PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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So Steve "David Duke without the baggage" Scalise was saved by a black male cop and a black married lesbian cop. What a world.


Is anyone giving Senator Franken serious consideration for 2020? I think he'd be a great candidate.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Is anyone giving Senator Franken serious consideration for 2020? I think he'd be a great candidate.

I get the sense he wants to be a political for Minnesota and not much else.
Well, that Spicer gif is nightmare fuel. Going to assume it's the work of those lovely Taiwanese Animators™ (trademark title, not a generic term). Pic of Pence is lit. Literally.

Speaking of Spicer, he's almost made it 6 entire months in that job now. Remember those humorous days where we thought he wouldn't last a week? Then a month? And then waitng for Trump to fire him for being a comedic sidekick of the WH press corp? And when he hid in bushes? Sigh. Every day his junior substitute is present we should subtract one day from his tenure since it gives him time to recover.
Is anyone giving Senator Franken serious consideration for 2020? I think he'd be a great candidate.
I'd love it if Franken ran but ultimately I think he'll step aside so Klobuchar can run without facing off against her fellow senator.

In his new book there's a part where he imagines his future obituary (in reference to most articles about him taking shots at his career in comedy) and it describes him as a three-term senator, when he's only on his second term thus far. If that's a clue at all to his future plans then that'd mean he plans on running again in 2020 and stepping down in 2026.

While she'd have her own problems as a candidate, as a Minnesotan I can't help but get giddy at imagining how lopsided the result would be in 2020 between Klobuchar and Trump here. This is what her 65-30 win in 2012 looked like:



For all the talk about the power of pro­gress­ives in the Demo­crat­ic Party, one sig­ni­fic­ant part of the Demo­crat­ic co­ali­tion has been over­looked in the run-up to the next pres­id­en­tial elec­tion: Afric­an-Amer­ic­ans. Black voters made up at least 20 per­cent of the Demo­crat­ic vote in at least 15 states dur­ing the 2016 pres­id­en­tial primar­ies (and com­prise that share in three oth­er states without exit polling: Louisi­ana, New Jer­sey, and Delaware). Without Afric­an-Amer­ic­ans, who gave 76 per­cent of their vote in the primar­ies to Hil­lary Clin­ton, Bernie Sanders eas­ily could have been the Demo­crat­ic nom­in­ee. Sanders won 49.1 per­cent of the Demo­crat­ic white vote to Clin­ton’s 48.9 per­cent.
The les­son of re­cent polit­ic­al his­tory is that the Demo­crats who are the darlings of white pro­gress­ives—the so-called “wine track” can­did­ates—usu­ally fall short. In 2004, Howard Dean was un­able to broaden his co­ali­tion bey­ond young voters and the most lib­er­al ele­ments of the party. He only won 108 del­eg­ates. Bill Brad­ley filled the pro­gress­ive void against Al Gore in 2000, and didn’t win a single primary. Obama shattered that mold in 2008, but only by for­ging a rare al­li­ance between “beer track” Afric­an-Amer­ic­an voters and the more pro­gress­ive elite wing of the party.

But the pro­spect­ive 2020 field for Demo­crats is over­whelm­ingly white and un­abashedly pro­gress­ive. Demo­crats have all but ceded the South, with only three Demo­crat­ic gov­ernors left in the re­gion. And the party’s in­creas­ing pro­gressiv­ism doesn’t ne­ces­sar­ily res­on­ate with Afric­an-Amer­ic­an voters, par­tic­u­larly the older gen­er­a­tion who found little to like in Bernie Sanders’ in­sur­gent can­did­acy.
It’s hard to see some of the most-buzzworthy Demo­crats such as Sanders, War­ren, and Al Franken fit­ting that bill. All hail from ho­mo­gen­eous states with small Afric­an-Amer­ic­an pop­u­la­tions. Sen. Kirsten Gil­librand of New York, an­oth­er hyped can­did­ate, is much more likely to win over wealthy lib­er­als than black voters. An oth­er­wise glow­ing New York Magazine pro­file de­scribed her as “stil­ted” and “hes­it­ant” when de­liv­er­ing a speech to an Afric­an-Amer­ic­an church in Brook­lyn. Mean­while, lead­ing Afric­an-Amer­ic­an pols such Book­er and Sen. Kamala Har­ris of Cali­for­nia have little gov­ern­ing ex­per­i­ence. Both have the op­por­tun­ity to build broad co­ali­tions, but would start at a dis­ad­vant­age.

