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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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So about 95% are C class businesses? If so, then that makes sense.

It turns out, SBA's estimate includes more than 20 million "nonemployer" firms, an unknown number of them sideline or hobby businesses run by persons who actually make their living some other way. Census and SBA count as a "small business" anyone who reported as little as $1,000 of business receipts. By that very broad definition, John McCain himself is a "small-business owner," because his tax return shows Schedule C income from book royalties. For that matter, Barack Obama would also be a small-business owner, by virtue of his book income. As would President Bush and Vice President Cheney, as we pointed out in 2004. Of the 26.8 million that SBA counts as "small businesses," fewer than 6 million are actually "employer firms" with any payroll.


Christopher Buckley said:
But that was—sigh—then. John McCain has changed. He said, famously, apropos the Republican debacle post-1994, “We came to Washington to change it, and Washington changed us.” This campaign has changed John McCain. It has made him inauthentic. A once-first class temperament has become irascible and snarly; his positions change, and lack coherence; he makes unrealistic promises, such as balancing the federal budget “by the end of my first term.” Who, really, believes that? Then there was the self-dramatizing and feckless suspension of his campaign over the financial crisis. His ninth-inning attack ads are mean-spirited and pointless. And finally, not to belabor it, there was the Palin nomination. What on earth can he have been thinking?

I'm glad that many conservatives are now recognizing this, albeit it took most of them a while.


maynerd said:
Mom: I'm sorry son but the bank foreclosed on the house, my retirement savings is all gone and they are about to cut off my telephone service. I'll be out on the street, maybe we can share a cardboard box to live in.

Not far from the truth in my parent's case. Luckily their best friend from high school is very well off and is letting them live with him.


Snaku said:
Not far from the truth in my parent's case. Luckily their best friend from high school is very well off and is letting them live with him.

Sorry that sucks. Hope you didn't take offense.


Joe Biden's tears remembered



Tamanon said:
:O? Odd Georgia numbers, great ones though if even remotely true.

Georgia is getting hammered economically-unemployment is at a 15-year high. If enough white voters get angry then it's all over for both McCain and that jackass Chambliss in Georgia.

Also, I want to repeat something I mentioned earlier-there is going to be some slight voter resentment against the Republicans in GA and NC due to the colossal gasoline fiasco that is just now tapering off. Nothing says "hey, maybe we need change" like not being able to find a station to fill up your tank, it's a brutal wake-up call to normal suburbanites.


Just getting caught up on the Palin/Flyers thing...

Snider said:
But Saturday’s puck-drop is not political, according to Flyers officials, who issued a statement in which Snider explained “because of the tremendous amount of publicity she has brought to our sport, we invited the most popular hockey mom in North America to our home opener to help us get our season started.”

Ike Richman, a spokesman for Comcast-Spectacor, would not say whether the Flyers planned to invite Obama or his running mate Joe Biden, who represents nearby Delaware (a hotbed of Flyer fandom), to similar events. But he said Palin’s appearance "does not mean that we support or do not support their political views. This is all about hockey.”

Palin will be joined at center ice by the winner of the team’s “ultimate hockey mom” online contest, said Richman, who professed to be unworried by the possibility of jeers.

“I don’t know how the crowd’s going to react, but we are playing our most heated rival, the New York Rangers,” he said. “So if there are boos, we won’t know if it’s directed at anyone. It’s probably directed at the Rangers.”
Are you kidding me? Do they actually think people believe this line of BS? Man, I hope it goes as poorly as I'm thinking it will. Stupid move, and so misdirected given all that's going on right now. Ugh.


ghibli99 said:
Just getting caught up on the Palin/Flyers thing...


Are you kidding me? Do they actually think people believe this line of BS? Man, I hope it goes as poorly as I'm thinking it will. Stupid move, and so misdirected given all that's going on right now. Ugh.

Yeah, everyone and their mom knows it's political. Sniders one of the biggest GOP supporters in that area, even funding one of the 527s going on now.:lol


Cloudy said:

Only weeks later, wife and daughter would perish and I would write Sen. Biden a note of condolence. Who knows what I wrote because that letter is long gone, but not his response to me, which arrived later that winter. I've kept it all these 36 years. His letter came in a heavy, cream-colored envelope with the return address, United States Senate Washington, D.C., engraved in dark blue in the left corner. He addressed it to "Mr. Petrow," probably the first time anyone had called me that:

