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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Rebel Leader

Well, he did make the bill worse for poor people, so it makes sense the Freedom Caucus would support it.

My goodness I can't believe they'd go through with this. It will turn so many people against their party.
"The dems made you needy, we will make you self responsible"


Well, he did make the bill worse for poor people, so it makes sense the Freedom Caucus would support it.

My goodness I can't believe they'd go through with this. It will turn so many people against their party.

Cutting preexisting conditions will make it poison for anyone who isn't completely crazy. Not sure why they keep touching the hot stove though.


I've read a couple things about how MacArthur is being presumptuous in speaking for the Tuesday Group in these negotiations, and that he hasn't actually been coordinating with moderate House Rs while working out the amendment.

Anyway, after weeks of Republicans tearing apart this bill for being rushed and widely unpopular even among their own base, to bring it right back with the only change being that it bucks the responsibility for the worse parts of it onto the states is just insane to me.


I've read a couple things about how MacArthuer is being presumptuous in speaking for the Tuesday Group in these negotiations, and that he hasn't actually been coordinating with moderate House Rs while working out the amendment.

Anyway, after weeks of Republicans tearing apart this bill for being rushed and widely unpopular even among their own base, to bring it right back with the only change being that it bucks the responsibility for the worse parts of it onto the states is just insane to me.
That's the thing, if they're getting the extremists on board, the moderates will likely bolt.



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Nyt oped ethers lord sanders into smithereens about a legit problem. As opposed to just handwringing about unity. His abortion view is stupid.


Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.) told a group of high school and middle school students last week that it’s fine to be a member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer community ― but if you’re too open about it, don’t be surprised if you get picked on.

On Thursday, Enzi was speaking to students at Greybull High School and Middle School when a student asked him what he was doing to support LGBTQ people in Wyoming. Mathew Burciaga, an editor at the Greybull Standard, was at the event. The Standard published a rough transcript and audio of the event Tuesday evening.

“What work are you and your comrades doing to improve the life of the LGBT community in Wyoming?” the student asked Enzi. “How do you plan to help Wyoming live up to its name as ‘The Equality State?’”

“There are a lot of problems that don’t have a federal, one-size-fits-all solution,” Enzi replied, according to the Standard’s transcript. “Everything can’t be done by law; that’s one of the problems we have in this country, thinking that everything could be done by law. What we need to have is a little civility between people.”

“We always say that in Wyoming you can be just about anything you want to be, as long as you don’t push it in somebody’s face,” the senator went on. “I know a guy who wears a tutu and goes to bars on Friday night and is always surprised that he gets in fights. Well, he kind of asks for it. That’s the way that he winds up with that kind of problem. I’d be interested in any solutions that you have for how we can make that work better.”

“The biggest thing that we need is civility,” he said.

Burciaga told HuffPost in an email that he thought the comment was “tone deaf by my own personal opinion of it.”

Reached for comment, Max D’Onofrio, a spokesman for Enzi, said the senator stressed the importance of respecting other people and argued that protections mandated by Washington are not always the best solution.

“He talked about how many Wyoming folks take a live and let live approach to life, but we need to be conscious that everyone may not react the same way to differing value and belief systems. He advocates nothing but respect and civil treatment for members of the LGBT community,” D’Onofrio said in an email. He added that “no one should take his remarks out of context or misconstrue them to mean anything but advocacy of kindness toward our fellow citizens.”

Enzi apologized in a statement, expressing regret for “a poor choice of words”.
Ah yes, time to talk up Obamacare repeal again while we're days from a government shutdown and with no budget plan on the table. Has anyone even proposed a clean CR yet? Because that's all that's going to get support after waiting this long.
Ah yes, time to talk up Obamacare repeal again while we're days from a government shutdown and with no budget plan on the table. Has anyone even proposed a clean CR yet? Because that's all that's going to get support after waiting this long.

If they want another public humiliation then by all means let them have at it.

North Dakota
South Dakota

All have 3 EVs and 2 senators, and we sort of get boned on the current representation. We have 6 of the 14 Senators there.

Rhode Island has roughly the same population as Montana, so we'd have 8 of 16 (which could obviously be 6 of 16 if not for Heitkamp and Tester)

I think there's a slight advantage in favor of the GOP but it's not *that* big

edit: Montana gets fucked in distribution of house seats. They only have 1, but Rhode Island has 2 even though they're pretty close.


