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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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electricpirate said:
Those two This American Life's are some of the best journalism I've ever seen.

Also, here's a pretty good take down of the "LIBURULS caused it" argument. The American Prospect is a center left outlet, probably just to the left of something like The Atlantic, which cuts pretty nuetral.


Also, this piece on 60 minutes is pretty good. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4502673n

and for the mortgage side of things, http://docs.google.com/TeamPresent?docid=ddp4zq7n_0cdjsr4fn&skipauth=true&pli=1
And while we're at it, check out Planet Money blog (and podcast), it's from the same guys, and probably some of the best ongoing reporting on the crisis.
GhaleonEB said:
Yup. 28 days is a long time in politics. About three weeks ago, this was tied. But if the polls don't budge much this week - after the brunt of this "terrorist" assault and the second debate where McCain is going to come out swinging with it - I'll be feeling pretty good.

But wow. Only 28 days to go. That's not very long. I just want to go to sleep and wake up on November 4th, and skip all the ugliness.
Well said. I will be feeling good if the polls look like this next Monday or even on Friday!
TheKingsCrown said:
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. No one has won yet, and you know McCain will pull out all the stops because the worse these polls get the less he has to lose.

The country has lots to lose.

This bogeyman horseshit is going to further divide our country at a time when polarization is a big contributor to our general disfunction. :(

Remember the concerns that Hilary could destroy the Democratic Party if she pursued a split convention?

We're getting into the same territory but the collective mental health of our country is at stake this time.

It's one thing for us to not agree on the issues. It's another to spread divisiveness based on fear and hate. This bullshit about palling around with terrorists and "who is this guy anyway" is just playing up irrational fear based on prejudices. These fuckers are seriously trying to turn back the clock.

It's more important than ever that Obama win.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Krowley said:
I actually saw that this weekend. they even managed to tie Obama directly to it by mentioning his ties to Acorn.

Their basic opinion: The main cause of this crisis was democrats trying to get poor people housing. It might actually be partially true, sub prime lending hasn't worked out well at all, and the dems certainly weren't out there trying to cut down on the number of loans, but neither was anybody else. They also go out of their way to exonerate the Bush administration, claiming that they fought for greater regulation while the democrats ignored them and stifled their attempts. It is one of the most blatant propaganda pieces I've ever seen from fox news. It is very one sided, and this does not appear to be a one sided problem to me. Everybody has some blame to share.


Stop blaming blacks and latinos.

Chris R

Fox318 said:
People are wondering if she does go all out in attacking Obama and McCain loses the election her political career is OVER. So will she listen to the McCain camp or will she think about her future?

Even if she did, she wouldn't have any issue getting elected to another term as governor and then going to either our only house seat or getting one of the senate seats. She still is extremely popular here in Alaska, but mostly because the guy before really FUCKED things up :lol


The Lamonster said:
Well said. I will be feeling good if the polls look like this next Monday or even on Friday!

I'm feeling pretty good tonight. I've heard several people on TV tonight say that we, the American voting public, will still be talking about the economy as our #1 issue through October and well into November.

John McCain is a barely-alive goldfish swimming upstream in a toilet that is in the process of flushing. He can struggle and strain and jump all he wants against the current - but as long as the economy forces itself to the forefront of voters' minds, he's still going down the crapper.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Hitokage said:
And Republicans wonder why black americans vote democrat.

No shit. I mean damn why would they keep crapping on us year after year? We make up 12% of the population. And most of us didn't have sub-prime loans. So you're probably looking at 1% of the population that cause a multi-hundred billion dollar financial crisis?

Who does the REPs think they are tricking?


Unconfirmed Member
Hitokage said:
And Republicans wonder why black americans vote democrat.
They should start adding the disclaimer that it isn't their fault that they couldn't understand the evil libruls schemes to destroy america, that they are genetically predisposed to be taken advantage of, and that the republicans will protect them from the liberal bogeyman.
Remember "we don't want latinos to turn into the next black community"? That will get them to vote against their interests!

endearing no.