"I offer a belated thank-you for your kind words of condolence. I deeply appreciate your sentiments. I owed so very much to Neilia. She had a talent for making not only her own life worthwhile, but also the lives of those around her. She was both a loving mother and a loving wife. In addition, she was my political confidant, in whose judgment I had implicit and utmost trust. Neilia looked forward to our coming to Washington. Now our life has been completely torn apart by an event I shall never completely understand. Neilia deserved better. Best wishes, Joe Biden"

Included in the letter were the Mass cards for both Neilia and Naomi. On the back of his wife's card was a quote from Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet: "Death lies on her like an untimely frost upon the sweetest flower of all the field." And on his infant daughter's: "Dear God, What greater thing can be said of Amy than Ezekiel's words: ‘As is the mother, so is her daughter.'" —Ezekiel 16:44

After his tears, and after the debate earlier this month, I went into my voluminous files to see if my recollection of Biden's dark days of 1972 matched the honorable and loving family man I had just witnessed on the stage in St. Louis. If my memory had any weakness, it was in not recalling the full promise and shattered life of the freshman senator from Delaware who, in the winter of his own despair, took the time to write a 15-year-old, while taking on his new duties in Washington, D.C., and at home in Wilmington as a single father of two.

So while McCain and Palin do their best to undermine the Democrats' trustworthiness and character, let us praise the family man from Delaware who could—and should—be our next vice president.
Dammit. Tears.


Guys stop getting your hopes up about Troopergate. If it was going to be huge against Palin then we'd likely have heard leaks by now. Expect it to say little and be rather meaningless.


Barack Obama’s attacks on Americans who support John McCain reveal far more about him than they do about John McCain. It is clear that Barack Obama just doesn’t understand regular people and the issues they care about. He dismisses hardworking middle class Americans as clinging to guns and religion, while at the same time attacking average Americans at McCain rallies who are angry at Washington, Wall Street and the status quo.

Even worse, he attacks anyone who dares to question his readiness to serve as their commander in chief in chief. Raising legitimate questions about record, character and judgment are a vital part of the Democratic process, and Barack Obama’s effort to silence and shame those who seek answers should make everyone wonder exactly what he is hiding.

McCain Spokesman on that evil Obama talking bad about people who call him a terrorist and want him dead. Gotta defend those guys!


Tamanon said:
Barack Obama’s attacks on Americans who support John McCain reveal far more about him than they do about John McCain. It is clear that Barack Obama just doesn’t understand regular people and the issues they care about. He dismisses hardworking middle class Americans as clinging to guns and religion, while at the same time attacking average Americans at McCain rallies who are angry at Washington, Wall Street and the status quo.

Even worse, he attacks anyone who dares to question his readiness to serve as their commander in chief in chief. Raising legitimate questions about record, character and judgment are a vital part of the Democratic process, and Barack Obama’s effort to silence and shame those who seek answers should make everyone wonder exactly what he is hiding.
McCain Spokesman on that evil Obama talking bad about people who call him a terrorist and want him dead. Gotta defend those guys!
Wow, that's beyond the kitchen sink, that's like magnetic poetry of talking points past.
Ravidrath said:
Do you have any opinions of your own?

People are asking for specific things and things that you think, and you keep responding with things that aren't either.

Specifics as to why I don't trust Obama as good leader for me in general:
- Senator for 2 yrs. Lack of experience on a global scale
- Against people's right to own firearms
- Believes in Global Warming more so than McCain (don't agree with Global Warming is man made)
- Fails to admit when he's wrong when something has worked (IE see "the surge")
- Is wanting more Federal Government (IE Health Care) to oversee the American people and wants to spend more money in doing so.
- Has a wack nut of a former Pastor of a Church he has attended more than 20 years.

So those are just some of my reasons.


CharlieDigital said:
Wait, Obama has attacked people who support McCain? Links?

He hasn't, he just said that McCain shouldn't sow so much hate. That's it. So now that means Obama is attacking Americans!
VictimOfGrief said:
Specifics as to why I don't trust Obama as good leader for me in general:
- Senator for 2 yrs. Lack of experience on a global scale
- Against people's right to own firearms
- Believes in Global Warming more so than McCain (don't agree with Global Warming is man made)
- Fails to admit when he's wrong when something has worked (IE see "the surge")
- Is wanting more Federal Government (IE Health Care) to oversee the American people and wants to spend more money in doing so.
- Has a wack nut of a former Pastor of a Church he has attended more than 20 years.

So those are just some of my reasons.
Seriously WTF is going on with the stock market?

I just checked opened a tab with yahoo finance like 3 minutes ago which has a live ticker & it was up by 100+ points.
I check back now & it's down 161 points!!!!!