Obamacare really is the hill the GOP will die on. Because whatever piece of shit they introduce we will always have Obamacare to compare it too and it will always be worse.
Here we go. Time to throw Obama under the BernieBus

Obama to give $400,000 speech at Wall Street conference
Former President Obama has agreed to speak at a Wall Street conference run by Cantor Fitzgerald LP, senior officials at the firm told FOX Business.

Obama will speak at Cantor’s health care conference this September for a fee of $400,000 and has agreed to be the keynote speaker at a luncheon held on one day of the event.

The company confirmed that Obama has officially signed a deal with the New York-based investment bank, but said it needed to coordinate with the former president before making an official announcement. He may still back out of the deal.

Like his former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, he may face some criticism for the high-priced speech. Clinton was criticized for giving private speeches to banks and financial firms prior to her 2016 presidential campaign for the White House. The difference for Obama, of course, is that his presidency is behind him.

During his time in office, though. Obama was quick to blame big banks for the 2008 financial crisis and subsequent Great Recession, saying they were “caused in part by completely irresponsible actions on Wall Street” in a 2009 interview with CBS News’ “60 Minutes.”

In the same interview, he also criticized big banks and their employees by referring to them as “fat cat bankers on Wall Street.”

Because of the timing of the Cantor event and the uncertain future of health care reform in the Trump administration, Obama may be asked about the Affordable Care Act when it could theoretically be repealed and replaced, which is currently a top priority for both the White House and the legislative branch.
Rhode Island has roughly the same population as Montana, so we'd have 8 of 16 (which could obviously be 6 of 16 if not for Heitkamp and Tester)

I think there's a slight advantage in favor of the GOP but it's not *that* big

edit: Montana gets fucked in distribution of house seats. They only have 1, but Rhode Island has 2 even though they're pretty close.
In EC votes though we get super boned there, we get 6 to their 15. I think Montana is the worst represented though.


Good thing he's not running for anything ever again
Yglesias pointed out that Clinton taking the gravy train money was viewed as a sign she wasn't running at the time.

There's nothing wrong with the money. It's a dumb speech, he makes an appearance, he gets to make bank and then actually put that money towards something decent!

Like a Chaos Emerald.
Some people hate the very idea of people making money.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Here we go. Time to throw Obama under the BernieBus

Obama to give $400,000 speech at Wall Street conference


You have an exponentially better chance of winning the lottery than getting the post-presidential payday as part of a cunning Kenyan plan. But I expect this will actually become some sort of thing (obviously not responding to your post, but rather the impending thing from Fox).

Oh, are we still acting like speaking gigs are some vile crime now?

As soon as that man-crazy lesbian communist Wall Street Benghazi cyber-murderess started doing it. Yes. Thankfully Trump has ejected Big Finance from politics. All within 100 days, which is a meaningless timeline anyway.


No Scrubs
Oh, are we still acting like speaking gigs are some vile crime now?

Everyone kinda has to or it might look like Clinton got held to a completely different standard than literally everyone else.

The article about it is pretty shit too. The reason they want Obama is so they can say they had Obama speak. He could literally show up drunk and ramble on about Kendrik's new album for all they actually care. He's just there to sell tickets and raise the conference's profile.


Oh, are we still acting like speaking gigs are some vile crime now?

they're not a vile crime but they are a grift that allows the rich to buy access to influential people

why should he do it? it exacerbates inequality, provides no good. Obama is rich enough to do something productive for money like write a book.

Personally have no issue with him getting paid after 8 years of an incredibly stressful presidency. I had no issue with Bill either mind. Hillary though should've known better since she intended to run again.

he's a multimillionaire.

going to get an even more massive advance for his next two books. will never want for anything but we have no issue with him basically taking a bribe by wall street.

didn't we agree it was stupid when clinton did it? it makes dems out to be liars who don't live their values.


Everyone kinda has to or it might look like Clinton got held to a completely different standard than literally everyone else.

The article about it is pretty shit too. The reason they want Obama is so they can say they had Obama speak. He could literally show up drunk and ramble on about Kendrik's new album for all they actually care.
They've always been dressed-up appearance fees. Clinton's issue was that she came back after taking the gravy train, which like....absolutely no one else actually tried to do.
It's a problem that a politician can cash in for obscene amounts of money from the rich for basically doing nothing even after they end their tenure because it creates the incentive for corruption when they're in office if they want to maintain friendly relations with people who can give them huge sums of money. I doubt most of you care about this but it's important. Even if you believe that Obama had no conflicts of interest or any issues at all it's important to commit to that. He has no need of the money, he's going to be fabulously wealthy from books or whatever else he wants to roll in cash from.

