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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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besada said:
That may be because only undereducated ideologues still think man's hand in global warming is questionable.

When you stroll in and say "I don't think grass is green" then people are going to tend and disregard everything else you say.

Did I say grass wasn't green? I most certainly didn't. When I say Global Warming isn't man made I mean exactly that. We influence a portion of it, but we are not the direct cause of it.


Deep into his 30th decade
VictimOfGrief said:
Specifics as to why I don't trust Obama as good leader for me in general:
- Senator for 2 yrs. Lack of experience on a global scale
- Against people's right to own firearms
- Believes in Global Warming more so than McCain (don't agree with Global Warming is man made)
- Fails to admit when he's wrong when something has worked (IE see "the surge")
- Is wanting more Federal Government (IE Health Care) to oversee the American people and wants to spend more money in doing so.
- Has a wack nut of a former Pastor of a Church he has attended more than 20 years.

So those are just some of my reasons.

Why is it people who refuse to accept the science of human caused global warming are always on one side of the political spectrum? Whereas people that do accept the science are all over the place politically. This is not a political issue, it is a scientific one.

Have you seen the ads at the bottom of this thread from the Mccain campain quoting Obama as saying "He's absolutely right"? That quote was in part from talking about the success of the surge in Iraq.

There are my two cents. Anyone else want to weigh in?


VictimOfGrief said:
Specifics as to why I don't trust Obama as good leader for me in general:
- Senator for 2 yrs. Lack of experience on a global scale
Four years. And doesn't this utterly disqualify Palin as well?
- Against people's right to own firearms
- Believes in Global Warming more so than McCain (don't agree with Global Warming is man made)
Okay, so you're just ignorant.
- Fails to admit when he's wrong when something has worked (IE see "the surge")
He's said the surge worked in reducing violence. Though it hasn't attained the polical goals and took focus off Afganistan.
- Is wanting more Federal Government (IE Health Care) to oversee the American people and wants to spend more money in doing so.
Well, we've had eight years of less. How's that working out?
- Has a wack nut of a former Pastor of a Church he has attended more than 20 years.
His pastor said a handful of dumb things over the course of 20 years. Most people have. He also operates a massive program to help care for the poor and sick. Do you really want to play the association game? McCain is not exactly clean there.
So those are just some of my reasons.
Thanks, that helps.


VictimOfGrief said:
Specifics as to why I don't trust Obama as good leader for me in general:
- Senator for 2 yrs. Lack of experience on a global scale
- Against people's right to own firearms
- Believes in Global Warming more so than McCain (don't agree with Global Warming is man made)
- Fails to admit when he's wrong when something has worked (IE see "the surge")
- Is wanting more Federal Government (IE Health Care) to oversee the American people and wants to spend more money in doing so.
- Has a wack nut of a former Pastor of a Church he has attended more than 20 years.

So those are just some of my reasons.

-He's against people's right to own firearms?
-What's wrong with believing in global warming?
-The surge worked?
-Obama is for PAYGO but yes he wants more people to have access to healthcare they can afford
- Who cares about his pastor? Religion shouldn't have a place in politics.


VictimOfGrief said:
I seriously love you guys..... really I do.
Explain this to me. Why after in the last 8 years we have had the worst economic downfall since the great depression and a endless war do you think Republicans deserve to keep control? What have they done in your mind to earn another 4 years?
Cheebs said:
Explain this to me. Why after in the last 8 years we have had the worst economic downfall since the great depression and a endless war do you think Republicans deserve to keep control? What have they done in your mind to earn another 4 years?
Because Bush and Co have been greedy. Why else? You don't have to be a fucking tool to NOT understand that.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
VictimOfGrief said:
Specifics as to why I don't trust Obama as good leader for me in general:
- Senator for 2 yrs. Lack of experience on a global scale
- Against people's right to own firearms
- Believes in Global Warming more so than McCain (don't agree with Global Warming is man made)
- Fails to admit when he's wrong when something has worked (IE see "the surge")
- Is wanting more Federal Government (IE Health Care) to oversee the American people and wants to spend more money in doing so.
- Has a wack nut of a former Pastor of a Church he has attended more than 20 years.