Idiot mob of Palin supporters harass reporters

Palin's routine attacks on the media have begun to spill into ugliness. In Clearwater, arriving reporters were greeted with shouts and taunts by the crowd of about 3,000. Palin then went on to blame Katie Couric's questions for her "less-than-successful interview with kinda mainstream media." At that, Palin supporters turned on reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse. Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, "Sit down, boy."



good job, you fuckin' douchebag. keep getting these morons more and more angry


Some other thoughts for RiskyCris

This is more than just the mortgage meltdown. The mortgage meltdown is contained at around maybe 50 billion in losses, and people are losing their homes. That's pretty terrible, but it's not, "HOLY SHIT OUR ECONOMY IS FAILING" terrible. That portion is where these fringe economists, and a few lawmakers (When did ron paul get stupid?) are trying to place the blame. As per the article I posted, even blaming the CRA and acorn is pretty dicey, and the "Giant Pool of Money" TAL does a better job of explaing what's going on.

The second part is the securitization, and turning these mortgages into CDO's. In doing so, they fooled the rating agencies, and sold garbage as AAA investments. This increased the colateral damage, and sent a few companies bankrupt. It has also really hit things like pension plans that were heavily invested in bond markets.

The third part is the massive over leveraging of these companies through financial WMD; Credit Default Swaps, and complex derivatives. Basically these are extremely complex bets, used as insurance. IE, Person A gives a mortgage to person C, person A then says to person B, Hey I'll give you x per year, and if the mortgage to C fails you assume the loan to C, and pay me a bunch of money. This itself isn't a bad thing, just like insurance is a pretty nominal part of our lives. But these aren't insurance, so they don't follow the requirements of insurance, so for one, anyone could take out a default swap on anything. For example, you could have a hundred people basically beting that C will default on their mortgage. None of this needs to be reported, so if I want to go into CDS agreement over C's mortgage, I have no ability to judge if this company will be able to pay in the result of C's mortgage. Many companies decided they could instead take out another complex dividend, in the other direction. If they played it right, ideally they could be making money from the mortgage, possibly administration fees on the CDS, and if something went bad they would cash out the CDS.

The problem is, everyone is doing this, and none of these companies have the money to pay for it. In a simplified example, hedge fund A takes out a CDS on mortgage M with company B. B is getting administration fees, but doesn't have enough to cover the swap, so they take out a complex derivative with C. C is getting fees, but doesn't have enough to cover it, so they take out a complex derivative against the mortgage with D. Now the mortgage fails, A goes to B and says, "Where's our money." B tells them to hold on, and goes to C, asking for their money, C goes to D trying to get their money, but D just went bankrupt for some reason. Now A is on the hook, and has nowhere to go. When the feds take over these banks, they are often ensuring that D can pay it's complex derivatives.

And did I mention that there's no way to see how leveraged with Complex Derivitives and CDSs, Phil Gramm, Former McCain advisory and McCain's Likely sec. of the treasury wrote the legislation that keeps these markets hidden.

Wow, sorry for the novel, that was supposed to be a tiny post :lol


Unconfirmed Member
Clevinger said:
Idiot mob of Palin supporters harass reporters



good job, you fuckin' douchebag. keep getting these morons more and more angry

That is sad. And depressing. Stand and be counted racially bigoted dip shits. Your age is ending, 200 years to late.

One of the potential positives of the fiery implosion of the McCain campaign, I know who I don't have to talk to anymore, if they say some dumb shit on election night.


mckmas8808 said:

Stop blaming blacks and latinos.

There are poor people of all colors and creeds. There was nothing racial in my comment anywhere. Nothing. I'm actually outraged that you would accuse me of racism in such an out of the blue way. It's honestly fucking shameful. There are poor white people too, and they get sub prime loans too. There are also middle class white people buying mansions when they can't afford them.

The truth is, we probably shouldn't have been encouraging so much lending in general, and nobody in Washington was in favor of cutting back on the lending, even when things started looking bad. Nobody wanted to fuck with the bubble while it was still blowing up.

There was a time when people used to rent houses until they could pay 20% down and had excellent credit. This sort of thing couldn't have happened in that kind of environment. The republicans aren't in favor of any regulations and the democrats aren't in favor of less people owning houses. Both positions helped cause this problem. We can't afford to have a country where everybody has a house and uses it as a vending machine. It's not a workable model.

Now everybody is a revisionist and claims they were always in favor of regulations and cutting back on the excess, but the truth is that both party's were complicit in this to some extent. It's the same old American problem of waiting until the shit hits the fan before we try to fix something.


:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol Morris

Is he just playing some kind of expectations game, or is he actually that stupid?


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
mckmas8808 said:
White folks are getting a little too cocky with their racism lately. I'm starting to get afraid for Obama.
The more vocal a person is, the less they'll probably do shit.


