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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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typhonsentra said:
Wow, new voters in Indiana are more pro-Obama than new ones in Virginia?

That's not surprising. VA has been trending blue for a while now where as Indiana was dead red state until like what... three weeks ago?


Kaijima said:
Between our house and immediate friends, the tally is:

+4 Obama

+1 McCain

I face palmed at a friend who voted McCain because he's convinced Obama is a sinister socialist rebel who's entire goal is to make America into a "hippie paradise" and take away everyone's money and give it to shiftless bums.

He doesn't like McCain either, but I guess he felt the need to take the vote away from Obama rather than abstain.

Is his name Cartman by any chance?


StoOgE said:
agreed. Dean was our only halfway decent candidate last time around. Clinton should have run in 2004 in hindsight. I loved Dean but he was kinda batshit insane.

Hilary really missed her window. She could have won 4 years ago. I don't think Dean would have done any better than Kerry.
omg rite said:
Does anyone have that picture comparing Obama, McCain, and Bush to different types of trains? :lol

PhoenixDark said:
He sure was setting up the spin for a potential McCain loss. If McCain loses it's because rural Americans didn't show up!

Rural America is fake America too!

Will the real Real America please stand up!
NullPointer said:
I'm sure its been asked a million times before, but what is the deal with exit polls?

What is it about them that makes them so suspect?

Seriously. I'm asking here because I honestly have no idea.
Biased samples and no time to weight according to turnout models.


he's Virgin Tight™
So, huh..... how this is going so far? I have been paying more attention to local Puerto Rico where the Republican governor is sweeping with the Democrat one (not the exact definition but close enough)


I'm going to bed.

Americans, make up for 8 years of horror international politics. I know you can do it. Let me wake up feeling good.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
So after all the "don't listen to exit poll" talk, LETS TALK ABOUT EXIT POLLS!

...I know we can't help ourselves. :lol


kkaabboomm said:

I'm a student at Carleton College who has contributed (financially and with my time) to the Obama campaign. I just got an automated call from Jeff Blodgett, the chair of the MN campaign. The text of the call was:

"Hello, this is Jeff Blodgett from the Minnesota for Obama campaign. Our initial data shows this election is significantly closer than the polls predicted. We are putting out an urgent call for volunteers... We are organized groups to knock on doors at five P.M., or earlier if you can, for our final GOTV operation." This was followed by different numbers to call based on your residence.


Friends -- Barack needs your help now -- our data indicates that the results will be very close in many states. I can't emphasize enough how urgent this message is. Please go to http://my.barackobama.com/call and start calling as soon as you can. We are not going to hit our goal of 500,000 calls for today by 3pm Central, unless we get at least 2,000 more people calling for the next hour. Can you call now and continue for as long as you can manage? http://my.barackobama.com/call Thank you. Judith


is this a 'scare tactic/GOTV motivator' type thing or is this REAL and they are scared and needing the extra GOTV efforts to actually pull out a W?

Motivator. Just like the whole "we need more money!" plea after the infomercial.


Gold Member
So, got back from the polls...there was a real lack of young people there. WTF? How about some more anecdotal evidence? Anyone see things differently? I know the turnout looks good, but I was expecting more twenty-somethings.


Hmm, a high turnout benefits McCain, says Generic Republican Blowhard #2 on MSNBC. Hmm. I guess he's been asleep these past few years...

Fady K

Less than a half hour left...its 2:35 am and I cant sleep....

Ill probably have a very hard time sleeping if McCain wins =(


Amir0x said:
These Indiana, Virginia, ohio exit polls are obscene.


Where are you seeing exit poll #?

I really wanna know how stupid this state is gonna be (virginia)...
ShockingAlberto said:
I'm dying to find out if we gave Saxby Chambliss the boot.

Don't disappoint me, Georgia.

I voted against him, but I've spoken to a lot of rednecks in the last couple of days who don't understand how they've been manipulated into voting against their own economic self interest.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Wolffe: Not many people are thinking about terrorism in the booth

Giuliani: If americans are thinknig about terrorism in the booth, they're probably not voting for Barack obama

giuliani, get fucked:lol

One thing that's irked me all election is how the repub talking heads always act like they know what America is thinking even when all available evidence says the exact opposite :/


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Chiggs said:
So, got back from the polls...there was a real lack of young people there.WTF? How about some more anecdotale evidence? Anyone see things differently? I know the turnout looks good, but I was expecting more twenty-somethings.

My town is VERY small, but the old people running things talked about how many young/new voters were through and excited to be there today.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Gary Whitta said:
25 minutes until epic results!


RubxQub said:
So after all the "don't listen to exit poll" talk, LETS TALK ABOUT EXIT POLLS!

...I know we can't help ourselves. :lol

:lol :lol Sorry - just got home so I missed all the earlier stuff. But now I am fortified with PoliGAF knowledge. Thanks again everybody.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
_leech_ said:
Giuliani: "When you think of Republicans, you think of low taxes, low spending."

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Oh, Giuliani.

That's rich.
you guys do realize that while polls CLOSE at 6pm in central/east ky (including lexington!) and most of indiana, the rest of each state closes at 7pm, so no network will call a state until then. we might get some precinct numbers, but 7pm is the real money hour


For a Finer World
Bagels said:
How many people have purchased champagne for this evening?

(+2 Obama in MN!)
Finland, time 0036 - bottle of Moet waiting for the first network to call the election. Took the day off tomorrow. Go Obama!
TDG said:
Hmm, a high turnout benefits McCain, says Generic Republican Blowhard #2 on MSNBC. Hmm. I guess he's been asleep these past few years...
It was brilliant analysis. If more Republicans turn out and vote Republican, then McCain wins. Really, really insightful stuff.


My room mate is too worried about an exam that is on Friday then care about politics... So why I am going into science field when no one here cares about politics...

I hate science people who don't know a thing about politics and pick up anyone who they think looks good or popular. >:
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