So those are just some of my reasons.

Well it's good you let us know your positions so that we can safely dismiss you as the right wing whackjob that you are. Taking talking points directly from Fox news, your uninformed opinion is irrelevant. Prepare to be marginalised in the new democracy.
I forgot to mention that next week's debate will take place at my dad's old college: Hofstra University. He's pretty excited about it.
Crayon Shinchan said:
Well it's good you let us know your positions so that we can safely dismiss you as the right wing whackjob that you are. Taking talking points directly from Fox news, your uninformed opinion is irrelevant. Prepare to be marginalised in the new democracy.
Let's not start replying ad hominem; it never solves anything just to insult someone.


Hasn't Obama taught you guys anything! VoG is baiting you guys and many of you are just encouraging him. Let's light the hopium back up and wait for the troopergate report!
Crayon Shinchan said:
Well it's good you let us know your positions so that we can safely dismiss you as the right wing whackjob that you are. Taking talking points directly from Fox news, your uninformed opinion is irrelevant. Prepare to be marginalised in the new democracy.

The one I really want to see is the proof that he is against the 2nd Amendment.

Souldriver said:
And you complain about our replies.

VoG is a total hypocrite. I told myself I was going to stay out of this because he's hopeless, but there's a point where you just need to step up and say something.


VictimOfGrief said:
Because Bush and Co have been greedy. Why else? You don't have to be a fucking tool to NOT understand that.

And McCain votes with Bush 90% of the time and most of his policies for the future align with Bush...Why do you think anything would be any different?
Crayon Shinchan said:
Well it's good you let us know your positions so that we can safely dismiss you as the right wing whackjob that you are. Taking talking points directly from Fox news, your uninformed opinion is irrelevant. Prepare to be marginalised in the new democracy.

This is easily why both sides of the isle hate each other. I am more middle of the road than a "right wing whackjob" though.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
VictimOfGrief said:
Did I say grass wasn't green? I most certainly didn't. When I say Global Warming isn't man made I mean exactly that. We influence a portion of it, but we are not the direct cause of it.

Victim of Grief - knows more than scientists. Confirmed.


Sullivan on Nate Silver having to adjust his model because a lot of the deep south seems to not even care about the economy when it's placed next to their religion.

Andrew Sullivan said:
The reason the economy is playing differently among Southern Baptists may surely be that many are voting primarily on religious, cultural and theological grounds.

The economy is irrelevant compared with religious identity. What this campaign may be doing is stripping most secular Republicans and independents from the GOP coalition. We could be left with a purely sectarian-Christianist rump, which will control the GOP for a generation. And McCain will have distilled Rove's religious coalition in eight weeks more effectively than Bush in eight years!

What we may be seeing is all the dangerous trends I identified in "The Conservative Soul: Fundamentalism, Freedom and the Future Of The Right" being brought to faster and more potent fruition by the combination of an economic crisis, a black Democratic candidate and a far-right Christianist unknown like Palin. It is as if the McCain-Palin campaign is acting as a purgative of moderate or centrist Republicanism in this atmosphere. What this could portend is that the GOP could become reduced to a George Wallace rump - even more than it now is. And from that scorched piece of earth, it will be much harder to recover in the short or medium run.

How ironic that Bush and Rove would truly find their reductio ad absurdum in the wreckage of John McCain's "honor." But how fitting in a way. Even McCain drowns in the wave of bigotry and fear these people unleashed for their own short-term advantage. Even McCain.


VictimOfGrief said:
Because Bush and Co have been greedy. Why else? You don't have to be a fucking tool to NOT understand that.
How is McCain any different? He surrounds himself with the same Bush advisors. And supported Bush over 90% of the time. How is this not like Bush? Yes he is different on some minor issues but in America today it is economy and nothing else. And McCain isn't different at all on the economy than Bush.


VictimOfGrief said:
This is easily why both sides of the isle hate each other. I am more middle of the road than a "right wing whackjob" though.

One of your main reason for not liking Obama is Wright, so yea, not so middle of the road right there
Jason's Ultimatum said:
He said militarily, the surge has worked. Politically, it has not. Seriously, are you retarded?
Has he publically stated in any way shape or form at the debates in front of MILLIONS of watching people that the surge has worked? Simple answer. No. Am I retarded? No. Are you?

