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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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I guess I'm behind on all the McCain attack ads. I just decided to browse YouTube. Can someone tell me what's up with "The One" where it basically compares Obama to Jesus and then asks if he's ready to lead at the end?

What the HELL? I'm more confused than anything.


M3wThr33 said:
I guess I'm behind on all the McCain attack ads. I just decided to browse YouTube. Can someone tell me what's up with "The One" where it basically compares Obama to Jesus and then asks if he's ready to lead at the end?

What the HELL? I'm more confused than anything.
That was just a web ad for the amusement of the base


Joe said:
i think all this character defamation by mccain is going to work (if it's not working already), especially another 4 weeks of it. i also think this election is going to be very, very close and mccain is still very much in this.

No way. It's backfiring hugely against them, and the media is concentrating heavily on it. Do you really think any of this is going to make moderates and undecideds go towards McCain? It's even turning off some conservatives.
M3wThr33 said:
I guess I'm behind on all the McCain attack ads. I just decided to browse YouTube. Can someone tell me what's up with "The One" where it basically compares Obama to Jesus and then asks if he's ready to lead at the end?

What the HELL? I'm more confused than anything.

That was pretty old too. It was from back when they were still using the "celebrity" strategy. They dropped it when they got a celebrity of their own :D


M3wThr33 said:
I guess I'm behind on all the McCain attack ads. I just decided to browse YouTube. Can someone tell me what's up with "The One" where it basically compares Obama to Jesus and then asks if he's ready to lead at the end?

What the HELL? I'm more confused than anything.
That was back when McCain was throwing the "He's a celebrity" attacks on Obama. He's basically saying that Obama's supporters are all following Obama blindly. A continuation of a Hillary Clinton attack line ("The skies will open up . . .")


wow this guy on msnbc!

"While John mccain was fighting for his country, obamas friends were [laying bombs and blowing shit up]"


Zeliard said:
No way. It's backfiring hugely against them, and the media is concentrating heavily on it. Do you really think any of this is going to make moderates and undecideds go towards McCain? It's even turning off some conservatives.

And Mccain standing up for Obama at that rally are pissing of the neocon/fundie zealots as well. He's seriously screwed.
Shiggie said:
wow this guy on msnbc!

"While John mccain was fighting for his country, obamas friends were [laying bombs and blowing shit up]"

New McCain strategy: We're losing on everything else so let's try re-fighting the Vietnam War. People are still interested in the '60s, right?
Shiggie said:
wow this guy on msnbc!

"While John mccain was fighting for his country, obamas friends were [laying bombs and blowing shit up]"

"While John McCain was banging broads behind the back of his crippled wife, Obama was a 'community organizer' lolz."


M3wThr33 said:
I guess I'm behind on all the McCain attack ads. I just decided to browse YouTube. Can someone tell me what's up with "The One" where it basically compares Obama to Jesus and then asks if he's ready to lead at the end?

What the HELL? I'm more confused than anything.
Dog whistle ad comparing Obama to the antichrist.

capslock said:
Apparently McCain's outraged because John Lewis compared him to George Wallace, he's asking Obama to repudiate Lewis.
Nate Silver thinks it's a trap.

Tobor said:
:lol Don't let the noise fool you. The old man is done. The only question left is the size of Obama's victory.


MoxManiac said:
And Mccain standing up for Obama at that rally are pissing of the neocon/fundie zealots as well. He's seriously screwed.

McCain is in a classic Catch 22. He can keep his foot on the hate pedal and have a tiny sliver of a chance at winning. Or he can do what he did yesterday, and try to douse the fire he's started, and have no chance at all.

Does he care about his ultimate legacy?


PPP Colorado Teaser, being released later on tonight.

Hispanics in Colorado
The weekends tend to be slow for polling and I know you junkies need your fix so we're planning on releasing our newest Colorado poll tonight.

