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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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They are saying there were no casualties, so for all we know Putin was notified and allowed to tell Assad to get his people out of there.

Tillerson just said this "doesn't change our policy on Syria," meaning this is likely a one-off purely for the symbolic purposes of making a proportional response against the chemical strike near Homs.

Pretty bog-standard stuff aside from the possibility of Russian casualties.

U.S. launches dozens of missiles in response to chemical weapons attack

The Russian military, which operates from the Shayrat base, was warned ahead of time, Davis said, and the area that the Russians are known to have used was carefully not targeted.

The U.S. has no plans for additional strikes for now, he added.

Pointless gesture. At least Obama didn't waste munitions.

Unless Trump wants to get into regime change, there's literally nothing he can do.


Hamlet is okay I guess. Macbeth is straight garbage though.
You're lucky I'm not a mod, because I would ban you for that filth.
Go, prick thy face, and over-red thy fear, Thou lily-liver’d boy.


If I had all the money in the world, I'd make an arthouse film out of A Midsummer Night's Dream

but in this one, everyone is bi

and they all fuck


got to the bottom of these airstrikes in The Hill comments:
This Syrian "Gas Attack" was a False Flag Event. Hillary Clinton just used
Trump to start another Middle East War. We know now that her War in Libya
Unleashed a flood of Refugees, now flooding Europe.
spread the word poligaf, don't let them silence our voi


No Scrubs
They have a mutual interest in murdering muslims but uh, he realizes she isn't white, right?

I guess he said anime was important for advancing white culture but wrong part of Asia.

Like he actually cares about details like that. She hates some brown people, he hates all brown people, close enough. They can split the difference.


President Trump is considering a broad shakeup of his White House that could include the replacement of White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and the departure of chief strategist Steve Bannon, aides and advisers tell us.

A top aide to Trump said he's contemplating major changes, but that the situation is very fluid and the timing uncertain: "Things are happening, but it's very unclear the president's willing to pull that trigger."

Insiders tell me that the possibilities for chief of staff include:

  • House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who developed a bond with Trump as one of the earlier congressional leaders to support him, and remains a confidant.
  • Wayne Berman of Blackstone Group, a Washington heavy-hitter who was an Assistant Secretary of Commerce under President George H.W. Bush, and a key adviser on eight presidential campaigns.
  • David Urban of the Washington advisory firm American Continental Group, and a former chief of staff to the late Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.). Urban helped Trump win an upset victory in Pennsylvania, and was in constant cellphone contact with the candidate throughout the campaign.
  • Gary Cohn, Trump's economic adviser and the former #2 at Goldman Sachs, who has built a formidable team and internal clout.

The West Wing "Game of Thrones" has been raging ever since Trump took office. But the war between the nationalists and the moderates, led by Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, burst into the open this week after Bannon was taken off the National Security Council, setting off a torrent of leaks against him.
The top aide — along with many other Trump officials, advisers and friends — told us that it seems to be more a question of "when" not "whether" change will come: "The tension, the exhaustion, the raw nerves have gotten much harder to disguise."


Susan Rice deflection, SCOTUS filibuster gone, Bannon getting kicked out of the NSC and now an air strike outta nowhere. Trump and the Republicans sure know how to get you to take your eye off the ball.

Not sure if this helps or hurts him in polls.

I really think this guy is going to start a war


So Assads going to shoot down one of our planes with the new Russian tech I'm going to bet.

We still don't know what the purpose of the strike was... It may be all the US does. Just to remind the world that Donald Trump is all powerful, and has the most powerful army in the world at his disposal.
We still don't know what the purpose of the strike was... It may be all the US does. Just to remind the world that Donald Trump is all powerful, and has the most powerful army in the world at his disposal.

It doesn't matter if this was the only intended strike by the U.S. if Russia/Syria attack members of the U.S. military


It doesn't matter if this was the only intended strike by the U.S. if Russia/Syria attack members of the U.S. military

That remains to be seen.

Bolstering air defense does not imply that Russia will escalate the situation any further. Their response is expected and at least at this point, relatively tame.
I really think this guy is going to start a war

Considering he threatened to bomb about a dozen different countries throughout his campaign this should surprise nobody. As was pointed out, only 1 person has ever lost re-election during wartime. I wouldn't be surprised if he plans on it...


Considering he threatened to bomb about a dozen different countries throughout his campaign this should surprise nobody. As was pointed out, only 1 person has ever lost re-election during wartime. I wouldn't be surprised if he plans on it...
I think it's more likely than not given what just happened. It's not just what they did but how they did it. They gave the usual 'option on the table' quip and then outta nowhere just decided to bomb them. If they move that fast this early into the administration, then I really think the sky's the limit when it comes to military action.
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