extremely fortunate that the leaders of the current authoritarian administration are so astonishingly incompetent, from top to bottom, or America would have been entirely fucked by now.


How much can they do now with tax reform?

They never thought that this would happen and everything was tied to this bill passing. It seems it will blow up their plan for tax reform and they will have to go back to the drawing board.

Trump doesn't look like he quite gets the lost he took. The healthcare bill could have made his tax reform work or the GOP's bill. Now it isn't most likely.

They can do basically the same thing with tax reform they were otherwise going to do.

Reconciliation can be used to increase the deficit. It just can't be used to increase the deficit after 10 years. So they can cut taxes all they want as long as those tax cuts expire in 10 years. This is exactly what George W Bush did and is why Obama was able to refuse to extend the tax cuts on the rich.


Let's not undersell how huge this is. ACA was Obama's signature domestic legislation, and probably the only one that Republicans could undo with 51 votes. They can't get rid of Dodd-Frank regulations, for example, without breaking a filibuster. It means that no matter what, the largest part of Obama's legacy survives Trump.


Junior Member
I'm reminded of this again today...

We're extremely fortunate that the leaders of the current authoritarian administration are so astonishingly incompetent, from top to bottom, or America would have been entirely fucked by now.

Yup seriously.. I mean its insane how many mistakes they have been in just the first 60 days.


No Scrubs
They can do basically the same thing with tax reform they were otherwise going to do.

Reconciliation can be used to increase the deficit. It just can't be used to increase the deficit after 10 years. So they can cut taxes all they want as long as those tax cuts expire in 10 years. This is exactly what George W Bush did and is why Obama was able to refuse to extend the tax cuts on the rich.

Their plans involved getting this done first, we don't know how much of that needs to be rewritten as a result of this. It'll be interesting to see what happens in the next few days.


It'd be great if the mainstream media talked about the fraud committed in Arizona against the voters. They don't however.

It's cute that you think the U.S. mainstream media, which routinely wastes thousands of hours on the most mundane shit, would quietly bury a story where a political veteran, especially a Clinton, used their influence to rig an election and steal it from the underdog. Just look at the way they treated her during the general election and tell me with a straight face that, if there were any solid evidence she and/or the DNC committed fraud, that wouldn't be the only story for months


Their plans involved getting this done first, we don't know how much of that needs to be rewritten as a result of this. It'll be interesting to see what happens in the next few days.

The idea was that if you do this first, along with some other stuff, you can make the tax cuts permanent. Which would have been nice for them. But they can pretty much take the meat of what they were going to do - lower rates on high incomes - and just attach "for 10 years" to the end of it. I mean, it's not like they were actually going to go through with some radical simplification of the tax code.
Let's not undersell how huge this is. ACA was Obama's signature domestic legislation, and probably the only one that Republicans could undo with 51 votes. They can't get rid of Dodd-Frank regulations, for example, without breaking a filibuster. It means that no matter what, the largest part of Obama's legacy survives Trump.

I mean, they do have 2 years minimum. The smart play would be to put an actual conservative policy wonk (Ryan is clearly a fraud) on the job and try again in several months.

The danger for them is that this shit primed the public on what to watch out for; any new bill can't have any of the flaws of the AHCA or it'll be tied to it.
It's cute that you think the U.S. mainstream media, which routinely wastes thousands of hours on the most mundane shit, would quietly bury a story where a political veteran, especially a Clinton, used their influence to rig an election and steal it from the underdog. Just look at the way they treated her during the general election and tell me with a straight face that, if there were any solid evidence she and/or the DNC committed fraud, that wouldn't be the only story for months

Did I accuse Hillary of doing anything? Holy hell, learn how to read, k?

I said there was fraud and it should be investigated. Whether a computer glitch or some 3rd party source hacking the system. People were thrown off the rolls even with their voter registration card in tow for their party and not allowed to vote.

Cry me a river when it happens to you.
This whole "But the president gets all the blame!!!" stuff is hilarious because that's the way it worked with a republican Congress saying that all the time under a democratic president. You actually think the right-wing media (the biggest influence on politics in our country by far) and the GOP-controlled Congress are going to be repeatedly flooding the airwaves with, "Trump screwed this up?" Really? That's not happening. Trump won't take the blame for this. He is already passing it off onto democrats, and as stated earlier, we're 2 months into his presidency. Americans have SHORT memories. Lots and lots of things he can do to rally the base between now and election day.

Like, were you not here during the later part of the Bush years?

Also, rallying the base doesn't win you presidencies! Neither Democrats nor Republicans have a base that will get you above 40% in a presidential election. So here we are!
So what's going to happen with this Nunes business now that it seems like Stone and Manafort have a story to run with when they go in front of the committee? Are they running with false information intentionally leaked to Nunes to see what he would do or did he actually get something useful to give to Trump?
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