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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Hahaha... That's pretty nuts, for many reasons. But mostly because it just gives Trump and the GOP even more ownership of the AHCA. If it gets killed in committee they have an out, saying they tried. But this way?


It's outright bizarre. They're pretty much setting up their first major legislation to bring down their entire party. They'll be crippling themselves before their first 6 months are even over... 2018 will be a bloodbath that continues into 2020. All because the big mean black man wanted to give poor people healthcare.

Is nobody going to take a step back and say "guys, come on, wait, let's think this over a bit"
If Republicans think they going to ram this through without significant consequences they are crazy. The AARP will run ads for the next 2 years. Not to mention the insurance industry probably wants more input. They would be better off with a repeal and replace later than this
The idea of such a wide spread and massive bill being designed, signed and implemented within a week is insane. That's not how this works. Without even looking into the bill, just by how it's being passed, you know it's garbage because good major bills are complicated, with lots of time, care and work put into them. This is a scattershot of a bunch of GOP ideas with no actual consistency or any workable plan, just thrown into a bill and passed instantly with potentially disastrous results for not only the country (obviously) but their entire party's future over the next decade.

It's pretty obvious to any observer that the GOP have no idea how to actually do the whole "politics" thing anymore. They got complacent and cocky with Obama. He gave them an easy out to do and say whatever they wanted. There's no more Obama. They have no more excuses. They're going to own this entire debacle, and nothing is going to stop the slaughter that will occur in 2018. Any party that even wanted to dream of winning future elections would never even propose this law in jest. Let alone pass it in a week and a half.

They're poking the AARP beast and they don't quite seem to fully understand what exactly the consequences of doing that are.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
What are the odds they push this through and then a year from now just before midterms they suddenly pass another thing that fixes all the stuff for folks 50 and up just in time for it to be "hey look we saved you guys!"
There's one group that historically votes the most consistently in midterms and we have a midterm that we will historically be at a disadvantage in due to normal political trends, but herp derp let's screw them over lol we're such good at politics. Obama amirite? What's an AARP anyway, some kind of liberal hippy group?
What are the odds they push this through and then a year from now just before midterms they suddenly pass another thing that fixes all the stuff for folks 50 and up just in time for it to be "hey look we saved you guys!"

They will have already taken the hit by that point in publicity. I mean that might be the plan to piecemeal this in parts but it's so stupid if they actually want to win in 2018


What are the odds they push this through and then a year from now just before midterms they suddenly pass another thing that fixes all the stuff for folks 50 and up just in time for it to be "hey look we saved you guys!"

I mean, that's possible, sure... But is also just plain stupid. Who is to say how many deaths those 50+ voters will have seen and experienced? How many children killed by the opioid epidemic? How many illnesses grandchildren will have experienced?

It's fairly obvious that voters have short-term memories, but that short-term? And to bet your party's future on them?
So is it gonna pass? They're really moving it through

Probably not

- If they go with reconciliation, they need to remove quite a lot from the bill. They also have 52 senators, and need 51. If two are strong armed by AARP, it's not happening.

- If they do it the regular way, it's not hitting the 60 votes needed.

So I'm not sure the strategy here.
The only logical explanation I can come up with is that they decided actual Repeal and Replace was too messy and would just feign an attempt to do it, let it fail, and then move on. This lets them pretend like they tried to keep their promise while blaming the Dems and Freedom Caucus in the process. They're basically doing what they did when Obama was still in office, making gestures about repealing the ACA without having the balls to actually do it. They're trying to rip the band-aid off as quickly as possible because they know it'll look bad and they want it to dominate as few news cycles as possible and be forgotten about by 2018.

It's either that or they're staggeringly incompetent. This bill is party suicide, it's getting hammered from all sides and trying to pass it the way they are will only multiply the damage.


Anyone who came in on the Tea Party wave, after all, wasn't in Congress when they faced the backlash over Bush's attempt to privatize Social Security.

