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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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I'm more concerned about 2018 right now. There have been a lot of "sky is falling" articles here in MA about her approval rating and she may wind up running against a navy seal.

I might be just you-know-whatting, though.

I'm not particularly worried about her re-election. The most recent numbers I could find were a Janurary WBUR poll that had her favorability at 51/37 and a Morning Consult (online) poll that had her at 56/38 job approval. Those numbers may be down from where she was a year ago, but they're still pretty healthy in the grand scheme of things.

The dynamics of the election (midterm with a Republican president) are not favorable to Republican prospects, especially if Trump continues to be unpopular. A Senate seat in Massachusetts is not likely to be a good opportunity for a Republican pickup in all but the best of political environments for them, and this one is shaping up to be pretty bad.

I'd say the reporting on her supposed vulnerability is one part horse race/dead heat reporting to drum up interest and one part Republican wishful thinking. I also think speculation of a Warren 2020 run (she would be a genuinely bad candidate nationally) falls under the category of Republican wishful thinking.


Count me also among the people increasingly more interested in Gillibrand.

Is everyone sleeping on my dude Sherrod Brown?

The only major public address I've seen from him was last year's DNC, which I did not think was all that impressive or charismatic. Maybe a running mate pick.


A twice-convicted Russian pedophile imprisoned in a heavily forested gulag some 500 miles from Moscow appears to be the man a controversial dossier says helped hack into Democratic National Committee computers last year.

Sevastyan Kaptsugovich’s name is misspelled in the dossier, which was compiled by a former British spy. But his history matches that of a computer expert described in the dossier who’d been “compromised” by the Russian intelligence agency known as the FSB and forced into cooperating in the Russian meddling in the U.S. election.
McClatchy has confirmed some of [the dossier's] contents but had been unable to locate anyone with the name “Seva Kapsovich” who matched Steele’s description in the dossier. Then McClatchy noted inconsistencies in the spellings of various names in the dossier. That prompted a search for alternate spellings of “Kapsovich” in Cyrillic, the alphabet of the Russian and other Slavic languages. That turned up references to Kaptsugovich and Russian media accounts of his prior convictions, which matched the description laid out in the dossier.



But a senior House Republican aide said that revised language for a bill hasn't been agreed on and there's no text yet for lawmakers to review. There's no target date for a vote, whether next week or at any future time, the aide said.

And yet no-one seems to be concerned that a bill that could upend healthcare for millions is being written like some college kid's paper after an all-night bender on the day it's due.


you can't put a price on sparks
He announced that he wasn't going to run for re-election in 2018, which led folks to think he was going to run for governor. Now, rumors are coming out that he may not finish his congressional term at all.

There's no logical explanation for the latter unless a shitstorm is on its way that he's trying to get out of the way of.

once upon a time he wanted to be speaker of the house after boehner left

really weird move from him to resign


Brown is probably off the table because he'll likely have to commit to not running for president in order to get re-elected in the first place.

And I would rather have him in the senate anyways, come on guys stop trying to poach the senate for possible presidential runners, we have enough problems keeping what we have.


And I would rather have him in the senate anyways, come on guys stop trying to poach the senate for possible presidential runners, we have enough problems keeping what we have.

I mean who else is there, except Liberal Icon Mark Zuckerberg I suppose
Maybe but what governor is a plausible candidate? Cuomo?

I think they meant swingy Senate seats. Poach Kamala all you want, that ain't going to a Republican.

edit: Though this implies that Brown's seat is winnable which I think is probably too hopeful; Ohio is looking worse than Arizona for us for decades.


Got it


Now we just 'shop gaffer avatars on it, like those Nintendo hype threads.


I think they meant swingy Senate seats. Poach Kamala all you want, that ain't going to a Republican.

edit: Though this implies that Brown's seat is winnable which I think is probably too hopeful; Ohio is looking worse than Arizona for us for decades.

Meh, even before the recent optimism 2018 wasn't going to be problematic for Brown, Baldwin, or Casey. McCaskill might have cause to worry, Donnelly, Heitkamp, and Manchin moreso, but the ground isn't shifting as fast as all that.

Had Clinton won, you'd bet your ass Brown, Baldwin, and Casey would be sweating.
I like Brown and there's a natural appeal to a Midwestern candidate (even if it's not enough to swing Ohio, it could help in WI/PA/MI). That having been said, I'm very impressed by Gillibrand as well. She has all the signs of being a very formidable candidate.



(CNN)Attorney General Jeff Sessions said this week he was amazed that a judge in Hawaii could block President Donald Trump's executive order halting immigration from several majority Muslim countries.

Sessions made the comments in an interview with "The Mark Levin Show" Tuesday evening that was put online Wednesday.
"We've got cases moving in the very, very liberal Ninth Circuit, who, they've been hostile to the order," Sessions said. "We won a case in Virginia recently that was a nicely-written order that just demolished, I thought, all the arguments that some of the other people have been making. We are confident that the President will prevail on appeal and particularly in the Supreme Court, if not the Ninth Circuit. So this is a huge matter. I really am amazed that a judge sitting on an island in the Pacific can issue an order that stops the President of the United States from what appears to be clearly his statutory and Constitutional power."


Not surprised someone living in the 1950s forgot Hawaii became a state.


Does Sessions not believe Hawaii is part of the US or something? What was that remark about being an island in the pacific about?
I think this is the answer:
@jbouie 1h1 hour ago

Jeff Sessions shitting on Hawaii is especially eyebrow raising given Trump and his birtherism.

Worth noting, I guess, that Dixiecrat senators fiercely opposed Hawaii's admission to the union, fearing new votes for civil rights.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Sounds like an extreme version of bitching about the liberal coasts having undue influence. Hawaii isn't even part of the contiguous states! They shouldn't have a say in anything!
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