Remember when people were claiming earlier in the election cycle that Barack Obama was going to have a hard time with the Hispanic vote? In this newest survey he has a 71-21 lead with Hispanic voters. That's a major gain from our last poll in the state, when it was 57-36. If there are similar trends throughout the region it's safe to say New Mexico is going to be a landslide, Nevada is definitely going Obama, and Arizona, well, that may go on the list of states for you to choose from for our wild card poll next week.

But now on to more pressing things, go Heels, beat Notre Dame! Check back tonight...


arabs and muslims of all people really should be offended by mccain/palin supporters. really shows a lot of the character of some people.


First tragedy, then farce.
McCain right now has nothing left but his base, and his base has gotten very fucking angry.

He has probably scared off any moderates


maximum360 said:
I agree. Anytime race becomes the talk and it's from the democrats it will always be a negative for Obama. Best to let the media and pundits pick up on it and do with it what they will. John Lewis isn't doing Obama any favors here.

You need to read the link. Nate is saying it's a trap for McCain.


Shiggie said:
wow this guy on msnbc!

"While John mccain was fighting for his country, obamas friends were [laying bombs and blowing shit up]"
He had so many chances to back away from the comment too. First time I ever saw that guy and probably the last time.
maximum360 said:
I agree. Anytime race becomes the talk and it's from the democrats it will always be a negative for Obama. Best to let the media and pundits pick up on it and do with it what they will. John Lewis isn't doing Obama any favors here.

“As public figures with the power to influence and persuade, Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are playing with fire, and if they are not careful, that fire will consume us all," Lewis said today. "They are playing a very dangerous game that disregards the value of the political process and cheapens our entire democracy. We can do better. The American people deserve better.”

McCain responded with disappointment, but also a challenge to Obama.

"I am saddened that John Lewis, a man I've always admired, would make such a brazen and baseless attack on my character and the character of the thousands of hardworking Americans who come to our events to cheer for the kind of reform that will put America on the right track," the GOP nominee said in a statement this afternoon.

He added: "I call on Senator Obama to immediately and personally repudiate these outrageous and divisive comments that are so clearly designed to shut down debate 24 days before the election. Our country must return to the important debate about the path forward for America.”

Is anyone else confused by this whole exchange?

Reminds me of the time when there was hurricane coverage going on and Fox started playing footage of a squirrel on water skis. :lol

Justin Bailey

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Bishman said:
How the fuck do you shut up your friends who say Obama is a socialist. This is really pisses me off.
If he hates government programs so much, ask him why he isn't voting for Bob Barr. The Republicans have been in power 20 of the last 30 years and they haven't done a damn thing about this "evil socialist government spending" they seem to hate so much.

And if he is voting for Babar, then tell him thanks for not voting for McCain and to go on with his bad self.
Why did I switch to MSNBC? My blood is boiling now after hearing that Republican prick say that the Obama camp has "injected race into the campaign". As if it's Obama's fault for being black that McCain's camp is inciting hatred towards him. I can't take much more *cries*


RapeApe said:
He had so many chances to back away from the comment too. First time I ever saw that guy and probably the last time.

McCain's surrogates are like kamikazes, other than flaming out about Ayers and Rezko, they have nothing to say. It's unbelievable, their campaign strategy is literally to say nothing about their candidate's policies, even in the face of economic collapse. :lol


Saint Gregory said:
Why did I switch to MSNBC? My blood is boiling now after hearing that Republican prick say that the Obama camp has "injected race into the campaign". As if it's Obama's fault for being black that McCain's camp is inciting hatred towards him. I can't take much more *cries*

i'm so happy i missed this.


formerly sane
Tobor said:
McCain is in a classic Catch 22. He can keep his foot on the hate pedal and have a tiny sliver of a chance at winning. Or he can do what he did yesterday, and try to douse the fire he's started, and have no chance at all.

Does he care about his ultimate legacy?

People like him are too short-sighted to care for that.


Bill Burtons response was pure gold.

