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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Tale those exit polls with salt people,



Chiggs said:
So, got back from the polls...there was a real lack of young people there. WTF? How about some more anecdotal evidence? Anyone see things differently? I know the turnout looks good, but I was expecting more twenty-somethings.
EXIT POLLING. Young people tend to be concentrated in certain areas (particularly the ones who vote). If no one conducted a poll around universities they aren't going to show up in the poll.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
NullPointer said:
:lol :lol Sorry - just got home so I missed all the earlier stuff. But now I am fortified with PoliGAF knowledge. Thanks again everybody.
No no, not your fault, we're all doing it.

It's all we freaking have to talk bout!
I dunno. Kerry was a smart guy, he had the capability of lighting a fire and inspiring, he just...didn't. Maybe they thought he had more to lose by trying than just being Not-Bush.

His DNC speech this year was pretty much "Where were you four years ago?"


Saint Gregory said:
That's not surprising. VA has been trending blue for a while now where as Indiana was dead red state until like what... three weeks ago?
Indiana has been looking close for awhile now, I talked about this a lot over the summer, when I was pushing for Evan Bayh as veep, saying he would lock up Indiana, but everyone laughed at me. Looks like I have the last laugh now.

Chiggs said:
So, got back from the polls...there was a real lack of young people there. WTF? How about some more anecdotal evidence? Anyone see things differently? I know the turnout looks good, but I was expecting more twenty-somethings.
One person in front of me when I went to vote this afternoon. I waited for an hour in 04. I was startled, to say the least.
icarus-daedelus said:
Your family voted McCain, so who'd you vote for? Barr? (Just out of curiosity.)

I was a Ron Paul guy until that fizzled out. Obama's a better candidate so I'll probably wind up voting for him but it's easy to get disenfranchised to the idea of voting in California when they're all-or-nothing and Democrats are simply guaranteed victory because of it. It doesn't strike me as very fair that such an important and prominent state just ignores the minority party like that.

I'm not suggesting I want Republicans to win (they need to lose for awhile to get their priorities straight, because the last 8 years showed their viability running dry), but it doesn't make sense to me that California outright ignores its Republican base. Nobody seriously campaigns here.


First tragedy, then farce.
Tamanon said:
Motivator. Just like the whole "we need more money!" plea after the infomercial.

Pretty much. They are trying to run up the numbers, possibly to help out Franken.


Batteries the CRISIS!
giga said:
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server: irc.chowned.org (efnet)
channel: #GAF

iiiit's not working. It starts trying to work, then it gives me a popup window that says "Terminated" and something about "closing link: Banned"

Am I really banned from the GAF IRC before even going in?

[edit] Never mind, it mysteriously popped up with GAF. [shrug] I'll go with it


ShockingAlberto said:
I dunno. Kerry was a smart guy, he had the capability of lighting a fire and inspiring, he just...didn't. Maybe they thought he had more to lose by trying than just being Not-Bush.

His DNC speech this year was pretty much "Where were you four years ago?"
No kidding. He peeled the paint off the walls in Denver.


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_leech_ said:
Why was that GIF banned anyways?
Amir0x was tripping on salvia when he saw that GIF. It made his 2D world turn rainbow colors and sent him into seizures.

...it's a miracle he can still post today...

I have no fucking idea


When I think of Republicans I think higher taxes through inflation, higher spending, appointing horrendously unqualified people because they're loyal, and welfare for the rich.


kkaabboomm said:
you guys do realize that while polls CLOSE at 6pm in central/east ky (including lexington!) and most of indiana, the rest of each state closes at 7pm, so no network will call a state until then. we might get some precinct numbers, but 7pm is the real money hour

7pm, the Hopium money shot!

My penis had better emotionally prepare for the abuse!


Danthrax said:
iiiit's not working. It starts trying to work, then it gives me a popup window that says "Terminated" and something about "closing link: Banned"

Am I really banned from the GAF IRC before even going in?
no, you just need to register and wait 6 months to a year to get in


greepoman said:
When I think of Republicans I think higher taxes through inflation, higher spending, appointing horrendously unqualified people because they're loyal, and welfare for the rich.

Don't forget theocracy. And closet-cases, many of whom come with the requisite public bathroom sex.


This thread needs some kind of epic end of the world Ghostbusters type of shit. Mods need to open up the gates of hell and unban SD, Triumph, Ironknuckle, Snah, Tigerriot, etc. for one night only.

"Are you the keymaster?"


greepoman said:
When I think of Republicans I think higher taxes through inflation, higher spending, appointing horrendously unqualified people because they're loyal, and welfare for the rich.

Spoken like a true liberal elite.


Danthrax said:
iiiit's not working. It starts trying to work, then it gives me a popup window that says "Terminated" and something about "closing link: Banned"

Am I really banned from the GAF IRC before even going in?

[edit] Never mind, it mysteriously popped up with GAF. [shrug] I'll go with it
don't enter in the efnet server manually with mibbit. use the preset EFNET server on the dropdown list.
NullPointer said:
I understand that part - but why? I hear a lot here about how normal polling techniques don't take into account the youth vote/cell phones etc and make assumptions based upon previous election turnouts.

If exit polls could actually poll everyone accurately, they would be, but there are several problems:

1) Selection bias on the part of the pollsters -- not always on purpose, but even a subconscious bias can shift things, while this bias isn't present when you just cold-call a list of numbers.

2) Selection bias on the part of the polled -- Republicans historically respond less often than Dems, people will be less likely to respond if they don't feel good about the reasons behind their votes, etc.

3) Poll-place bias -- not every polling place is polled, even though the demographics and voting patterns for different polling places are different.

4) Short time period -- no real time to analyze the exit polls, reality-check them, combine different independent datasets to see how well they compare, etc.

And a variety of other, similar reasons.
ShockingAlberto said:
I dunno. Kerry was a smart guy, he had the capability of lighting a fire and inspiring, he just...didn't. Maybe they thought he had more to lose by trying than just being Not-Bush.

His DNC speech this year was pretty much "Where were you four years ago?"

If Obama pulls this off, which I'm confident he will, then I'm going to have to thank all the people who voted Bush in for a second term. I just don't think the country was ready to go blue until the red fucked it up so much.
Aristotlekh said:
I was a Ron Paul guy until that fizzled out. Obama's a better candidate so I'll probably wind up voting for him but it's easy to get disenfranchised to the idea of voting in California when they're all-or-nothing and Democrats are simply guaranteed victory because of it. It doesn't strike me as very fair that such an important and prominent state just ignores the minority party like that.

I'm not suggesting I want Republicans to win (they need to lose for awhile to get their priorities straight, because the last 8 years showed their viability running dry), but it doesn't make sense to me that California outright ignores its Republican base. Nobody seriously campaigns here.
I hear you. There are probably more Republicans in California and Democrats in Texas than there are people in most states, but they get ignored. I live alternately in Arizona and Louisiana, and a (D) vote feels like a throwaway in most elections. If we can't have a straight-up popular vote for president, then at least electoral votes could be allocated more evenly than winner take all. Sort of how Nebraska and Maine do it.


greepoman said:
When I think of Republicans I think higher taxes through inflation, higher spending, appointing horrendously unqualified people because they're loyal, and welfare for the rich.
I see we think alike sir..


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
If we've learned anything...it's to think the exact OPPOSITE of Scarbs.

Florida = Red...confirmed.
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