adamsappel said:
I am interested in who meets your criteria (and why).
I did the 5 best / 5 worst dance on GAF before. I was pretty exhaustive on my rationales as well. I wish I could find those old posts.
The ones I most admire / approve of are Washington, Jefferson, Madison. That's easy enough for me to say, definitively.
Beyond that it kind of becomes "people who didn't muck up things too much," then "people who did several things I fundamentally disagree with but did some things of merit" then it just becomes people that mostly suck followed by people that did nothing of merit and fundamentally suck on every single issue and principle they had.
Monroe was alright. My least favorite early presidents were Adams and his son.
I could keep going on, if I had to, and I have on numerous occasions, but I can't seem to find the old posts in question.
I suppose the President I find least odious in the 20th Century would be Eisenhower, but I'm not a big fan.
This is truly branching into "make a different thread" territory, though.
* * *
Neither a President Obama nor a President McCain would make that list, and both are quite likely to be low-middle / bottom tier.
Aside from opposition to the Iraq War, Obama has terrible principles and issue stances.
McCain's more correct on the majority of the issues, but he has few personal principles, he contradicts his issue stances and stated principles, and he supports the Iraq War, which also falls under what I just said. Fiscal conservatism does not jive with dumping trillions of money into protecting some other country; free market capitalism does not jive with bailing out companies that make bad business decisions.