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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Also, why does Putin want to protect Assad? Forgive my ignorance.

In his quest to lead Russia back to its Soviet Union glory, Putin protects Assad to gain influence in the Middle East and beyond. He's also propping up the Taliban in Afghanistan and a warlord in Libya, both in direct opposition to the West's interests in the region.


Trump believes he's going to get 5 appointees in 8 years? Let alone probably 4 years? Uhh... okay. Is he planning on gassing the Supreme Court building or something?

It's an outside possibility of 3 more. Kennedy, Ginsburg, and Breyer are all of the age where they could drop dead at any point (although RBG's apparently quite healthy for a woman who's beaten cancer twice), and Thomas is up there too.

Trump became president, he could get 5 supreme court picks.

In his quest to lead Russia back to its Soviet Union glory, Putin protects Assad to gain influence in the Middle East and beyond. He's also propping up the Taliban in Afghanistan and a warlord in Libya, both in direct opposition to the West's interests in the region.

Haftar in Libya isn't quite opposed to the West. The western stance is for reconciliation between the Tobruk and Tripoli factions. Haftar is on board with that in theory, he just wants it to happen on his terms. He isn't directly opposing Tripoli (not anymore), but he isn't helping them out either.
It's going dowwwwwwwn.


With less than a week to go until election day, the national Republican Party has stepped into Kansas’ 4th District race, spending $92,000 supporting Republican Ron Estes and opposing his Democratic rival James Thompson, federal forms show.

The National Republican Congressional Committee on Wednesday purchased $67,111 worth of television advertising from KSN, KWCH, KAKE and KSAS stations in the Wichita TV market, according to a disclosure form filed by KSNW-TV.

The money is being used to run an attack-ad blitz on Thompson in the closing days of the campaign.

Also on Wednesday, the NRCC filed a daily expenditure report with the Federal Election Commission showing $25,000 for digital advertising going to FP1 Strategies, a Washington campaign consulting firm whose slogan is “We win the tough ones.”

The 25,000 was split evenly on digital campaigning, half going to support Estes and half going to oppose Thompson, the filing showed.

The expenditures are “independent,” meaning the money and ad content do not flow through Estes’ campaign.

“We’re happy to help in this small way and show our support for Ron Estes,” NRCC spokesman Matt Gorman said in an e-mail. “We look forward to Ron coming to Congress and standing up for Kansas values.”

A spokesman for the Thompson campaign said the expenditures show national Republicans have “hit the panic button” in the race.

“There are people in Washington who are very concerned about Ron Estes’ performance in this election,” said Chris Pumpelly. “They would not be doing this if this were in hand for Estes.”

Estes’ campaign spokesman could not be reached for comment.

Estes and Thompson are running in a special election Tuesday to fill the open congressional seat vacated by former Rep. Mike Pompeo.

Pompeo, who won his fourth congressional term in the November election, resigned in January to accept President Trump’s nomination as director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The Wichita-centered 4th District includes voters in 17 counties in south-central Kansas. Libertarian Chris Rockhold is also in the race.

Wichita political analysts differ on what the last-quarter intervention might mean about the race.

Kenneth Ciboski, who recently retired as a political science professor at Wichita State University, said he thinks the primary reason for the late Republican expenditure is for the national campaign committee to “cover their bases” for the future

“It’s likely Estes will be the winner,” and the committee wants to be on his good side, said Ciboski, who is active in Republican politics.

If someday the committee wants Estes’ help in campaigning or fund-raising, “He can’t say ‘You didn’t support me,’” Ciboski said.

Ciboski added that while he thinks an Estes win is likely, “I think this race may be a lot closer than people think.”

Russell Arben Fox, a professor of political science at Friends University who is active in Democratic politics, said he thinks the spending could mean that national Republicans are worried about the special election.

He said that party registration and other traditional factors favor Estes and a win by Thompson would be an upset.

But, he said, Thompson has a more energized base of support in what is expected to be a low-turnout election.

Thompson’s campaign has had a more robust presence on the Web and social media than Estes’, Fox said. And, he said Thompson supporters seem to be younger and more tech- and social-media savvy than Estes supporters.

On its web site, FP1 touts services including “compelling content on social and email to raise money, educate voters and drive activism,” as well as “around-the-clock social media monitoring to track and get-ahead of emerging trends.”

Fox said he doesn’t think the Republican committee would really need to do Estes any favors to assure his ongoing party loyalty.

“He’s very much someone out of Kansas Republican central casting” who’d be unlikely to buck the national party in any case, Fox said.
what the fuck is wrong with the pro-Assad "left"?

Interestingly, it seems somewhat common for some parts of the left to be fine with dictators. I guess it has something to do with middle eastern wars and the stuff we done during the Cold War.
The anti-NATO left is supportive of anti-America, anti-Israel, anti-Saudi Arabia dictators.

The anti-NATO left defines themselves not based on any ideas, but on hate for America and American allies (And Saudi Arabia is very bad, yes).


No Scrubs
Interestingly, it seems somewhat common for some parts of the left to be fine with dictators. I guess it has something to do with middle eastern wars and the stuff we done during the Cold War.

