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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Photos of Obama in Philadelphia today (Germantown Stop in Northwest Philadelphia)

Line stretched for 5 full city blocks












- Gov. Rendell, Sen. Casey and Mayor Nutter:


After the rally




lawblob said:
Oh god, how awesome would that be if the infomercial ended with 5 or 10 prominent conservatives / business leaders endorsing Obama!

"Hi, we're Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Colin Powell, William Buckley jr. and Chuck Hagel, and we support Barack Obama."

To be completely honest, I'd love to see something like this happen. The final days of campaign coverage would consist of stunned news media basically saying OMG/WTF/etc. The Sunday talk shows would split their time between these endorsements and the pundits' requisite predictions; it would suck a lot of the air out of anything that McCain has to say in the final week. Next thing you know, it's Monday morning, and the coverage has shifted to the turnout game.

It'd be brilliant.


Saint Gregory said:
Has the Obama campaign said what they're going to do with the airtime? Roundtable? Infomercial? Playboy After Dark styled cocktail party with Obama enterntaining celebrity guests while wearing a smoking jacket?
I think this is a good idea, but only if McCain doesn't attempt it as another news cycle masterstroke beforehand.


saelz8 said:
PPP Colorado Teaser, being released later on tonight.
Remember when people were claiming earlier in the election cycle that Barack Obama was going to have a hard time with the Hispanic vote? In this newest survey he has a 71-21 lead with Hispanic voters. That's a major gain from our last poll in the state, when it was 57-36.
Just a quick revisit to this - in the last Colorado poll from PPP nearly a month ago, Obama was up 51-44. And now they're saying Obama has gained 39 points in the Hispanic vote...
capslock said:
Apparently McCain's outraged because John Lewis compared him to George Wallace, he's asking Obama to repudiate Lewis.
I didn't realize this, but Nate at 538 said:
Lewis is someone who McCain praised as one of the three wisest people in his life at Rick Warren's Saddleback Forum.
Shiggie said:
NBC reporter catches up with the woman that called Obama an arab.
Wow, I can't believe I pittied the woman yesterday. I thought she just had bought into the suggestions from the McCain campaign, but that woman is a through an through racist, not accessible to reason.

The typical pattern from someone who spews bullshit: once they are presented the facts (by the female reporter in this video), they start rambling, spinning in their own ignorance.
there's been a pretty good panel on CNN the past 30 minutes or so

Bill Bennett
Cornel West
Tara Wall
Andrew McCarthy from National Review
Some guy from the Brookings Institute

yeah I'm biased, but I love how Cornel West breaks things down :lol
HylianTom said:
To be completely honest, I'd love to see something like this happen. The final days of campaign coverage would consist of stunned news media basically saying OMG/WTF/etc. The Sunday talk shows would split their time between these endorsements and the pundits' requisite predictions; it would suck a lot of the air out of anything that McCain has to say in the final week. Next thing you know, it's Monday morning, and the coverage has shifted to the turnout game.

It'd be brilliant.

Bill Gates sorta kinda did already during the primaries. His "leaving microsoft" video had him jokingly making phone calls to Obama and Clinton asking if they would consider him for running mates. He might have called Edwards too (don't remember), but he definitely did NOT call any republican candidates.


GhaleonEB said:
Somehow I don't see cheers drowning out the jeers considering where she's going to be. We'll see. Could be fun.
wouldn't her getting booed be used to victimize her and give fodder to pundits who take on questions pertaining to latent racism in mcpalin rallies?

"so what's with all the racist shit at your rallies?"

"But hey Palin got booed, it goes both ways"(not rly)
Gruco said:
I think this is a good idea, but only if McCain doesn't attempt it as another news cycle masterstroke beforehand.

Well that would only work if McCain can tell a story like this

I know it's been posted before but it never get's old


soul creator said:
there's been a pretty good panel on CNN the past 30 minutes or so

Bill Bennett
Cornel West
Tara Wall
Some guy from National Review
Some guy from the Brookings Institute

yeah I'm biased, but I love how Cornel West breaks things down :lol

you ever listen to him on the matrix commentaries? the guy is crazy ... i love him though


Shiggie said:
with all the racism coming out in the open. Its not hard to believe that some people are plotting the worst. :(

It's been going on for a while, I'd imagine, but McCailin's recent actions have made it much worse.


Shiggie said:
with all the racism coming out in the open. Its not hard to believe that some people are plotting the worst. :(

its quite doable too
the secret service may be good at what they do but sometimes that isn't enough
If anything happens to Obama now, whether it was because of their posturing or not, McCain and Palin's political careers will be over. They will be among U.S. history's greatest villians.


Saint Gregory said:
If anything happens to Obama now, whether it was because of their posturing or not, McCain and Palin's political careers will be over. They will be among U.S. history's greatest villians.

I uh, wouldn't go that far, but yeah, their careers are over (as is Lieberman's, haha).

EDIT: Oh. I see what you're saying. Yeah, definitely.


WHOAguitarninja said:
Bill Gates sorta kinda did already during the primaries. His "leaving microsoft" video had him jokingly making phone calls to Obama and Clinton asking if they would consider him for running mates. He might have called Edwards too (don't remember), but he definitely did NOT call any republican candidates.

Gore was the other one he called, not Edwards.


Shiggie said:
with all the racism coming out in the open. Its not hard to believe that some people are plotting the worst. :(
I would also expect a great deal of violence and rioting to ensue if such a thing were to happen. I'm not sure how the country would survive.


update from the flyers game, they blasted music the entire time from start to finish of her walking out and walking back to drown out the boos. The boos were LOUD
I came across this on another forum:

In a McCain/Palin really earlier this week, someone in the crowd shouted that Obama is a traitor and guilty of treason.

