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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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Who will be the first 2020 candidate to support legal weed? Or did bernie do that already.
He didn't explicitly say he would. Only vague hints. So I'd say technically no, no one has fully come forward and supported complete legalization.

Not sure who will be willing to do it first. I have an odd feeling everyone is sort of waiting for the first person to stick their necks out and see what the response is.
Single Payer healthcare will be a hard sell, and even some democrats will oppose it because EVIL GUBMINT-run healthcare!!! The country is not ready. Faith in the government is already historic low, and people are just dumb enough to not realize how exactly it will work and how it will benefit them because big bad government. They will stop thinking beyond that.
Maybe just take the Mitch route and craft the bill in an afternoon and ram it though at 2 am so people wake up with better healthcare before fear mongering convinces them they don't want it

ok not really because that's a terrible idea.


I feel like legal weed is the new gay marriage in terms of the politicians being nervous/lagging behind the population. Like as soon as one major dem comes out for it they'll get positive feedback and then it'll be total party support overnight.

Maybe I'm overestimating it though. But it seems like every state that expands it, whether recreational/medicinal/decriminalization, always sees it as a success immediately.
Didn't Booker make a lot of noise about how he wrote/was writing a federal legalization bill a week or two ago?
I thought that was more so a "decriminalize it at the federal level so that states that did legalize can't be fucked by Sessions" sort of bill. Don't think he actually said he planned on introducing a federal legalization of recreational weed
More republican senators speaking out against the president. I feel like something is brewing and is going to hit hard when they come back next week.


Feel like this Kamala single payer news should be bigger no?

Just an announcement, but a looot of people here are convinced that it is a pipe dream.

I'm not really sure what would be news about it. Everybody already knows the Democrats want to socialize medicine except for the people who want to take over the Democratic Party.
The Richard Nixon library seems to balance Nixon's scandals with everything else he did alright, at least looking at their website (which barely works). Trump's not going to be pleased if the Trump Library does that, though. But he's not going to be around forever, so eventually it'll balance out.
I don't think Trump will even be alive to see his library be finished. Dude does nothing but watch TV, play golf and eat fried chicken all day. I give him five years tops once he leaves office.

Agree wholeheartedly on Kerry being screwed over by the media. Democrats ran a war hero to counter the "Democrats are weak on terror" narrative, turns out Republicans don't actually give a fuck.

If I was able to pick a new president tomorrow of any politician in the U.S., I'd pick Kerry. I think he'd be by far the most effective president of any recent or current Democrat. His tenure as Secretary of State proves he knows how to keep his head down and get shit done. Too bad he has a boring personality, in a parliamentary system he would have flourished.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Single Payer healthcare will be a hard sell, and even some democrats will oppose it because EVIL GUBMINT-run healthcare!!! The country is not ready. Faith in the government is already historic low, and people are just dumb enough to not realize how exactly it will work and how it will benefit them because big bad government. They will stop thinking beyond that.

Yes, that's why Medicare being on the insurance marketplace is the perfect way forward.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Feel like this Kamala single payer news should be bigger no?

Just an announcement, but a looot of people here are convinced that it is a pipe dream.
Probably because it's putting the cart before the horse for no real reason other than optics. Congress came 2 votes short of killing the half-way compromise solution.
We think it's a pipe dream because it's a pipe dream. Trying to do a buy-in to Medicare for millions would piss off the medical service providers because the government services offer way less on the dollar, but over time that would stabilize into a (hopefully) new normal of (hopefully) more reasonable prices for care for everyone. Attempting single-payer would drive the insurance companies proper into turmoil. There's also the whole matter of spreading out mass enrollment of millions to where just lowering the Medicare buy-in bit by bit over, say, a decade could be institutionally doable.

Given people were dumb enough to fall for talking points that Obamacare was a government hijacking of the insurance industry (remember the "get the government off my medicare/medicaid" crap?), the blowback from an almost actual government hijacking attempt would know no bounds.

TLDR; this shit is complicated.



Donald Trump called a senior Republican senator from Iowa on Wednesday whose congressional committee is investigating his son, Donald Trump Jr, and promised him critical federal support for the biofuel ethanol, a key issue for the lawmaker.

Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the Senate judiciary committee and a major advocate of the ethanol industry, announced on Twitter that he had received a phone call from Trump and had been assured by the US president that Trump was “pro ethanol” and was “standing by his campaign promise” to support the biofuel.

The phone call came less than a day after CNN reported that Trump’s eldest son had reached an agreement with the committee to appear in a private session and answer investigators’ questions. The committee, which has oversight of the Department of Justice, is investigating a 2016 meeting that occurred in Trump Tower before November’s election. During the meeting, Trump Jr and other campaign staff met with Russian operatives after being promised compromising information about the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton.

I wonder...

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
We think it's a pipe dream because it's a pipe dream. Trying to do a buy-in to Medicare for millions would piss off the medical service providers because the government services offer way less on the dollar, but over time that would stabilize into a (hopefully) new normal of (hopefully) more reasonable prices for care for everyone. Attempting single-payer would drive the insurance companies proper into turmoil. There's also the whole matter of spreading out mass enrollment of millions to where just lowering the Medicare buy-in bit by bit over, say, a decade could be institutionally doable.

Given people were dumb enough to fall for talking points that Obamacare was a government hijacking of the insurance industry (remember the "get the government off my medicare/medicaid" crap?), the blowback from an almost actual government hijacking attempt would know no bounds.