There's also parts of the left that are anti-american in terms of foreign policy. They'll essentially take the side opposite whatever the US government does, regardless of the situation. But they tend to be a smaller contingent.
Man Trump would be a fucking idiot if Ossoff, Quist, and Thompson all won.
Looking at their Facebook page, the Wichita DSA was working with Thompson which is kind of interesting/surprising. He also got the Our Revolution endorsement, which is fine/good but he doesn't really seem like a leftie.


Looking at their Facebook page, the Wichita DSA was working with Thompson which is kind of interesting/surprising. He also got the Our Revolution endorsement, which is fine/good but he doesn't really seem like a leftie.

He has a D next to his name. Might as well be a socialist here.
I have a feeling if McMullin got elected to congress he'd be like McCain. He already said he doesn't actually oppose most of Trump's agenda. Getting rid of Chaffetz would be good though.

He has a D next to his name. Might as well be a socialist here.
Well like a quick look at the Atlanta DSA's website makes basically no mentions of Ossoff. They don't usually get too invested in electoral politics unless it's one of their own members (they just won a city council seat in Rock Island, IL yesterday, and look likely to get a member elected to the South Fulton, GA city council) or a more explicitly social democratic/socialist candidate and instead seem to focus on activism. It might just be a chapter-by-chapter thing since they exploded in growth.

Disclaimer: I've been thinking about joining but I'm not actually a dues paying DSA member.
He has a D next to his name. Might as well be a socialist here.


A Dem can be anti-abortion, fully in favor of privatizing social security and medicare, and think our military is under-funded, but in Kansas, even that could be far too left because he was a civil rights attorney.

Not to say Thompson is any of those things (well he was a civil rights attorney), but that's the normal standard that still has Dems losing. I'd really prefer a return to our populist roots.


Evan McMullin should run. Or at least gun for Chaffetz's seat.

Him and Mindy Finn would bring much needed sanity to the GOP if they could ever get elected. Unfortunately for them the Republican party left conservatism behind long ago and replaced it with whatever the hell Trump is.


serious question: when we're talking that Dems need to be more/less populist, what does "populism" even mean in today's political environment?

Scott Brown will probably run against him.

I lol'd

I have a feeling if McMullin got elected to congress he'd be like McCain. He already said he doesn't actually oppose most of Trump's agenda. Getting rid of Chaffetz would be good though.

He already showed he had more spine than literally every elected Republican official (and plenty of national review-type GOP'ers) by running for president as an independent. As far as Utah goes, a sane small-government conservative with integrity is a big upgrade over, well, every GOPer.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise

Romney gonna run for the Senate in Utah in 2018.

At least it isn't MA so we don't have to deal with that headache.
"and leading critic of Donald Trump"

Oh really? I don't think I've heard a peep from him since he tried to get the Secretary of State position.

serious question: when we're talking that Dems need to be more/less populist, what does "populism" even mean in today's political environment?
Catering to white working class voters, apparently.


Can someone give me a summary of what happened today? I feel like a lot of shit went down.

We came, we saw.
We nuked the judicial filibuster.

We then decided to flip course in the matter of a week with Syria.
We're on the fuck Assad train now, no clue how long.

OH! Also Nunes stepped down from the House Intel Committee.
Instead giving it to the guy who needed basic logic lessons from Comey.
We came, we saw.
We nuked the judicial filibuster.

We then decided to flip course in the matter of a week with Syria.
We're on the fuck Assad train now, no clue how long.

OH! Also Nunes stepped down from the House Intel Committee.
Instead giving it to the guy who needed basic logic lessons from Comey.

Nunes is out.
Bannon keeps calling Kushner a cuck and globalist.
Turtle nuked the filibuster.
"Something should happen" in Syria / with Assad.


I'm kinda tired of news guys.

This on the eve of Trump meeting with Xi.
The hardass kind of leader Trump thinks himself as.

Dude legit has people locked up political opponents and made a NO BULLSHIT kind of legislature to stop people from golfing on time better spent serving the government.
serious question: when we're talking that Dems need to be more/less populist, what does "populism" even mean in today's political environment?

I lol'd

He already showed he had more spine than literally every elected Republican official (and plenty of national review-type GOP'ers) by running for president as an independent. As far as Utah goes, a sane small-government conservative with integrity is a big upgrade over, well, every GOPer.
Take less money from big corporations and talk a lot about how much they've fucked is over.

And he could do that because he was some nobody CIA guy, I think if he gets power he'll talk about how Trump should release his tax returns or whatever and then vote for more Scalias on the Supreme Court and every other part of the Ryan agenda. I'm sure he'd be better than Chaffetz but I doubt he'd mount meaningful opposition.


So if Trump were to be impeached, would Gorsuch find himself under investigation? I'm just curious what happens to the people a president picks when the president themselves get impeached.


No Scrubs
So if Trump were to be impeached, would Gorsuch find himself under investigation? I'm just curious what happens to the people a president picks when the president themselves get impeached.

Not unless he's caught up in the same conspiracy​ that took down Trump.


Junior Member
So if Trump were to be impeached, would Gorsuch find himself under investigation? I'm just curious what happens to the people a president picks when the president themselves get impeached.

Nothing would happen to Gorsuch.

Supreme Court is for life.

Whoever replaces trump could decide to clean house on his cabinet, etc though.


Trump really could get 4 SCOTUS justices

Absolutely terrifying

If that happens even if Dems win in another big wave election they're going to be handicapped right out of the gate with a SCOTUS built in the GOP's image for another generation
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