This ad ran in a Dallas newspaper the DAY BEFORE the assassination of President John F. Kennedy



seat said:
I would also expect a great deal of violent rioting to ensue of such a thing were to happen. I'm not sure how the country would survive.
I'm not sure it would be rioting as much as Biden or Clinton basically getting a free ride to the White House and Obama's plans being passed through completely. This has to scare the people who probably are smart enough to pull it off, and the other people that would try to pull it off are most likely legally retarded (they'd pretty much have to be).


gcubed said:
update from the flyers game, they blasted music the entire time from start to finish of her walking out and walking back to drown out the boos. The boos were LOUD

someone youtube that shiat


HylianTom said:
Charts, video from the campaign trail, testimonials, speech tailor-made for undecideds, and a surprise Colin Powell endorsement

OK.. probably not that last one. But I'm sure his team is going to use their research and polling data surrounding swing voters to formulate one hell of a speech. We might even see a convention-like bounce in the polls.

I almost shit a brick this morning when one of the stories from my RSS feeds was about Colin Powell testifying on behalf of Senator Ted Steven's character. So, no, I doubt he's gonna come to the realization that he's really a Democrat this election cycle.


lawblob said:
Oh god, how awesome would that be if the infomercial ended with 5 or 10 prominent conservatives / business leaders endorsing Obama!

"Hi, we're Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Colin Powell, William Buckley jr. and Chuck Hagel, and we support Barack Obama."

It might be hard to get an endorsement out of Buckley considering he passed away earlier this year.


Sucks at poetry
Speevy said:
Well, just like consumers value different attributes in a product, I suppose we each place a different value on relationships, or our fellowship to the human race as a whole.

Also, I'm sure if you polled women who have actually had abortions, I doubt "clump of cells" is a term they'd use to describe it.

Stop being ignorant. Most abortions performed are first trimester abortions (or chemical abortions) where the fetus is little more than a clump of cells, often microscopic. Generally an abortifacient drug is taken orally to induce an early labor. It is flushed out by the body naturally. Vacuum Aspiration can also be performed in the first trimester. I have talked with women who have had first trimester abortions, and generally they think of it as non-issue.

The reason this becomes such a religious issue is because of individual beliefs on conception and the right to life. Many modern day American Christians as well as Catholics believe that life begins at conception, while historically other religions have believed conception to begin at the quickening (when the child is able to move or stir in the womb) claiming that is has no soul, or life before this period other than minuscule physical development.


gcubed said:
update from the flyers game, they blasted music the entire time from start to finish of her walking out and walking back to drown out the boos. The boos were LOUD

On the MSG TV broadcast, you could hear a bellowing "boo" but the music was made SO loud to drown the crowd out. That's so fucking messed up. Maybe the home Flyers TV network picked up the boos better.


Unconfirmed Member
EXtollere wasn't listening, reposting the warning.

Vennt said:
No don't, seriously don't - Any future abortion-related derailments of PoliGAF's election threads are going to be met with bans so dictatorial that even the anarchists will start crying for a mommy-state.

Extollere said:
Stop being ignorant. Most abortions performed are first trimester abortions (or chemical abortions) where the fetus is little more than a clump of cells, often microscopic. Generally an abortifacient drug is taken orally to induce an early labor. It is flushed out by the body naturally. Vacuum Aspiration can also be performed in the first trimester. I have talked with women who have had first trimester abortions, and generally they think of it as non-issue.

The reason this becomes such a religious issue is because of individual beliefs on conception and the right to life. Many modern day American Christians as well as Catholics believe that life begins at conception, while historically other religions have believed conception to begin at the quickening (when the child is able to move or stir in the womb) claiming that is has no soul, or life before this period other than minuscule physical development.

i can save you, but you have to listen to me:

delete this post.

edit: awww, I tried.


Fatalah said:
On the MSG TV broadcast, you could hear a bellowing "boo" but the music was made SO loud to drown the crowd out. That's so fucking messed up. Maybe the home Flyers TV network picked up the boos better.
Were there shots of the crowd? Fortunately music can't drown out dirty looks from an angry crowd. :)


seat said:
Were there shots of the crowd? Fortunately music can't drown out dirty looks from an angry crowd. :)

No shot of the crowd. Lights turned off on the crowd, so you couldn't see them at all. The Flyer's owner is a staunch Republican, he did good.


Oh god the Fox Report:

Anchor: The troopergate is out and it found that Sarah Palin did not abuse her power when firing the guy, reporting now is [some guy]

Reporter: Palin was within her right to fire the guy and it was only part of the reason he was fired. However she did abuse her power by pushing for the firing. There will be a separate ethics hearing starting Tuesday. [clip of old guy talking about the trooper being a bad guy] Nothing more will come of it, no more hearings and no criminal investigation so it's pretty much a dead issue. People want to just move past this issue and talk about the economy.

Anchor: No doubt. So there you have it, even though Palin did not abuse her power and it's a dead issue but it will no doubt be all over the liberal media for the next few days. Now let's turn to voter fraud in Ohio....

Let's play find the irony and the contradictions!!:lol


So I have to ask, if Palin continues making the A-word an issue, is all discussion of that banned? Are we allowed to discuss the politics and strategy of her comments but not our own morals or political beliefs on the issue? What's the line here?
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