One of the biggest mis­con­cep­tions about the Afric­an-Amer­ic­an elect­or­ate is that it’s mono­lith­ic­ally lib­er­al be­cause blacks over­whelm­ingly vote Demo­crat­ic. In real­ity, there’s much un­der­ap­pre­ci­ated ideo­lo­gic­al di­versity with­in the com­munity. A Pew Re­search Cen­ter study last year found just 28 per­cent of Afric­an-Amer­ic­an Demo­crats identi­fy as lib­er­al, with a plur­al­ity de­scrib­ing them­selves as mod­er­ate. Oth­er re­search has shown that middle-class black voters are less likely to sup­port protest groups like Black Lives Mat­ter, even as they cham­pi­on civil-rights le­gis­la­tion. And black par­ents put a high pri­or­ity on sta­bil­ity and con­tinu­ity, which is one reas­on they tend to back es­tab­lish­ment-ori­ented can­did­ates in primar­ies.

That could cre­ate an open­ing for a more-mod­er­ate, ex­per­i­enced politi­cian with a long­stand­ing re­la­tion­ship with black voters. Only one per­son on the long roster of pos­sible can­did­ates really fits that bill: former Vice Pres­id­ent Joe Biden


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
“Both sides need to look in the mirror,” said Nina Turner, a former Ohio state senator who campaigned for Mr. Sanders and is working on a new think tank started by the senator’s wife. “We have to decide what kind of language we are going to use in our political discourse.”
I had fortunately missed the news of this Sanders Institute starting up. Looking up the list of founders... ugh. What a bunch of phony nonsense.
Is anyone giving Senator Franken serious consideration for 2020? I think he'd be a great candidate.

I don't really like anyone else right now.

Harris is ok but whyamihere's thoughts on her history make me worried about her.

I think this is all moot though because I'm guessing that unless something happens with him health wise, Bernie is going to run again and if he does I think he'll win.

I don't think anyone will beat him in Iowa and if he wins Iowa and NH back to back that will tip the primary in his favor massively. He'll likely do poorly in the south like he did last time but I don't think anyone will be able to win in the southern states but also beat him in northern states like Massachusetts etc as well like Hillary did.


I know way too many victims of pyramid schemes. Banning them is almost noncontroversial and would be my number one policy priority if I were in government. Although I dunno the right policy that can target the widest range of schemes without harming legitimate business - do you ban sales of inventory to sales reps, or do you restrict recurring commission payments, or is there something else. I've seen some very inventive schemes but I think we can find a way to kill most of them without disrupting the rest of the economy.
Is anyone giving Senator Franken serious consideration for 2020? I think he'd be a great candidate.

If he runs I'll be next door in NH every weekend from the beginning of the Election through the NH Primary, and as needed if he gets the nomination. He's my choice for the Democratic Candidate for 2020. Unfortunately, he has said vehemently that he doesn't want to run, which is disappointing.


I know way too many victims of pyramid schemes. Banning them is almost noncontroversial and would be my number one policy priority if I were in government.
Good news! They're already illegal.

Also Multi-Level Marketing is not a pyramid scheme, but a triangle opportunity, because it "sells" a product along with the experience and opportunity.

And despite what you may think Social Security is not a pyramid or Ponzi scheme, as those are illegal and Social Security is legal. (But for some reason the SSA has removed this from their FAQ which may allow this unfunded, I mean unfounded, lie to spread via fake news.)

My favorite part of that FTC article is how much it's trying to scream at you THEY'RE PYRAMID SCHEMES, but they legally can't. Also, their blog is apparently full of MLM defenders whenever they take one down.


Also I read an academic history (as in published to be stuck on a university library shelf untouched for the next twenty years vs. something Vox recommends) on regulation of fraudsters recently and the FTC and the state equivalent agencies were welcomed by many of them and opposed by anti-fraud groups.

But not in the standard libertarian cronyism way you think! Although partly as it did harm the business of the latter groups.

