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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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On Comcast SportsNet I could hear the boos well enough. The two fans with Obama signs were nice.

I'm sure they'll starting booing the Flyers themselves soon because they're fucking terrible tonight.
Deus Ex Machina said:
I came across this on another forum:

There are not enough facepalms on the internet.


Fatalah said:
No shot of the crowd. Lights turned off on the crowd, so you couldn't see them at all. The Flyer's owner is a staunch Republican, he did good.
Alas I was hopeful, but I should have expected that.


Tamanon said:
Random insane racist vs Secret Service? Always bet on black.

yea but when you see him in front of MASSIVE crowds
obsolutely massive

how can security check all those people for possible weapons?
pretty much impossible
0 51%
M 35%

Source: dominos.com

I'm really sad for the people actively planning not to vote :/

MrHicks said:
yea but when you see him in front of MASSIVE crowds
obsolutely massive

how can security check all those people for possible weapons?
pretty much impossible

The other people in the crowd help a lot. They tend to scream and point when they spot someone with a hunting rifle.


get some go again
Aaron Strife said:
This woman is awful. The worst part is where the CNN woman tells her that Obama is Christian, and she's like "Well, he still has some Muslim in him."

:lol How the fuck would you have "some Muslim" in you? Muslim isn't a race, it's a religion, Christ.
good thing old people like her are going to be dying off soon. hopefully as time goes on the older generation won't be as ignorant.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
smurfx said:
good thing old people like her are going to be dying off soon. hopefully as time goes on the older generation won't be as ignorant.

It's also good that they are being swept up by a decaying, crumbling mess of a party. They'll be easier to ignore in their sad little hate-filled corner of ignorance, and the rest of the country can concentrate on shit Republicans hate, like edumacation and book learnin.


Aaron Strife said:
This woman is awful. The worst part is where the CNN woman tells her that Obama is Christian, and she's like "Well, he still has some Muslim in him."

:lol How the fuck would you have "some Muslim" in you? Muslim isn't a race, it's a religion, Christ.

Well it is common stupidity in this country that religion is inherited.

IE: Many parents of different religions who are to damn stupid to find a logical way to resolve/explain the conflict of their various religions to their kids, simply tell their kids they are half jewish and half christian.
Saint Gregory said:
Why did I switch to MSNBC? My blood is boiling now after hearing that Republican prick say that the Obama camp has "injected race into the campaign". As if it's Obama's fault for being black that McCain's camp is inciting hatred towards him. I can't take much more *cries*

That is fucking brilliant. Obama never once mentions race in the entire campaign (even the DNC date was planned well ahead of his winning of the nomination).

So the McCain campaign injects the race card, Obama says homey don't play dat game, and they still claim he's playing the race card :lol

Wow. I mean there is low and then there is scrapping dog shit off the bottom of my shoe low.


I was at my state fair today and I casually strolled up to an Obama booth set up, grabbed my Obama sticker and slapped it on. Of course, I was outnumbered by people wearing McCain stickers about 300:1. That's what I get for living in South McCainolina.


Wilsongt said:
I was at my state fair today and I casually strolled up to an Obama booth set up, grabbed my Obama sticker and slapped it on. Of course, I was outnumbered by people wearing McCain stickers about 300:1. That's what I get for living in South McCainolina.
The Obama booth was actually standing when you got there? And I thought South Carolina was patriotic.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
giga said:
arabs and muslims of all people really should be offended by mccain/palin supporters. really shows a lot of the character of some people.

as a jew im incredibly offended. its disgusting what they are doing. and scary!
AniHawk said:
The Obama booth was actually standing when you got there? And I thought South Carolina was patriotic.

Burnings make a bigger statement when carried out at night.

Ah just kidding SC, you know I love ya....


gcubed said:
ed snider cursed the flyers tonight.

He did - fuck him. Folks on the Flyers boards are saying they intentionally blared the music in the arena to mask the boos :lol :lol

Ah fuck, Sarah Palin is going to be on Coatsie's Corner during the first intermission in a few minutes on being a hockey mom. FUCK YOU, ED SNIDER.
CharlieDigital said:
That is fucking brilliant. Obama never once mentions race in the entire campaign (even the DNC date was planned well ahead of his winning of the nomination).

So the McCain campaign injects the race card, Obama says homey don't play dat game, and they still claim he's playing the race card :lol

Wow. I mean there is low and then there is scrapping dog shit off the bottom of my shoe low.

His argument was essentially that A) Rep. Lewis is part of Obama's campaign (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he believes that because he's a Democrat and not because he's "black") and that B) it was Rep. Lewis's comment that introduced race into the equation and not the virulently racist rallies that the McCain campaign have been conducting over the last two weeks.

I swear, if I could have reached through the screen and strangled him I would have :mad:


Y2Kev said:
I wonder if they tried piping in applause.

No, they piped in loud music. But given that the arena crowd has a much higher "rich white male" component than the population at large, she probably got her share of cheers.


GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I wish Ed Snider wasn't such a tool and that we were able to hear the boos instead of the terrible music that they were playing.


no piping in applause and the music was deafeningly loud in the stadium, so they definitely used it to drown out the boos

the question that must be asked it, if you have to drown out boos with piped in music should you really have done it in the first place?


More from the Mccain mob. The below was said at a Mccain rally today.
PastorJingoMcBob said:
“There are millions of people around this world praying to their god — whether it’s Hindu, Buddha, Allah — that his [McCain’s] opponent wins, for a variety of reasons,” said Arnold Conrad, former pastor of Grave Evangelical Free Church. “And Lord, I pray that you would guard your own reputation because they’re going to think that their god is bigger than you if that happens. So I pray that you will step forward and honor your own name in all that happens between now and Election Day.”
As the missed Carlin used to say:

"My God's dick is bigger than your God's dick!"

As for the Mccain camp at one point they said.
“While we understand the important role that faith plays in informing the votes of Iowans, questions about the religious background of the candidates only serve to distract from the real questions in this race about Barack Obama’s judgment, policies and readiness to lead as commander in chief,” said McCain spokeswoman Wendy Riemann.

Notice how they didn't set the record straight? Reprimanding with one hand and patting on the back with the other.


gcubed said:
no piping in applause and the music was deafeningly loud in the stadium, so they definitely used it to drown out the boos

the question that must be asked it, if you have to drown out boos with piped in music should you really have done it in the first place?

especially in the SAME day that obama had a rally in the same city.


gcubed said:
no piping in applause and the music was deafeningly loud in the stadium, so they definitely used it to drown out the boos

the question that must be asked it, if you have to drown out boos with piped in music should you really have done it in the first place?

Got her on TV for free in a swing-state, so from Ed's perspective, yes. He has damaged his reputation a bit locally, however.
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