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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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But a dozen Republican consultants and former Trump campaign aides, along with current and former Cambridge employees, say the company’s ability to exploit personality profiles — “our secret sauce,” Mr. Nix once called it — is exaggerated.

Cambridge executives now concede that the company never used psychographics in the Trump campaign. The technology — prominently featured in the firm’s sales materials and in media reports that cast Cambridge as a master of the dark campaign arts — remains unproved, according to former employees and Republicans familiar with the firm’s work.

Cambridge is no longer in contention to work for Mr. Trump at the Republican National Committee, a company spokesman confirmed, nor is it working for America First Policies, a new nonprofit formed to help advance the president’s agenda.

In recent months, the value of Cambridge’s technology has been debated by technology experts and in some media accounts. But Cambridge officials, in recent interviews, defended the company’s record during the 2016 election, saying its data analysis helped Mr. Trump energize critical support in the Rust Belt. Mr. Nix said the firm had conducted tens of thousands of polls for Mr. Trump, helping guide his message and identify issues that mattered to voters.

But when asked to name a single race where the firm’s flagship product had been critical to victory, Mr. Nix declined.

“We bake a cake, it’s got 10 ingredients in it. Psychographics is one of them,” he said. “It’s very difficult to isolate exactly what the impact of that ingredient is.”

But Cambridge’s psychographic models proved unreliable in the Cruz presidential campaign, according to Rick Tyler, a former Cruz aide, and another consultant involved in the campaign. In one early test, more than half the Oklahoma voters whom Cambridge had identified as Cruz supporters actually favored other candidates. The campaign stopped using Cambridge’s data entirely after the South Carolina primary.

“When they were hired, from the outset it didn’t strike me that they had a wide breadth of experience in the American political landscape,” Mr. Tyler said.

Trump got scammed by another group of con artists, but it didn't matter much.

So to recap; Trump is still briefed on his business dealings regularly by his sons, Trump can withdraw money from his business for personal expenses whenever he wants, and Trump's daughter is a White House adviser with Security Clearance and a West Wing office. Is this mother fucker playing Corruption/Conflict of Interest Bingo or something?
So to recap; Trump is still briefed on his business dealings regularly by his sons, Trump can withdraw money from his business for personal expenses whenever he wants, and Trump's daughter is a White House adviser with Security Clearance and a West Wing office. Is this mother fucker playing Corruption/Conflict of Interest Bingo or something?

Because Trump and Kushner and Ivanka are committing serious crimes,we can get them to squeal on everyone else in the Trump White House in exchange for pardons.

We'll get so many people to put in prison :D
Because Trump and Kushner and Ivanka are committing serious crimes,we can get them to squeal on everyone else in the Trump White House in exchange for pardons.

We'll get so many people to put in prison :D

Idk if we should be threatening Kushner with prison, dude is basically running the Executive branch at this point. What happens if he doesn't flip? Government would grind to a halt. President of China would show up and nobody would be there because Jared didn't arrange anything. The Middle East would explode into a nuclear firestorm immediately. Bureaucracy would continue being inefficient. It'd be a disaster!
Idk if we should be threatening Kushner with prison, dude is basically running the Executive branch at this point. What happens if he doesn't flip? Government would grind to a halt. President of China would show up and nobody would be there because Jared didn't arrange anything. The Middle East would explode into a nuclear firestorm immediately. Bureaucracy would continue being inefficient. It'd be a disaster!

No, I mean after we win the presidency again.
Errrr how the fuck would this work?

The White House is expected to release the text of a new healthcare deal on Tuesday that would give states the power to opt out of certain Obamacare insurance mandates, in a major attempt to revive Obamacare repeal as early as this week.

Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., chairman of the Freedom Caucus, told reporters after meeting with Vice President Mike Pence and White House officials that he expects the text of the new compromise on Tuesday.

The compromise would allow states to opt out of forcing insurers to cover 10 essential health benefits in plans, including maternity care and hospitalization. The states could also opt out of forcing insurers to comply with a community rating mandate, which today requires them to offer the same rate to an entire geographic area, and bars them from charging sicker people much more.

But the states would have to get a waiver to opt out of either regulation, and it remains unclear what that waiver would entail.

Rep. Chris Collins, R-N.Y., said earlier Monday that states would have to attest that they won't reduce coverage in order to get the waiver.