Delaware is also pretty bad (something like 900k people for 1 rep)

Our electoral system is just garbage from top to bottom
It's really amazing how badly designed every single part of it is!

Well at least Nebraska figured out having just one legislature is good.


It's a problem that a politician can cash in for obscene amounts of money from the rich for basically doing nothing even after they end their tenure because it creates the incentive for corruption when they're in office if they want to maintain friendly relations with people who can give them huge sums of money. I doubt most of you care about this but it's important. Even if you believe that Obama had no conflicts of interest or any issues at all it's important to commit to that. He has no need of the money, he's going to be fabulously wealthy from books or whatever else he wants to roll in cash from.

It's really amazing how badly designed every single part of it is!

Well at least Nebraska figured out having just one legislature is good.
You know what this is actually a solid argument.


The entire job of being a politician is an incentive for corruption! There's a lucrative appearance fees market after they leave office, because like MJ, LeBron, and other sports stars, they're massive celebrities.

And the bicameral legislatures are a good thing, the US Senate distribution is just set up horribly.


No Scrubs
You know what this is actually a solid argument.

Unless we publicly fund our elections, which we do not do at the moment, it's a moot point. They need campaign contributions anyway and these appearances only really go to high profile politicians. Not going to see Joe Walsh bring in big appearance fees, or Bernie before he ran (if he wanted to he could retire and make bank now).
They've always been dressed-up appearance fees. Clinton's issue was that she came back after taking the gravy train, which like....absolutely no one else actually tried to do.

Yeah, it is hard to give the appearance that you will be impartial and objective toward a sector you will be governing when you made far bank off of and schmoozed with them. This is one lesson people need to take from Hillary's loss - assume that people will think the worst, especially if the state of the country in terms of income inequality and money buying influence is such that thinking the worst is somewhat justifiable!
It's a problem that a politician can cash in for obscene amounts of money from the rich for basically doing nothing even after they end their tenure because it creates the incentive for corruption when they're in office if they want to maintain friendly relations with people who can give them huge sums of money. I doubt most of you care about this but it's important. Even if you believe that Obama had no conflicts of interest or any issues at all it's important to commit to that. He has no need of the money, he's going to be fabulously wealthy from books or whatever else he wants to roll in cash from.

It's really amazing how badly designed every single part of it is!

Well at least Nebraska figured out having just one legislature is good.

I can agree with a lot of this, but I dunno, I think some places just want to have Obama speak to their employees because he's Obama. He's obviously not going to do it for free. It's a tough topic and I think we just need more stricter/clearer laws on the books for what former politicians can do & for how much after leaving office. But maybe that's not even legal, because he's a private citizen now. I dunno.


I can agree with a lot of this, but I dunno, I think some places just want to have Obama speak to their employees because he's Obama. He's obviously not going to do it for free. It's a tough topic and I think we just need more stricter/clearer laws on the books for what former politicians can do & for how much after leaving office. But maybe that's not even legal, because he's a private citizen now. I dunno.
There were a ton of left-leaning groups on Clinton's speech list. For many of them, hiring someone like Clinton or Obama to stop by is a fundraising tactic. Just like you'd hire Tim Tebow to show up for a Chik-Fil-A opening or something.
I can agree with a lot of this, but I dunno, I think some places just want to have Obama speak to their employees because he's Obama. He's obviously not going to do it for free. It's a tough topic and I think we just need more stricter/clearer laws on the books for what former politicians can do & for how much after leaving office. But maybe that's not even legal, because he's a private citizen now. I dunno.
I'd be fine with legislating this, but I also hold my party leaders to higher ethical standards and this is a clear failure on that part.

Carter didn't need to grift after finishing his presidency, I don't see why Obama (or Clinton, or any other hypothetical future Democratic presidents) should either.


No Scrubs
I'd be fine with legislating this, but I also hold my party leaders to higher ethical standards and this is a clear failure on that part.

Carter didn't need to grift after finishing his presidency, I don't see why Obama (or Clinton, or any other hypothetical future Democratic presidents) should either.

In fairness Carter isn't the best example here, he's not exactly viewed as a successful president. He probably couldn't have made money off speeches even if he wanted to.
In fairness Carter isn't the best example here, he's not exactly viewed as a successful president. He probably couldn't have made money off speeches even if he wanted to.
Carter can get paid speaking fees and has in the past, he just uses the entirety of the money for his social work.
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