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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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mamacint said:
Like Joe Scarborough? Stop with this MSNBC=FoxNews false equivalency bullshit.
Thanks for actually reading my thoughts. I never said MSNBC=Fox. That was you putting words in my mouth. I am saying that MSNBC will have a choice with the changeover in the presidency. They could become more like Fox or they can ground themselves in solid journalism. I actually didn't make a prediction either way. Don't be so hostile.

Cloudy said:
I dunno about Keith but Matthews slaps everyone around. Until recently, he really reigned his liberalism in..
I agree, Chris has always been an enjoyable watch. I don't think he will have any problem adjusting or holding ratings with an Obama administration. I am just wondering how others feel about Kieth and Rachel because the republicans will no longer be writing their shows for them.


omg rite said:
Oh my God.

My friend just linked me to the most offensive anti-Palin picture ever.

I probably wouldn't be able to post it, as it makes fun of her kid.

But holy shit. :lol :lol :lol :lol

I know what you're talking. It was so wrong. :lol


devilhawk said:
I wonder how a democratic administration will change the 24hr news networks. I know that Fox is probably foaming at the mouth to be able to blame everything on the democrats and not have to deflect problems the republicans caused. MSNBC is a different animal though. Before 2000, MSNBC was a different network. At one point they had Coulter and Ingrahm on shows. They also had a lot fewer political opinion shows than Fox and MSNBC do now. I remember Olberman leaving SportsCenter and then whining about the coverage MSNBC gave the impeachment before he quit his new job.

What I am trying to say is this is the first time MSNBC will have all their opinion shows with a democratic administration. Interesting to see what happens since they will have the opportunity to criticize any possible mistakes of Obama and the democrats. They will have the choice of whether to drift off to the 'dark side' that is Fox but in reverse or keep more journalistic.

I may be biased, but I think people like Olbermann and Maddow are somewhat more honest and less hate filled than people like O'Reilly or Hannity. Even if the network was biased I don't see it becoming anywhere near as bad as Fox.

Still, it'll be interesting to see. And I wonder if those show's ratings will go down with less things to bitch about.


Absolutely pathetic part deux
omg rite said:
Oh my God.

My friend just linked me to the most offensive anti-Palin picture ever.

I probably wouldn't be able to post it, as it makes fun of her kid.

But holy shit. :lol :lol :lol :lol

PM me too. Is it about her retarded child?


Clevinger said:
I may be biased, but I think people like Olbermann and Maddow are somewhat more honest and less hate filled than people like O'Reilly or Hannity. Even if the network was biased I don't see it becoming anywhere near as bad as Fox.

Still, it'll be interesting to see. And I wonder if those show's ratings will go down with less things to bitch about.

Yah, say what you want about Keith but he doesn't make up shit to advance his agenda ala right-wing gasbags like Hannity..
Kathleen Parker was great on Colbert.

McCain's absurd campaign has had the odd effect of revealing republicans
that I've actually come to really respect. It's comforting to see that individual thought and voice hasn't completely dissappeared in this country's media.


Wow, the DOW went up 900 points? Didn't notice till I checked out the title, hadn't checked out the news since early this morning.


devilhawk said:
I agree, Chris has always been an enjoyable watch. I don't think he will have any problem adjusting or holding ratings with an Obama administration. I am just wondering how others feel about Kieth and Rachel because the republicans will no longer be writing their shows for them.

They will be defending Obama from the endless GOP attacks. If you thought Clinton was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet :lol


Obama: The $100 Million Man?


Barack Obama's massive spending on television -- $21 million for the first week of October alone -- coupled with his decision to buy 30 minutes of prime time television at the end of the month has stoked rumors that the Illinois senator may have shattered all fundraising records for the month of September.

Reports documenting Obama's fundraising aren't due at the Federal Election Commission until Oct. 20 and -- if past is prologue -- his campaign won't release the details of their donations or expenditures until that day.

But, the fact that the information likely won't be available for another week hasn't stopped the political world -- Democrats and Republicans -- from speculating about just how much Obama collected last month.

"With the unprecedented growth in their Internet list and their aggressive fundraising calendar, it is well within the realm of possibility that Obama may raise close to $100 million in one month," said one senior Democratic fundraiser. The source added that Obama could well grow his e-mail list to upwards of nine million people before election day and raise better than $30 million from major donors by that time.

If true: holy. shit.


*drowns in jizz*


typhonsentra said:

Watch. This. NOW!!!

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol
omg rite said:
Oh my God.

My friend just linked me to the most offensive anti-Palin picture ever.

I probably wouldn't be able to post it, as it makes fun of her kid.

But holy shit. :lol :lol :lol :lol
C'mon . . . just post the link & label NSFW.


Cloudy said:
Yah, say what you want about Keith but he doesn't make up shit to advance his agenda ala right-wing gasbags like Hannity..
Seems like most of us are agreeing. Keith also hasn't had to look hard to fill his show up with content. With no election and no republicans in position of power his show will have to take a different tone. I am interested to see what he does. His show has been anti-republican and for lots of good reasons. I don't think it can continue in that tone in the coming years without appearing similar to the gasbags.

I'm not saying it will happen just that I am interested in what direction his show will take with the different political environment and the ratings that accompany it.


Cloudy said:
They will be defending Obama from the endless GOP attacks. If you thought Clinton was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet :lol
Isn't that just responding and bitching about Fox news? Isn't that just a different form of the current Fox news-esque paradigm?
It's sad that it takes Al Jazeera to do some honest fucking reporting about what the true nature of McCain/Palin rallies is turning into.

omg rite said:
Again, if mod-approved to post. But they probably wouldn't approve it, so I'm not taking the chance.

Stop being cowards. Send me the damned thing and I'll post it.

I swear, you guys act like getting banned from here is going to have some huge impact on your lives.


Goddamn, even North Carolina gubernatorial ads are referencing George Bush.

"McRory is the only candidate for governor that George Bush is campaigning for. A copy of Bush":lol
WickedAngel said:
It's sad that it takes Al Jazeera to do some honest fucking reporting about what the true nature of McCain/Palin rallies is turning into.

Stop being cowards. Send me the damned thing and I'll post it.

I swear, you guys act like getting banned from here is going to have some huge impact on your lives.

I don't know about you, but getting banned from here would have a rather dramatic impact on MY life. I would be FAR more productive.
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