But mostly because now you had to file charges and blah blah blah they got a fine or skipped town instead of rounding up everybody, catching the scammer and dropping their body off a bridge.

I leave it up to you, the reader, to decide if this Progressive Reform was an improvement or not.
Benji, have you thought about starting a blog? Or at minimum a series of unsolicited anonymous letters you snail mail to state newspapers.


It's right in the "Visit benjipwns's homepage!" link. Though it rarely gets new content. Except when people mention it and I remember it.


These are like the tamest Sowell and Hayek quotes you could find

The Flower [Marijuana Prohibition] - in case you missed the subtlety of blob people huffing flowers


Hayek is tame, and so is Sowell when he's not talking current political issues. Mises is the secret one you have to hold back from wreckin up the joint.

i'll see if i can dabble with it more often, i sometimes put amusing quotes and such in a txt file on my dropbox that i really should just post from on there especially since i got a follower randomly a few months ago, looking back you can tell when i was doing some oldline anarchist stuff vs. left-libertarians vs. more last days of liberalism from earlier

i don't even always agree with them fully as much as i like turns of phrases or snippets or just the emotion but i don't want to remove the context, etc. but it can be part of #theresistance

here's some random ones from the top
This pursuit of security in the past, this attempt to find a haven in a fixed dogma and an organizational hierarchy as substitutes for creative thought and praxis is bitter evidence of how little many revolutionaries are capable of 'revolutionizing themselves and things,' much less of revolutionizing society as a whole. The deep-rooted conservatism of the People's Labor Party 'revolutionaries' is almost painfully evident; the authoritarian leader and hierarchy replace the patriarch and the school bureaucracy; the discipline of the Movement replaces the discipline of bourgeois society; the authoritarian code of political obedience replaces the state; the credo of 'proletarian morality' replaces the mores of puritanism and the work ethic. The old substance of exploitative society reappears in new forms, draped in a red flag, decorated by portraits of Mao (or Castro or Che) and adorned with the little 'Red Book' and other sacred litanies. - Murray Bookchin
Terrorism is tempting with its tremendous possibilities. It offers a mechanical solution, as it were, in hopeless situations. ... the principles of terrorism unavoidably rebound to the fatal injury of liberty and revolution. Absolute power corrupts and defeats its partisans no less than its opponents. A people that knows not liberty becomes accustomed to dictatorship: fighting despotism and counter-revolution, terrorism itself becomes their efficient school. Once on the road of terrorism, the State necessarily becomes estranged from the people. - Alexander Berkman
They see a race of law-makers legislating without knowing what their laws are about; today voting a law on the sanitation of towns, without the faintest notion of hygiene, tomorrow making regulations for the armament of troops, without so much as understanding a gun; making laws about teaching and education without ever having given a lesson of any sort, or even an honest education to their own children; legislating at random in all directions, but never forgetting the penalties to be meted out to ragamufffins, the prison and the galleys, which are to be the portion of men a thousand times less immoral than these legislators themselves. - Peter Kropotkin
All that was an element of progress in the past or an instrument of moral and intellectual improvement of the human race is due to the practice of mutual aid, to the customs that recognized the equality of men and brought them to ally, to unite, to associate for the purpose of producing and consuming, to unite for purpose of defence to federate and to recognize no other judges in fighting out their differences than the arbitrators they took from their own midst.

Each time these institutions, issued from popular genius, when it had reconquered its liberty for a moment, — each time these institutions developed in a new direction, the moral level of society, its material well-being, its liberty, its intellectual progress, and the affirmation of individual originality made a step in advance. And, on the contrary, each time that in the course of history, whether following upon a foreign conquest, or whether by developing authoritarian prejudices men become more and more divided into governors and governed, exploiters and exploited, the moral level fell, the well-being of the masses decreased in order to insure riches to a few, and the spirit of the age declined. - Peter Kropotkin
and those are some of the more positive Kropotkin ones lol

i should post some of his more...honest opinions of law-givers on the tumblr

here's an example of the diversity of my collecting these, back to back:
"Freedom only for the supporters of the government, only for the members of a party – however numerous they may be – is no freedom at all. Freedom is always the freedom of the dissenter. Not because of the fanaticism of "justice", but rather because all that is instructive, wholesome, and purifying in political freedom depends on this essential characteristic, and its effects cease to work when "freedom" becomes a privilege." - Rosa Luxemburg

