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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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FOX News isn't even hilarious any more. They're just really sad and low-budget. A lot of Republicans just looking depressed and defeated.

Edit - Also, Chris Matthews pisses me off. He's kind of an idiot and I don't really understand why he has a prominent role in election coverage. Ditto Olbermann. They're entertaining though.


NullPointer said:
I'm sure its been asked a million times before, but what is the deal with exit polls?

What is it about them that makes them so suspect?

Seriously. I'm asking here because I honestly have no idea.
They aren't accurate at all. Some people don't like saying who they voted for so they give false answers and skew the results.


First tragedy, then farce.
ignore exit polls, if 40% already voted in some swing states than exit polls are more useless than normal.

They are already BS, just ask presidents Kerry and Gore.
Posted? Drudge says exit polls indicate 58 seats for Dems. I loathe exit polls but I find the result will probably be close to what actually happens.


Lost Fragment said:


NullPointer said:
I'm sure its been asked a million times before, but what is the deal with exit polls?

What is it about them that makes them so suspect?

Seriously. I'm asking here because I honestly have no idea.
The problem is simply that, because they are carried out at the polling place, people tend to place more faith in them than, say, the Gallup, even though a poll is a poll is a poll. It is no substitute for actual vote counts, and on election day, they've been wrong in the past. So, when you hear one thing, and the actual results contradict the polls, people get more upset. It's a terrible idea to make official calls based on exit polling data, especially when REAL results are so close.


Shard said:
In retrospect John Kerry was a laughably weak candidate.

Some of us don't need retrospect to see that. I was furious at the Democrats for picking Kerry, even though the alternatives were slim.
polyh3dron said:
Exit polls told us that John Kerry won.

John Kerry didn't win.

I understand that part - but why? I hear a lot here about how normal polling techniques don't take into account the youth vote/cell phones etc and make assumptions based upon previous election turnouts.

So wouldn't exit polls by definition be a more accurate gauge of how people voted? Why do the numbers get so skewed?

Marvie_3 said:
They aren't accurate at all. Some people don't like saying who they voted for so they give false answers and skew the results.

False answers? Thats why the margin of error is so large? If so that's nuts.
Amir0x said:
Matthews - "A potential spiritual quality to tonight's voting"

Oh god
Chris Matthews is so annoying, and his Daffy Duck-style manner of speaking makes me think he's spitting at the camera when he talks. Dunno how you guys stand him.

Eteric Rice

I voted for Obama, but I told my family that I voted McCain so I didn't get those weird looks people parents give you.

But I swear to God if he wins and fucks us up further, I'll blame you, GAF.

I'll blame you. :p


First tragedy, then farce.
Tobor said:
Some of us don't need retrospect to see that. I was furious at the Democrats for picking Kerry, even though the alternatives were slim.

agreed. Dean was our only halfway decent candidate last time around. Clinton should have run in 2004 in hindsight. I loved Dean but he was kinda batshit insane.
Aristotlekh said:
FOX News isn't even hilarious any more. They're just really sad and low-budget. A lot of Republicans just looking depressed and defeated.

Edit - Also, Chris Matthews pisses me off. He's kind of an idiot and I don't really understand why he has a prominent role in election coverage. Ditto Olbermann. They're entertaining though.
Your family voted McCain, so who'd you vote for? Barr? (Just out of curiosity.)

I'm a student at Carleton College who has contributed (financially and with my time) to the Obama campaign. I just got an automated call from Jeff Blodgett, the chair of the MN campaign. The text of the call was:

"Hello, this is Jeff Blodgett from the Minnesota for Obama campaign. Our initial data shows this election is significantly closer than the polls predicted. We are putting out an urgent call for volunteers... We are organized groups to knock on doors at five P.M., or earlier if you can, for our final GOTV operation." This was followed by different numbers to call based on your residence.


Friends -- Barack needs your help now -- our data indicates that the results will be very close in many states. I can't emphasize enough how urgent this message is. Please go to http://my.barackobama.com/call and start calling as soon as you can. We are not going to hit our goal of 500,000 calls for today by 3pm Central, unless we get at least 2,000 more people calling for the next hour. Can you call now and continue for as long as you can manage? http://my.barackobama.com/call Thank you. Judith


is this a 'scare tactic/GOTV motivator' type thing or is this REAL and they are scared and needing the extra GOTV efforts to actually pull out a W?

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Between our house and immediate friends, the tally is:

+4 Obama

+1 McCain

I face palmed at a friend who voted McCain because he's convinced Obama is a sinister socialist rebel who's entire goal is to make America into a "hippie paradise" and take away everyone's money and give it to shiftless bums.

He doesn't like McCain either, but I guess he felt the need to take the vote away from Obama rather than abstain.


*drowns in jizz*
A different type of prediction:

How many posts will this thread have by the time it's closed? It will definitely be one of the largest GAF threads ever.


white folks went McCain in Indiana, Virginia, Ohio... in Virginia it was 58 percent, the only particularly high number. It is still manageable
PhoenixDark said:
He sure was setting up the spin for a potential McCain loss. If McCain loses it's because rural Americans didn't show up!

You know, if people vote for McCain across the country, that's positive for McCain.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Wolffe: Not many people are thinking about terrorism in the booth

Giuliani: If americans are thinknig about terrorism in the booth, they're probably not voting for Barack obama

giuliani, get fucked:lol


Kaijima said:
Between our house and immediate friends, the tally is:

+4 Obama

+1 McCain

I face palmed at a friend who voted McCain because he's convinced Obama is a sinister socialist rebel who's entire goal is to make America into a "hippie paradise" and take away everyone's money and give it to shiftless bums.

He doesn't like McCain either, but I guess he felt the need to take the vote away from Obama rather than abstain.
Becoming a shiftless bum seems straightforward enough and I like the sound of those perks. Sign me up.
Tobor said:
Some of us don't need retrospect to see that. I was furious at the Democrats for picking Kerry, even though the alternatives were slim.

I can't help but wonder, even today, if Howard Dean could've beaten Bush if he got the nomination. All the momentum was at Dean's back, then he yelled and lost some key state and suddenly here comes the Democrats to push forward Kerry, who literally nobody wanted. He was just buried in the primaries prior to Dean screwing up, about as relevant as a Lieberman or whatever. He was impossible to get enthusiastic about.

Kinda like McCain, now that I think about it. A divided base pushing him forward out of sad, futile necessity.
NullPointer said:
I understand that part - but why? I hear a lot here about how normal polling techniques don't take into account the youth vote/cell phones etc and make assumptions based upon previous election turnouts.

So wouldn't exit polls by definition be a more accurate gauge of how people voted? Why do the numbers get so skewed?
The nature of polls, my friend. They don't have pollsters at every precinct, and they're not going to be able to poll EVERY SINGLE person leaving even at the polls where they are at. They're still just trying to make statistical estimates as to how the races are going to go based on assumptions about which votes to concentrate on. So, why bother when REAL results will be in soon enough.
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