Souldriver said:
And you complain about our replies.
I don't complain, I just find them amusing that's all.
The Lamonster said:
Pretend I am Ami and bring me up to speed, GAF.

No, wait, I wouldn't say that to Ami...

Or would I...

All and all, not much today: Dow is going up and down, McCain and Palin are blaming Obama/adding more fuel to the fire when it comes to his "terrorist associations." Overall, same shit as yesterday, though the DOW is doing better.

Jason's Ultimatum said:
He said militarily, the surge has worked. Politically, it has not. Seriously, are you retarded?
VictimOfGrief said:
This is easily why both sides of the isle hate each other. I am more middle of the road than a "right wing whackjob" though.

The only thing that matters is the truth.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
VictimOfGrief said:
This is easily why both sides of the isle hate each other. I am more middle of the road than a "right wing whackjob" though.

No. You're not. You're divorced from reality, regurgitate false points from a news channel that is little more than a parrot for the worst radicals in your country.

You've had the wool pulled over your eyes and you're loving it. I typed up a point by point response to you, but got to the last one and decided that your obvious display of intellectual incuriosity didn't deserve anything other than beratement.

If you've been on this forum this long, and you've been following the presidential election for any amount of time at all... and you still so willingly regurgitate bullshit. Then it's over for you. Centrism nor objectivism is simply no longer a path available to you. Simply wait for irrelevance as the demographics of your country shifts in such a way that it will no longer be viable to appeal to the likes of your ignorance.
X26 said:
One of your main reason for not liking Obama is Wright, so yea, not so middle of the road right there
Because I base my opinion of him on someone who has been a big influence in his life for the past 20 years of his life including marrying he and his wife? :lol

For the love of God are you serious? :lol
Dax01 said:

No, wait, I wouldn't say that to Ami...

Or would I...

All and all, not much today: Dow is going up and down, McCain and Palin are blaming Obama/adding more fuel to the fire when it comes to his "terrorist associations." Overall, same shit as yesterday, though the DOW is doing better.

Thanks...I'm surprised McCain is still using the Ayers stuff. I guess they think it's working!


Deep into his 30th decade
VictimOfGrief said:
Has he publically stated in any way shape or form at the debates in front of MILLIONS of watching people that the surge has worked? Simple answer. No. Am I retarded? No. Are you?

I don't complain, I just find them amusing that's all.

You are wrong. He said it at the first debate. He just followed it up with a "but", so you dismissed it.
VictimOfGrief said:
Has he publically stated in any way shape or form at the debates in front of MILLIONS of watching people that the surge has worked? Simple answer. No. Am I retarded? No. Are you?

I don't complain, I just find them amusing that's all.

Obama has never received a question during the debates that asked him to admit whether the surge has worked or not. Also, if you want to be technical, Obama has admitted on TV that militarily, the surge has worked. An example would be on O Reilly's show. Now considering that MILLIONS of people watch O Reilly, yes, Obama has admitted it in front of millions.

VictimofGrief may be the first Gaffer to be put on my ignore list. Quite sad to tell you the truth.

EDIT-Nevermind. Hillbert says Obama mentioned it during the first debate.
Joe said:
how can you guys fall for such obvious bait.
Yep, there's a reason for the Ignore list.

Jason's Ultimatum said:
VictimofGrief may be the first Gaffer to be put on my ignore list. Quite sad to tell you the truth.
:lol He was my first too, about a month ago ;)

You just can't argue with fucking morans.
VictimOfGrief said:
- Against people's right to own firearms

He is not looking to repeal the second amendment. I don't necessarily agree with the assault rifle ban he endorses, but in reality that wouldn't really affect me. I feel as long as I'm still able to own a handgun, that upholds the spirit of the Second Amendment. Do you honestly think the joy a person feels when shooting an AK-47 is worth more than the lives saved by taking these weapons off the street?
Jason's Ultimatum said:
VictimofGrief may be the first Gaffer to be put on my ignore list. Quite sad to tell you the truth.