"Without general elections, without unrestricted freedom of press and assembly, without a free struggle of opinion, life dies out in every public institution, becomes a mere semblance of life, in which only the bureaucracy remains as the active element." - Rosa Luxemburg

"Kosovo sent the world a message: wherever there is oppression, suffering, and injustice, NATO will show up six months late and bomb the country next to where it's happening." - P. J. O'Rourke

"No man can be truly free whose liberty is dependent upon the thought, feeling and action of others and who has himself no means in his own hand for guarding, protecting, defending and maintaining that liberty" - Frederick Douglass

okay maybe this is the best one, definitely needs to go on there:
When Sandinista censor Nelba Blandon was asked (back in 1984) why the government had shut down an opposition newspaper, she replied: "They accused us of suppressing freedom of expression. That was a lie and we could not allow them to publish it."


You Can Always Leave explains hardcore doctrine absurdly calmly and throughly for a video about state violence.

"Ok, so taxation is theft, but that's because it's covered by the Social Contract and you abide by the rules."

"But I never signed the Social Contract"

"Ok, but you're allowed to leave the state if you don't want to pay"

"Hold on, property ownership bla bla..."

for over 10 minutes
There's no way Trump doesn't politicize this shooting. The more I think about it the more I'm certain he's about to say some really stupid shit...


Now I understand why taxation is violence, but doesn't that mean everything is violence? Wearing clothes outside is violence because the state reserves the right to murder me if I don't comply.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
New Gallup poll.

Republicans happy about the direction of our country:

May: 58%

June: 41%

That's a huge drop. AHCA has to be the problem here.
Morning Joe is blaming Trump?

No, but they talked about how Trumps rhetoric and encouragement of violence during the campaign have contributed to the heated atmosphere. More surprising was that Mark Sanford agreed that the President needed to watch his language.

New Gallup poll.

Republicans happy about the direction of our country:

May: 58%

June: 41%

That's a huge drop. AHCA has to be the problem here.



Morning Joe is blaming Trump?

They're saying the way he's changed the standard for decency in this country is a large part of what fosters the kind of violence and shootings we've been seeing. The level of division and anger all stems from him and through conspiracy theorist radio hosts, and people like that. Which IMO is completely true.
New Gallup poll.

Republicans happy about the direction of our country:

May: 58%

June: 41%

That's a huge drop. AHCA has to be the problem here.

I don't think so. Most Republicans are happy that the House took steps to get rid of Obamacare. I don't think they have a real understanding on how the AHCA directly affects them yet.

I think that drop is in large part because things have ground to a halt. Even though Republicans control the House, Senate, and the Presidency, almost nothing is getting done. I also think the expanded investigations and Trump's erratic behavior of firing Comey took a tool on more moderate/establishment Republicans. Trumpers are still with Trump, but there's real concern among the establishment that their agenda won't get enacted because there's a wild orangutan occupying the oval office.
I despise Gingrich, but every R is going to use his talking points:

Newt Gingrich‏Verified account @newtgingrich 15m15 minutes ago
The brazen redefinition of Mueller's task tells you how arrogant the deep state is and how confident it is it can get away with anything

Newt Gingrich‏Verified account @newtgingrich 16m16 minutes ago
Mueller is setting up a dragnet of obstruction, financial questions and every aspect of Trump's life and his associates lives.very dangerous

Newt Gingrich‏Verified account @newtgingrich 17m17 minutes ago
Muelleris now clearly the ti[p of the deep state spear aimed at destroying or at a minimum undermining and crippling the Trump presidency.

Newt Gingrich‏Verified account @newtgingrich 1h1 hour ago
Should now be clear Mueller is the "anti-Trump special counsel". Karl Rove warns in WSJ oped today"special counsels can run amok".

Newt Gingrich‏Verified account @newtgingrich 1h1 hour ago
WPost headline"Trump's actions now a focus now a focus of Mueller inquiry". What happened to Russia?anti-Trump focus of "special" counsel

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