Junior Member
Clevinger said:
Idiot mob of Palin supporters harass reporters



good job, you fuckin' douchebag. keep getting these morons more and more angry

That shit right there is dangerous. I hope it is just an isolated incident and won't come up in other rallies. If it does and Palin/McCain don't denounce it, shit could get real FAST.

Sure it would benefit Obama Campaign, but seriously I don't think we want to go down this road, cause it leads to some very very dangerous territory.


mckmas8808 said:
No shit. I mean damn why would they keep crapping on us year after year? We make up 12% of the population. And most of us didn't have sub-prime loans. So you're probably looking at 1% of the population that cause a multi-hundred billion dollar financial crisis?

Who does the REPs think they are tricking?

That same point came up in this week's Bill Moyers Journal program covering the bankruptcy bill. While there's blame to pass around to both parties on the issue, I don't really see the purpose in some Republican sided people trying to implicitly throw race into the bankruptcy fire.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Krowley said:
There are poor people of all colors and creeds. There was nothing racial in my comment anywhere. Nothing. I'm actually outraged that you would accuse me of racism in such an out of the blue way. It's honestly fucking shameful. There are poor white people too, and they get sub prime loans too. There are also middle class white people buying mansions when they can't afford them.

The truth is, we probably shouldn't have been encouraging so much lending in general, and nobody in Washington was in favor of cutting back on the lending, even when things started looking bad. Nobody wanted to fuck with the bubble while it was still blowing up.

There was a time when people used to rent houses until they could pay 20% down and had excellent credit. This sort of thing couldn't have happened in that kind of environment. The republicans aren't in favor of any regulations and the democrats aren't in favor of less people owning houses. Both positions helped cause this problem. We can't afford to have a country where everybody has a house and uses it as a vending machine. It's not a workable model.

Now everybody is a revisionist and claims they were always in favor of regulations and cutting back on the excess, but the truth is that both party's were complicit in this to some extent. It's the same old American problem of waiting until the shit hits the fan before we try to fix something.

Well your excuse was the same excuse that some racist people have been using lately. Poor people weren't the problem. So many of the people that flopped on their mortage were middle class people.

And some of them were investors trying to flip properties. But you should blame the banks before you blame the DEMs or poor people.

Why would the banks give people the loans if they couldn't afford it?


Vestal said:
That shit right there is dangerous. I hope it is just an isolated incident and won't come up in other rallies. If it does and Palin/McCain don't denounce it, shit could get real FAST.

Sure it would benefit Obama Campaign, but seriously I don't think we want to go down this road, cause it leads to some very very dangerous territory.

It's only been a day or two of enhanced smears and we already have one incident of calling for the death of Ayers (or was it Obama?), calling Obama a terrorist, and now this. I don't think this shit will happen seldom if they keep doing these attacks.
mckmas8808 said:
Why would the banks give people the loans if they couldn't afford it?

Owning a home is "The American Dream (tm)"

For generations this culture of home ownership has been sold to generations of Americans, this was the status symbol of "making it" in American Society.


Stoney Mason said:
Jesus Christ Dick Morris is retarded.

Dude actually gets a salary for this dumb shit.

You know... is he really that retarded? Imagine how easy his job is...fox news "analysts" basically don't have to do any work. They just get their RNC talking points email in the morning and go say them on every show possible. Sounds like a pretty cushy job to me...that is if you don't care about your soul :lol
mckmas8808 said:
This shit cracks me up too. How the fuck did the DEMs cause the crisis when the REPs had all the power?
RESPA, FCRA, HMDA, ECOA, CRA, TILA, FACTA, FRB Regs... We'll stop now, lest the lolbertarians suffer a head-splosion.

Take your pick from any of the above regulations. Remember, regulations are the mutant spawn of democrats. Oh and mention GLBA, but don't mention the name of the authors. All you need to know is that Bill Clinton signed it so he's to blame.

Thank god John "Wayne" McCain will save us from those pernicious regulations...oh wait.

Obama should let McCain speak the whole time tomorrow. Let John "Maverick" McCain sink his own battleship. He's thisssss close.

@ electricpirate: good post! illiquidity, high-leverage, and falling prices. yeah, we're fucked for awhile.


Junior Member
Clevinger said:
It's only been a day or two of enhanced smears and we already have one incident of calling for the death of Ayers (or was it Obama?), calling Obama a terrorist, and now this. I don't think this shit will happen seldom if they keep doing these attacks.

