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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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:lol :lol :lol




Cloudy said:
Again, he would have been destroyed by the media if he didn't do it. They know every event is being scrutinized now. It's just another self-serving gesture. You can't start the fire then take credit for trying to put it out!

Look at the statement they put out earlier today attacking Obama for saying they are stoking anger :lol

You may be 100% right and the proof will be in how the campaign goes from here. If his campaign's spokespeople, Palin and ads still continue the rhetoric and connect-the-dots hate speech then we will know what the truth is.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Raise your hand if you believe Sarah Palin will go on the campaign trail tomorrow, and proclaim that she is a "reformer" and "not one of the good old boys that is corrupting this country by violating laws".


Bulla564 said:
Dick Morris (paraphrase)- "I support her abuse of power. That trooper iz eeeeevil!!!"

Dick Morris is a moron, he just argued that Obama's negatives shot up 10-12 percent the past few days over Ayers.:lol


kkaabboomm said:
not a contradiction at all. as my edit said, they are two separate findings.

finding two says it was a lawful exercise for her to fire him. thats the gov's prerogative. just like bush can fire US atty's. so that is finding two.

finding ONE is the abuse of power by violating the ethics law.

they are two completely different things. one was an abuse of power in violation of the law. the other was a lawful exercise of firing the guy.


hey, look, cnn reads GAF and my posts!


Thanks man

I can be happy then :D :D :D

You just fixed my weekend :D
typhonsentra said:
Holy shit, did Jonah Goldberg on King just imply she could be impeached for this!??!?
Well, from what I know, impeachment is possible in case of...

- Bribery
- Treason
- High crimes
- Misdemeanors

Don't ask what those last two actually mean.


Cyan said:
I think that for the most part, they're both doing what they're told right now. That doesn't change the fact that Palin seems to revel in negativity.

Though it may likely be a political stunt, remember when McCain flinched when one guy yelled 'terrorist'. A chance he may have realized then that it was about to go to far?

But Palin. She's a different creature. She doesn't think or empathize, she just tows the party line 100%, no matter the consequences. She's beyond reproach.

I wonder what her older children think of her.
mAcOdIn said:
I would have dropped the bombs as well. More people were killed in Okinawa alone than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. Had the war been an invasion and it was Okinawa multiplied by the entire country of Japan the numbers would have been fucking insane. Crazy decision, I'm glad someone took the hit and made it for me.

My dad, lifelong republican, and fought in the Pacific in WWII-- thought we ought to have demonstrated the bomb. A bit risky, but we were winning and might have closed it out without the further loss of life. I don't know if that would have worked, but I respect the opinion.
teruterubozu said:
Good excuse for McCain to drop her from the ticket and bring in Romney.

People need to stop saying this because it ain't happening. Republicans will revel in this charge. They will play the blame game and try to spin it into a positive story. That is how politics works.
Stoney Mason said:
People need to stop saying this because it ain't happening. Republicans will revel in this charge. They will play the blame game and try to spin it into a positive story. That is how politics works.

With McCain, there is no predictability anymore.


Stoney Mason said:
People need to stop saying this because it ain't happening. Republicans will revel in this charge. They will play the blame game and try to spin it into a positive story. That is how politics works.

Gotcha law enforcement?
Nameless said:
Gotcha law enforcement?

no, just the fact that a 12-0 vote by a R-controlled legis committee both in starting the investigation and releasing the report, with the report reviewed for 6 hours by said committee, is obviously a politically motivated witch hunt to bring down a true reformer and prevent her from getting to washington. duh.


Paper or plastic?
Stoney Mason said:
People need to stop saying this because it ain't happening. Republicans will revel in this charge. They will play the blame game and try to spin it into a positive story. That is how politics works.
She's a real life batman. Breaking laws to protect our hides!
Tamanon said:
Dick Morris is a moron, he just argued that Obama's negatives shot up 10-12 percent the past few days over Ayers.:lol
Dick Morris says a lot of bullshit . . . like those wacky unrealistic electoral maps he's made.

What I want to know is whether he knows he is talking shit or if he really believes half the shit he says. Same with a lot of these people.

Well . . . I guess O'Reilly did say it was an act the other night.
teruterubozu said:
With McCain, there is no predictability anymore.

What is predictable is tactics. Mccain is so far down the road he will continue to play his cards in the same way he has been playing them the entire time. Standing up to a few nasty trolls once they are starting to be a media drag is the very most he will do. Republicans who love Palin will continue to blindly love her in the same manner and dropping her at this stage would actually lose him votes rather than gain him votes most likely at this stage.


Master of the Google Search
Stoney Mason said:
People need to stop saying this because it ain't happening. Republicans will revel in this charge. They will play the blame game and try to spin it into a positive story. That is how politics works.
Admitting you made a mistake tends to be ones last mistake in politics


Ignatz Mouse said:
My dad, lifelong republican, and fought in the Pacific in WWII-- thought we ought to have demonstrated the bomb. A bit risky, but we were winning and might have closed it out without the further loss of life. I don't know if that would have worked, but I respect the opinion.

Many of the scientists involved said the same, but were shut down by Groves.

Chief Organizer of ACORN is about to be on Larry King, if people want to know more about it.
Saint Gregory said:
No thread title change?

And MSNBC says the report also questions why Todd Palin is so involved in govt affairs. Shadow Governor confirmed?

That's what Scharpling & Wurster think, as per Tuesday's Best Show On WFMU.

Fark said:
"Troopergate findings: Palin abused her power. Turns out she really does have executive experience"


funny. NY Times might be getting it wrong (at least by our logical reasoning of the findings) in a different way.