Still trying to revive this shitty, unpopular bill smh. Should have just moved on

Letting insurance companies charge old and sick people more isn't going to make people like it. Naturally the house "moderates" are all aboard


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Sounds like an effort to diffuse responsibility and give elected officials some deniability about who who actually took action to worsen healthcare.
How is that more palatable to the HFC if an outright repeal of the EHH wasn't enough the first time?

I mean I guess they could have been making a power play to show they are the ones with the power, and are willing to go along now but that doesn't make this bill any more palatable


I don't think the April 15th deadline actually means anything.

The ACA repeal they made Obama veto was passed january 6th, 2016, for the FY2016 budget was supposed to start October 2015.


There is a really good write up on this from the Congressional Research Service


The short version is that there is a deadline (June 15 -- 2 months after budget adoption deadline) but it has been extended many times in the past

It also says something about he house not being able to adjourn in July for August recess without wrapping up reconciliation
Still trying to revive this shitty, unpopular bill smh. Should have just moved on

Letting insurance companies charge old and sick people more isn't going to make people like it. Naturally the house "moderates" are all aboard

They can't move onto tax reform without the deep cuts healthcare reform affords them. They probably realized this AFTER they lost so badly, and are now giving healthcare reform a little bit more extra attention as a result. Hilariously, they have 11-12 days left - too little, too late at this point.


So to recap; Trump is still briefed on his business dealings regularly by his sons, Trump can withdraw money from his business for personal expenses whenever he wants, and Trump's daughter is a White House adviser with Security Clearance and a West Wing office. Is this mother fucker playing Corruption/Conflict of Interest Bingo or something?

I say this a lot but....... it's all right because it's all white!


They can't move onto tax reform without the deep cuts healthcare reform affords them. They probably realized this AFTER they lost so badly, and are now giving healthcare reform a little bit more extra attention as a result. Hilariously, they have 11-12 days left - too little, too late at this point.

They won't attempt tax reform in this reconciliation session. They'll punt that for the next one.


They can't move onto tax reform without the deep cuts healthcare reform affords them. They probably realized this AFTER they lost so badly, and are now giving healthcare reform a little bit more extra attention as a result. Hilariously, they have 11-12 days left - too little, too late at this point.
One way or another I think it will pass

The fact that Trump is revisiting it so soon tells me he's never giving up until something happens

Fuck, this is even worse, it makes it extremely difficult to predict the overall impact of repealing and replacing with this garbage


One way or another I think it will pass

The fact that Trump is revisiting it so soon tells me he's never giving up until something happens

It doesn't really matter if it passes the house. Just a small win to people that don't realize it won't pass the senate.


He wants something to pass. Period. He wants to get this done. This is not just about being in a pissing contest with the HFC. He wouldn't waste time revisiting this if it's just a symbolic House vote.

It's about pissing all over Obama's legacy as much as possible.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Don Lemon talking about Fox News while wearing a bow tie would be so much better if it was about Tucker instead of Bill.
He wants something to pass. Period. He wants to get this done. This is not just about being in a pissing contest with the HFC. He wouldn't waste time revisiting this if it's just a symbolic House vote.

You obviously don't know Trump then. He would happily let this die in the Senate if it passed the house and call it a win
He wants something to pass. Period. He wants to get this done. This is not just about being in a pissing contest with the HFC. He wouldn't waste time revisiting this if it's just a symbolic House vote.

Wanting something is all well and good. Trump has shown no ability to work with Congress, Ryan has no control over his own caucus, and everything they have come up with so far has been incredibly unpopular.


Watching the federal byelection results in Canada and the way provincial and federal conservative where I live are trying to spin the results is making me wonder how trump and the GOP are going to spin the midterm results in 2018 or the special elections that are going to occur soon especially if they are bad for them.
Yeah. I mean....Trump tried to make a case that he would have won the popular vote if it wasn't for illegal votes that make up for more people than the number of people in my entire state.

What ever happened to that, anyway? Like, he kept going on and on about it after the election and his inauguration, but then he went mysteriously quiet about it.
What ever happened to that, anyway? Like, he kept going on and on about it after the election and his inauguration, but then he went mysteriously quiet about it.

I think he got shut down so much that he just gave up on it. Also the Russia ties have been dominating the news cycle for the past 2 months.
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