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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
I just voted right now...
+1 Obama and +1 on No on Prop 8 right here in Los Angeles!

Shit sucks, I thought I was registered here in my area, but Im glad as hell the provisional ballot line wasn't long at all. It took me at least 10 min. to finish.

I feel so excited about this race.


So any STL/MO gaffers want to predict how we will go? I think Obama has this shit. McCain will get an early lead then STL and KC will come from behind to crush him. :D


Count Dookkake said:
Fair answer, but the bolded is pretty much what I'm trying to determine.

We'll see what happens to the texter.
Let me clarify--all the sources I can find agree that this is undeniably voter suppression. However, bearing in mind that I haven't done much research, I have yet to find out what actual laws, if any, deal with voter suppression. It might vary from state to state, of course, and at least some of the relevant documents are probably under other names, but the lack of organization I'm finding about it on the Internet (and no, articles about poorly maintained voting machines breaking down in inner city neighborhoods do not give me any insight into the legality of the situation) certainly explains why there's so much confusion about the issue. What little legal information I've found seems mostly to emphasize that every citizen should have an equal opportunity to vote, which certainly would not be true if Democrats were to wait until November 5th, leading me to intuitively believe that if the original sender(s) is/are actually traced, a convincing legal case could be made against them. But I'm not totally sure.


People need to quit crying about anecdotal low turnout. 33 states had early voting with 50%+ of registered voters already banking votes in many states! Turnout is HUGE this year!!!


BenjaminBirdie said:
Just got this sent to me.





gamerecks said:
Where did you vote? Also, what were the comments?

Can I repeat them here? Not sure on rules, hate words are hate words in any context. An example would be the first thing I remember hearing that was off to me was two plumber looking dudes conversation and the term "raghead". Some retarded talk about betting he is one with second quickly adding or is linked to them, like having towel head friends, which are too many as it is this country and taking over blah blah, just look at gas stations. The five guys smoking in circle on way out, that was pure black community hatred and really freaked me out. Typical nasty comments about larger welfare system and personal agenda. Same thing in parking lot at Walgreens on way home with people parked in car you could hear nasty comments, completely retarded I felt like it was 1908 not 2008.
Flo_Evans said:
So any STL/MO gaffers want to predict how we will go? I think Obama has this shit. McCain will get an early lead then STL and KC will come from behind to crush him. :D

Unless it's clearly lopsiding Obama, I hope they that they hold off calling MO for a while. You guys are in the habit of counting your votes in funny bursts between the rural red areas and deep blue cities.
surprised by how many people at work that i asked are voting for McCain (one person giving me the "Obama is muslim" reasoning, which i just shook my head at). This is in California so not like it matters too much but still. Also (sadly not so surprising) almost everyone is voting Yes on Prop 8 that i asked, including my parents. Nobody could give me a good reason why either other than the typical "Ewww gays" thing.
typhonsentra said:
Listening to Fox News Radio on the way home, caught some funny Rush moments but also I heard that voter turnout is far lower than expected in many areas. Matter of fact, I went by my precinct on my way back from classes and there was no line at all. If the majority of people really voted already, this is fantastic news for Obama here. :D

Now is probably the big lull time for voting.


Batteries the CRISIS!
harSon said:
Maru Gonzalez

Thanks, yeah, saw them throw up her name a couple minutes ago. Apparently she's from Atlanta, and is an alternate to the Democratic convention and an Obama activist but has no other credentials beyond that. And her birthday is Aug. 30. ^_^"

Can't find any other info than that!


pizzaguysrevenge said:
Part of me hopes that Obama is actually a militant Muslim. I want to see Christmas abolished in this country.
You know there's some conservative forum somewhere that plucks comments like this out of GAF and laughs at them like we do hillaryis44.
Marvie_3 said:
Due to overwhelming posts, McCain supporters can post on Wednesday Nov. 5

The thread will still be moving WAAAAAAAY to fast. If you actually read a page, by the time you click to the next page, there's another 2 new ones. :lol


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

I moved to Indiana last year and this was my first time voting. I live in a small town, and upon arrival at the polling place I was shocked to discover that it was actually an old man's garage.

Literally. His car was sitting right next to the electronic voting machines. It was bizarre beyond belief.

Oh, and +1 Obama and +1 Mitch Daniels for Governor.


Souldriver said:
I just literally loled when they interviewed some undecideds on CNN.



THANK YOU! I just want to hug these cute people with boa constrictors and fire ants from Grayditch.


Sharp said:
You know there's some conservative forum somewhere that plucks comments like this out of GAF and laughs at them like we do hillaryis44.

No, they go to Democratic Underground, where the lulz are scattered more thickly.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
BenjaminBirdie said:
Just got this sent to me.


Someone need to make a 1280x1024 wallpaper of that. Preferably with him to the right side, and letting the light blue go out to the left.


Not as deep as he thinks
I returned from voting! I was happy since it wasn't packed up the ass like other times. I can't wait! Today is history in the making! I will make sure to come back to this thread for some good/bad times. We'll see how everything turns out!


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
voted in atlanta, the same small lodge i walked in and out of instantly in 2004 was packed and had a long line. felt great.


drawer by drawer
pizzaguysrevenge said:
Part of me hopes that Obama is actually a militant Muslim. I want to see Christmas abolished in this country.

Don't mess with my only form of income, mang!
(Plus birthdays!)


pizzaguysrevenge said:
Part of me hopes that Obama is actually a militant Muslim. I want to see Christmas abolished in this country.

Some Imam - head of mosque said vote Obama because he's an ex-Muslim so he will have kinder heart to battle the bad muslims out there in the world that are tarnishing our name...

So it'll be kind of cool if it was... But I am not holding any hope for that... I voted for him for his ideas and ideals/policies than anything else.


Calm down, Dot50Cal, the libertopians on this board do the same thing.
pizzaguysrevenge said:
Part of me hopes that Obama is actually a militant Muslim. I want to see Christmas abolished in this country.
What the fuck.
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