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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Just for those curious
-more of the "dossier" got confirmed
-Chris Steele came out of hiding
-Intelligence committees are dragging their feet :/

I didnt watch her segment but Chris Steele coming out of hiding honestly is one of the biggest head scratchers right now. I mean Russians literally kill people like him. He is openly returning to his prior work. He compiled one of the most bombshell things ever created. I dont get what the fuck is happening. Is he gonna be surrounded by some form of heavy security at all times or something? Did he already unload all his evidence to brits or something?


I didnt watch her segment but Chris Steele coming out of hiding honestly is one of the biggest head scratchers right now. I mean Russians literally kill people like him. He is openly returning to his prior work. He compiled one of the most bombshell things ever created. I dont get what the fuck is happening. Is he gonna be surrounded by some form of heavy security at all times or something? Did he already unload all his evidence to brits or something?

probably the last thing


Influence of the media during the Election Season and how the Left vs. Right consume media

Left and Right both like partisan sources but Left will diversify their diet with more mainstream and centrist sources while Right tends to stay in conservative bubble. Breitbart played a HUGE role in driving coverage and conversation during the Election. Trump's "policies" also tended to get mover coverage compared to Clinton policies even amid all the scandals

I didnt watch her segment but Chris Steele coming out of hiding honestly is one of the biggest head scratchers right now. I mean Russians literally kill people like him. He is openly returning to his prior work. He compiled one of the most bombshell things ever created. I dont get what the fuck is happening. Is he gonna be surrounded by some form of heavy security at all times or something? Did he already unload all his evidence to brits or something?

Yeah I don't get it either but I guess we will see how this plays out.


Oh please.

Portman: i dont like it!!!

*mcconnell changes a letter on the cover*

Portman: it is fixed!!!!

they are not passing up a chance to repeal obamacare. DO U PPL UNDERSTAND THAT
They've become the party of no. I think they're going to say no to this because it's a lot easier than owning your decisions.


I didnt watch her segment but Chris Steele coming out of hiding honestly is one of the biggest head scratchers right now. I mean Russians literally kill people like him. He is openly returning to his prior work. He compiled one of the most bombshell things ever created. I dont get what the fuck is happening. Is he gonna be surrounded by some form of heavy security at all times or something? Did he already unload all his evidence to brits or something?

He's like L in Death Note and he's trying to draw out the FSB. The moment he dies, the real trove will be automatically sent out.


He's like L in Death Note and he's trying to draw out the FSB. The moment he dies, the real trove will be automatically sent out.

Methinks he's trying to provoke a reaction of some sort.

It's one thing to come out of hiding an quietly go back to work. It's another to announce it to the world.
I didn't see this get posted, but the candidates for the MT-AL special election have been nominated.

GOP: Greg Giaforte, nominee for governor last year, businessman with ties to Focus on the Family and the Heritage Foundation, seems pretty conservative

Democrats: Rob Quist, banjo musician (lol) who was appointed by Scweitzer as member of the Montana Arts Council, supports Medicare-For-All, opposes privatizing federal land (oh man I gave this talking point a lot last year when canvassing), and military intervention/regime change. Seems pretty left for someone out of Montana, probably trying to bank on just getting the Dem strongholds like Missoula to turn out in big numbers. I might try to phonebank for him if I have time.

One positive thing I can think of here is that Gianforte already lost with Trump on the ballot. I realize state and national elections are different but they're not running some high-tier candidate.
I didn't see this get posted, but the candidates for the MT-AL special election have been nominated.

GOP: Greg Giaforte, nominee for governor last year, businessman with ties to Focus on the Family and the Heritage Foundation, seems pretty conservative

Democrats: Rob Quist, banjo musician (lol) who was appointed by Scweitzer as member of the Montana Arts Council, supports Medicare-For-All, opposes privatizing federal land (oh man I gave this talking point a lot last year when canvassing), and military intervention/regime change. Seems pretty left for someone out of Montana, probably trying to bank on just getting the Dem strongholds like Missoula to turn out in big numbers. I might try to phonebank for him if I have time.

One positive thing I can think of here is that Gianforte already lost with Trump on the ballot. I realize state and national elections are different but they're not running some high-tier candidate.
Montana is weird because the liberalness of a politician doesn't seem to be an albatross as long as they're right enough on coal or whatever (Schweitzer was fairly liberal and brash, and he was very popular).

But we've fared poorly in House races so who knows. Would be nice to make this one competitive, I imagine winning GA-6 would give Quist a jolt from Democrats looking at winning another House seat.

Edit: MT-AL goes before GA-6. Flip that, then.

wow look at this dudebro communist

Montana is weird because the liberalness of a politician doesn't seem to be an albatross as long as they're right enough on coal or whatever (Schweitzer was fairly liberal and brash, and he was very popular).

But we've fared poorly in House races so who knows. Would be nice to make this one competitive, I imagine winning GA-6 would give Quist a jolt from Democrats looking at winning another House seat.

Edit: MT-AL goes before GA-6. Flip that, then.
GA-6 is 4/18, MT-AL is 5/25.

That said, winning both of these would be a pretty good argument for the 50 state strategy.
opposes privatizing federal land (oh man I gave this talking point a lot last year when canvassing), .