Time and time again the Tea Party's inexperience and inability to look at historical trends is biting them.

They're falling into the same traps the Democrats did in 2008 when they were apparently untouchable.
The Trump administration, searching for money to build the president’s planned multibillion-dollar border wall and crack down on illegal immigration, is weighing significant cuts to the Coast Guard, the Transportation Security Administration and other agencies focused on national security threats, according to a draft plan.

The proposal, drawn up by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), also would slash the budget of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which provides disaster relief after hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters. The Coast Guard’s $9.1 billion budget in 2017 would be cut 14 percent to about $7.8 billion, while the TSA and FEMA budgets would be reduced about 11 percent each to $4.5 billion and $3.6 billion, respectively.



So if the Medicaid expansion had been written similarly to the exchanges, where the federal government administered plans directly to that population if the states refused to expand, would it have had the same constitutional problems? Why was a punitive action used instead?


Saw that horseshit yesterday from Spicer about how the Trumpcare bill is way smaller and therefore better than the ACA. YES THAT MAKES PERFECT SENSE THANKS PRESIDENT BIG ORANGE BABY.

I wonder if there's an unwritten rule at the White House that any bill must be small enough that Trump can hold the whole thing in his tiny hands.

The next Katrina/Sandy is coming, and this administration is going to be even worse prepared to handle it than Bush was.

Speaking of disasters named Katrina, did we hear anything else about the meeting yesterday with Trump and Katrina "So what? They're Muslims!" Pearson? Please tell me she's the new press secretary.


Saw that horseshit yesterday from Spicer about how the Trumpcare bill is way smaller and therefore better than the ACA. YES THAT MAKES PERFECT SENSE THANKS PRESIDENT BIG ORANGE BABY.

I wonder if there's an unwritten rule at the White House that any bill must be small enough that Trump can hold the whole thing in his tiny hands.

Speaking of disasters named Katrina, did we hear anything else about the meeting yesterday with Trump and Katrina "So what? They're Muslims!" Pearson? Please tell me she's the new press secretary.

Smaller is obviously better! See: Trump hands


I mean, a major reason why the AHCA bill is smaller is because it's preserving a lot of the framework and provisions set up by the ACA. Writing that shit take ups a lot more pages than writing, "Let's keep that stuff."


Reading thro the Trump dossier and the claim that there has been regular contact between the Kremlin and trump or his cronies for eight years is completely nuts. As much as I appreciate the digging around by the media on this subject I hope a few journalists crack open trumps business dealings in China which are supposed to be an even bigger can of worms.


aka andydumi
So if the Medicaid expansion had been written similarly to the exchanges, where the federal government administered plans directly to that population if the states refused to expand, would it have had the same constitutional problems? Why was a punitive action used instead?

I don't think the federal government could manage a subpart of the Medicaid population without state involvement. At the point it's better to have expanded Medicare instead.


I've been looking but what evidence is there that Obamacare will fail anytime soon?

I mean there's no doubt that the exchanges are in trouble in some parts of the country due to very few plans to choose from. Republicans like to say 1/3 of the counties have this problem, which may be true, but these are mostly rural counties with small (and sick) populations. They are also generally in states that refused to expand Medicaid, burdening the individual market with especially needy people.

The other thing to keep in mind is most people on the exchanges get subsidies and their amount increases as premiums do so their overall cost out of pocket stays the same or rises very little. This also applies to deductibles and copays, which they also get assistance to pay for. So overall the likelihood of the individual market on the exchanges collapsing nationwide is pretty low, although it may struggle to grow any larger without changes to the law that Republicans will never support. They may also attempt regulatory changes that drive enrollment down and purposely destabilize the market.
Steve King just on MSNBC saying CIA could have been using secret weapons Wikileaks is talking about on Trump associates. Holy hell if true. Civilization could be saved because of smart TVs in Trump tower Hahaha.
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