He's close to making it onto mine, too. But I want to stick around...maybe if a few more high profile conservatives bail out, he'll start to get the message.
VictimOfGrief said:
Because I base my opinion of him on someone who has been a big influence in his life for the past 20 years of his life including marrying he and his wife? :lol

For the love of God are you serious? :lol

What are your thoughts on this article?


Meet Sarah Palin’s radical right-wing pals
Extremists Mark Chryson and Steve Stoll helped launch Palin’s political career in Alaska, and in return had influence over policy. “Her door was open,” says Chryson — and still is.
Hilbert said:
You are wrong. He said it at the first debate. He just followed it up with a "but", so you dismissed it.

Yeah--- Anyone who knows anything about semantics in grammar and the English language can tell you that you can agree with someone up to a point "BUT" when you use "BUT" you're basically saying they're wrong while interjecting your opinion of them being wrong.
VictimOfGrief said:
Specifics as to why I don't trust Obama as good leader for me in general:
- Senator for 2 yrs. Lack of experience on a global scale
- Against people's right to own firearms
- Believes in Global Warming more so than McCain (don't agree with Global Warming is man made)
- Fails to admit when he's wrong when something has worked (IE see "the surge")
- Is wanting more Federal Government (IE Health Care) to oversee the American people and wants to spend more money in doing so.
- Has a wack nut of a former Pastor of a Church he has attended more than 20 years.

So those are just some of my reasons.

I'll try to be gentle. Look, fellas, this is how we ran mAcodin out! : (

-He's been a US Senator for 4 years, and an Illinois Senator for 8 previous to that, so 12 years total.

-Incorrect. Both Obama and Biden support the right to bear arms. Obama applauded the Supreme Court's decision to overrule the District of Columbia's decision to ban guns outright.

-Reading your response to the Climate Change issue (Global Warming is a misnomer), you are correct in thinking that it's part of a global trend. Humans are intensifying the effects, though, and we have played a major part in that, along with other, related issues, such as wreaking habitats, depleting water sources, ect., which affect us alongside wildlife.

-Obama has admitted that the surge worked on a military level, which is all fine and good. The goal of the surge, though, was to give the Iraqi government time to pull itself together. We gave them the time, and they have yet to pull themselves together to form an effective government. In short, we achieved a side effect, but not the main goal. Obama has stated this position, so, factually, you are wrong.

-I suppose I can't argue with you there, if your point is entitlement programs and an ideological opposition to them. Only thing I can think of is this excellent quote: "We should give them a helping hand up, not a helping handout."

-And we have to agree to disagree here, as well. To attend a church or be friends with someone doesn't mean agreeing with them on everything, and maintaining that friendship even though you strongly disagree.

Short anecdote: My family has gone to a variety of churches over the years, and maintained friends and contacts in almost all of them. One of them is the Mormon Church. The people in the Church tend to be virulently homophobic. While my family strongly disagrees with that, we can recognize that they've done a lot of good community work, and stay friends with them while challenging them on their homophobia.

I hope this is the kind of discussion you were looking for.


VictimOfGrief said:
Because I base my opinion of him on someone who has been a big influence in his life for the past 20 years of his life including marrying he and his wife? :lol

For the love of God are you serious? :lol

Maybe if Wright was something new I could understand, but it's been talked about, examined, and analyzed to death and now after looking at all the facts objectively, a reasonable person is going to realize it's not a all that big of a deal.


Bulla564 said:
Poligaf is too one-sided (so are the facts), so it is refreshing to have lively discussions with conservatives.

You call it a discussion, but the only thing I see is a bunch of gaffers educating an ignorant man.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Bulla564 said:
Poligaf is too one-sided (so are the facts), so it is refreshing to have lively discussions with conservatives.

Not this one. It's like arguing against Fox News. It's like you're shouting at the TV set. Sad thing is VictimofFox probably believes this shit, unlike the right wing media pundits who simply seem to practices the most extreme forms of political cyncism.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Joe said:
how can you guys fall for such obvious bait.

For some reason I enjoy watching some of these guys get used as punching bags. There are plenty of Republicans/conservatives I respect, but rarely do they post here.
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