TLDR; this shit is complicated.
Its not any more complicated than "Democrats control 0 branches of the government so this is just optics and not a meaningful attempt to do anything."

I simply don't think Harris putting her name on this does anything to help that cause and in fact might be harmful. The idea that elections are being lost because the candidates aren't extreme enough has been a losing GOP strategy for like 20 years.

I would rather democrats stop conceding the point that Obamacare is failing.
Yes, that's why Medicare being on the insurance marketplace is the perfect way forward.
Which country puts its government plan in the same market as private plans? I can't think of a country that does this.

EDIT: I don't know why people in here are asking for a public option as if it's any different from Medicare For All. The only difference is that one is honest about being a complete government takeover of the health insurance industry and one is not. That doesn't bother me, per se, but at least be honest about it. :p


Which country puts its government plan in the same market as private plans? I can't think of a country that does this.

EDIT: I don't know why people in here are asking for a public option as if it's any different from Medicare For All. The only difference is that one is honest about being a complete government takeover of the health insurance industry and one is not. That doesn't bother me, per se, but at least be honest about it. :p

One is an experiment with taking over the health insurance industry.

Lots of people happen to believe that the public option would dominate private insurance if it were implemented. But if that's true, there's not much reason to have private insurance, is there? Implementing a public option allows insurance companies to figure out what they can provide that the government can't and identify ways to compete. If they can't come up with anything, we're probably better off without them.


This is so gross.


I'd like to see the racial breakdown for this one!


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
It'll be an interesting case which I believe they will win (WI gerrymandering). Kennedy's issue in '04 was the lack of a standard for permissible vs impermissible. Conservatives argued the lack of a standard made it so these cases shouldn't even be heard. The liberals on the court set forth that they can be but offered different opinions on standards. Kennedy agreed with both sides. The cases should be heard but there is no proper standard.

With this case, the plaintiff's are not arguing that partisan gerrymandering should cease but that there needs to be a mechanism to control extreme gerrymandering. The efficiency gap may be just the right standard Kennedy is looking for here and the case was tailor made for him.

An extremely important precedent will be set with this case.

It's a very well-targeted brief too. I love the way that they've cited Gorsuch in support, and Scalia, and the book of Genesis.
on their 2012 map, Michigan+Ohio+Pennsylvania+New Jersey+Virginia+North Carolina had a combined 16.6 R advantage, which alone would equalize the House that year

I'm sure someone has a hot take on how actually gerrymandering isn't a problem and Dems are just packing themselves in though.

Bu-bu-bu-but ~~~PELOSI~~~....!

San Francisco values! White working class! Identity politics!

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Bu-bu-bu-but ~~~PELOSI~~~....!

San Francisco values! White working class! Identity politics!

I don't understand how this is response to the quoted section. Is this a reflexive action on your behalf? Do you shout "but her emails!" when the doctor taps your knee?
I don't understand how this is response to the quoted section. Is this a reflexive action on your behalf? Do you shout "but her emails!" when the doctor taps your knee?

The argument being made is that you can't honestly blame dems too much for the current state of affairs when the game is massively rigged in the favor of the opposition due in large part to a single election nearly a decade ago (and, of course, the entire system of government). This undermines the "PELOSI MUST GO" crowd, whose principle narrative is that Democratic leadership is too incompetent to be allowed to stand at any level and all and sundry must Ben D. Knee to their superior neckbeardly socialist rule.

Or something to that effect.
Sam Wang wasn't cast into the shadows after he said Hillary had a 100% (or >99%, I forget the exact number) chance of winning the presidency based on his model?


In other Trump news, it's probably for the best, but Trump met with no victims of the hurricane (only holding a self-serving rally), basically because he lacks any sort of empathy or basic human connection that's required in order to give comfort to those in hard times.


Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
The argument being made is that you can't honestly blame dems too much for the current state of affairs when the game is massively rigged in the favor of the opposition due in large part to a single election nearly a decade ago (and, of course, the entire system of government). This undermines the "PELOSI MUST GO" crowd, whose principle narrative is that Democratic leadership is too incompetent to be allowed to stand at any level and all and sundry must Ben D. Knee to their superior neckbeardly socialist rule.

Or something to that effect.

The rules of the games can only be changed incredibly slowly over very limited time. Blaming them is pointless, it's like blaming the spinning of the earth or the rising of the sun.

The players of the game can be changed much more easily. Within the rules of the game, they are the key determinants of the outcome, and the main one over which we exert control.

You can acknowledge the rules are bust while also saying that the Democratic leadership is incompetent and needs changing.


In other Trump news, it's probably for the best, but Trump met with no victims of the hurricane (only holding a self-serving rally), basically because he lacks any sort of empathy or basic human connection that's required in order to give comfort to those in hard times.

"Good luck!"


Sam Wang wasn't cast into the shadows after he said Hillary had a 100% (or >99%, I forget the exact number) chance of winning the presidency based on his model?

From what I read of his Twiiter at the time, I got the impression Wang seemed less serious about, and less invested in, his polling. More easy-going after the fact, and more accepting of how he was wrong, as well as less shrill. Only my impressions, though. Also, his Twitter slapping of Nate Silver during the campaign amused me enough for me to continue following him post-election.
What the actual fuck is going on over there? Considering Bannon was supposed to go to war with Trump's "media enemies", we sure aren't getting the same glowing coverage of this administration as we've been expecting...

Bannon is trying to attack everyone around Trump, which is essentially attacking Trump in the process but Bannon is an idiot.
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