Well its a path that has to be stopped, or its going to get UGLY for McCain/Palin fast. REAL fast. I don't think the MNM will stand for it, or turn a blind eye to those types of attacks coming from a crowd in their rally with McCain/Palin not doing anything to sway them away from it.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Ohio is dark blue? When most of the recent polls have indicated Ohio is a toss-up or MAYBE leaning Obama? Yeah this guy smokes crack :lol

mckmas8808 said:
White folks are getting a little too cocky with their racism lately. I'm starting to get afraid for Obama.

I've been afraid for Obama. The secret service better be on their A-game for the next four years. =\


Vestal said:
That shit right there is dangerous. I hope it is just an isolated incident and won't come up in other rallies. If it does and Palin/McCain don't denounce it, shit could get real FAST.

Sure it would benefit Obama Campaign, but seriously I don't think we want to go down this road, cause it leads to some very very dangerous territory.
To the contrary, they seem to be tring to stoke it to some extent:

Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin told Florida's voters on Monday to expect "rough" campaigning as she seeks to halt a slide in opinion polls in a state that could make or break Sen. John McCain's White House bid.


"I am just so fearful that this is not a man who sees America the way you and I see America," Palin said of Obama at a rally of 5,000 supporters in Florida's heavily Republican city of Clearwater.

Critics say that line is especially pointed because of its potential subtext. Obama would be the first black president and his background, including part of a childhood spent in Indonesia, is different from that of most Americans.

It's a pretty subtle but clear message: He's "different" from you or I. You should fear the "different" guy.


ryutaro's mama said:
He is trying to fire up the base.
Even then, if he's going to just randomly give Obama states like TN and KY, why is IN still dark red? Can't he even try to make this look plausible if that's his goal? Dude is just splattering paint.

Meh, I guess the point is the people seeing this don't have any other reference for what is or isn't realistic.


Gruco said:
Even then, if he's going to just randomly give Obama states like TN and KY, why is IN still dark red? Can't he even try to make this look plausible if that's his goal? Dude is just splattering paint.

Meh, I guess the point is the people seeing this don't have any other reference for what is or isn't realistic.

Heh I was expecting this



mckmas8808 said:

Stop blaming blacks and latinos.
Too many people want to make this a strict partisan issue. People need to realize that it isn't either or as far as who was right or wrong. The lack of strict regulation in lending was just one facet in this crisis. There are oversight polices enacted that should have been enforced better but obviously were not. The creation of the housing bubble itself was a problem because no one wanted to believe it was just where all the money from the dot com bubble went. I don't pretend to know everything or even much about this crisis but I do know it can't be simplified into a single cause. I also know that we can't simply throw massive regulation and honestly believe that everything will be perfect - I don't believe it ever was.

You may not want to hear it, but the truth is there were some that had no business getting a mortgage or a loan. There were idiots all the way around; the people who thought it was within their means, the institutions that allowed them knowing full well it wouldn't last, the people doing the oversights of the institutions, and even the government policies that allowed them to begin with. There truly is no personal responsibility anymore in our society. Just because some other idiot is doing something wrong doesn't make you less of an idiot for doing it too.

Part of this crisis relates to socioeconomic issues, there is no doubt. It is hard to discuss because it carries connotations that can easily offend.


Rhindle said:
It's a pretty subtle but clear message: He's "different" from you or I. You should fear the "different" guy.
Didn't we all learn earlier that different = "race card" when Obama says it? I wonder what is different about this situation...


mckmas8808 said:
Why would the banks give people the loans if they couldn't afford it?

from my own very rudimentary understanding (I know very very little): Because real estate prices were rising so fast. The assumption was that everybody's house would go up massivley every year, and then they could take out loans on that, because the house becomes like a profit machine.

Somebody loses a manufacturing job, so they go to work at mcdonalds/walmart and replace their income by mortgaging their house every few years. They show up as employed, and they are still pumping money into the economy even though they now have a shitty job, so everything looks nice and the economic fundamentals are sound.. But now it's all crashing down because our whole economy was based on credit and not on anything real.

You're right that it mostly wasn't poor people that caused the problem. Poor people bought houses to live in. The middle class got into houses as an investment. A very different situation and a lot more of the problem would have come from that. But, The kind of regulations needed to deal with it would have probably also hurt poor people trying to buy houses, so you got to assume that the democrats wouldn't want to mess with that at all. In the same breath, republicans wouldn't want to deal with it because wall street was making piles of money, so there was a complicit desire to avoid the problem. Heads were firmly buried in the sand.

the truth is that nobody every seriously considered trying to fix this in advance, and it honestly wouldn't have been popular with the american people if they had tried.
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