I'm always surprised by how nuanced a lot of Obama camp responses are, in that they leave virtually no room to be piled on on top of, all the while not being concessions.

McCain was looking to make an injection out of Lewis's comment, and he failed.
AniHawk said:
Economy debate is gonna put this thing away. And if it gets close again, October 29th will resolidify it.

Has the Obama campaign said what they're going to do with the airtime? Roundtable? Infomercial? Playboy After Dark styled cocktail party with Obama enterntaining celebrity guests while wearing a smoking jacket?


Saint Gregory said:
Has the Obama campaign said what they're going to do with the airtime? Roundtable? Infomercial? Playboy After Dark styled cocktail party with Obama enterntaining celebrity guests while wearing a smoking jacket?

I hope it is nothing but a 1/2 hour with Obama, a leather chair, a fireplace, and a half-dozen flip-charts, Ross Perot style. I can't wait for it. :D


Saint Gregory said:
Has the Obama campaign said what they're going to do with the airtime? Roundtable? Infomercial? Playboy After Dark styled cocktail party with Obama enterntaining celebrity guests while wearing a smoking jacket?

Hopefully, the latter.


lawblob said:
I hope it is nothing but a 1/2 hour with Obama, a leather chair, a fireplace, and a half-dozen flip-charts, Ross Perot style. I can't wait for it. :D

Yeah, this is what I imagine it'll be. I also think the outcry from the Republicans will be "THIS GUY ALREADY THINKS HE'S PRESIDENT. PRESUMPTUOUSpresumptuousPRESUMPTUOUSuppityPRESUMPTUOUS!!!"


Saint Gregory said:
Has the Obama campaign said what they're going to do with the airtime? Roundtable? Infomercial? Playboy After Dark styled cocktail party with Obama enterntaining celebrity guests while wearing a smoking jacket?

Charts, video from the campaign trail, testimonials, speech tailor-made for undecideds, and a surprise Colin Powell endorsement

OK.. probably not that last one. But I'm sure his team is going to use their research and polling data surrounding swing voters to formulate one hell of a speech. We might even see a convention-like bounce in the polls.
lawblob said:
I hope it is nothing but a 1/2 hour with Obama, a leather chair, a fireplace, and a half-dozen flip-charts, Ross Perot style. I can't wait for it. :D
This thing is suppose to last a half hour? Jeez. What time will it be airing?
worldrunover said:
Is anyone else confused by this whole exchange?

Eh. Nate is seeing something I'm not seeing. I may not disagree with many things McCain says but the guy isn't a segregationist. He's just pissed at that Obama guy. Whenever Obama's camp is addressing racial issues, it's likely a loss. Unless it's blatant, crying wolf too many times on this issue will only hurt Obama.

Best to let the McCain self destruct on its own.


Professional Schmuck
I think it will be a 30-minute message of hope. I think it will be 100% positive and talking about all the things we can do if we work together rather than fight against each other. I think it will describe Obama's policies in much the same way his health care ad does (the one with the arrows showing both extremes and Obama's idea right in the middle).

I think it will reflect that part of his convention speech in which he described being able to see both points of view.

And I think it will be brilliant.


HylianTom said:
Charts, video from the campaign trail, testimonials, speech tailor-made for undecideds, and a surprise Colin Powell endorsement

OK.. probably not that last one. But I'm sure his team is going to use their research and polling data surrounding swing voters to formulate one hell of a speech. We might even see a convention-like bounce in the polls.

Oh god, how awesome would that be if the infomercial ended with 5 or 10 prominent conservatives / business leaders endorsing Obama!

"Hi, we're Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Colin Powell, William Buckley jr. and Chuck Hagel, and we support Barack Obama."


saelz8 said:
PPP Colorado Teaser, being released later on tonight.
I get a kick out of PPP poll teases. And that's a HUGE lead with Hispanics; if that's anywhere close to what Obama hits in the region it's going to be a blowout.
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