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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Anywhere between just answering yes to "do you plan on voting next election" and having to have actually voted the last two midterms according to the electoral roll (and making it impossible for people under the age of 25 to participate)

I don't know what Rass uses.

Right, but, what, next presidential election in 4 years? Also, they can't legally contact a chunk of the people who will be of age to vote.


Very skeptical on Democrats holding the line on Gorsuch, and even more skeptical that the Republicans won't go nuclear. We'll see I guess.
So that explains why McConnell seems so insistent on getting 60 votes for cloture.

Very skeptical on Democrats holding the line on Gorsuch, and even more skeptical that the Republicans won't go nuclear. We'll see I guess.

Schumer already says they have the votes to block Gorsuch.
"Yes the President would like to work with Democrats, now let me once again shit all over them."

They get Heitkamp, Manchin, maaaaaybe McCaskill, Donnelly, or Coons. And then what?

I think this is a fight the Democrats can absolutely win if they just hold steady for 2 years. Just look at how the SC was treated in 2016. Nobody voted for or against someone due to it. And eventually it'll just fade out of the news as people are going to jail and the government catches fire from not having a budget passed.

When Rome is burning, who cares about an appointment to the council?
Saw this on Matt Stoller's Twitter, Coons was on Morning Joe and doesn't think there's enough votes to end cloture even though he's for it.


They get Heitkamp, Manchin, maaaaaybe McCaskill, Donnelly, or Coons. And then what?
Coons is a yes on ending cloture, best guess would be they also try to pick up Bennet, Tester, and then one other more conservativeish Democrat, but with Nelson off the table I don't know who they could really go for. Warner is my best guess since he's publicly undecided. King maybe?


You only need 41. Which means you let people flip. You let Warner flip because he's the guy running the Russia investigation and you need him to maintain credibility.


The newest addition to Sesame Street has a black Hitler youth haircut and loves spending time on his computer attacking the mainstream media. His name is Stan, and he’s the first muppet to identify as alt-right.

Sesame Street, always known for being inclusive, decided to create Stan as a means of introducing children to the alt-right movement at a young age and to let them decide how terrifying it really is. Creators described Stan as “a little like Oscar the Grouch, but even more of a trash person.”

In his debut episode, “Meet Stan,” viewers learn Stan ran away from home, sick of dealing with his “liberal snowflake” parents, and was drawn to Sesame Street because its initials are SS, just like the Schutzstaffel, Hitler’s paramilitary organization in Nazi Germany. When Big Bird first meets Stan and asks what his red “LOCK HER UP” t-shirt means, Stan replies with one of his many catchphrases: “Where are the emails?” Some of Stan’s other catchphrases include “HIGH ENERGY,” “So much winning,” and “Thinking your daughter is hot is fine.”

The arc of his first episode features Stan attempting to illustrate to Elmo how Barack Obama is not only a reptilian alien posing as a human, but also a reptilian alien born in Kenya. You’ll have to tune in on Monday to see if Elmo believes it or not.

The show announced Stan’s arrival last week via social media and postings on ************* and Breitbart News. Many commenters stated it was “about time” the Muppets represented them and that Stan “better be white or else.”

Debra Thompson, the puppeteer who controls Stan, studied up on the alt-right movement in order to get the Muppet’s movements down. “Being alt-right means that Stan often flails his arms around when someone refutes his bullshit with facts. His back is often hunched also, as if even gravity hates him and wants to push him directly to hell where he belongs. It’s very interesting to control Stan and it also makes me hate myself.”

Stan’s not the only new arrival to the show. Julia, a Muppet with autism, will also be joining the cast of characters on Sesame Street. When asked to describe the relationship Stan will have with Julia, the show’s writers said “it’s not good,” and that Stan is a “total asshole” to Julia, but that he’s also a “total asshole to every character.”

Stan is especially mean to The Count who he constantly tries to get deported. However, The Count often antagonizes Stan by counting how many more votes Hillary Clinton received than Donald Trump in the Presidential election. Their playful banter will surely keep viewers entertained for years to come.

When asked by reporters about his thoughts on the new Muppet, President Trump replied, “Thinking your daughter is hot is fine.”

Stan would be proud.
lol, you are telling me Republicans don't have 50 votes?

I don't believe it. Seems like more wishful thinking.

To blow up the filibuster? Not hard to believe at all. The vast majority of republican senators have experience being in the minority and are aware that's a very powerful tool to force moderate legislation when a liberal majority is in place, or a moderate nominee instead of a far left one.

On top of that, the filibuster gives any single senator a significant amount of power to negotiate for favorable terms. Take that away and you destroy a lot of influence that senators hold but house reps don't.


Lol @ no nuclear option.

We shall see. I find it hard to believe.

It would be cool if Collins said fuck it and changed parties or switched to Independent.

And maybe a couple other GOPers. McCain as an independent. The ultimate Maverick? Lol


lacks enthusiasm.
The House investigation was the furthest along and had already gotten out of control. Scuttling it buys the White House more time at the least.
We sure about the House being ahead? They've certainly been very public about things lately compared to the Senate, but from what I recall in the lead up to this was that the Senate had started their investigation into Russian hacking before the House and there were quite a few more meetings between Comey and the Senate committee members compared to the House. The relative silence of the Senate committee members in the context of the House committee fuckups last week is interesting.
Religious conservatives were very upset about him calling Roe v Wade "settled law."
on the other hand, groups like Cato or Heritage or the Kochs are pumping tons of money and pressure into getting him through. I don't think they're all that threatening to Murkowski or Collins but I'm not sure if there's any other Republicans who can resist that sort of pressure. Maybe McCain?
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