Privatizing federal lands is really one of those planks that appeal to think tankers who have never been in a National Park in their life, hardcore libertarians, and rich people who will make money off it.
Privatizing federal lands is really one of those planks that appeal to think tankers who have never been in a National Park in their life, hardcore libertarians, and rich people who will make money off it.
It wasn't enough to get Dan Schmidt those extra 150 votes to keep his state senate seat though!

someday I'll get over this, probably after helping with a successful campaign


Ah yes, leaking the DNC emails and Podesta's secret risotto recipe was all just a plot by the CIA to help "Crooked Hillary" and the Republicans win the election!

Wait a second, it says here that "Donald Trump" was in fact the "Republican" candidate - I must have gotten a few of my cue cards out of order, because otherwise this would make absolutely no sense.


If anyone buys into this narrative I question at the very least their attention span.


Unconfirmed Member
8 people were found dead in connection to that killer risotto recipe

Edit: IN A ROW
edit2: sorry for metaGAFing


Unconfirmed Member
Lol at Trump warning of a "bloodbath" if they don't repeal and replace (lol) Obamacare. Is this bigger or smaller than the bloodbath if they do?


Corporate Apologist
I don't think it would get past the Senate in its current state, if it even makes it out of the house. Trump would definitely sign it if it got to him IMO though.
Mia Love is doing a townhall Saturday as I guess the GOP wants her to be the first person sacrificed to angry people after the health care bill announcement.


I don't think it would get past the Senate in its current state, if it even makes it out of the house. Trump would definitely sign it if it got to him IMO though.

I honestly don't think it'll get to Trump, but if it does the Dems are going to have a field-day with the pictures of him signing it. You couldn't ask for better GOTV material than photos of Trump signing something that will rip health-care and benefits away from the poor, whilst giving the rich tax cuts. Side-by-side pictures of the signing and death-bed scenes will stop people in their tracks. And those Obama/Trump voters who didn't realise Obamacare was the ACA, and voted for Trump? Ripe for the Dems to come in and say "We'll help you".


The Russia-heavy posting in the thread about dead Trump connections with Russia is... interesting.
Seems a little unnecessary, too.
I mean, duh, of course it's a conspiracy theory. Nobody here is in the intelligence community.
Connecting the dots to form a theory is all we're privy to.
So why the need to post several dozen messages to articulate "this is a conspiracy theory, you're indulging in hypotheticals, you have no proof, there are five lights"?
I don't think it would get past the Senate in its current state, if it even makes it out of the house. Trump would definitely sign it if it got to him IMO though.
Trump would sign literally anything that claimed to repeal Obamacare, even if all it did was change the title of the law to Trump Is The Best Care Act.

He has no vision or ideology other than making himself look good. He promised to come up with something even better than Obamacare and then pushed it on the nerds to figure out what that would be.

Not to say that Obama (or other presidents who attempted healthcare reform, like Clinton or Nixon) wrote the ACA or even his campaign proposal version of it by himself. Obviously that was done with the guidance of policy experts and other legislators, but the point is Obama had an idea of what he wanted, what compromises were acceptable, etc. Trump doesn't have that because he's a moron and he doesn't care.

This is probably actually good because without a leader to rally behind, the GOP has nothing. Who's going to fall on their sword for Paul Ryan?
BBC World News is trashing Trump hard on his stance/statements on Israel/Palestine. Pointing out that he has given 1 real statement on the issue and given a single statement that basically makes it sound like he doesn't understand the issue and worse doesn't give a shit.


Next step in Dem realignment: Their own CPAC
They're roughly modeling the event on CPAC, the American Conservative Union's annual gathering that's become a prime stop for Republican leaders, and which notably gave Donald Trump his first major political platform as he was entering the fray.
Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Montana Gov. Steve Bullock and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti are all confirmed to attend, and more are expected to be added to the event, scheduled for May 16.
I dunno, I think this could be passed. I'm sure changes can be made to appeal to the Freedom Caucus.

But I don't see how that would be anything other than political suicide at this point. What it would do to the healthcare market is disastrous.

I also need to see what AARP says about it.
The Freedom Caucus is demanding full repeal including an immediate end of the Medicaid expansion. They're also opposed to the tax credits. Basically there is no conceivable bill that they will support which can be passed in the senate.


About time. They should make it a priority to get grassroots types there as well, fly 'em out if need be.

Yeah - not only would it show a willingness to get the grassroots involved, but it would start to sow the seeds of a wider Democratic grassroots movement. Fly in enthusiastic supporters, activists and leaders from a range of key states, get them networking at the conference, show them they'll have the support when they need it, send them home and let them spring into life.
Yeah - not only would it show a willingness to get the grassroots involved, but it would start to sow the seeds of a wider Democratic grassroots movement. Fly in enthusiastic supporters, activists and leaders from a range of key states, get them networking at the conference, show them they'll have the support when they need it, send them home and let them spring into life.
Yup yup yup. Have some training sessions there as well as a lot of networking opportunities. If all this thing is is a platform for already prominent Dems to give speeches it'll be a huge missed opportunity.
This is a new right-wing talking point and the mainstream media is falling for it. Jake Tapper tweeted about it last night too

Anything to perpetuate "both sides" I guess

Tapper also defended the IPhone comment...

Also did you read the tweet chain?

Someone says it's a different context and all Tapper says is Wrong. Like that's the level of intellectual analysis CNN guys do.. They're fucking cowards and Trump isn't going to love them and let them into the Cool Kids clubhouse now matter how much they say see we're mean to the left too.


Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

I have tremendous respect for women and the many roles they serve that are vital to the fabric of our society and our economy.
6:12 AM · Mar 8, 2017

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