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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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They're trying to brand it a hoax and are directly disagreeing with Trump.

I don't understand why Syria is more valuable to Russia than a relationship with Trump. I don't get it at all. Putin and his trolls will apparently go to any lengths necessary to prop Assad up.
Something about Trump being beholden to Democratic Institutions, if I had to guess. Trump lasts Maximum of 8 years, Assad can last much, much longer.
Trump really could get 4 SCOTUS justices

Absolutely terrifying

If that happens even if Dems win in another big wave election they're going to be handicapped right out of the gate with a SCOTUS built in the GOP's image for another generation

But she never gave me a reason to vote for her.


As much as I want to see Assad go down, I can't help but think how much wag the dog this shit is becoming. War is pretty much the only thing Trump can have that can make people ignore all his incompetencies.


do you think Thomas would be replaced by a black conservative if he retired under Trump?

There can't possibly be another black judge in Thomas' mode still out there. I refuse to believe it lol. Not one with the right education background profile for the court anyway. Or is there?
My (white) 5th grade teacher (at a christian school) gave me Clarence Thomas' book and was telling me how I should be inspired by such an intelligent black man on scotus. Poor me when I got on the internet a couple years later and saw his statements.


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The Syrian turnaround is terrifying for a number of reasons, but what really irks me is how completely unpredictable our current government can be.

I'm still not sure if Pence would be a better choice than Trump, but at least we'd have some idea of what he wants to do.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I like the usual tradition, I'm not sure how you'd do it with Trump though.
The comedy that has sometimes emerged from these events is a short-term distraction, while the event serves foster an unhealthy relationship between the press and the administration they are supposed to be critically covering. Add in the increasing presence of random celebrities and it's just a mess that's antithetical to the journalistic mission.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Is this new?


C.I.A. Had Evidence of Russian Effort to Help Trump Earlier Than Believed

WASHINGTON — The C.I.A. told senior lawmakers in classified briefings last summer that it had information indicating that Russia was working to help elect Donald J. Trump president, a finding that did not emerge publicly until after Mr. Trump's victory months later, former government officials say.

The briefings indicate that intelligence officials had evidence of Russia's intentions to help Mr. Trump much earlier in the presidential campaign than previously thought. The briefings also reveal a critical split last summer between the C.I.A. and counterparts at the F.B.I., where a number of senior officials continued to believe through last fall that Russia's cyberattacks were aimed only at disrupting America's political system, and not at getting Mr. Trump elected, according to interviews.

More at the link.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
There's an OT thread, in which I also asked, what's the news? Didn't we already know about the briefings given to the Gang of Eight after which McConnell balked at speaking to the public about? I'm unclear about what the development the NYT is reporting on.

I think the last reports on the subject were about the IC finding out in the autumn. This one says it actually occurred in the summer.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I think the last reports on the subject were about the IC finding out in the autumn. This one says it actually occurred in the summer.
Maybe I'm confused, having a hard time finding reporting that backs me up. The whole article gives me deja vu.


Crazy Eyes has something to say.

According to Right Wing Watch and the Friendly Atheist, the Republican and former Minnesota congresswoman made the apocalyptic prediction last week during an appearance on a Last Days radio program. The show’s host, Jan Markell, asked Bachmann about “globalists,” a group she says includes American liberals who want a “one world system” and “no borders.” Markell said the group “lost big time” after the election of Donald Trump, sparking Bachman to compare them to the builders of the biblical Tower of Babel.

Goddamn liberals and our gay husbands!

Oh wait...
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