EDIT: Now it's back up by 33 points. :lol


CharlieDigital said:
Wait, Obama has attacked people who support McCain? Links?
Obama on the stump today:

It's easy to rile up a crowd by stoking anger and division. But that's not what we need right now in the United States. The times are too serious. The challenges are too great. The American people aren't looking for someone who can divide this country -- they're looking for someone who will lead it. We're in a serious crisis -- now, more than ever, it is time to put country ahead of politics. Now, more than ever, it is time to bring change to Washington so that it works for the people of this country that we love.

I know my opponent is worried about his campaign. But that's not what I'm concerned about. I'm thinking about the Americans losing their jobs, and their homes, and their life savings. We can't afford four more years of the economic theory that says we should give more and more to those with the most and hope that prosperity trickles down to everyone else.

McCain is entering self-mockery territory here.


VictimOfGrief said:
Specifics as to why I don't trust Obama as good leader for me in general:
- Senator for 2 yrs. Lack of experience on a global scale
- Against people's right to own firearms
- Believes in Global Warming more so than McCain (don't agree with Global Warming is man made)
- Fails to admit when he's wrong when something has worked (IE see "the surge")
- Is wanting more Federal Government (IE Health Care) to oversee the American people and wants to spend more money in doing so.
- Has a wack nut of a former Pastor of a Church he has attended more than 20 years.

So those are just some of my reasons.

VictimOfGrief said:
Specifics as to why I don't trust Obama as good leader for me in general:
- Senator for 2 yrs. Lack of experience on a global scale
4. Not 2.

- Against people's right to own firearms
Both he and Biden promise this is not true. Biden OWNS guns and jokingly implied he'd shoot Obama if Obama tried to take them away. So uh yeah no.

- Believes in Global Warming more so than McCain (don't agree with Global Warming is man made)
You don't like him because you refuse to believe in science? I can't even dignify this with a logical rebuttal.

And....I just read the rest of your points. Ugh, you are idiot I can't finish this post. So many dumb things.


VictimOfGrief said:
Specifics as to why I don't trust Obama as good leader for me in general:
- Senator for 2 yrs. Lack of experience on a global scale
- Against people's right to own firearms
- Believes in Global Warming more so than McCain (don't agree with Global Warming is man made)
- Fails to admit when he's wrong when something has worked (IE see "the surge")
- Is wanting more Federal Government (IE Health Care) to oversee the American people and wants to spend more money in doing so.
- Has a wack nut of a former Pastor of a Church he has attended more than 20 years.

So those are just some of my reasons.
I'm not going to argue with you about subjective matters like experience, admitting mistakes or church affiliation, but on two issues you're factually wrong -
Obama does not oppose the 2nd amendment and he and McCain both believe that global warming is a real and a man made issue.
VictimOfGrief said:
Again... typical response.
Well, you can't do much more than let your jaw drop and gasp "wat" when seeing such stupidity displayed.

What do you want us to say? Give you a thousand links to websites, articles and graphs that prove you wrong? I somehow doubt it'll have any effect on you.


VictimOfGrief said:
Again... typical response.

That may be because only undereducated ideologues still think man's hand in global warming is questionable.

When you stroll in and say "I don't think grass is green" then people are going to tend and disregard everything else you say.
VictimOfGrief said:
Specifics as to why I don't trust Obama as good leader for me in general:
- Senator for 2 yrs. Lack of experience on a global scale
- Against people's right to own firearms
- Believes in Global Warming more so than McCain (don't agree with Global Warming is man made)
- Fails to admit when he's wrong when something has worked (IE see "the surge")
- Is wanting more Federal Government (IE Health Care) to oversee the American people and wants to spend more money in doing so.
- Has a wack nut of a former Pastor of a Church he has attended more than 20 years.

So those are just some of my reasons.

Dax's response is perfect because this shit makes no sense.

  • Palin? Even less experience. The experience argument is bunk.
  • Proof? Rednecks for Obama said it best "We've had many democratic presidents, and we will still have our guns". Until you offer proof, you're just making this up based on your gut feeling.
  • I read that as "believes in science" because the majority of climate experts say that global warming, which does occur naturally, is being accelerated by human factors.
  • Fails to admit he's wrong on the surge? When did we win? When did we leave Iraq. Oh that's right, we're still there, silly me. Oh yeah, when is John McCain going to admit that he was wrong on Iraq? If you want to say that Obama won't admit he's wrong, then you need to question why McCain won't admit he was wrong on Iraq.
  • No comment; this is a valid point if you're a conservative. But do keep in mind that McCain's plan will basically fuck over most working families.
  • lololololol. So Palin gets an exemption?
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