A legislative committee investigating Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, the Republican vice presidential candidate, issued a report Friday night that found she unlawfully abused her authority by firing the state’s public safety commissioner.

according to the report, she was entitled to fire Monegan, but her attempts to have Wooten fired were an illegal breach of ethics.

The interpretation of this report is confusing reporters, it seems :lol
Saint Gregory said:
No thread title change?

And MSNBC says the report also questions why Todd Palin is so involved in govt affairs. Shadow Governor confirmed?
Theres no change in title because it's really not that big of a deal.


Saint Gregory said:
No thread title change?

And MSNBC says the report also questions why Todd Palin is so involved in govt affairs. Shadow Governor confirmed?
Wasn't there a report about how he had his own office and was present in all of his wife's meetings?
Stoney Mason said:
What is predictable is tactics. Mccain is so far down the road he will continue to play his cards in the same way he has been playing them the entire time. Standing up to a few nasty trolls once they are starting to be a media drag is the very most he will do. Republicans who love Palin will continue to blindly love her in the same manner and dropping her at this stage would actually lose him votes rather than gain him votes most likely at this stage.

Yeah I know, that's why sadly it ain't going to amount to shit.
Every day the McCain camp has to deal with reality and not engineer it is great.

24 days to go.

7 Days are weekends and Football is to be played.
World Series games get 15mil viewers.
W will be a good distraction for the Cable News for a couple days.
HSM3 will distract the masses

Every little thing helps with the lead Obama has in the polls and nursing it to Nov. 4
EmCeeGramr said:
A state investigation concluding that the governor, a Vice Presidential candidate, broke the law isn't a big deal?

Nameless said:
The most inept political figure this side of Dan Quail, who has spent the last week calling the man who's likely to be the next leader of the free world a terrorist, is found to have been unlawful in carrying out her executive duties as governor of a US State is no big deal!?

Ok dude.



LCfiner said:
funny. NY Times might be getting it wrong (at least by our logical reasoning of the findings) in a different way.

according to the report, she was entitled to fire Monegan, but her attempts to have Wooten fired were an illegal breach of ethics.

The interpretation of this report is confusing reporters, it seems :lol

Basically she was free to fire Monegan for any reason, but the violations occured before the firing when she tried to use him and others for improper personal reasons against Wooten.


Like I said, abuse of power can definitely be grounds for impeachment.

Q. What are the grounds for impeachment?
A. [...]
Also, many experts agree that there are different standards for impeachable and criminal conduct. In the words of Dean John D. Feerick of Fordham University School of Law, in an article published in 1984, "Most authorities agree--and the precedents are in accord--that an impeachable offense is not limited to conduct which is indictable. Conduct that undermines the integrity of a public office or is in disregard of constitutional duties or involves abuse of power is generally regarded as grounds for impeachment. Since impeachment is a drastic sanction, the misconduct must be substantial and serious."

Stoney Mason said:
People need to stop saying this because it ain't happening. Republicans will revel in this charge. They will play the blame game and try to spin it into a positive story. That is how politics works.
He's pretty screwed no matter what he does.

The McCain campaign is such a massive trainwreck . . . even the way they handled this:
1) They get nailed with an 'abuse of power' charge; AND
2) They are shown to be total partisan hacks with their own fake investigation that blamed it all on a conspiracy between Wooten and some blogger.

I am shocked the GOPers in Alaska let this out. I really thought they would surpress it.
I just feel so happy. How could they possibly recover from this kind of charge? She broke the law, it's on the record. Anything past this is gravy.


XxenobladerxX said:
Theres no change in title because it's really not that big of a deal.

The most inept political figure this side of Dan Quail, who has spent the last week calling the man who's likely to be the next leader of the free world a terrorist, is found to have been unlawful in carrying out her executive duties as governor of a US State is no big deal!?

Ok dude.

Stoney Mason[/quote said:
Gotcha media. Gotcha elitists. Gotcha Alaskan Republicans and Democrats. She's a Maverick!

Repeat Repeat Repeat again and again

Can't forget about Obama's Gotcha Terrorism. He obviously had something to do with this gotcha government probe.


EmCeeGramr said:
A state investigation concluding that the governor, a Vice Presidential candidate, broke the law isn't a big deal?
I agree. NOTHING is going to come out of this unless they actually do something. Palin won't leave the ticket under any circumstances. All this will do is make those who watch news like her less.

Ayers hits people because hate is something everyone can do.
EmCeeGramr said:
A state investigation concluding that the governor, a Vice Presidential candidate, broke the law isn't a big deal?
I mean it's not the kind of story that would fuck up McCain's chances in November. Not to mention the republicans will spin this as a positive rather than a negative.


Tamanon said:
Basically she was free to fire Monegan for any reason, but the violations occured before the firing when she tried to use him and others for improper personal reasons against Wooten.

I understand that. The part I had bolded from the NYT said that her unlawful action was in the firing of Monegan. Which, as you noted, is not the case.


That McCain footage is absolutely stunning. He looks sad, he looks tired, and he looks beaten. Wow.

People must be getting through to him, and convincing him it's a lost cause and to save what's left of his legacy.

Who cares about Troopergate? This is the real story. He's practically conceding.


speculawyer said:
I am shocked the GOPers in Alaska let this out. I really thought they would surpress it.

Palin hacked her way through the Alaskan GOP on her way to the top. A bunch of them hate her. If they didn't, this probably never would have been investigated. As far as gubernatorial misconduct goes, this is fairly small potatoes.

This is definitely a "Reap what you sow" situation.
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